Tea Party Narrow Echo Chamber Endangering Economy

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Location: Positively 4th Street
Is the deficit coming down? Is everything as doom and gloom as right wingers claim? Still, can the present economy handle Tea Party economic shenanigans?

That gets us back to the more likely source: people who accelerated a lot of income into 2012 and paid their taxes by April 2013.

But think about it. All that extra tax paid on 2012 income means that less tax will be paid on 2013 income. So even if that $642 billion deficit projection by the CBO proves to be accurate, it’s also likely that the shortfall will increase when next year’s tax returns arrive, since there is no reason to accelerate income in 2013.

That’s the long way of saying that congressional Democrats and Republicans are deceiving themselves if they think the US economy can handle the stress of a total shutdown, or another squabble over ObamaCare, or a fight over raising the federal debt limit.

Shutdown could be economy?s death sentence | New York Post

The Budget and Economic Outlook: Fiscal Years 2013 to 2023
CBO | The Budget and Economic Outlook: Fiscal Years 2013 to 2023
Is the deficit coming down? Is everything as doom and gloom as right wingers claim? Still, can the present economy handle Tea Party economic shenanigans?

That gets us back to the more likely source: people who accelerated a lot of income into 2012 and paid their taxes by April 2013.

But think about it. All that extra tax paid on 2012 income means that less tax will be paid on 2013 income. So even if that $642 billion deficit projection by the CBO proves to be accurate, it’s also likely that the shortfall will increase when next year’s tax returns arrive, since there is no reason to accelerate income in 2013.

That’s the long way of saying that congressional Democrats and Republicans are deceiving themselves if they think the US economy can handle the stress of a total shutdown, or another squabble over ObamaCare, or a fight over raising the federal debt limit.

Shutdown could be economy?s death sentence | New York Post

The Budget and Economic Outlook: Fiscal Years 2013 to 2023
CBO | The Budget and Economic Outlook: Fiscal Years 2013 to 2023
IMHO, it is pretty obvious who runs the tea parties. That would be a few very, very wealthy conservatives, several of whom are libertarians. And they do not want the aca to succeed under any circumstances. Because that could well spell the doom of the majority of private medical insurance over time. Because the aca is a platform that will allow modification, and could very possibly include a public option, and potentially lead to what the rest of the industrialized world uses, as in single payer medical insurance.

So, the push is on. They are looking for any crack in the aca program possible.
And willing to clobber the economy and the american public in the process. Problem for them is that it is run by the tea party part of the repubs, who are not the sharpest tools in the box. So, they do not see that their arguments are like a high powered revolver pointed directly at their own feet. People do not buy it, and it will only get worse for them the longer they hole out.
Wow, and to think that the grandmother who is the president of our group is a huge financial genius? Who would have thought. I would imagine that the five-year old Chrysler van that she drives is just a cover? My God, how ingenious of her!

Or, perhaps the fifty or so really active members of our group (we have about 1,000 who show up for rallies and such) are taking secret marching orders from the Koch Brothers? A web of subversion and deceit that stretches coast to coast, how insidious. I can see it now, secret rooms where you have to know the password to gain entrance. Members stand in their hooded robes which cover their faces and hide their true identities. Mumbling ancient, evil incantations while surrounded by blood red candles which only barely light the alter. It's so frightening.

It couldn't possibly be that the members of the tea party want a SMALLER government, less taxes, and are just absolutely TIRED of the push for more intrusion into our private lives? No... how silly of me.

Course, the Occupy Wall Streeters have created a company that is offering prepaid credit cards to consumers. Their cut? $1.50 per transaction... Down with the 1%'ers! Ha,ha,ha...

