Tea Party Narrow Echo Chamber Endangering Economy

Only you, me poor ignorant con tool, believes that ss is in trouble in two years. But good for you.

Relative to your concern about where the ss dollars are being spent by the fed, only you and a few cons worry about that in the slightest. Just as most countries in the world invest in treasury bonds, and do not worry about what the treasury does with the ss money, neither does anyone else. What we would worry about, of course is your statement that ss is being raided. That would be a concern. So, want to tell us where and whom is raiding it. And how much it has cost the ss system??

Or do you simply want to admit that the ss admin never looses it's funds, and that it has NEVER been raided. And do you want to admit finally that the ss admin never, ever spends it's funds on paper clips, dipshit???

Good to see you are giving up. SS has never been raided. SS is not spent by the ss admin, it is simply invested. And you, me boy, just gave up.

Notice how the right wing is so worried about a socialist program like s.s. Over in politic thread the cons are ready to rebel over government sites and areas shutdown because of the shutdown.
And here they hate the government so badly they sometimes even refuse to spell it correctly
Exactly, it's hilarious to watch the small "gubment" types argue that the nonessential government union workers they insist are overpaid are suddenly absolutely needed and should be given all their back pay when the shutdown ends!!!
Does this site actually talk about the political economic policies? Or does it just devolve into name calling and a giant game of gotcha? I'm new to this site.
Does this site actually talk about the political economic policies? Or does it just devolve into name calling and a giant game of gotcha? I'm new to this site.

The latter.

The name-calling and giant game of gotcha are the consequence of members – left and right – who’ve been together too long; everyone knows everyone else’s moves, hence the name-calling and gotcha.

And as a consequence of that, new members such as you are driven off.
I just realized why the left hates the Tea Party so much... It's because the left can't get a meaningful sized group together except moments before election day.

The left has failed so incredibly bad at inspiring people to get together and talk about policy that the few haters that wish they had a moment of any kind make up stupid shit like this thread. You tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorists make up any reason that sounds bad as to why the other end of the political spectrum succeeded where you have failed.

Democrats depend on and openly breed welfare-ism. These people only care about politics when it comes down to the possibility of them loosing that welfare. Not all Dems are on welfare, that's not my point. It's simply that too many of the Dem voter base is bought by welfare, and these people are less apt to give a flying fuck about what polices are being passed or talked about day to day.
I just realized why the left hates the Tea Party so much... It's because the left can't get a meaningful sized group together except moments before election day.

The left has failed so incredibly bad at inspiring people to get together and talk about policy that the few haters that wish they had a moment of any kind make up stupid shit like this thread. You tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorists make up any reason that sounds bad as to why the other end of the political spectrum succeeded where you have failed.

Democrats depend on and openly breed welfare-ism. These people only care about politics when it comes down to the possibility of them loosing that welfare. Not all Dems are on welfare, that's not my point. It's simply that too many of the Dem voter base is bought by welfare, and these people are less apt to give a flying fuck about what polices are being passed or talked about day to day.
Well, I love the tea party. Everyone needs a good laugh.
Tea Party Narrow Echo Chamber Endangering Economy


False is TPM dogma maintaining that government must be ‘shut down’ to ‘save’ the economy.
Funny. The raising of the debt ceiling has happened 15 times under the past three republican presidents. Without any concern by congressional republicans. But suddenly, with the tea party repubs, raising the debt limit is a bad democratic idea. And for the first time, under a black democratic president, they have come near to a shut down once, and have now actually accomplished, shutting down part of the gov. And soon, we will have to default on some of the gov obligations.

So,no issue to raise the debt limit for decades. Never a problem. Until now. And now, under a democratic president who has raised it under 30% as often as the last president (a republican, of course) they block raising the debt limit and the gov begins to start shutting down. And it will cost the country billions, to hundreds of billions, depending on how long the repubs refuse to raise the debt limit.

Here are the raises of the debt limit under Bush 2:

Under Bush the debt ceiling increased:

by $450 billion to $6.4 trillion in June 2002;
by $984 billion to $7.384 trillion 11 months later, in May 2003;
by $800 billion to $8.184 trillion 18 months later, in November 2004;
by $781 billion to $8.965 trillion 16 months later, in March 2006;
by $850 billion to $9.815 trillion 18 months later, in September 2007;
by $800 billion to $10.615 trillion 10 months later, in July 2008;
and by $700 billion to $11.315 trillion three months later, in October 2008.

