Tea Party speaker calls for hanging of Washington senator.

So you're saying that you haven't seen pictures of either of these people hung in effigy in the past year? I find that VERY hard to believe.

I've heard of ones about Bush, condemned them. Haven't seen any about Palin as far as I remember. But considering how many threads I've posted in the past year, may of forgotten. However, I'm sure I condemned it then too.

Like I said, I condemn any and all effigies like this. I find it crude that some people defend the ones about Obama (not saying you) by saying that some wingnut leftists did it. Just because some whackos did it, doesn't justify it being done in the future.

I just don't remember the outrage when the death of a president movie was made.

Like I said, I condemn any and all effigies like this. I find it crude that some people defend the ones about Obama (not saying you) by saying that some wingnut leftists did it. Just because some whackos did it, doesn't justify it being done in the future.

I just don't remember the outrage when the death of a president movie was made.

There wasn't any...that's why

Like I said, I condemn any and all effigies like this. I find it crude that some people defend the ones about Obama (not saying you) by saying that some wingnut leftists did it. Just because some whackos did it, doesn't justify it being done in the future.

I just don't remember the outrage when the death of a president movie was made.

I think people should watch the movie before they codemn it. ;)

With that, I don't agree with anything like that.

Like I said, I condemn any and all effigies like this. I find it crude that some people defend the ones about Obama (not saying you) by saying that some wingnut leftists did it. Just because some whackos did it, doesn't justify it being done in the future.

I agree...any hanging or burning effigy is outrageous.

So, I recant my hypocrite comment. .... For now...hehehee
Like I said, I condemn any and all effigies like this. I find it crude that some people defend the ones about Obama (not saying you) by saying that some wingnut leftists did it. Just because some whackos did it, doesn't justify it being done in the future.

I just don't remember the outrage when the death of a president movie was made.

I think people should watch the movie before they codemn it. ;)

With that, I don't agree with anything like that.

ok, but I don't think it's available.
Like I said, I condemn any and all effigies like this. I find it crude that some people defend the ones about Obama (not saying you) by saying that some wingnut leftists did it. Just because some whackos did it, doesn't justify it being done in the future.

I just don't remember the outrage when the death of a president movie was made.

There wasn't any...that's why

I would also add it was made by the British. ;)
Like I said, I condemn any and all effigies like this. I find it crude that some people defend the ones about Obama (not saying you) by saying that some wingnut leftists did it. Just because some whackos did it, doesn't justify it being done in the future.

I just don't remember the outrage when the death of a president movie was made.

I think people should watch the movie before they codemn it. ;)

With that, I don't agree with anything like that.

Why do you think they should watch it. I don't have to watch porn to condemn it. I don't have to watch Gore's or Moore's bullshit either. I already know it's garbage.
I haven't seen the movie, but from some of the reviews I think the right made it out to be more than it was. For one IMO it sounds like it was made to confront terrorism and anti war campaigns.

Here is from Imdb.

Death of a President" is a truly original and intriguing 'future documentary' about an event that hasn't happened yet. It is a reflection on the events surrounding the October 2007 assassination of George W. Bush in a Chicago hotel.

That future time is portrayed with an escalation of the anti-war fervor and a growing concern over the dangers posed by North Korea.

The film flips between staged scenes, real footage & documentary style interviews. It does a fine job of seamlessly blending those pieces to create a very plausible "precreation".

It is interesting watching this film on October 9th, 2006... a day which began with news of North Korea's first nuclear test. The first twenty minutes of the film are dotted with mentions of that scenario.

There are some chilling scenes in this film... especially early on, when you get a real sense of the protesters being contained and beaten down by Chicago police in full riot gear.

After a political speech in the hotel, the President is ushered down a standard meet-and-greet rope-line. It is at this point that the film lives up to its name. Shots are fired and one of the most frenzied scenes of any film this year ensues. Bush is thrown into a waiting limo, which speeds off to the nearest hospital. The crowd at the rope line is panicked beyond recognition. The FBI launches into gear. The media machine revs its engines. And the Chicago skyline lights the night air as an eerie sense of history-in-the-making takes hold.