Please, you live in a very small bubble, Dick Armey?
I have gone to several tea party gatherings in my area. What a fun group. Now, I am old, but these folks are ancient. Mostly. Except a few republican party leaders from the local party, and one or two paid speakers. Last one they had two talks by their paid speakers. One on the wonders of libertarianism. At the end, I asked the presenter to tell me of an example of a successful libertarian economy. He looked like he swallowed a turd, then turned and walked away.
The other presentation was there to discuss his book about why corporations should not pay taxes. This one simply got angry when I asked why corporations should be able to use our infrastructure without paying their costs of doing so.

But the members are simple folks. Not bad people, for the most part. But IGNORANT. Jesus.

All were completely against the politicians messing with their SS or Medicare. When I asked who was interested in messing with that, they really had no idea. But some were a getting a bit concerned that it may have been the tea party leadership itself.

Really, a fun time was had by all. They were all there primarily for the "feeding place" and started leaving when the food was gone. But what was most obvious? Over the prior two years, the number of folks turning out (ON TAX DAY) was down by about 80%. Without the financial backing of folks like Armey and Turdblossom, the tea party would be dead.
The take away for me was that apparently you had to take a stupid test and pass it to be a tea party member. And the more you talk to these poor ignorant folks, the more that becomes obvious.
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US Economy and the Federal Government are two different and often opposite things. There's a Krugmanesque disconnect and fundamental economic ignorance that permeates all Liberal economic posts
US Economy and the Federal Government are two different and often opposite things. There's a Krugmanesque disconnect and fundamental economic ignorance that permeates all Liberal economic posts
And, Crusader chimes in on time to prove my hypotheses. Thanks, cf.
I love Ben Carsons idea of catastrophic insurance coupled with a robust Medical Saving Account that people own, grow over a lifetime and can pass on to their estate.
US Economy and the Federal Government are two different and often opposite things. There's a Krugmanesque disconnect and fundamental economic ignorance that permeates all Liberal economic posts
And, Crusader chimes in on time to prove my hypotheses. Thanks, cf.

Not sure what your "Hypothesis" was, just looked like Jibberish to me, something about "tea party...Koch Borthers" usual lowbrow low information voter take on the economy

Please, you live in a very small bubble, Dick Armey?
I have gone to several tea party gatherings in my area. What a fun group. Now, I am old, but these folks are ancient. Mostly. Except a few republican party leaders from the local party, and one or two paid speakers. Last one they had two talks by their paid speakers. One on the wonders of libertarianism. At the end, I asked the presenter to tell me of an example of a successful libertarian economy. He looked like he swallowed a turd, then turned and walked away.
The other presentation was there to discuss his book about why corporations should not pay taxes. This one simply got angry when I asked why corporations should be able to use our infrastructure without paying their costs of doing so.

But the members are simple folks. Not bad people, for the most part. But IGNORANT. Jesus.

All were completely against the politicians messing with their SS or Medicare. When I asked who was interested in messing with that, they really had no idea. But some were a getting a bit concerned that it may have been the tea party leadership itself.

Really, a fun time was had by all. They were all there primarily for the "feeding place" and started leaving when the food was gone. But what was most obvious? Over the prior two years, the number of folks turning out (ON TAX DAY) was down by about 80%. Without the financial backing of folks like Armey and Turdblossom, the tea party would be dead.
The take away for me was that apparently you had to take a stupid test and pass it to be a tea party member. And the more you talk to these poor ignorant folks, the more that becomes obvious.

The government already messed with it when they raided the SS trust fund. And you're questioning them about why they're concerned? :rolleyes:

Well, you did say that they are all 'mostly' ancient. Maybe they died.

Please, you live in a very small bubble, Dick Armey?
I have gone to several tea party gatherings in my area. What a fun group. Now, I am old, but these folks are ancient. Mostly. Except a few republican party leaders from the local party, and one or two paid speakers. Last one they had two talks by their paid speakers. One on the wonders of libertarianism. At the end, I asked the presenter to tell me of an example of a successful libertarian economy. He looked like he swallowed a turd, then turned and walked away.
The other presentation was there to discuss his book about why corporations should not pay taxes. This one simply got angry when I asked why corporations should be able to use our infrastructure without paying their costs of doing so.