Under reagan,, the tea party hero, lets see how often it was raised:

Under Reagan the debt ceiling was raised to:

$985 billion in February 1981;
$999.8 billion in September 1981;
$1.0798 trillion September 1981;
$1.1431 trillion in June 1982;
$1.2902 trillion in September 1982;
$1.389 trillion in May 1993;
$1.49 trillion in November 1983;
$1.52 trillion in May 1984;
$1.573 trillion in July 1984;
$1.8238 trillion in October 1984;
$1.9038 trillion in November 1985;
$2.0787 trillion in December 1985;
$2.111 trillion in August 1986;
$2.3 trillion in October 1986;
$2.32 trillion in July 1987;
$2.352 trillion in August 1987;
and $2.8 trillion in September 1987.
Debt Ceiling - Under Modern U.S. Presidents

Yup, the repubs always believed that the debt limit should never be raised. See why everyone know you are a dipshit, Eagle???

Funny. Tea party repubs have been doing all they can to hurt the economy. Why should anyone be surprised. What is funny, however, is that they are way too stupid to see how much they are angering the american public. The only question is how big the hole in their foot is.

March 2006-

“The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure,” he said. “It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. … Leadership means that ‘the buck stops here.’ Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better. I therefore intend to oppose the effort to increase America’s debt limit.”

Obama 2006 vs. Obama January 2011 vs. Obama April 2011 on the Debt Ceiling - ABC News

and he did vote no, the vote was very close, 52-48

False is TPM dogma maintaining that government must be ‘shut down’ to ‘save’ the economy.
Funny. The raising of the debt ceiling has happened 15 times under the past three republican presidents. Without any concern by congressional republicans. But suddenly, with the tea party repubs, raising the debt limit is a bad democratic idea. And for the first time, under a black democratic president, they have come near to a shut down once, and have now actually accomplished, shutting down part of the gov. And soon, we will have to default on some of the gov obligations.

So,no issue to raise the debt limit for decades. Never a problem. Until now. And now, under a democratic president who has raised it under 30% as often as the last president (a republican, of course) they block raising the debt limit and the gov begins to start shutting down. And it will cost the country billions, to hundreds of billions, depending on how long the repubs refuse to raise the debt limit.

Here are the raises of the debt limit under Bush 2:

Under Bush the debt ceiling increased:

by $450 billion to $6.4 trillion in June 2002;
by $984 billion to $7.384 trillion 11 months later, in May 2003;
by $800 billion to $8.184 trillion 18 months later, in November 2004;
by $781 billion to $8.965 trillion 16 months later, in March 2006;
by $850 billion to $9.815 trillion 18 months later, in September 2007;
by $800 billion to $10.615 trillion 10 months later, in July 2008;
and by $700 billion to $11.315 trillion three months later, in October 2008.

Under reagan,, the tea party hero, lets see how often it was raised:

Under Reagan the debt ceiling was raised to:

$985 billion in February 1981;
$999.8 billion in September 1981;
$1.0798 trillion September 1981;
$1.1431 trillion in June 1982;
$1.2902 trillion in September 1982;
$1.389 trillion in May 1993;
$1.49 trillion in November 1983;
$1.52 trillion in May 1984;
$1.573 trillion in July 1984;
$1.8238 trillion in October 1984;
$1.9038 trillion in November 1985;
$2.0787 trillion in December 1985;
$2.111 trillion in August 1986;
$2.3 trillion in October 1986;
$2.32 trillion in July 1987;
$2.352 trillion in August 1987;
and $2.8 trillion in September 1987.
Debt Ceiling - Under Modern U.S. Presidents

Yup, the repubs always believed that the debt limit should never be raised. See why everyone know you are a dipshit, Eagle???

Funny. Tea party repubs have been doing all they can to hurt the economy. Why should anyone be surprised. What is funny, however, is that they are way too stupid to see how much they are angering the american public. The only question is how big the hole in their foot is.

March 2006-

“The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure,” he said. “It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. … Leadership means that ‘the buck stops here.’ Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better. I therefore intend to oppose the effort to increase America’s debt limit.”

Obama 2006 vs. Obama January 2011 vs. Obama April 2011 on the Debt Ceiling - ABC News

and he did vote no, the vote was very close, 52-48
Good for you. Hell, I never thought you were so much against Reagan. He was smart enough to know that you do not vote against raising the debt limit. You work on legislation if you have a problem with spending. And the debt ceiling was raised 17 times under Reagan.

So, the economy will be hurt. The longer it takes before repubs give in, the greater the damage. And as we go, the public gets it:
WASHINGTON – The standoff over the government shutdown continues to damage the public’s opinion of congressional Republicans, two new surveys indicate, a finding likely to deepen concern among GOP leaders about the impact the stalemate is having on their party.

