Tea Party Narrow Echo Chamber Endangering Economy

So, who decided to call it a trust fund? Read your own article re: trust fund vs. treasury fund.

Thank you for making my point. There is a 'fund' with money in it, surplus in fact. From your link:

Obama saying that 'ss checks wouldn't go out on time' is a lie. The only reason they wouldn't go out on time would be if the gov't intentionally didn't send them out on time.


Didn't you say that ss money didn't go into the general fund? From your link:

You seem to not understand that flush means surplus. The SS link, below, shows your statement

to be false.

Social Security Press Office: Social Security Board of Trustees:projected Trust Fund Exhaustion One Year Sooner

The fund is flush (surplus) atm. Down the road? Not so much.

From your post you don't seem to understand much. Me boy.
That would be, me boy, because you are simply being dishonest again. For your etification, we are now in the year 2013. Most of the way through. You are posting a link from a link dated May, 2011. Things change, dipshit. But it is not issue. The change will be made to extend ss. It is a simple process. And will, as always, be extremely popular with the public. And those opposing it will find that they need to find a new job, somewhere else besides in the congress of the us.

Boehner has said he will not allow the us gov to default. So, as I continue to say, the repubs will cave. Some repubs in congress have already felt all the heat and crossed the line saying that a vote needs to happen. If the vote happened NOW, there would be a clean bill approving the debt increase. Just a matter of time now. So, you tea party nut cases can go back and put on your tin hats, and look for the next issue to destroy the us economy.

You said:

Money is put into funds. that is plural. I know, one is tough for you to understand. Two is just too much. And, me boy, it is NOT THE SS TRUST FUND. There is no such fund. simply funds set up to protect any surplus that may exist at any point in time. Now try to understand this, me ignorant tool OF COURSE THERE IS A SURPLUS TODAY. THERE HAS BEEN OFTEN IN THE PAST ALSO. NO ONE, INCLUDING MYSELF, IS SAYING DIFFERENTLY. AND ONLY YOU ARE MAKING ANY KIND OF A BIG DEAL OF IT. BECAUSE, OF COURSE, ANYONE WHO UNDERSTANDS SS KNOW IT IS NORMAL. NEXT.

The point, me boy, was that you said the ss trust fund had been raided. Which was a lie. Get it yet, dipshit. There is no single dedicated ss trust fund as simple minded people like you believe. And ss has NEVER, EVER been raided. Sorry you are too ignorant to understand that.

Then, there was this brilliant statement:
So, who decided to call it a trust fund? Read your own article re: trust fund vs. treasury fund.

The rest is drivel. Yes, if you want to be really stupid (which you do) then you would be correct that ss surplus goes to the general fund. For a few seconds, as it is transferred to a fund to protect it. Nice try dipshit. Really, you should try to be intellectually honest. Look it up.

And it is nice that you believe that the ss trust fund is flush. No one else much does, me boy. It has enough to allow ss to be paid for years, in conjunction with ss taxes being collected.

And, me poor ignorant con tool, you say again:
Obama saying that 'ss checks wouldn't go out on time' is a lie. The only reason they wouldn't go out on time would be if the gov't intentionally didn't send them out on time.

So, me lying con tool, here is the quote you are refering to AGAIN:l

"In a government shutdown, Social Security checks still go out on time. In an economic shutdown — if we don't raise the debt ceiling — they don't go out on time," Obama said. "In a government shutdown, disability benefits still arrive on time. In an economic shutdown, they don't."

Now, since you do not understand ss, you apparently have not gotten to the point where you get that ss taxes pay ss payments on an ongoing, monthly basis. And, if the economy is screwed up by a gov shutdown, as all economists agree it will be, ss revenues incoming will be greatly decreased, because people have stopped working. So, at some time, ss checks will not go out on time. Because there is insufficient incoming money and the trust fund will have been depleted. Quickly. Because no one is working any more.
It is way too difficult for you to understand. Probably better that you just believe that everything is just fine, as your handlers have told you.

Good. Then we no longer owe any debt to intragovernmental holdings.

Thanks man.......You just saved us 5 TRILLION DOLLARS.

What a man..............

And then we wake up to Reality.
So eagle, coming close to reality, states:
Good. Then we no longer owe any debt to intragovernmental holdings.

Thanks man.......You just saved us 5 TRILLION DOLLARS.

What a man..............
And then we wake up to Reality.

Right. Poor guy just apparently noticed a case where we owe money to ourselves. So, does it hurt when you pay yourself back, me poor ignorant tool.

Funny. You just HATE ss. Because you are told you need to hate it. Doesn't it hurt when they pull you around by that nose ring.

But it is ok. Because you think that the deficit is going to need to be paid back any time now. Because, though the deficit has NEVER caused an economic problem before, that it will do so this time. Because it is just like your mortgage, in your tiny little mind.

Thanks again for clarifying that you are stupid. But that is probably enough proof.
Is the deficit coming down? Is everything as doom and gloom as right wingers claim? Still, can the present economy handle Tea Party economic shenanigans?

That gets us back to the more likely source: people who accelerated a lot of income into 2012 and paid their taxes by April 2013.

But think about it. All that extra tax paid on 2012 income means that less tax will be paid on 2013 income. So even if that $642 billion deficit projection by the CBO proves to be accurate, it’s also likely that the shortfall will increase when next year’s tax returns arrive, since there is no reason to accelerate income in 2013.