But the members are simple folks. Not bad people, for the most part. But IGNORANT. Jesus.

All were completely against the politicians messing with their SS or Medicare. When I asked who was interested in messing with that, they really had no idea. But some were a getting a bit concerned that it may have been the tea party leadership itself.

Really, a fun time was had by all. They were all there primarily for the "feeding place" and started leaving when the food was gone. But what was most obvious? Over the prior two years, the number of folks turning out (ON TAX DAY) was down by about 80%. Without the financial backing of folks like Armey and Turdblossom, the tea party would be dead.
The take away for me was that apparently you had to take a stupid test and pass it to be a tea party member. And the more you talk to these poor ignorant folks, the more that becomes obvious.

The government already messed with it when they raided the SS trust fund. And you're questioning them about why they're concerned? :rolleyes:

Well, you did say that they are all 'mostly' ancient. Maybe they died.
Were you aware, me boy, that ss has never had anything to do with the general fund, and therefor nothing to do with the deficit??? Separate thing. It is simply that some in congress would like to kill the current version of ss. And privatize it. Because some financial interests stand to gain BIG TIME.
I have gone to several tea party gatherings in my area. What a fun group. Now, I am old, but these folks are ancient. Mostly. Except a few republican party leaders from the local party, and one or two paid speakers. Last one they had two talks by their paid speakers. One on the wonders of libertarianism. At the end, I asked the presenter to tell me of an example of a successful libertarian economy. He looked like he swallowed a turd, then turned and walked away.
The other presentation was there to discuss his book about why corporations should not pay taxes. This one simply got angry when I asked why corporations should be able to use our infrastructure without paying their costs of doing so.

But the members are simple folks. Not bad people, for the most part. But IGNORANT. Jesus.

All were completely against the politicians messing with their SS or Medicare. When I asked who was interested in messing with that, they really had no idea. But some were a getting a bit concerned that it may have been the tea party leadership itself.

Really, a fun time was had by all. They were all there primarily for the "feeding place" and started leaving when the food was gone. But what was most obvious? Over the prior two years, the number of folks turning out (ON TAX DAY) was down by about 80%. Without the financial backing of folks like Armey and Turdblossom, the tea party would be dead.
The take away for me was that apparently you had to take a stupid test and pass it to be a tea party member. And the more you talk to these poor ignorant folks, the more that becomes obvious.

The government already messed with it when they raided the SS trust fund. And you're questioning them about why they're concerned? :rolleyes:

Well, you did say that they are all 'mostly' ancient. Maybe they died.
Were you aware, me boy, that ss has never had anything to do with the general fund, and therefor nothing to do with the deficit??? Separate thing. It is simply that some in congress would like to kill the current version of ss. And privatize it. Because some financial interests stand to gain BIG TIME.

It did once they dumped what they raided into the general fund.
the only echo chamber I hear IS from the left/liberals/democrats/progressives/commies, with their LYING and outrageous FEAR MONGERING
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Please, you live in a very small bubble, Dick Armey?
I have gone to several tea party gatherings in my area. What a fun group. Now, I am old, but these folks are ancient. Mostly. Except a few republican party leaders from the local party, and one or two paid speakers. Last one they had two talks by their paid speakers. One on the wonders of libertarianism. At the end, I asked the presenter to tell me of an example of a successful libertarian economy. He looked like he swallowed a turd, then turned and walked away.
The other presentation was there to discuss his book about why corporations should not pay taxes. This one simply got angry when I asked why corporations should be able to use our infrastructure without paying their costs of doing so.

But the members are simple folks. Not bad people, for the most part. But IGNORANT. Jesus.

All were completely against the politicians messing with their SS or Medicare. When I asked who was interested in messing with that, they really had no idea. But some were a getting a bit concerned that it may have been the tea party leadership itself.

