Tea Party Messiah Scott Brown joins Democrats, again...


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2009
Finger Lakes, NY
...to break Republican obstruction of Wall Street reform bill.

WASHINGTON (CNNMoney.com) -- Wall Street reform cleared a crucial test vote on Thursday, all but assuring final Senate passage of the most sweeping regulatory overhaul since the New Deal.

The Senate voted 60 to 40 to meet the threshold to overcome filibusters and send the measure to a final vote within days. Three Republicans voted for it, and two Democrats voted against it.

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"Today, Democrats and a handful of Republicans in the Senate have voted to break the filibuster and allow the final debate and vote on financial reform -- reform that will protect consumers, protect our economy and hold Wall Street accountable," President Obama said Thursday.

The legislation aims to stop bailouts, shines a light on complex financial products and strengthens consumer protection, to a final vote.

Final passage, which will require only 51 votes, is likely to come Thursday night or Friday, sources tell CNN.

"We've made great progress ... it's been hard to get to this point," said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. "It's been a good debate. It's been the way the Senate should operate more often than it has."

The bill failed in a similar test vote on Wednesday. One key change Thursday was that Sen. Scott Brown, R-Mass., switched his vote to "yes."

"Senator Brown received assurances from Senator Reid and his leadership

Wall Street reform bill clears key vote - May. 20, 2010
Any one wanna bet that come January 2011 the democwats will squeal like stuck pigs that the 51 vote majority is un American???

Mark it on your calender.
Somebody wants to get reelected. :lol:

With 80% public support for Wall St. reform, the only question is, why so few Republicans?

I dunno.....maybe they feel the bill goes too far, or not far enough....or maybe it was written by Dodd, or just maybe it doesn't include Freddie and Fannie. Does this help at all?
With 80% public support for Wall St. reform, the only question is, why so few Republicans?

Because they created the way Wass St. was run and it almost destoyed our country.

Why are they so unAmerican.

Couldn't have happened without your buddies from the democratic party.

Hey, have you been a racist lately? :razz:

Racist? Can you link me to me being racist. Just one link would be perfect. If not, stfu with yuour fake Gotcha "racist" word. You look like an ass when you cant back it up skippy.
Tea Party Messiah ??? :confused:

Where do you come up with this shit?

Scott Brown ran on a platform of non-partisanship. I voted for him because he pledged to vote for what he truly believes is best for Massachusetts and the country. So far he's delivered.
Here's a little clue for the lefties: those of us who do not Worship Obama have no interest in anointing another mortal human to be Messiah in his place.

Scott Brown is just another elected politician, sometimes fallible at best.
Tea Party Messiah ??? :confused:

Where do you come up with this shit?

Scott Brown ran on a platform of non-partisanship. I voted for him because he pledged to vote for what he truly believes is best for Massachusetts and the country. So far he's delivered.

I agree with you and said the same damn thing, over and over. He would not say he was a republican in his ads. I liked that, but you cant tell me you didn't hear how much of a tea bagger win this was. How he is going to change everything for that party and how he destroyed the Kennedy legacy up there.

He ran against a horrible dem and won. good. I knew he would do exactly like he is doing now and the baggers are surprised he is doing what he said he would?
He's worried about Massachusetts insurers. From the Atlantic:

What changed Brown's mind between yesterday and today. Reid had expressed frustration that Brown hadn't voted for cloture yesterday, as Brown had apparently said he would vote for the motion. But afterward Brown released a statement saying:
As it currently stands, however, this bill would prohibit businesses in Massachusetts from continuing to do business as has been done for decades and would lead to serious job loss in our state. Specifically, it does not address my concerns about the Volcker rule for both insurance companies and our safe custody banks - institutions that did not contribute to the financial crisis, but would be crippled by the current legislation and in turn would result in job losses.

My constituents sent me to Washington to look out for their priorities first and foremost, and I cannot in good conscience vote to end debate on a flawed bill. I will continue to work in a bipartisan fashion in the days ahead to improve this bill for my state and my country.
Of course, the Volcker rule -- taken up by the Merkley-Levin amendment -- didn't pass since the last vote. But Reid's office indicates that it will be second in priority for consideration before the final vote. So Reid's promise that he will try to get the amendment heard is all it took. Brown's office released another statement today saying:
I supported moving the financial bill forward today because I received assurances from Senator Reid and his leadership team that the issues related to Massachusetts in the financial reform bill will be fixed before it is signed into law. We are still working to ensure these commitments are fulfilled prior to a final vote.

Scott Brown Helps Democrats Push Through Financial Reform - Business - The Atlantic
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Because they created the way Wass St. was run and it almost destoyed our country.

Why are they so unAmerican.

Couldn't have happened without your buddies from the democratic party.

Hey, have you been a racist lately? :razz:

Racist? Can you link me to me being racist. Just one link would be perfect. If not, stfu with yuour fake Gotcha "racist" word. You look like an ass when you cant back it up skippy.