That’s the long way of saying that congressional Democrats and Republicans are deceiving themselves if they think the US economy can handle the stress of a total shutdown, or another squabble over ObamaCare, or a fight over raising the federal debt limit.

Shutdown could be economy?s death sentence | New York Post

The Budget and Economic Outlook: Fiscal Years 2013 to 2023
CBO | The Budget and Economic Outlook: Fiscal Years 2013 to 2023
IMHO, it is pretty obvious who runs the tea parties. That would be a few very, very wealthy conservatives, several of whom are libertarians. And they do not want the aca to succeed under any circumstances. Because that could well spell the doom of the majority of private medical insurance over time. Because the aca is a platform that will allow modification, and could very possibly include a public option, and potentially lead to what the rest of the industrialized world uses, as in single payer medical insurance.

So, the push is on. They are looking for any crack in the aca program possible.
And willing to clobber the economy and the american public in the process. Problem for them is that it is run by the tea party part of the repubs, who are not the sharpest tools in the box. So, they do not see that their arguments are like a high powered revolver pointed directly at their own feet. People do not buy it, and it will only get worse for them the longer they hole out.

I can certainly see the practicality of what you're saying as a net result, but I think that you're giving the TEA Party way too much credit for planning.

I see them flying by the seat of Ted Cruz's pants.
Wow, and to think that the grandmother who is the president of our group is a huge financial genius? Who would have thought. I would imagine that the five-year old Chrysler van that she drives is just a cover? My God, how ingenious of her!

Or, perhaps the fifty or so really active members of our group (we have about 1,000 who show up for rallies and such) are taking secret marching orders from the Koch Brothers? A web of subversion and deceit that stretches coast to coast, how insidious. I can see it now, secret rooms where you have to know the password to gain entrance. Members stand in their hooded robes which cover their faces and hide their true identities. Mumbling ancient, evil incantations while surrounded by blood red candles which only barely light the alter. It's so frightening.

It couldn't possibly be that the members of the tea party want a SMALLER government, less taxes, and are just absolutely TIRED of the push for more intrusion into our private lives? No... how silly of me.

Course, the Occupy Wall Streeters have created a company that is offering prepaid credit cards to consumers. Their cut? $1.50 per transaction... Down with the 1%'ers! Ha,ha,ha...

This post describes WHY I think Ted's pants are in charge.

Fear, uncertainty and well-gerrymandered districts will only take them so far - eventually they'll have to govern and when they do, they'll be rejected.
Tea Party Narrow Echo Chamber Endangering Economy


False is TPM dogma maintaining that government must be ‘shut down’ to ‘save’ the economy.
Funny. The raising of the debt ceiling has happened 15 times under the past three republican presidents. Without any concern by congressional republicans. But suddenly, with the tea party repubs, raising the debt limit is a bad democratic idea. And for the first time, under a black democratic president, they have come near to a shut down once, and have now actually accomplished, shutting down part of the gov. And soon, we will have to default on some of the gov obligations.

So,no issue to raise the debt limit for decades. Never a problem. Until now. And now, under a democratic president who has raised it under 30% as often as the last president (a republican, of course) they block raising the debt limit and the gov begins to start shutting down. And it will cost the country billions, to hundreds of billions, depending on how long the repubs refuse to raise the debt limit.

Here are the raises of the debt limit under Bush 2:

Under Bush the debt ceiling increased:

by $450 billion to $6.4 trillion in June 2002;
by $984 billion to $7.384 trillion 11 months later, in May 2003;
by $800 billion to $8.184 trillion 18 months later, in November 2004;
by $781 billion to $8.965 trillion 16 months later, in March 2006;
by $850 billion to $9.815 trillion 18 months later, in September 2007;
by $800 billion to $10.615 trillion 10 months later, in July 2008;
and by $700 billion to $11.315 trillion three months later, in October 2008.

Under reagan,, the tea party hero, lets see how often it was raised:

Under Reagan the debt ceiling was raised to:

$985 billion in February 1981;
$999.8 billion in September 1981;
$1.0798 trillion September 1981;
$1.1431 trillion in June 1982;
$1.2902 trillion in September 1982;
$1.389 trillion in May 1993;
$1.49 trillion in November 1983;
$1.52 trillion in May 1984;
$1.573 trillion in July 1984;
$1.8238 trillion in October 1984;
$1.9038 trillion in November 1985;
$2.0787 trillion in December 1985;
$2.111 trillion in August 1986;
$2.3 trillion in October 1986;
$2.32 trillion in July 1987;
$2.352 trillion in August 1987;
and $2.8 trillion in September 1987.

Yup, the repubs always believed that the debt limit should never be raised. See why everyone know you are a dipshit, Eagle???

Funny. Tea party repubs have been doing all they can to hurt the economy. Why should anyone be surprised. What is funny, however, is that they are way too stupid to see how much they are angering the american public. The only question is how big the hole in their foot is.
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That would be, me boy, because you are simply being dishonest again. For your etification, we are now in the year 2013. Most of the way through. You are posting a link from a link dated May, 2011. Things change, dipshit. But it is not issue. The change will be made to extend ss. It is a simple process. And will, as always, be extremely popular with the public. And those opposing it will find that they need to find a new job, somewhere else besides in the congress of the us.

Boehner has said he will not allow the us gov to default. So, as I continue to say, the repubs will cave. Some repubs in congress have already felt all the heat and crossed the line saying that a vote needs to happen. If the vote happened NOW, there would be a clean bill approving the debt increase. Just a matter of time now. So, you tea party nut cases can go back and put on your tin hats, and look for the next issue to destroy the us economy.

