Tea party less popular than Muslims

They stand for America. You'll never see me distance myself. You miserable low life of an asswipe. You can go screw Maxine WatersBigMouth

Nope, they stand for what they want America to be like. Not the same as what America is.

yes, they stand for a balanced budget,, not something you obama bitches want,, we got that.

FINALLY -- A cat fight show down... I've been setting these two felines up for months.. I've got my money on the cat with glasses...
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Perhaps the 24/7 demonization of all Tea Party members by leftist networks like MSNBC and the media in general has paid dividends among the gullible masses. Got to watch out for those xenophobic, racist, heartless, crazy bastards who want to destroy all the progress the liberal estabishment has achieved in the past 50 years.

Yep. Tea Party members are "xenophobic, racist, heartless, crazy bastards who want to destroy all the progress the liberal estabishment has achieved in the past 50 years" and they all can go to hell.

That's funny cause this GUY:


.... is the Co-Founder of Tea Party 365 -- one of the FIRST TP chapters to organize. There's hardly a RACIST TP rally without him present..
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Uncle Tom is a term used by black people to try to convince other black people that working, education, living well, and setting a good example for their children is selling out.

So, you think being a black teabagger is setting a good example for their children?
Uncle Tom: A black man who will do anything to stay in good standing with "the white man" including betray his own people.

Urban Dictionary: Uncle Tom

You've just convinced me Lakhota that this is pure foolishness. There's no principled lefties here that want to debate on facts and issues. I got told yesterday by a leftist on this board that "I'll worry about saving Soc Sec when my checks stop coming". And now you pull the most PREDICTABLE response when confronted with fact refuting the racism of the Tea Party..

You know what??? US HONKIES don't know an Uncle Tom from a plain ole black man. So if Tea Party people WERE RACIST -- Being an Uncle Tom wouldn't matter to them..

It only matters to you.. Because I've never seen a group more occupied with sexual orientation, race, and class than today's DEMOCRATS...

And that's not actually a complement... It's creepy...
Uncle Tom: A black man who will do anything to stay in good standing with "the white man" including betray his own people.

Urban Dictionary: Uncle Tom

You've just convinced me Lakhota that this is pure foolishness. There's no principled lefties here that want to debate on facts and issues. I got told yesterday by a leftist on this board that "I'll worry about saving Soc Sec when my checks stop coming". And now you pull the most PREDICTABLE response when confronted with fact refuting the racism of the Tea Party..

You know what??? US HONKIES don't know an Uncle Tom from a plain ole black man. So if Tea Party people WERE RACIST -- Being an Uncle Tom wouldn't matter to them..

It only matters to you.. Because I've never seen a group more occupied with sexual orientation, race, and class than today's DEMOCRATS...

And that's not actually a complement... It's creepy...

As my father (someone who voted for Obama) said: "If you want to find a true racist, look around for a Democrat."
Because I've never seen a group more occupied with sexual orientation, race, and class than today's DEMOCRATS...

Holy shit, I'm sorry you're blind.
Let me be perfectly blunt.

Teapublican Agenda: Get the ******* out of the White House! Nothing else matters!
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Survey’s surprising finding: tea party less popular than atheists and Muslims

In an op-ed article in the New York Times, Robert D. Putnam, a professor of public policy at Harvard, and David E. Campbell, a political scientist at Notre Dame, say they have collected data indicating that the tea party is
Yeah, the same NYTimes who fired Jason Blair, who fabricated or plagiarized parts of at least 36 of 73 articles on national events such as the Washington, D.C., sniper attacks and the rescue of Army Pfc. Jessica Lynch, according to the Times. source

Now, how does a libbie reporter get away with faking half his stories he claimed were authentic? Answer: his feel-good libbie bosses felt so good when he wrote diatribe, they didn't bother themselves to make sure the people of New York and America were getting the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

Instead of getting more balanced after that, the NYTimes was still running 93% favorable liberal stories and only 4% favorable Conservative stories with the other 3% neither. :rolleyes:

They're back to their old tricks, only this time they're a little slicker--they only publish the pollsters whose results they like. They're just not as picky as they were back in the 40s and 50s when the editors were mavens of news that favored America and were the truth.

You open the rag now, and you're not certain anymore.

Holy shit, you're stupid!

You even quoted it:

Robert D. Putnam, a professor of public policy at Harvard, and David E. Campbell, a political scientist at Notre Dame

NOT NY Times reporters.
Survey’s surprising finding: tea party less popular than atheists and Muslims

In an op-ed article in the New York Times, Robert D. Putnam, a professor of public policy at Harvard, and David E. Campbell, a political scientist at Notre Dame, say they have collected data indicating that the tea party is "less popular than much maligned groups like 'atheists' and 'Muslims.'"

The NEW YORK TIMES--must have polled the black caucas---:lol::lol: which is lead by Maxine Waters--

$tea party health care bill.jpg
Why is this surprising? You know that practically everyone on the left has a dim view of the Tea Party, and you know the sane wing (using that term loosely) of the Republican Party has a dim view of the Tea Party, hell,

that's 2/3rds of the country right there.:lol:
Perhaps the 24/7 demonization of all Tea Party members by leftist networks like MSNBC and the media in general has paid dividends among the gullible masses. Got to watch out for those xenophobic, racist, heartless, crazy bastards who want to destroy all the progress the liberal estabishment has achieved in the past 50 years.

Yep. Tea Party members are "xenophobic, racist, heartless, crazy bastards who want to destroy all the progress the liberal estabishment has achieved in the past 50 years" and they all can go to hell.

That's funny cause this GUY:


.... is the Co-Founder of Tea Party 365 -- one of the FIRST TP chapters to organize. There's hardly a RACIST TP rally without him present..

Now you know darn good and well that liberals will accuse this guy of being some kind of "uncle Tom"--or maybe he just painted himself black--:cuckoo:

LIBERALS hate to watch the below video of black speakers at tea party rallies-- DRIVES THEM NUTS!

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Why is this surprising? You know that practically everyone on the left has a dim view of the Tea Party, and you know the sane wing (using that term loosely) of the Republican Party has a dim view of the Tea Party, hell,

that's 2/3rds of the country right there.:lol:

You know all those Hobbitt's rising up from middle earth to defeat Mordor. Yeah I guess you could say republican rino's like John McCain are not to fond of the tea party movement in this country either.

$2-million at Washington D.C tea-partiers.jpg
Let me be perfectly blunt.

Teapublican Agenda: Get the ******* out of the White House! Nothing else matters!


Response to Olbermann: "People of color" at Tea Parties - YouTube


I sincerely thank you for that video.. Hadn't seen many of those clips at all. It is one POWERFUL statement about political movements and stereotypes. I surely hope that Lahkota has the guts to take a look at all those Uncle Toms And Aunt Thomasinas.. We need to end this fixation on separating America for political benefit...

Just curious -- on the leftist pecking order -- is a Oreo ABOVE or BELOW an Uncle Tom??? Just in case some dam lefty brings that up in debate....
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Survey’s surprising finding: tea party less popular than atheists and Muslims

In an op-ed article in the New York Times, Robert D. Putnam, a professor of public policy at Harvard, and David E. Campbell, a political scientist at Notre Dame, say they have collected data indicating that the tea party is "less popular than much maligned groups like 'atheists' and 'Muslims.'"

The NEW YORK TIMES--must have polled the black caucas---:lol::lol: which is lead by Maxine Waters--

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Another moron who cannot read.

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