Tea Party Radio Host Wants Black Democrats ‘Hanging From a Noose’ for Boycotting Netanyahu Speech

If you really believe "she has her own little radio show and isn't supported in her statements by any of us.....", then denounce her hatred as you would any Muslim to denounce jihadism.

If not, then, you dribble drivel. You have had yet anything worthy to say.

Hey asshole...I condemn her and cast her out....she doesn't represent the Tea Party, the conservatives or the libertarian...

Now you do the same for obama.......

Hi 2aguy
my friend who made the bet is saying the Tea Party is closer to
70% Klan or other racist types, 28% fruitcake, and 2% legitimate citizens wanting Constitutional corrections.

Would you say this Andrea King is in the fruitcake section?
or the Klan/racist mentality? Some real actual Klan members offer to speak at events but are turned away.

So there are actual Klan as Jake pointed out who do align and support the Tea Party as at least
including some of their same objections to govt.

But what do you think this King person counts as?
Why are they saying she is Tea Party?
Does she have a website proclaiming that, or what?

actually, the klan has nothing in common with the Tea Party/conservatives/libertarians...since the klan is democrat in it's founding, and the modern democrat party is the party of racism...where all the racists have gathered, the black racists, the latino racists and the white racists....all hoping to get control of the levers of government to attack their enemies......

And since the Tea Party supports the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, and the Declaration of Independence...our founding documents....you know...including the one that states all men are created equal.........the klan has no place in the Tea Party since they object to that...and want to use the power of the state to discriminate based on race...much like they and the other democrats did during slavery and jim crow and now with the great society.........
Well jake....do you condemn the current president and denounce him and his hatred as you would any muslim to denounce jihadism...?

he only condemns his fellow countrymen and women who are conservatives. Just like the OP did with one HUGE swipe of that board brush they always use... just so you know:wink_2:
Stephanie lies, thinking she can find a rat hole out. :) I condemn anyone right or left or center when necessary, but Stephanie defends the foulness of many on the far right, like this stinking radio hack. :)
If you really believe "she has her own little radio show and isn't supported in her statements by any of us.....", then denounce her hatred as you would any Muslim to denounce jihadism.

If not, then, you dribble drivel. You have had yet anything worthy to say.

Hey asshole...I condemn her and cast her out....she doesn't represent the Tea Party, the conservatives or the libertarian...

Now you do the same for obama.......
Thank you for backing down.

I didn't back down.....you failed to condemn the President for his association with known terrorists, racists, anti semites, communists and America haters.....all close personal friends of him and his wife........

then denounce him and his hatred as you would any Muslim to denounce jihadism.

Not true.

Not so much as one word of that is true.


ludly the coward....you wouldn't know the truth no matter how many times it was explained to you.......
The following is a lie and common knowledge to be a lie

actually, the klan has nothing in common with the Tea Party/conservatives/libertarians...since the klan is democrat in it's founding, and the modern democrat party is the party of racism...where all the racists have gathered, the black racists, the latino racists and the white racists....all hoping to get control of the levers of government to attack their enemies.....

The truth is that both partiies have racists, but the KKK will always vote GOP before Dem, just as NBPP will vote Dem before Pub
If you really believe "she has her own little radio show and isn't supported in her statements by any of us.....", then denounce her hatred as you would any Muslim to denounce jihadism.

If not, then, you dribble drivel. You have had yet anything worthy to say.

"Well jake....do you condemn the current president and denounce him and his hatred as you would any muslim to denounce jihadism...?
Thank you for backing down.

I didn't back down.....you failed to condemn the President for his association with known terrorists, racists, anti semites, communists and America haters.....all close personal friends of him and his wife........

then denounce him and his hatred as you would any Muslim to denounce jihadism.
I never supported the President on any of those things, some, of them false, as a matter of fact.

But, yes, you did back down, and I will post it every time your run your mouth and lie.

Hey asshole...I condemn her and cast her out....she doesn't represent the Tea Party, the conservatives or the libertarian...
Now you do the same for obama......"
Hey asshole...I condemn her and cast her out....she doesn't represent the Tea Party, the conservatives or the libertarian...

Now you do the same for obama.......
Thank you for backing down.

I didn't back down.....you failed to condemn the President for his association with known terrorists, racists, anti semites, communists and America haters.....all close personal friends of him and his wife........

then denounce him and his hatred as you would any Muslim to denounce jihadism.
I never supported the President on any of those things, some, of them false, as a matter of fact.

But, yes, you did back down, and I will post it every time your run your mouth and lie.

No....none of those are false....he knew ayers and dorn...they introduced him and michelle, and they launched his step into politics and he worked with ayers at the foundation..... and he attended the racist, anti semite's church for 20 years, and frank marshal davis was another mentor...a communist on the FBI watch list......
According you and the propaganda about your interps. Did he renounce any of that, did he change churches, does he show anti-semitism, is his crony capitalism communist? You are silly. But you did back down and that is good.

he stopped being open when he needed to get elected........but the long history of his relationships with the terrorists, racists, anti semites and anti Americans went completely ignored by you guys......while your minions find one lone loon with a radio shoe...you guys elected this same woman in the form of our current President......
If you really believe "she has her own little radio show and isn't supported in her statements by any of us.....", then denounce her hatred as you would any Muslim to denounce jihadism.