You said:

Money is put into funds. that is plural. I know, one is tough for you to understand. Two is just too much. And, me boy, it is NOT THE SS TRUST FUND. There is no such fund. simply funds set up to protect any surplus that may exist at any point in time. Now try to understand this, me ignorant tool OF COURSE THERE IS A SURPLUS TODAY. THERE HAS BEEN OFTEN IN THE PAST ALSO. NO ONE, INCLUDING MYSELF, IS SAYING DIFFERENTLY. AND ONLY YOU ARE MAKING ANY KIND OF A BIG DEAL OF IT. BECAUSE, OF COURSE, ANYONE WHO UNDERSTANDS SS KNOW IT IS NORMAL. NEXT.

The point, me boy, was that you said the ss trust fund had been raided. Which was a lie. Get it yet, dipshit. There is no single dedicated ss trust fund as simple minded people like you believe. And ss has NEVER, EVER been raided. Sorry you are too ignorant to understand that.

Then, there was this brilliant statement:
So, who decided to call it a trust fund? Read your own article re: trust fund vs. treasury fund.

The rest is drivel. Yes, if you want to be really stupid (which you do) then you would be correct that ss surplus goes to the general fund. For a few seconds, as it is transferred to a fund to protect it. Nice try dipshit. Really, you should try to be intellectually honest. Look it up.

And it is nice that you believe that the ss trust fund is flush. No one else much does, me boy. It has enough to allow ss to be paid for years, in conjunction with ss taxes being collected.

And, me poor ignorant con tool, you say again:

So, me lying con tool, here is the quote you are refering to AGAIN:l

"In a government shutdown, Social Security checks still go out on time. In an economic shutdown — if we don't raise the debt ceiling — they don't go out on time," Obama said. "In a government shutdown, disability benefits still arrive on time. In an economic shutdown, they don't."

Now, since you do not understand ss, you apparently have not gotten to the point where you get that ss taxes pay ss payments on an ongoing, monthly basis. And, if the economy is screwed up by a gov shutdown, as all economists agree it will be, ss revenues incoming will be greatly decreased, because people have stopped working. So, at some time, ss checks will not go out on time. Because there is insufficient incoming money and the trust fund will have been depleted. Quickly. Because no one is working any more.
It is way too difficult for you to understand. Probably better that you just believe that everything is just fine, as your handlers have told you.

Good. Then we no longer owe any debt to intragovernmental holdings.

Thanks man.......You just saved us 5 TRILLION DOLLARS.

What a man..............

And then we wake up to Reality.
So eagle, coming close to reality, states:
Good. Then we no longer owe any debt to intragovernmental holdings.

Thanks man.......You just saved us 5 TRILLION DOLLARS.

What a man..............
And then we wake up to Reality.

Right. Poor guy just apparently noticed a case where we owe money to ourselves. So, does it hurt when you pay yourself back, me poor ignorant tool.

Funny. You just HATE ss. Because you are told you need to hate it. Doesn't it hurt when they pull you around by that nose ring.

But it is ok. Because you think that the deficit is going to need to be paid back any time now. Because, though the deficit has NEVER caused an economic problem before, that it will do so this time. Because it is just like your mortgage, in your tiny little mind.

Thanks again for clarifying that you are stupid. But that is probably enough proof.

No one said I hate SS, you are just pulling that shit out of your ass as normal.

Fine, debt doesn't matter. Print 17 trillion in U.S. Currency today and pay off debt. It doesn't hurt a thing. As a matter of fact add another 17 TRILLION TO THAT and spend your little ass off.

I pay my bills and they are debt. But I pay principle plus interest on the debt. The Gov't simply borrows every month to pay theirs because they can print money.

You are an Idiot. Increasing our debt fucks over the value of the dollar and raises prices. But you are so into your BS that you have lost a sense of Reality.

You are sure to defend over a thousand TRILLION IN DERIVATIVES as a good thing because you have a delusional mind. Credit Defaults, aka Derivatives crashed the markets in 2008. Trading BS paper until someone pulled the cards at the bottom and the pyramid scheme brought down the house of cards.

Finally, you and there is no SS Trust Fund. It's been called that for quite some time now, so you nit pick at the working. I suppose you'd be alright if it was called the Old Age and Retirement Fund and then it's ok, as you attack those who call it a fund.

Your kind need their heads examined. History has shown were this will lead as countries have eventually fell due to fiscal BS like this.

But you choose to be ignorant of this and call anybody who disagrees with you Stupid and other shit like that. Tough, I don't care and will continue to put my point across.

You of course will continue your BS, and lead our country down the path of economic ruin.

Have you had your fucking head in the sand so long that you haven't realized our dollar's value has been going down for decades. Do you see the higher prices you fucking retard.

Stuff your fucking BS to the uninformed public. Shove the Currency Manipulation up your ass, and take Derivatives as a Suppository while you are at it.

But that's just me responding to your lies.
So lets look at quotes of eagle's last post:
No one said I hate SS, you are just pulling that shit out of your ass as normal.
Yes you do. You want it privatized. You lie about the current program.

Fine, debt doesn't matter. Print 17 trillion in U.S. Currency today and pay off debt. It doesn't hurt a thing. As a matter of fact add another 17 TRILLION TO THAT and spend your little ass off.
No, me boy. No one is printing number. That is simply you lying again.

