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Tea Party Is Recycled John Birch Society Hate Rhetoric

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Just remember my final word to you pointing out the fact you are a racist. BYE BYE NOW
Why is it liberals who do not want us to Attribute the actions of Radical Muslims to all Muslims(a good idea) Or to blame all Liberals for the ideas of the Extreme Left. But they constantly want to blame all of the Tea Party for the extreme words of some of them.
Why is it liberals who do not want us to Attribute the actions of Radical Muslims to all Muslims(a good idea) Or to blame all Liberals for the ideas of the Extreme Left. But they constantly want to blame all of the Tea Party for the extreme words of some of them.

They're hypocrites and do not know any better.
Why is it liberals who do not want us to Attribute the actions of Radical Muslims to all Muslims(a good idea) Or to blame all Liberals for the ideas of the Extreme Left. But they constantly want to blame all of the Tea Party for the extreme words of some of them.

Like who, Charles Main? Their candidates?
Liberals and the race card...................meh................these people missed all the meetings that other people learned about "shame". And here they are falling all over themselves with zero except labeling everybody who disagrees with them as racist. Real Americans are sick of this shit...........thus..........

Better go check the %s, kiddo. Quite a few races are tighening. The House may well be GOP, but not nearly even 1/5th of the 100 seats you predicted several months ago. On the other hand, my prediction that the Dems would hold the House majority with a 15 to 20 vote margin went out the window as well. Senate 4-seat Dem majority; House 10-seat GOP majority.
The same group, "King City Patriots", a subject of D.O.J. investigation into Voter Supression in Harris County, is also now being accused of attempting to intimidate men and women who were doing Voter Registration.

The complaint(s) allege that members of the King City Tea Hater group verbally harassed and engaged physical intimidation at Voter Registration sites in Harris County.

Use of the "N" word by those King City Tea Bigots were numerous, as was the use of racial slurs against Hispanics attempting to Register.

This comes on the heels of ads currently running in Nevada aimed at Hispanics telling them NOT TO VOTE.

Voter Supression, Repug style!!!
The same group, "King City Patriots", a subject of D.O.J. investigation into Voter Supression in Harris County, is also now being accused of attempting to intimidate men and women who were doing Voter Registration.

The complaint(s) allege that members of the King City Tea Hater group verbally harassed and engaged physical intimidation at Voter Registration sites in Harris County.

Use of the "N" word by those King City Tea Bigots were numerous, as was the use of racial slurs against Hispanics attempting to Register.

This comes on the heels of ads currently running in Nevada aimed at Hispanics telling them NOT TO VOTE.

Voter Supression, Repug style!!!

Link, please?
The same group, "King City Patriots", a subject of D.O.J. investigation into Voter Supression in Harris County, is also now being accused of attempting to intimidate men and women who were doing Voter Registration.

The complaint(s) allege that members of the King City Tea Hater group verbally harassed and engaged physical intimidation at Voter Registration sites in Harris County.

Use of the "N" word by those King City Tea Bigots were numerous, as was the use of racial slurs against Hispanics attempting to Register.

This comes on the heels of ads currently running in Nevada aimed at Hispanics telling them NOT TO VOTE.

Voter Supression, Repug style!!!

And your "source" is bound to be Democrat PArody operatives who don't care for it one -- little -- bit -- when their behavior gets scrutinized. So how do they react? By making bogus claims about the folks doing the looking.

If any Tea Party activist is engaged in behavior that intimidates any voter(s), then that behavior should cease immediately.

But to accept your claim is to accept the complaint of the very people who need to be GETTING the scrutiny offered by these activists, and that makes the complaints highly suspect.

King Street "Patriots": Voter Intimidation Continues At Polling Stations Around Houston - Houston News - Hair Balls Just look at whose making the claims....
Who is behind the Glenn Beck Revision Of American History?


The John Birch Society was one of the decade’s most controversial right-wing organizations. Founded in 1958 by Robert Welch, a candy manufacturer from Massachusetts, the society took its name from a Baptist missionary and military-intelligence officer killed by Communist Chinese forces in 1945, whom Welch called the first American casualty of the Cold War. The group was founded at a propitious time. After Senator Joseph McCarthy’s fall, in 1954, many of McCarthy’s followers felt bereft of a voice, and Welch seemed to speak for them; by the mid-sixties, his society’s membership was estimated to be as high as a hundred thousand. Welch, exploiting fears of what McCarthy had called an “immense” domestic conspiracy, declared that the federal government had already fallen into the Communists’ clutches. In a tract titled “The Politician,” he attacked President Dwight D. Eisenhower as “a dedicated, conscious agent of the Communist conspiracy” who had been serving the plot “all of his adult life.” Late in 1961, after the disastrous Bay of Pigs invasion, he accused the Kennedy Administration of “helping the Communists everywhere in the world while pretending to do the opposite.”