A third newly released survey shows that overall approval of Congress has fallen to nearly a record low.

Disapproval of the way congressional Republicans are “handling negotiations over the federal budget” has jumped to 70%, a Washington Post-ABC News poll shows. The poll, taken Wednesday through Sunday, found 24% approving of the congressional GOP.

The ratings have worsened significantly over the last week. A Post-ABC poll taken just before the shutdown began showed 63% of Americans disapproving of the GOP position.

FULL COVERAGE: The U.S. government shutdown

The reverse is true for President Obama. While approval of his handling of the budget negotiations remains tepid, it has improved since last week, the poll showed. In the most recent survey, Americans narrowly disapproved of Obama’s performance on the budget negotiations, 51% to 45%. That marked a small improvement from the previous week’s 50% to 41%.
Government shutdown: GOP losing ground with public, polls indicate - latimes.com

The government has had the ability to make legislation forever, me boy. And refusal to honor the debts of the US Government is NOT one of them. Every country in the world is looking at us to see if we are stupid enough to refuse to honor our debts. And of course, we will pay our bills. Because the republicans can not afford to continue to loose more and more of the support of the people They have to make a decision whether they want to simply support their benefactors (the insurance industry) or if their constituency has some importance. Fun to watch, but it is truly a train wreck happening in real time.
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they are a minority of a party that won the House by receiving what? 1 million votes less than the Democrats AND they lost the Senate AGAIN AND they lost the Presidential election AGAIN and are now dictating demands? :eusa_eh:

Republicans Win Congress as Democrats Get Most Votes - Bloomberg
Democratic House candidates combined to win about 1.4 million more votes than Republicans, according to data compiled by Bloomberg News.
they are a minority of a party that won the House by receiving what? 1 million votes less than the Democrats AND they lost the Senate AGAIN AND they lost the Presidential election AGAIN and are now dictating demands? :eusa_eh:

Republicans Win Congress as Democrats Get Most Votes - Bloomberg
Democratic House candidates combined to win about 1.4 million more votes than Republicans, according to data compiled by Bloomberg News.
Yes, indeed. But they have the dollars. That great "grass roots" movement that has been financed and directed by a small number of very, very, very wealthy people headed up and directed by a few moneyed groups (the Koch bros, Dick Armey, and Karl Rove).

The study, funded by the National Cancer Institute of the National Institute of Health, traces the roots of the Tea Party's anti-tax movement back to the early 1980s when tobacco companies began to invest in third party groups to fight excise taxes on cigarettes, as well as health studies finding a link between cancer and secondhand cigarette smoke.
Brendan DeMelle: Study Confirms Tea Party Was Created by Big Tobacco and Billionaire Koch Brothers

Nothing new there. Nothing grass roots there. Just a bunch of folks with rings through their noses being guided by a few very very very very right wing conservatives and Libertarians trying to get their way with american politics. And making the wealthy more so, and to hell with everyone who is outside of the upper one percent. (acltually .1 of 1%).

What was once known to be anti-American is now common place. Commercial interests directing the economic wishes of the rich and powerful.
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they are a minority of a party that won the House by receiving what? 1 million votes less than the Democrats AND they lost the Senate AGAIN AND they lost the Presidential election AGAIN and are now dictating demands? :eusa_eh:

Republicans Win Congress as Democrats Get Most Votes - Bloomberg
Democratic House candidates combined to win about 1.4 million more votes than Republicans, according to data compiled by Bloomberg News.
Yes, indeed. But they have the dollars. That great "grass roots" movement that has been financed and directed by a small number of very, very, very wealthy people headed up and directed by a few moneyed groups (the Koch bros, Dick Armey, and Karl Rove).

The study, funded by the National Cancer Institute of the National Institute of Health, traces the roots of the Tea Party's anti-tax movement back to the early 1980s when tobacco companies began to invest in third party groups to fight excise taxes on cigarettes, as well as health studies finding a link between cancer and secondhand cigarette smoke.
Brendan DeMelle: Study Confirms Tea Party Was Created by Big Tobacco and Billionaire Koch Brothers

Nothing new there. Nothing grass roots there. Just a bunch of folks with rings through their noses being guided by a few very very very very right wing conservatives and Libertarians trying to get their way with american politics. And making the wealthy more so, and to hell with everyone who is outside of the upper one percent. (acltually .1 of 1%).

What was once known to be anti-American is now common place. Commercial interests directing the economic wishes of the rich and powerful.

nice post :cool:

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