I pay my bills and they are debt. But I pay principle plus interest on the debt. The Gov't simply borrows every month to pay theirs because they can print money.
Are you a sovereign government??? Can you show where we have ever simply printed money to pay anything, me poor ignorant con. You can not, because we do not.

You are an Idiot. Increasing our debt fucks over the value of the dollar and raises prices. But you are so into your BS that you have lost a sense of Reality.

No, it does not. And, me boy, if you check, you will see that the inflation rate has been falling over the past few years.

You are sure to defend over a thousand TRILLION IN DERIVATIVES as a good thing because you have a delusional mind. Credit Defaults, aka Derivatives crashed the markets in 2008. Trading BS paper until someone pulled the cards at the bottom and the pyramid scheme brought down the house of cards.

First, no, i have never defended and never would defend the derivatives mess. That is your delusion. Second, derivatives have nothing to do with social security. Third, you are simply proving that you are stupid, and dishonest.

Finally, you and there is no SS Trust Fund. It's been called that for quite some time now, so you nit pick at the working. I suppose you'd be alright if it was called the Old Age and Retirement Fund and then it's ok, as you attack those who call it a fund.
Sorry, me poor ignorant con. there is no single fund, and no fund named the social security trust fund. You can lie all you want. But you are simply proving you are dishonest. So instead of railing about something that does not exist, most people prefer the truth. Sorry you do not.

Your kind need their heads examined. History has shown were this will lead as countries have eventually fell due to fiscal BS like this.

So, you now are going to a different subject?? By the way, you must know how much I value your opinion.

You of course will continue your BS, and lead our country down the path of economic ruin.
First, no one is following either of us. You are truly delusional. And second, the issue is that the economy is getting BETTER. Sorry. Since the great republican recession of 2008, it has been getting better and better and better.

Have you had your fucking head in the sand so long that you haven't realized our dollar's value has been going down for decades. Do you see the higher prices you fucking retard.
Nice. Yes, prices have been going up world wide for the past century and a half. It is a fact of life. Nice to see you do have a toe in a part of the real world. But, you simply ignore the fact that while prices have increased, the gdp has also increased. More than the price decreases. Dipshit. Get a clue. You are talking about inflation. And it has been very low for a long time now. Come on into the real world. Get a clue.

Stuff your fucking BS to the uninformed public.
You ARE the uninformed public. But I have no bs for you. simply the truth. You get your bs from the bat shit crazy con web sites you so like.

This thread is about the gov shut down. You have lost your ability to argue the fact that it is simply a really bad tea party republican idea that is totally bad, and totally stupid.
And so your idiotic rant goes on.

So you think there are no consequences to Gov't debt. It's clear in your posts.

So there should be no reason to Tax anyone. Cut my taxes to 0 please. No need to pay them anymore because DEBT DOESN'T MATTER ANYMORE. There are no consequences to debt. It's only a Credit Swap anyway.

So why do the Dems always want to raise taxes......................

There's no need to do so. As a matter of fact there is no need to pay taxes at all. Gov't can print it's own money, so they can spend any amount they want with no consequences whatsoever.

Let's see, what else. Inflation is low. First off, tell that to the masses who realize everything costs more money. Secondly, by pumping FIAT CURRENCY INTO THE EQUATION you are causing Deflation. FORCED BY DUMPING MONEY INTO IT.

Which eventually leads to currency devaluation, but let's ignore that.

You really are a tool.

On Derivatives. They were outlawed for a reason, from 1936 until 1983. Because of the lessons learned in the Great Depression. They understood that betting with nothing to back it up with, was LUNACY. Causing great suffering among the people. Because back then, as now, some IDIOT LIKE YOU SAID IT DIDN'T MATTER.

Oh it's only a Notional Value and some BS like that.....And the Credit Default Derivative Game spun out of control, and the Great Recession of 2008 began, leading to a bail out via the Federal Reserve hitting the enter button to a tune of over 9 TRILLION dollars. The Gov't hid this information. It was forced out via the Supreme court, and many of the players received massive credit transfers who were so called Bailed Out by TARP, but not counting it on the debt.

Our manipulation of Currency will eventually have very bad effects for our country and the world. You and people like you will continue to ignore it.

I'd shut the damn thing down until we got a balanced budget which would also include the interest on the debt. But that's just me.

Time to live within our means. Time to cut the SPENDING MACHINE OFF, and time to stop destroying our currency.
Wow, and to think that the grandmother who is the president of our group is a huge financial genius? Who would have thought. I would imagine that the five-year old Chrysler van that she drives is just a cover? My God, how ingenious of her!

Or, perhaps the fifty or so really active members of our group (we have about 1,000 who show up for rallies and such) are taking secret marching orders from the Koch Brothers? A web of subversion and deceit that stretches coast to coast, how insidious. I can see it now, secret rooms where you have to know the password to gain entrance. Members stand in their hooded robes which cover their faces and hide their true identities. Mumbling ancient, evil incantations while surrounded by blood red candles which only barely light the alter. It's so frightening.

It couldn't possibly be that the members of the tea party want a SMALLER government, less taxes, and are just absolutely TIRED of the push for more intrusion into our private lives? No... how silly of me.

Course, the Occupy Wall Streeters have created a company that is offering prepaid credit cards to consumers. Their cut? $1.50 per transaction... Down with the 1%'ers! Ha,ha,ha...