We have been through this many times before, Phyllis. You have been nailed on it, and there is a entire thread about your racism, so maybe you should STFU, Phyllis.
What a clod :lol:
Tea Party Messiah ??? :confused:

Where do you come up with this shit?

Scott Brown ran on a platform of non-partisanship. I voted for him because he pledged to vote for what he truly believes is best for Massachusetts and the country. So far he's delivered.

I agree with you and said the same damn thing, over and over. He would not say he was a republican in his ads. I liked that, but you cant tell me you didn't hear how much of a tea bagger win this was. How he is going to change everything for that party and how he destroyed the Kennedy legacy up there.

He ran against a horrible dem and won. good. I knew he would do exactly like he is doing now and the baggers are surprised he is doing what he said he would?

Which "baggers" are surprised? Unlike the drooling fools (ie you), we actually got what he said.... he said he would vote in the best interests of those who elected him. So far, it appears that he has done exactly what he said he would.... which is why lots of TEA partiers like Scott.... because, so far, he hasn't lied.

You, on the other hand, do nothing but lie.... and you are a racist. We all saw what you said and to whom. Personally, if I ran this board, you'd have a permanent ban for what you said. You are a disgrace - hell, even lots of our liberal members disassociate themselves from you. Why is that? Could it be because you are a "nasty, stupid, racist partisan hack"?
Tea Party Messiah ??? :confused:

Where do you come up with this shit?

Scott Brown ran on a platform of non-partisanship. I voted for him because he pledged to vote for what he truly believes is best for Massachusetts and the country. So far he's delivered.

I agree with you and said the same damn thing, over and over. He would not say he was a republican in his ads. I liked that, but you cant tell me you didn't hear how much of a tea bagger win this was. How he is going to change everything for that party and how he destroyed the Kennedy legacy up there.

He ran against a horrible dem and won. good. I knew he would do exactly like he is doing now and the baggers are surprised he is doing what he said he would?

I can't speak for the baggers. I'm just glad I'm getting what I voted for with Brown.

I can't say the same for Obama. Not even close.
Any one wanna bet that come January 2011 the democwats will squeal like stuck pigs that the 51 vote majority is un American???

Mark it on your calender.

Even IF and thats a BIG IF the repugs manage to retake the Congress in 2010 and WH in 2012 nothing is going to change(nothing changed in 1994 and 2001)- the trajectory to national oblivion we have been on since Bush 1 ain't gonna change beyond minor details.

Until the sheeple realise that the cabal is staging the Repub-Demo pro-wrestling to keep them distracted and controlled while the chains are forged there is no possibility of redress.
Any one wanna bet that come January 2011 the democwats will squeal like stuck pigs that the 51 vote majority is un American???

Mark it on your calender.

Even IF and thats a BIG IF the repugs manage to retake the Congress in 2010 and WH in 2012 nothing is going to change(nothing changed in 1994 and 2001)- the trajectory to national oblivion we have been on since Bush 1 ain't gonna change beyond minor details.

Until the sheeple realise that the cabal is staging the Repub-Demo pro-wrestling to keep them distracted and controlled while the chains are forged there is no possibility of redress.

Which President have you supported in the last 25 years?

I take it you are one of those "I hate everyone so you can't blame me" types

name a single candidate you supported in 2008 or will support in 2012
It's fun to gloat, but at the same time, I know that that Dem who took over Murtha's seat will likely be the same way.
Which President have you supported in the last 25 years?

I supported Reagan and still regard him as less bad than any who have followed. However by and large he was all about tax breaks for the top 1% and soothing words for middle America while he sent the jobs overseas and brought the Mex here. I flatly despise his cowardly participation in the abondonment of hundreds if not thousands of USA POW's in southeast Asia.

It took me three years after November 2000 ( I was an extreme Repub partisan at the time) to figure out that Dubya would have been out of his depth on the Midland, TX schoolboard and another two to conclude that he and those around him are probably outright traitors. Kerry in 2004 or Gore in 2000 would most likely have governed neither worse nor better at most differing in minor details.

I take it you are one of those "I hate everyone so you can't blame me" types?
both parties are the enemies of the American People. Why pretend otherwise?

name a single candidate you supported in 2008 or will support in 2012

Ron Paul in 2008, though I disagree with him on the value of Austrian Economics.

2012???? Nose counting Politics ain't gonna help. The American majority is too debauched & degenerate for elections to matter.

IF and this is a big IF the Christian remnant in America would acknowledge its own guilt for the mess we have made, Repent and Pray/Work for Renewal in humble sincerity.....God might if it Pleases Him Heal this wicked land and show Mercy to its people. Regardless the days of stomping the weak and pillaging the helpless all over the world as the 'single remaining superpower' are coming to a well deserved end.

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