Wherever he looked, Welch saw Communist forces manipulating American economic and foreign policy

Glenn Beck, the Tea Party, and the Republicans : The New Yorker

You Tea Party people are drinking some rancid -- but old -- kool aid. Wake the Fuck Up, people.


Do you see your own hypocricy? I bet you dont :rofl:

You want me to point it out for you? I bet you do :lol:

Will I? Hell no I wont!!!! Its more fun to watch people like you make fools of themselves with these topics
DOJ goes after tea partiers, leaves club-wielding Black Panthers alone
By: David Freddoso
Online Opinion Editor
10/20/10 12:00 PM EDT
Obama’s Department of Justice has suddenly turned on a dime, becoming the great pro-active protector of voters’ rights:

Poll watchers in Harris County, Texas — where a Tea Party group launched an aggressive anti-voter fraud effort — were accused of “hovering over” voters, “getting into election workers’ faces” and blocking or disrupting lines of voters who were waiting to cast their ballots as early voting got underway yesterday.

Now, TPMMuckraker has learned, the Justice Department has interviewed witnesses about the alleged intimidation and is gathering information about the so-called anti-voter fraud effort….

Terry O’Rourke, the first assistant in the Harris County Attorney’s office, told TPMMuckraker that there have been allegations of poll watchers talking to voters, which they are not allowed to do, as well as hovering over voters as they are waiting to vote. He said the complaints came from Kashmere Gardens, Moody Park, Sunnyside and other predominantly minority neighborhoods of the county.

It may well be that these Tea Partiers (or other poll watchers, since it’s not clear who belongs to the group) are out of line in some of their behavior (not unlike Michelle Obama on her trip to the polls), and if so, they should be kicked out of the polling places and punished for whatever the problem is. But given that the case against them has been built and brought by the Texas Democratic Party, it’s at least worth considering what sort of collusion is going on and whether the problem is that there are poll watchers in certain locations, full stop.

Obama’s politicized Justice Department has already lost all credibility when it comes to even-handed administration of justice on this matter. They let the Black Panthers off with one wrist-slap and two complete dismissals after their flagrant voter intimidation was caught on tape. Now they’re worried about poll watchers “talking to voters,” at a time when local Texas officials are preventing people from voting if they are wearing Gadsden Flag pins?

Should we call this a “Yellow and Green Scare?”

Moreover, the voter registration fraud claims discovered by this group are credible enough to merit attention. The poll-watchers went where they did because it’s a district in Houston where there were an astounding 24,000 addresses with more than six registered voters — about ten to fifteen times the number of such houses in most districts. So they dug deeper and found multiple people registered from vacant lots, impossibly large numbers of people (more than 40) registered in a seven-bed halfway house, registrations by avowed non-citizens, and several other anomalies. They then found that tens of thousands of these fraudulent registrations had been cooked up by a single union-backed outfit called Houston Votes:

Read more at the Washington Examiner: DOJ goes after tea partiers, leaves club-wielding Black Panthers alone | Washington Examiner
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Why is it liberals who do not want us to Attribute the actions of Radical Muslims to all Muslims(a good idea) Or to blame all Liberals for the ideas of the Extreme Left. But they constantly want to blame all of the Tea Party for the extreme words of some of them.

Like who, Charles Main? Their candidates?

A handful of Extreme candidates are used to pain the whole movement.

It is not just the tea Party. Liberals do the same thing with Republicans. What ever the most Extreme wacko says. They try and attribute to all Conservatives and Republicans. While at the same time lecturing us on how we should not blame all Muslims for the actions of the Radicals. Or not blame all Liberals for the Extreme Rhetoric of their Radicals.

Yet another Liberal Double standard.
Charles, conservative do it all the time. A pox on both houses.

Maybe, but then it is Liberals who scream the loudest about not doing it. That is why the 2 fools on the View walked off the other day. Because Bill failed to clarify it was not all Muslims but the Radicals who attacked us.

Yet it seems the Democrats entire strat this time around is to try and Paint the Entire Republican party as the sum of its most radical Member.

Seeing how you say you are Republican, surely that must upset you. Being painted as just another Far right radical, even though you clearly are not one.
Charles, Charles. . . both Whoop Goldberg and Karl Rove condemn this. All good Americans do. I am merely pointing out the hypocrisy the yahoos of both sides play with these types of things. A pox on both their houses.

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