Wow. It could be that their belief in smaller government and less taxes has been impregnated into their belief system by the power elite who want to protect their privileged lives; and the thousand or so have never considered the short and long term consequences of smaller government and less taxes. You and they seem to believe actions on these two issues is some sort of panacea; I believe that is magical thinking common in children.
Rshermr said:
Me boy, when there is a surplus, payments are not made from trust funds. They are, however, when there are not sufficient tax revenues.

Which is what I said. You are so intent on name calling that you don't even bother to read what I write:

Social Security revenues go into the Treasury’s general fund and are automatically credited to the Trust Fund in the form of Treasury bonds. The Treasury pays Social Security benefits and administrative outlays out of general revenue and debits the Trust Fund an equivalent value of bonds. Any leftover Social Security revenue finances general government operations, with an equivalent value of bonds remaining in the Trust Fund as Social Security’s “surplus;” to cover any revenue shortfalls.19 This is how a Treasury account, not a trust fund, works.

So, you see, no one ever planned on paying ss payments strictly from the trust funds.

Where did I EVER say that ss payments would be strictly from the fund? I didn't. Read the fucking link YOU provided.

Now, try again to understand, me poor ignorant con. 1. There is not a single fund called the ss trust fund. It does not exist. If you believe it does, bring proof. I already proved it does not.

I already addressed this in my previous post but I see you ignored that. The fundS are frequently referred to as the 'ss fund'. It's noted that you keep ignoring who decided to call ss a trust fund.

2. You did not prove there was a surplus. You are being delusional. I had already stated there was. It is, you see, common knowledge.

Yeah ... except for where you said there wasn't. Remember?

And it is nice that you believe that the ss trust fund is flush. No one else much does, me boy. It has enough to allow ss to be paid for years, in conjunction with ss taxes being collected.

My reply: So no one else believes the ss trust fund (which you have stated doesn't exist but continually refer to) is flush (despite my providing a link from ss stating there is a surplus and your agreeing that there is a surplus) but is has enough in it (uh, which would be a surplus) to allow ss to be paid for years.

3. Because there is a surplus does not mean it is flush, except in your tiny little mind.

Sure it does. Flush with a surplus means there is a surplus.

No, me boy. Again, you are just to stupid to understand that the vast majority of payments come from monthly tax collections. Payment from the trust funds alone will deplete those funds quickly.

Of course. Except I never said payments w/be strictly from the fund.

The ss fund(s) have been raided. Surplus monies were invested in treasury bonds, IOUs that Uncle Sam issues to raise money for the things that government needs--like stealth helicopters, wars, helmet cameras for Navy Seals, IRS paper clips and pensions for mail carriers. The gov't spent that money, which is also stated in the link you provided.

Wow. You are showing your ignorance. You call investing the the surplus ss payments raiding. I really do not know what to say, zoom. I am stunned. I never knew anyone could be that stupid.

If you actually read the article I provided a link to (the one you refer to in the above sentence) , and if you are capable of understanding it, then you would know that as any good investment counselor will tell you, you never, ever let your money sit in a cookie jar. You invest it. Just as nations of all kinds do. And, because you are dealing with the money of the people, you invest it safely. Just as nations of all kinds do. And if you are so doing, and not as stupid as zoom is, then you buy gov bonds. Like treasury bonds. So that you do not LOOSE the principle. And so that you make maybe a little interest.

Now, calling that raiding the ss funds is really, really, really stupid. Because as you should know, the ss commissioner and his team have to invest any revenue from ss taxes until paid out. Including any surpluses. So, though you think that investing money in Treasury Bonds, which countries of all kinds do, is raiding their treasuries?? When they, as does the ss program, gets their investments back with interest??? Are you really that stupid??

Because raiding ss would mean you took something from it. And the only persons making the decision to invest ss funds in treasury bonds are the administers of the ss program. And, me poor ignorant clown, neither other nations, nor the ss fund, ever lost a penny on these investments. In fact they made money on those investments. And saying that the administrators raided the ss funds just does not pass the giggle test.

Thanks for proving that you are a complete idiot. Nice of you.

Spending any part of ss on anything other than ss is raiding. Again, check the link YOU provided.

You post insultingly in the hopes of coming across as intelligent and project statements onto me and run with it as if I said it. You are a shining example of how the left operates. You have shown yourself to be an idiot and I will no longer waste my time responding to that.
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So, zoom whatever makes the following statements, in quotations. My responses follow each:
2. You did not prove there was a surplus. You are being delusional. I had already stated there was. It is, you see, common knowledge.
Yeah ... except for where you said there wasn't. Remember?
No. Of course not. I never said there was not a surpluss. That is just you being dishonest. I said the funds were not flush, dipshit.

Of course. Except I never said payments w/be strictly from the fund.
Yes, you did so. By saying that there was enough of a surplus to last 20 years, you indicated that you were saying it could be paid from the surplus for 20 years. Simple. Now you are backing away, changing your story. Nice try. But dishonest.

Spending any part of ss on anything other than ss is raiding. Again, check the link YOU provided.
No need to check anything. I know what my source said. Which was that the ss surplusses had never been raided.

So let me point out your major malfunctions: you are trying to say that the ss funds invested are SPENT. They are not. They are invested. If they were spent, then the ss organization would get something from their spending. And the principle would be gone. If they wre invested, then the only return would be interest and the original principal. Which is what was returned.
So, hopefully you are up to speed with pretty much everyone else. Spending is totally different than investing. Now, tell me, dipshit, if you invest in Bank of America bonds, do you know where that money is spent??? Do you gain something from what was spent??? Has b of a raided your money??? Are you just too stupid to understand, or are you simply intent on pushing your agenda.