Really, a fun time was had by all. They were all there primarily for the "feeding place" and started leaving when the food was gone. But what was most obvious? Over the prior two years, the number of folks turning out (ON TAX DAY) was down by about 80%. Without the financial backing of folks like Armey and Turdblossom, the tea party would be dead.
The take away for me was that apparently you had to take a stupid test and pass it to be a tea party member. And the more you talk to these poor ignorant folks, the more that becomes obvious.

The government already messed with it when they raided the SS trust fund. And you're questioning them about why they're concerned? :rolleyes:

Well, you did say that they are all 'mostly' ancient. Maybe they died.
Well, zoom, I hate to tell you this. But some one is lying to you.

Q1. Which political party took Social Security from the independent trust fund and put it into the general fund so that Congress could spend it?

A1: There has never been any change in the way the Social Security program is financed or the way that Social Security payroll taxes are used by the federal government. The Social Security Trust Fund was created in 1939 as part of the Amendments enacted in that year. From its inception, the Trust Fund has always worked the same way. The Social Security Trust Fund has never been "put into the general fund of the government."

Most likely this question comes from a confusion between the financing of the Social Security program and the way the Social Security Trust Fund is treated in federal budget accounting. Starting in 1969 (due to action by the Johnson Administration in 1968) the transactions to the Trust Fund were included in what is known as the "unified budget." This means that every function of the federal government is included in a single budget. This is sometimes described by saying that the Social Security Trust Funds are "on-budget." This budget treatment of the Social Security Trust Fund continued until 1990 when the Trust Funds were again taken "off-budget." This means only that they are shown as a separate account in the federal budget. But whether the Trust Funds are "on-budget" or "off-budget" is primarily a question of accounting practices--it has no effect on the actual operations of the Trust Fund itself.
Social Security History

You should be really pissed at whomever told you what you just posted. And so, above is the truth. You're welcome.

What the tea party members I talked to were concerned about was that they wanted NO ONE to privatize SS. But. nice try, me boy. Stupid. But nice try.
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I have gone to several tea party gatherings in my area. What a fun group. Now, I am old, but these folks are ancient. Mostly. Except a few republican party leaders from the local party, and one or two paid speakers. Last one they had two talks by their paid speakers. One on the wonders of libertarianism. At the end, I asked the presenter to tell me of an example of a successful libertarian economy. He looked like he swallowed a turd, then turned and walked away.
The other presentation was there to discuss his book about why corporations should not pay taxes. This one simply got angry when I asked why corporations should be able to use our infrastructure without paying their costs of doing so.

But the members are simple folks. Not bad people, for the most part. But IGNORANT. Jesus.

All were completely against the politicians messing with their SS or Medicare. When I asked who was interested in messing with that, they really had no idea. But some were a getting a bit concerned that it may have been the tea party leadership itself.

Really, a fun time was had by all. They were all there primarily for the "feeding place" and started leaving when the food was gone. But what was most obvious? Over the prior two years, the number of folks turning out (ON TAX DAY) was down by about 80%. Without the financial backing of folks like Armey and Turdblossom, the tea party would be dead.
The take away for me was that apparently you had to take a stupid test and pass it to be a tea party member. And the more you talk to these poor ignorant folks, the more that becomes obvious.

The government already messed with it when they raided the SS trust fund. And you're questioning them about why they're concerned? :rolleyes:

Well, you did say that they are all 'mostly' ancient. Maybe they died.
Well, zoom, I hate to tell you this. But some one is lying to you.

Q1. Which political party took Social Security from the independent trust fund and put it into the general fund so that Congress could spend it?

A1: There has never been any change in the way the Social Security program is financed or the way that Social Security payroll taxes are used by the federal government. The Social Security Trust Fund was created in 1939 as part of the Amendments enacted in that year. From its inception, the Trust Fund has always worked the same way. The Social Security Trust Fund has never been "put into the general fund of the government."