Later that night, newscasters announce the death of George W. Bush and the film transposes into an FBI procedural... A virtual whodunit for us viewers. It feels very much like a David Mamet plot crossed with an Oliver Stone concept. It truly is a wonderfully imaginative idea played out with great skill and cinematic artistry.


OK - The secondary question in reviewing this film is this... Is it wrong? Is it morally questionable to have such a premise be the focal point of a film? Is it in bad taste?

Well, I have always been one to follow Roger Ebert's mandate that, "It is not always what a film is about, but how it is about it." I try not to pass judgment on the subject, but on the skill of the film itself.

However, this is a very brazen subject. Even for a Bush-hating liberal like me, this approaches the line, if indeed it doesn't cross it. It comes dangerously close to going too far.

That being said, I think it stops short of that line and delivers a legitimate scenario that merits people's attention. I believe this film earns the right to touch on this subject. It is a quality film and should not be thought of as a sensationalistic attempt to shock audiences.

Death of a President (2006)

Like I said, I condemn any and all effigies like this. I find it crude that some people defend the ones about Obama (not saying you) by saying that some wingnut leftists did it. Just because some whackos did it, doesn't justify it being done in the future.

name one person here who defends effiges about obama.. just one.
Why do you think they should watch it. I don't have to watch porn to condemn it. I don't have to watch Gore's or Moore's bullshit either. I already know it's garbage.

Wait a minute, what's wrong with porn? :confused: :lol:

Like I said, I condemn any and all effigies like this. I find it crude that some people defend the ones about Obama (not saying you) by saying that some wingnut leftists did it. Just because some whackos did it, doesn't justify it being done in the future.

I agree...any hanging or burning effigy is outrageous.

So, I recant my hypocrite comment. .... For now...hehehee

Any reference to violence is outrageous, be it from conservatards or leftards.
Put up an example that you are not a completely insane homosexual.

Or concede by default.

Excellent, so you've come to overtly concede, that you've no means to show any comparison between the Left's overt attempt to perpetrate a Fraud on the US Electorate, through the fraudulent misrepresentations committed by the Left, as they impersonate members of the TPM by committing what they feel are acts of hate... in hopes of discrediting the TPM in the eyes of that electorate... due to their being unable to discredit the TPM by legitimate means; and the anti-War protestors, which were never infiltrated by Americans in hopes of discrediting THEM through such illicit means!

LOL... And ya felt that to prove your point, that you'd perpetrate a illicit, fraudulent accusation... against your opposition, due to being unable to otherwise discredit their argument by legitmate means... Ironically, choosing to denigrate homosexuals, which we're told is an act of hate...


Man... ya can't hide the total absence of virtue, can ya, Kids?

As always Radio... LOL... you're ALL OVER IT!

So you concede that you are a completely insane homosexual?


Admitting it is the first step.

He's in love with you Radio.

I think I'm a distant second to whatever farm animal seems to be handy...

That explains why the lambs wouldn't stop screaming on the farm that Clarice stayed on as a child. :lol:

More fascination with dirty brown holes?

You just need to go ahead and come out of the closet man.

Curvelight told me that you like it deep.

Well, that was a bit of time in between replies. Needed to go make a couple of bucks down at the truckstop?

:clap2:Good call GIRLS! :clap2:

When you're in deep; on the whole, you've nothing to lose by DIGGING!

:dig: :dig:
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Like I said, I condemn any and all effigies like this. I find it crude that some people defend the ones about Obama (not saying you) by saying that some wingnut leftists did it. Just because some whackos did it, doesn't justify it being done in the future.

I agree...any hanging or burning effigy is outrageous.

So, I recant my hypocrite comment. .... For now...hehehee

Any reference to violence is outrageous, be it from conservatards or leftards.

Ahh, at last; the voice of the Middle Way...

Finally coming to assure us of the Moderate, Centrist, Mainstream Progressive disdain for violent speech...

And who could have predicted that such a Progressive epiphany would come only nine and a half YEARS into the deafening, non-stop, cacophany of violent rants of every conceivable variety... by the MODERATE, CENTRIST, MAINSTREAM PROGRESSIVES.


:eek::eek::eek: WHATTA SHOCKER! :eek::eek::eek:


There's just no hidin' Evil, Kids.

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