You post insultingly in the hopes of coming across as intelligent and project statements onto me and run with it as if I said it. You are a shining example of how the left operates. You have shown yourself to be an idiot and I will no longer waste my time responding to that.

that would be your opinion. And you know how much I value your opinion. Cmon back if you need more education.

I'd shut the damn thing down until we got a balanced budget which would also include the interest on the debt. But that's just me.

Time to live within our means. Time to cut the SPENDING MACHINE OFF, and time to stop destroying our currency.
Yup. That would kill the economy. But it is con dogma.
So eagle, the economic expert in his own mind, says:
So you think there are no consequences to Gov't debt. It's clear in your posts.
No. That is simply your interpretation.

So there should be no reason to Tax anyone. Cut my taxes to 0 please. No need to pay them anymore because DEBT DOESN'T MATTER ANYMORE. There are no consequences to debt. It's only a Credit Swap anyway.
No, that would end our economy. But thanks so much for your profound statement.

So why do the Dems always want to raise taxes......................

They do not. That is just your ignorance showing. Obama has lowered taxes. Kennedy lowered taxes. You simply do not want the truth, me boy.

There's no need to do so. As a matter of fact there is no need to pay taxes at all. Gov't can print it's own money, so they can spend any amount they want with no consequences whatsoever.

Only if you love inflation at incredible levels. You do not want to just print money. do you have an example of when that happened?

Let's see, what else. Inflation is low. First off, tell that to the masses who realize everything costs more money. Secondly, by pumping FIAT CURRENCY INTO THE EQUATION you are causing Deflation. FORCED BY DUMPING MONEY INTO IT.

Simple enough, me poor ignorant tool. The truth is that inflation is normal during any reasonably good economy. It goes away during recessions. But, some inflation is normal and healthy for the economy. What you fail to be aware of is that the inflation rate since the end of the great republican recession of 2008 has fallen to well within the healthy rate. For several years now.
So, sorry that you think that there has been "FORCED BY DUMPING MONEY INTO IT." Because that has never happened. Must be some delusion of yours. Since you used caps, I suspect you really believe it. You just can not find an impartial source that agrees with you. because, as usual, you are WRONG.

Which eventually leads to currency devaluation, but let's ignore that.
What leads to currency devaluation, dipshit. Got a link. Or are you just quoting dogma again.

On Derivatives. They were outlawed for a reason, from 1936 until 1983. Because of the lessons learned in the Great Depression. They understood that betting with nothing to back it up with, was LUNACY. Causing great suffering among the people. Because back then, as now, some IDIOT LIKE YOU SAID IT DIDN'T MATTER.

Oh it's only a Notional Value and some BS like that.....And the Credit Default Derivative Game spun out of control, and the Great Recession of 2008 began, leading to a bail out via the Federal Reserve hitting the enter button to a tune of over 9 TRILLION dollars. The Gov't hid this information. It was forced out via the Supreme court, and many of the players received massive credit transfers who were so called Bailed Out by TARP, but not counting it on the debt.
Ok, you are somewhat correct relative to derivatives. They are a bad thing. So, did you think that has some immediate issue relative to the debt limit, me boy? Much of your information is bull shit. But then, at least we agree that derivatives are a huge concern.

Our manipulation of Currency will eventually have very bad effects for our country and the world. You and people like you will continue to ignore it.

And you are an economic wasteland. But you know how much I value your opinion. Jesus.
So eagle, the economic expert in his own mind, says:
So you think there are no consequences to Gov't debt. It's clear in your posts.
No. That is simply your interpretation.

So there should be no reason to Tax anyone. Cut my taxes to 0 please. No need to pay them anymore because DEBT DOESN'T MATTER ANYMORE. There are no consequences to debt. It's only a Credit Swap anyway.
No, that would end our economy. But thanks so much for your profound statement.

They do not. That is just your ignorance showing. Obama has lowered taxes. Kennedy lowered taxes. You simply do not want the truth, me boy.

The very wealthy and corporations are behind the lower tax movement and they use lower income republicans to do their fighting via talk radio, fox news, nut wing daily etc. They've hated the 16th amendment since it's inception and now they have the lower classes fighting their fight. Like a multibillionaire cares on whit for one of these republicans doing their bidding.

Simple enough, me poor ignorant tool. The truth is that inflation is normal during any reasonably good economy. It goes away during recessions. But, some inflation is normal and healthy for the economy. What you fail to be aware of is that the inflation rate since the end of the great republican recession of 2008 has fallen to well within the healthy rate. For several years now.
So, sorry that you think that there has been "FORCED BY DUMPING MONEY INTO IT." Because that has never happened. Must be some delusion of yours. Since you used caps, I suspect you really believe it. You just can not find an impartial source that agrees with you. because, as usual, you are WRONG.

What leads to currency devaluation, dipshit. Got a link. Or are you just quoting dogma again.

On Derivatives. They were outlawed for a reason, from 1936 until 1983. Because of the lessons learned in the Great Depression. They understood that betting with nothing to back it up with, was LUNACY. Causing great suffering among the people. Because back then, as now, some IDIOT LIKE YOU SAID IT DIDN'T MATTER.