Most likely this question comes from a confusion between the financing of the Social Security program and the way the Social Security Trust Fund is treated in federal budget accounting. Starting in 1969 (due to action by the Johnson Administration in 1968) the transactions to the Trust Fund were included in what is known as the "unified budget." This means that every function of the federal government is included in a single budget. This is sometimes described by saying that the Social Security Trust Funds are "on-budget." This budget treatment of the Social Security Trust Fund continued until 1990 when the Trust Funds were again taken "off-budget." This means only that they are shown as a separate account in the federal budget. But whether the Trust Funds are "on-budget" or "off-budget" is primarily a question of accounting practices--it has no effect on the actual operations of the Trust Fund itself.
Social Security History

You should be really pissed at whomever told you what you just posted. And so, above is the truth. You're welcome.

What the tea party members I talked to were concerned about was that they wanted NO ONE to privatize SS. But. nice try, me boy. Stupid. But nice try.

Oh, my mistake. They just raided the fund, didn't even bother dumping into the general fund.

So when Obama says ss checks can't go out, he's telling the truth because the fund is empty, even though ss says it's flush until 2037 ... or 2036 ... or 2033. That date keeps changing.

And if the fund is flush, then Obama is lying when he says checks can't go out.

Of course the 'ancient' people don't want ss to change. They've been hooked on the government taking their money for ... well a lifetime. Old habits die hard.
The government already messed with it when they raided the SS trust fund. And you're questioning them about why they're concerned? :rolleyes:

Well, you did say that they are all 'mostly' ancient. Maybe they died.
Well, zoom, I hate to tell you this. But some one is lying to you.

Q1. Which political party took Social Security from the independent trust fund and put it into the general fund so that Congress could spend it?

A1: There has never been any change in the way the Social Security program is financed or the way that Social Security payroll taxes are used by the federal government. The Social Security Trust Fund was created in 1939 as part of the Amendments enacted in that year. From its inception, the Trust Fund has always worked the same way. The Social Security Trust Fund has never been "put into the general fund of the government."

Most likely this question comes from a confusion between the financing of the Social Security program and the way the Social Security Trust Fund is treated in federal budget accounting. Starting in 1969 (due to action by the Johnson Administration in 1968) the transactions to the Trust Fund were included in what is known as the "unified budget." This means that every function of the federal government is included in a single budget. This is sometimes described by saying that the Social Security Trust Funds are "on-budget." This budget treatment of the Social Security Trust Fund continued until 1990 when the Trust Funds were again taken "off-budget." This means only that they are shown as a separate account in the federal budget. But whether the Trust Funds are "on-budget" or "off-budget" is primarily a question of accounting practices--it has no effect on the actual operations of the Trust Fund itself.
Social Security History

You should be really pissed at whomever told you what you just posted. And so, above is the truth. You're welcome.

What the tea party members I talked to were concerned about was that they wanted NO ONE to privatize SS. But. nice try, me boy. Stupid. But nice try.

Oh, my mistake. They just raided the fund, didn't even bother dumping into the general fund.

So when Obama says ss checks can't go out, he's telling the truth because the fund is empty, even though ss says it's flush until 2037 ... or 2036 ... or 2033. That date keeps changing.

And if the fund is flush, then Obama is lying when he says checks can't go out.

Of course the 'ancient' people don't want ss to change. They've been hooked on the government taking their money for ... well a lifetime. Old habits die hard.
The reason ss will stop over time is simple enough. It is because, as over 80% of the us population has figured out, the repubs have decided to shut down the government. You are part of the 20% or less that has not figured that out. Or, perhaps just does not believe anything except what you want to believe.

Must be nice living in a comfortable little bubble of conservative (read tea party) ignorance. You do not even have to think any more. But what you also miss is that you are completely irrelevant.