If not, then, you dribble drivel. You have had yet anything worthy to say.

Hey asshole...I condemn her and cast her out....she doesn't represent the Tea Party, the conservatives or the libertarian...

Now you do the same for obama.......
Thank you for backing down.

I didn't back down.....you failed to condemn the President for his association with known terrorists, racists, anti semites, communists and America haters.....all close personal friends of him and his wife........

then denounce him and his hatred as you would any Muslim to denounce jihadism.
I never supported the President on any of those things, some, of them false, as a matter of fact.

But, yes, you did back down, and I will post it every time your run your mouth and lie.

No....none of those are false....he knew ayers and dorn...they introduced him and michelle, and they launched his step into politics and he worked with ayers at the foundation..... and he attended the racist, anti semite's church for 20 years, and frank marshal davis was another mentor...a communist on the FBI watch list......

The first means less than nothing, the second is a lie and Frank Marshall Davis has nothing to do with anything at all.

Find a new rant.
Post the same comment in different sites, 2aguy, and you are trolling and spamming, which can result in being banned.
If you really believe "she has her own little radio show and isn't supported in her statements by any of us.....", then denounce her hatred as you would any Muslim to denounce jihadism.

If not, then, you dribble drivel. You have had yet anything worthy to say.

Hey asshole...I condemn her and cast her out....she doesn't represent the Tea Party, the conservatives or the libertarian...

Now you do the same for obama.......
Thank you for backing down.

I didn't back down.....you failed to condemn the President for his association with known terrorists, racists, anti semites, communists and America haters.....all close personal friends of him and his wife........

then denounce him and his hatred as you would any Muslim to denounce jihadism.

Not true.

Not so much as one word of that is true.


ludly the coward....you wouldn't know the truth no matter how many times it was explained to you.......

And yet again, BillC backs down.
The following is a lie and common knowledge to be a lie

actually, the klan has nothing in common with the Tea Party/conservatives/libertarians...since the klan is democrat in it's founding, and the modern democrat party is the party of racism...where all the racists have gathered, the black racists, the latino racists and the white racists....all hoping to get control of the levers of government to attack their enemies.....

The truth is that both partiies have racists, but the KKK will always vote GOP before Dem, just as NBPP will vote Dem before Pub

the klan was a creation of democrats.........the Republican party fought the democrats in the klan as they tried to keep their black slaves, and later when they were enforcing the jim crow laws with lynchings.......the klan is not accepted by the republicans and with their big state agenda.....with their racism and history as democrats.....they should vote with the ones who created them.....
Post the same comment in different sites, 2aguy, and you are trolling and spamming, which can result in being banned.

Yeah.....like where jerk....
Hey asshole...I condemn her and cast her out....she doesn't represent the Tea Party, the conservatives or the libertarian...

Now you do the same for obama.......
Thank you for backing down.

I didn't back down.....you failed to condemn the President for his association with known terrorists, racists, anti semites, communists and America haters.....all close personal friends of him and his wife........

then denounce him and his hatred as you would any Muslim to denounce jihadism.

Not true.

Not so much as one word of that is true.


ludly the coward....you wouldn't know the truth no matter how many times it was explained to you.......

And yet again, BillC backs down.

ludly the craven coward.......spits up again.........
The following is a lie and common knowledge to be a lie

actually, the klan has nothing in common with the Tea Party/conservatives/libertarians...since the klan is democrat in it's founding, and the modern democrat party is the party of racism...where all the racists have gathered, the black racists, the latino racists and the white racists....all hoping to get control of the levers of government to attack their enemies.....

The truth is that both partiies have racists, but the KKK will always vote GOP before Dem, just as NBPP will vote Dem before Pub

the klan was a creation of democrats.........the Republican party fought the democrats in the klan as they tried to keep their black slaves, and later when they were enforcing the jim crow laws with lynchings.......the klan is not accepted by the republicans and with their big state agenda.....with their racism and history as democrats.....they should vote with the ones who created them.....
That's a better try. But if the KKK votes today, they will vote Pub before Dem.
Hey asshole...I condemn her and cast her out....she doesn't represent the Tea Party, the conservatives or the libertarian...

Now you do the same for obama.......
Thank you for backing down.

I didn't back down.....you failed to condemn the President for his association with known terrorists, racists, anti semites, communists and America haters.....all close personal friends of him and his wife........

then denounce him and his hatred as you would any Muslim to denounce jihadism.
I never supported the President on any of those things, some, of them false, as a matter of fact.

But, yes, you did back down, and I will post it every time your run your mouth and lie.