Oh it's only a Notional Value and some BS like that.....And the Credit Default Derivative Game spun out of control, and the Great Recession of 2008 began, leading to a bail out via the Federal Reserve hitting the enter button to a tune of over 9 TRILLION dollars. The Gov't hid this information. It was forced out via the Supreme court, and many of the players received massive credit transfers who were so called Bailed Out by TARP, but not counting it on the debt.
Ok, you are somewhat correct relative to derivatives. They are a bad thing. So, did you think that has some immediate issue relative to the debt limit, me boy? Much of your information is bull shit. But then, at least we agree that derivatives are a huge concern.

Our manipulation of Currency will eventually have very bad effects for our country and the world. You and people like you will continue to ignore it.

And you are an economic wasteland. But you know how much I value your opinion. Jesus.

The very wealthy and corporations hate taxation, and they have since at least the 16th amendment. Now they have the lower classes (at least republican lower classes) fighting their battles. This is something new in history. The peasants sticking up for the rulers, fighting their fights, and asking to be trickled down on.
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So, zoom whatever makes the following statements, in quotations. My responses follow each:
2. You did not prove there was a surplus. You are being delusional. I had already stated there was. It is, you see, common knowledge.
Yeah ... except for where you said there wasn't. Remember?
No. Of course not. I never said there was not a surpluss. That is just you being dishonest. I said the funds were not flush, dipshit.

And, as I pointed out numerous times ... flush is saying there is a surplus.

Of course. Except I never said payments w/be strictly from the fund.
Yes, you did so. By saying that there was enough of a surplus to last 20 years, you indicated that you were saying it could be paid from the surplus for 20 years. Simple. Now you are backing away, changing your story. Nice try. But dishonest.

No, that is what YOU read, not what I said. Social security is saying there is a surplus till 2033, when it will become depleted. The surplus is there to cover any revenue shortfalls, which is what I've pointed out numerous times,NOT that ss w/be strictly paid from the surplus.
The combined assets of the Old-Age and Survivors Insurance, and Disability Insurance (OASDI) Trust Funds are projected to become depleted in 2033. An equivalent value of bonds remaining in the Trust Fund as Social Security’s “surplus;” to cover any revenue shortfalls

Spending any part of ss on anything other than ss is raiding. Again, check the link YOU provided.
No need to check anything. I know what my source said. Which was that the ss surplusses had never been raided.

So let me point out your major malfunctions: you are trying to say that the ss funds invested are SPENT. They are not. They are invested. If they were spent, then the ss organization would get something from their spending. And the principle would be gone. If they wre invested, then the only return would be interest and the original principal. Which is what was returned.
So, hopefully you are up to speed with pretty much everyone else. Spending is totally different than investing. Now, tell me, dipshit, if you invest in Bank of America bonds, do you know where that money is spent??? Do you gain something from what was spent??? Has b of a raided your money??? Are you just too stupid to understand, or are you simply intent on pushing your agenda.

No I am not. That is you not reading what I wrote but reading what you think I wrote and projecting. From YOUR link:

Social Security revenues go into the Treasury’s general fund and are automatically credited to the Trust Fund in the form of Treasury bonds. The Treasury pays Social Security benefits and administrative outlays out of general revenue and debits the Trust Fund an equivalent value of bonds. Any leftover Social Security revenue finances general government operations, with an equivalent value of bonds remaining in the Trust Fund as Social Security’s “surplus;” to cover any revenue shortfalls.19 This is how a Treasury account, not a trust fund, works.
Can you read? Do you comprehend? They use some (Some = "Any leftover Social Security revenue") of the money for "general government operations". Nice, safe catch-all phrase. No money from ss should be spent on anything other than ss. I am NOT talking about investments made for ss you dishonest shithead. I even italicized the word spending in my previous post in the hopes that you actually understood I meant spending NOT investing. Fucking moron.

You post insultingly in the hopes of coming across as intelligent and project statements onto me and run with it as if I said it. You are a shining example of how the left operates. You have shown yourself to be an idiot and I will no longer waste my time responding to that.

that would be your opinion. And you know how much I value your opinion. Cmon back if you need more education.

You're an idiot and you prove it with each post. btw, who decided to call ss a trust fund??
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So zoom whatever, being unable to read, says:
Can you read? Do you comprehend? They use some (Some = "Any leftover Social Security revenue") of the money for "general government operations". Nice, safe catch-all phrase. No money from ss should be spent on anything other than ss. I am NOT talking about investments made for ss you dishonest shithead. I even italicized the word spending in my previous post in the hopes that you actually understood I meant spending NOT investing. Fucking moron.

Any leftover Social Security revenue finances general government operations, with an equivalent value of bonds remaining in the Trust Fund as Social Security’s “surplus;” to cover any revenue shortfalls.19 This is how a Treasury account, not a trust fund, works.
uh, me boy, if you want to see a fucking moron, look in your mirror. the sentence you are looking at says that ss surplus amounts are held as bonds issued by the treasury from the general fund. SS holds bonds, me boy. Treasury bonds.
Here. One more time:

85 cents of every Social Security tax dollar you pay goes to pay the monthly benefits to current retirees and their families and to surviving spouses and children of workers who have died. The other 15 cents is used to pay the benefits to people with disabilities and to their families. Excess contributions go into a trust funds that would be used when incoming tax dollars cannot support the benefits being drawn.