So, your thought about those old tea party members like ss because they are used to giving to the gov??? You really are stupid, aren't you me boy. SS is made up of money that the working people of this country pay to cover those currently employed. Did you miss that, dipshit. Or are you simply stupid??? So, you believe that they should not pay and should not receive that money?? Good for you. You may have missed it, but you are living in a democratic republic. And you are in the minority. Big time. So, you are screwed.

Please, you live in a very small bubble, Dick Armey?
I have gone to several tea party gatherings in my area. What a fun group. Now, I am old, but these folks are ancient. Mostly. Except a few republican party leaders from the local party, and one or two paid speakers. Last one they had two talks by their paid speakers. One on the wonders of libertarianism. At the end, I asked the presenter to tell me of an example of a successful libertarian economy. He looked like he swallowed a turd, then turned and walked away.
The other presentation was there to discuss his book about why corporations should not pay taxes. This one simply got angry when I asked why corporations should be able to use our infrastructure without paying their costs of doing so.

But the members are simple folks. Not bad people, for the most part. But IGNORANT. Jesus.

All were completely against the politicians messing with their SS or Medicare. When I asked who was interested in messing with that, they really had no idea. But some were a getting a bit concerned that it may have been the tea party leadership itself.

Really, a fun time was had by all. They were all there primarily for the "feeding place" and started leaving when the food was gone. But what was most obvious? Over the prior two years, the number of folks turning out (ON TAX DAY) was down by about 80%. Without the financial backing of folks like Armey and Turdblossom, the tea party would be dead.
The take away for me was that apparently you had to take a stupid test and pass it to be a tea party member. And the more you talk to these poor ignorant folks, the more that becomes obvious.


Interesting view on what has been reported in the media. I guess more of us should be clear on who we are talking about when we reference 'tea party' members, voters, people.

The rightwing echo chamber and it's incredibly loud noise machine along with the money and influence behind it all has avergae Americans voting in certain select, gerrymandered districts voting Tea Party party line.

The Fear Brokers
Well, zoom, I hate to tell you this. But some one is lying to you.

You should be really pissed at whomever told you what you just posted. And so, above is the truth. You're welcome.

What the tea party members I talked to were concerned about was that they wanted NO ONE to privatize SS. But. nice try, me boy. Stupid. But nice try.

Oh, my mistake. They just raided the fund, didn't even bother dumping into the general fund.

So when Obama says ss checks can't go out, he's telling the truth because the fund is empty, even though ss says it's flush until 2037 ... or 2036 ... or 2033. That date keeps changing.

And if the fund is flush, then Obama is lying when he says checks can't go out.

Of course the 'ancient' people don't want ss to change. They've been hooked on the government taking their money for ... well a lifetime. Old habits die hard.

The reason ss will stop over time is simple enough. It is because, as over 80% of the us population has figured out, the repubs have decided to shut down the government. You are part of the 20% or less that has not figured that out. Or, perhaps just does not believe anything except what you want to believe.

Must be nice living in a comfortable little bubble of conservative (read tea party) ignorance. You do not even have to think any more. But what you also miss is that you are completely irrelevant.

So, your thought about those old tea party members like ss because they are used to giving to the gov??? You really are stupid, aren't you me boy. SS is made up of money that the working people of this country pay to cover those currently employed. Did you miss that, dipshit. Or are you simply stupid??? So, you believe that they should not pay and should not receive that money?? Good for you. You may have missed it, but you are living in a democratic republic. And you are in the minority. Big time. So, you are screwed.

So which is it ... ss fund is flush (Obama is lying about checks not being able to go out) or ss fund is not flush (Obama is telling the truth about ss checks not being able to go out)?

SS is mainly for those who are retired/approaching retirement. The ancient people who are concerned with the government doing something that would jeopardize their ss (and yes, they certainly are entitled to their money from ss, I never said they weren't) are justified in their concern. Government has pilfered from it before, who knows what else they will come up with for 'our own good'.

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