Tea party less popular than Muslims

The NYT's isnt fit to line hamster cages with imho.

HERE we go again--YOU HAVE TO READ THE ARTICLE that liberals post.

The article specifically states this!

We didn't go into this study to look at the tea party," Campbell said in an interview with The Ticket.

The professors were following up on research they conducted in 2006 and 2007 for their book "American Grace: How Religion Divides and Unites Us" and decided to add the tea party and atheists to their list of survey queries. By going back to many of the same respondents, the professors gleaned several interesting facts about the tea party.

One of their more surprising findings, Campbell concedes, (and one drawing national attention) is that the tea party (back in 2006 and 2007)-- drew a lower approval rating than Muslims and atheists. That put the tea party below 23 other entries--including Barack Obama, Sarah Palin, Republicans and Democrats--that the professors included on their survey of "a representative sample of 3,000 Americans."

So they are taking statistics they ran in 2006 and 2007--(when the tea party movement in this country was not popular)--only a few members--and are trying to relate it to today's tea party movement---:lol::lol:



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When the Teaparty is a not-so-distant memory, you will hear many of these now-staunch supporters stating things like "You know, I never fully was into everything they believed in." "They were a bit extreme" and "I didn't support everything they stood for."

In other words, they'll support it until it's no longer popular/feasible. Just like they did with Shrub.

So, what's your excuse going to be come January o' '13, when Barack and the Miserable One are sent packing back to the 'burbs o' Chicago WHERE THEY BELONG, after his one term run as undoubtedly the most inept president in US history is over?

The NYT's isnt fit to line hamster cages with imho.

HERE we go again--YOU HAVE TO READ THE ARTICLE that liberals post.

The article specifically states this!

We didn't go into this study to look at the tea party," Campbell said in an interview with The Ticket.

The professors were following up on research they conducted in 2006 and 2007 for their book "American Grace: How Religion Divides and Unites Us" and decided to add the tea party and atheists to their list of survey queries. By going back to many of the same respondents, the professors gleaned several interesting facts about the tea party.

One of their more surprising findings, Campbell concedes, (and one drawing national attention) is that the tea party (back in 2006 and 2007)-- drew a lower approval rating than Muslims and atheists. That put the tea party below 23 other entries--including Barack Obama, Sarah Palin, Republicans and Democrats--that the professors included on their survey of "a representative sample of 3,000 Americans."

So they are taking statistics they ran in 2006 and 2007--(when the tea party movement in this country was not popular)--only a few members--and are trying to relate it to today's tea party movement---:lol::lol:

You can't trust liberals on anything.

You don't do business with them...You don't loan them money....You never trust anything they say.....You don't leave them alone in your house, or with access to any property. They will steal you blind......And damn sure NEVER leave them alone anywhere near your children.
The NYT's isnt fit to line hamster cages with imho.

HERE we go again--YOU HAVE TO READ THE ARTICLE that liberals post.

The article specifically states this!

We didn't go into this study to look at the tea party," Campbell said in an interview with The Ticket.

The professors were following up on research they conducted in 2006 and 2007 for their book "American Grace: How Religion Divides and Unites Us" and decided to add the tea party and atheists to their list of survey queries. By going back to many of the same respondents, the professors gleaned several interesting facts about the tea party.

One of their more surprising findings, Campbell concedes, (and one drawing national attention) is that the tea party (back in 2006 and 2007)-- drew a lower approval rating than Muslims and atheists. That put the tea party below 23 other entries--including Barack Obama, Sarah Palin, Republicans and Democrats--that the professors included on their survey of "a representative sample of 3,000 Americans."

So they are taking statistics they ran in 2006 and 2007--(when the tea party movement in this country was not popular)--only a few members--and are trying to relate it to today's tea party movement---:lol::lol:

You can't trust liberals on anything.

You don't do business with them...You don't loan them money....You never trust anything they say.....You don't leave them alone in your house, or with access to any property. They will steal you blind......And damn sure NEVER leave them alone anywhere near your children.

Its kind like leaving a crackhead alone with the keys to your house for the weekend. Only thing is... they have 4 years to rip us off this time.

In an op-ed article in the New York Times, Robert D. Putnam, a professor of public policy at Harvard, and David E. Campbell, a political scientist at Notre Dame, say they have collected data indicating that the tea party is "less popular than much maligned groups like 'atheists' and 'Muslims.'"

Truthmatters--is showing how deceptional she/he can be. This is WHY you SHOULD ALWAYS read this LIBERALS entire LINKED ARTICLE. Truthmatters and a few of the other liberal cohorts on this board do this all of the time. Cherry pick paragraphs out of article's--including ancient ones--in order to deceive you--making them look like it's today's news.

You'll note that this survey was done in 2006--& ONLY as an "afterthought"- by "quoted" liberal professor's---and long before the tea party movement exploded in growth in this country during the 2009/2010 period.

The article specifically states this.

We didn't go into this study to look at the tea party," Campbell said in an interview with The Ticket.

The professors were following up on research they conducted in 2006 and 2007 for their book "American Grace: How Religion Divides and Unites Us" and decided to add the tea party and atheists to their list of survey queries. By going back to many of the same respondents, the professors gleaned several interesting facts about the tea party.

One of their more surprising findings, Campbell concedes, (and one drawing national attention) is that the tea party (back in 2006 and 2007)-- drew a lower approval rating than Muslims and atheists. That put the tea party below 23 other entries--including Barack Obama, Sarah Palin, Republicans and Democrats--that the professors included on their survey of "a representative sample of 3,000 Americans."
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So as I have said all along if Obama had not been elected the TP would just be a very minor thing today.

You're kiddding right? With McCain as Prez and after all the Bushquakes to the left --- the Tea Party would be in full bloom right now.. You forget that their primary mission is NOT to annoy leftists -- it's to clean the GOP house of political fluff.. ... like McCain.
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