From these trust funds, Social Security also pays the costs of managing the Social Security programs. According to some sources, the Social Security Administration is one of the most efficient agencies in the federal government. While the state of Social Security may be in trouble, the costs associated with running the program seems very efficient for a government program. According to the administration, for each Social Security tax dollar you pay, less than one cent goes towards administration.
Where Do Your Social Security Tax Dollars Go? | Generation X Finance

So are you going to prove to us all waiting with baited breath WHO RAIDED THE SOCIAL SECURITY TRUST FUND?????? Or have you given up on that, dipshit.
Any leftover Social Security revenue finances general government operations, with an equivalent value of bonds remaining in the Trust Fund as Social Security’s “surplus;” to cover any revenue shortfalls.19 This is how a Treasury account, not a trust fund, works.
uh, me boy, if you want to see a fucking moron, look in your mirror. the sentence you are looking at says that ss surplus amounts are held as bonds issued by the treasury from the general fund. SS holds bonds, me boy. Treasury bonds.

Wow. Just wow. The stupid is so strong in you it's palpable (big word, look it up).


"With an equivalent". Meaning: an equivalent amount of leftover ss revenues remains as t bonds in the ss fund to be used as surplus and an equivalent amount does what now? It says so, right in the sentence. "FINANCES GENERAL GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS". I even highlighted THAT in my previous post and you STILL can't comprehend it. What a fucking dipshit.

"Finances GENERAL GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS". As I also stated in my previous post, you retard, this is a nice, safe catch-all phrase. It means they can spend it on whatever the fucking hell they dam well please. Again, no ss money should be used (paid-out, spent, invested) for anything other than ss.

Here. One more time:

85 cents of every Social Security tax dollar you pay goes to pay the monthly benefits to current retirees and their families and to surviving spouses and children of workers who have died. The other 15 cents is used to pay the benefits to people with disabilities and to their families. Excess contributions go into a trust funds that would be used when incoming tax dollars cannot support the benefits being drawn.

From these trust funds, Social Security also pays the costs of managing the Social Security programs. According to some sources, the Social Security Administration is one of the most efficient agencies in the federal government. While the state of Social Security may be in trouble, the costs associated with running the program seems very efficient for a government program. According to the administration, for each Social Security tax dollar you pay, less than one cent goes towards administration.
Where Do Your Social Security Tax Dollars Go? | Generation X Finance

So are you going to prove to us all waiting with baited breath WHO RAIDED THE SOCIAL SECURITY TRUST FUND?????? Or have you given up on that, dipshit.

^ This drivel does not, in any way, negate what I just pointed out to you. The government spends an equivalent amount of leftover ss revenues on general government operations; that information is from the link that YOU PROVIDED.

Aside from that, you retard, NOTE:

the bolded? "according to some sources" wtf? what sources? People like you who can't even comprehend a simple sentence? :lol: "seems" wtf? meaningless verbiage meant to impress idiots like you.

My favorite is the underlined: "may be in trouble" what??? MAY BE???? The fucking ss report I provided STATES that ss di will be depleted in fucking two years and that ss will be depleted in 2033. Social security is stating that they are in trouble and this asshat you quote says they 'may be' in trouble? Ba ha ha ha! You're a complete idiot.

On more thing, me retarded boy-omg you are such a fucking idiot hack.

What does the last sentence say?

Any leftover Social Security revenue finances general government operations, with an equivalent value of bonds remaining in the Trust Fund as Social Security’s “surplus;” to cover any revenue shortfalls.19 This is how a Treasury account, not a trust fund, works.

So, me mental midget, ss is working as a treasury account not a trust fund. Again, this is from the link YOU provided. So, one last time: WHO DECIDED TO CALL SS A TRUST FUND??

I'm done responding to you, I don't have the time to waste on your idiot blather. But please, please do have the last word and respond with more links, insults and complete lack of understanding of anything you post so I can laugh my ass off at your sheer stupidity. Me retarded boy.

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Only you, me poor ignorant con tool, believes that ss is in trouble in two years. But good for you.

Relative to your concern about where the ss dollars are being spent by the fed, only you and a few cons worry about that in the slightest. Just as most countries in the world invest in treasury bonds, and do not worry about what the treasury does with the ss money, neither does anyone else. What we would worry about, of course is your statement that ss is being raided. That would be a concern. So, want to tell us where and whom is raiding it. And how much it has cost the ss system??

Or do you simply want to admit that the ss admin never looses it's funds, and that it has NEVER been raided. And do you want to admit finally that the ss admin never, ever spends it's funds on paper clips, dipshit???

Good to see you are giving up. SS has never been raided. SS is not spent by the ss admin, it is simply invested. And you, me boy, just gave up.
Only you, me poor ignorant con tool, believes that ss is in trouble in two years. But good for you.

Relative to your concern about where the ss dollars are being spent by the fed, only you and a few cons worry about that in the slightest. Just as most countries in the world invest in treasury bonds, and do not worry about what the treasury does with the ss money, neither does anyone else. What we would worry about, of course is your statement that ss is being raided. That would be a concern. So, want to tell us where and whom is raiding it. And how much it has cost the ss system??

Or do you simply want to admit that the ss admin never looses it's funds, and that it has NEVER been raided. And do you want to admit finally that the ss admin never, ever spends it's funds on paper clips, dipshit???

Good to see you are giving up. SS has never been raided. SS is not spent by the ss admin, it is simply invested. And you, me boy, just gave up.

Notice how the right wing is so worried about a socialist program like s.s. Over in politic thread the cons are ready to rebel over government sites and areas shutdown because of the shutdown.
And here they hate the government so badly they sometimes even refuse to spell it correctly.
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