No....none of those are false....he knew ayers and dorn...they introduced him and michelle, and they launched his step into politics and he worked with ayers at the foundation..... and he attended the racist, anti semite's church for 20 years, and frank marshal davis was another mentor...a communist on the FBI watch list......

The first means less than nothing, the second is a lie and Frank Marshall Davis has nothing to do with anything at all.

Find a new rant.

obama wrote about frank in his own biographies..........he just left out the teeny, tiny part about him being a communist on the FBI watch list........and so you embrace his close personal friends and mentors.......since you voted for him....
Hanging is so crude.

Just confiscate their cell phones and they'll die off naturally without their daily DNC memos reminding them to breathe.
Get the whole post.

Yeah.....like where jerk...

Keep doing it, and more than one poster will report you.

Just stay on OP.

I knew Angela Davis and Barry Goldwater: does that make me and my family commie john birchers?
Get the whole post.

Yeah.....like where jerk...

Keep doing it, and more than one poster will report you.

Just stay on OP.

I knew Angela Davis and Barry Goldwater: does that make me commie john birchers?

did you condemn the racist angela davis..........? and president obama knows a lot of people too....including racists, terrorists, anti semites and America haters......but you still haven't concemned him the way you want us to explain this crazy woman with a radio show..........
oh ok, you see folks as usual


same ole same OLE BS

And what I'd like to know is how on the radio they can Check and Verify this person is really not SNAKE FROM the OWS
Then why don't you condemn it?

I did condemn the ugly and division of the person who posted the garbage. I'm not just taking something as the truth said over a frikken radio. The person could have been anybody saying they are from the, Tea Party. You swallow it if you want

Yeah, condemn the messenger but not the racist creep who actually said it.

Typical Stephanie. RW traitor, anti-American racist to the core.

Just like the tee potty.

Allow me to interrupt once more ludly the coward...... You guys are the ones who...knowing that the current President, sat in the church of an actual....vile, vile, racist pastor....a pastor who married the current President and his wife and baptized his children.....an actual vile racist who the current President said he could no more disown this vile racist than he could disown his own racist grandmother....his words......

And on top of being a vile racist, this pastor is a vile anti semite, and a rabid America hater.......and the current President not only sat in this racists church for 20 years....he embraced him as a close personal friend and mentor...........

And you guys pulled the lever for this President......

So excuse me if I laugh at your attempts to link a crazy lady with an uknown radio show to the main stream Tea Party....after you put in a President with that vile racist, anti semite, America hating pastor as friend and mentor......

Yabut, you're lying.

And Stephanie is indeed crazy.

Luddly Neddite
To people who don't you that you are sincere,
you can look just as "crazed" as Stephanie
but that doesn't make you both crazy.

You are both blinded by biases, pretty equally.
But you make perfect sense within your own
logic and beliefs, and you have every right to defend those.

The way you both get so angry when you lash out at others,
I don't see how you could criticize Stephanie without
criticizing yourself, and vice versa. you are both very
stubborn, but neither of you is wrong what you
honestly care about and are trying to defend.

You are like players on a defensive line and just there
to block and stomp. If that's your role, you are going
to knock heads against each other, and aren't
expected to use them to "analyze and solve problems
together" if that is not your goal in the game.
Then why don't you condemn it?

I did condemn the ugly and division of the person who posted the garbage. I'm not just taking something as the truth said over a frikken radio. The person could have been anybody saying they are from the, Tea Party. You swallow it if you want

Yeah, condemn the messenger but not the racist creep who actually said it.

Typical Stephanie. RW traitor, anti-American racist to the core.

Just like the tee potty.

Allow me to interrupt once more ludly the coward...... You guys are the ones who...knowing that the current President, sat in the church of an actual....vile, vile, racist pastor....a pastor who married the current President and his wife and baptized his children.....an actual vile racist who the current President said he could no more disown this vile racist than he could disown his own racist grandmother....his words......

And on top of being a vile racist, this pastor is a vile anti semite, and a rabid America hater.......and the current President not only sat in this racists church for 20 years....he embraced him as a close personal friend and mentor...........

And you guys pulled the lever for this President......

So excuse me if I laugh at your attempts to link a crazy lady with an uknown radio show to the main stream Tea Party....after you put in a President with that vile racist, anti semite, America hating pastor as friend and mentor......

Yabut, you're lying.

And Stephanie is indeed crazy.

Luddly Neddite
To people who don't you that you are sincere,
you can look just as "crazed" as Stephanie
but that doesn't make you both crazy.

You are both blinded by biases, pretty equally.
But you make perfect sense within your own
logic and beliefs, and you have every right to defend those.

The way you both get so angry when you lash out at others,
I don't see how you could criticize Stephanie without
criticizing yourself, and vice versa. you are both very
stubborn, but neither of you is wrong what you
honestly care about and are trying to defend.

You are like players on a defensive line and just there
to block and stomp. If that's your role, you are going
to knock heads against each other, and aren't
expected to use them to "analyze and solve problems
together" if that is not your goal in the game.

careful...ludly the coward is one of those lefties who will stalk you.....

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