Tea Party – tear down this country and start over



This morning, on Morning Joe, there was some Tea Party guy who had written a book about “Taking back America”.

Joe Scarborough wanted so bad to like this guys message he just couldn’t bring himself to question the guy. Not until Dillon Radigon started talking to him.

They were talking about the fact that GM and other companies who borrowed money from the government were paying it back and the US stood to make billions from these loans. This guy was saying that “there should never be ‘too big to fail’.” OK, I have no problem with that.

Then Dillon pointed out that GM employs tens of thousands of people, another 300,000 are directly impacted by those jobs and maybe another couple of million are impacted by those jobs. The guy said, “So?”

Dillon said to bring this much ruin, you might as well “tear down the country”. They TP guy said, “Some times you have to tear things down completely and start over”.

Then, they asked this same guy who wants to “tear down this country” if Obama was a racist. He said, “Well, ummm, uh, I don’t THINK he is”.

Then they asked this same guy if Obama “hated” America. The guy said, “Well, yes and no”.

Let me make sure I have this straight. They are asking a guy who just said he wanted to “tear down” this country and start over if Obama, who he just admitted saved possibly millions of jobs and brought billions in profit to the US, “loved” this country, a country he wants to “tear down”.

The guy said he wanted to “tear it down”. Is that “love”? And why is he the expert on Obama? Because he is a Tea Party Republican who is patriotic and white?

Remember, this is on MSNBC. A station that right wingers say is totally left, yet they give this guy a platform that was mostly unchallenged.

All I can say is, “Tomorrow is the DAY”. The day Republicans say they will present their “policies” to bring back jobs and “save” the economy.
This morning, on Morning Joe, there was some Tea Party guy who had written a book about “Taking back America”.

Joe Scarborough wanted so bad to like this guys message he just couldn’t bring himself to question the guy. Not until Dillon Radigon started talking to him.

They were talking about the fact that GM and other companies who borrowed money from the government were paying it back and the US stood to make billions from these loans. This guy was saying that “there should never be ‘too big to fail’.” OK, I have no problem with that.

Then Dillon pointed out that GM employs tens of thousands of people, another 300,000 are directly impacted by those jobs and maybe another couple of million are impacted by those jobs. The guy said, “So?”

Dillon said to bring this much ruin, you might as well “tear down the country”. They TP guy said, “Some times you have to tear things down completely and start over”.

Then, they asked this same guy who wants to “tear down this country” if Obama was a racist. He said, “Well, ummm, uh, I don’t THINK he is”.

Then they asked this same guy if Obama “hated” America. The guy said, “Well, yes and no”.

Let me make sure I have this straight. They are asking a guy who just said he wanted to “tear down” this country and start over if Obama, who he just admitted saved possibly millions of jobs and brought billions in profit to the US, “loved” this country, a country he wants to “tear down”.

The guy said he wanted to “tear it down”. Is that “love”? And why is he the expert on Obama? Because he is a Tea Party Republican who is patriotic and white?

Remember, this is on MSNBC. A station that right wingers say is totally left, yet they give this guy a platform that was mostly unchallenged.

All I can say is, “Tomorrow is the DAY”. The day Republicans say they will present their “policies” to bring back jobs and “save” the economy.

Please tell me you are not holding your breath waiting for the same idiots who destroyed this economy are somehow now going to have fresh, new ideas to help bring it out of the ditch?
This morning, on Morning Joe, there was some Tea Party guy who had written a book about “Taking back America”.

Joe Scarborough wanted so bad to like this guys message he just couldn’t bring himself to question the guy. Not until Dillon Radigon started talking to him.

They were talking about the fact that GM and other companies who borrowed money from the government were paying it back and the US stood to make billions from these loans. This guy was saying that “there should never be ‘too big to fail’.” OK, I have no problem with that.

Then Dillon pointed out that GM employs tens of thousands of people, another 300,000 are directly impacted by those jobs and maybe another couple of million are impacted by those jobs. The guy said, “So?”

Dillon said to bring this much ruin, you might as well “tear down the country”. They TP guy said, “Some times you have to tear things down completely and start over”.

Then, they asked this same guy who wants to “tear down this country” if Obama was a racist. He said, “Well, ummm, uh, I don’t THINK he is”.

Then they asked this same guy if Obama “hated” America. The guy said, “Well, yes and no”.

Let me make sure I have this straight. They are asking a guy who just said he wanted to “tear down” this country and start over if Obama, who he just admitted saved possibly millions of jobs and brought billions in profit to the US, “loved” this country, a country he wants to “tear down”.

The guy said he wanted to “tear it down”. Is that “love”? And why is he the expert on Obama? Because he is a Tea Party Republican who is patriotic and white?

Remember, this is on MSNBC. A station that right wingers say is totally left, yet they give this guy a platform that was mostly unchallenged.

All I can say is, “Tomorrow is the DAY”. The day Republicans say they will present their “policies” to bring back jobs and “save” the economy.

Please tell me you are not holding your breath waiting for the same idiots who destroyed this economy are somehow now going to have fresh, new ideas to help bring it out of the ditch?

Tomorrow the THE day. They knew how to break it. Let's see if they know how to fix it.

Republicans probably will take both houses. Americans are angry that they didn't fix the Republicans disasters fast enough. They will punish the Democrats, not for making the mess, but for not fixing it as quickly as they should. They want to teach the Democrats a lesson, unfortunately, it's the American people who will learn this bitter lesson.
As long as you start over with the Constitution being your guide,i don't have a problem with that. Both political parties have completely lost their way when it comes to adhering to our Constitution. It has become a matter of convenience for them at this point. They boast about our Constitution only when it can be used to advance their own personal agendas. Most in both parties could care less about our Constitution. It's all about Social-Engineering & Corporatism. The Constitution only gets in their way. So tearing it all down and starting over sounds like a pretty good idea to me. As long as the Constitution is used as the blueprint.
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The Government is making "billions" on its GM "investment"?

When the fuck did that happen?

You know, Progressive can no longer lie and get away with it, right?
This morning, on Morning Joe, there was some Tea Party guy who had written a book about “Taking back America”.

Joe Scarborough wanted so bad to like this guys message he just couldn’t bring himself to question the guy. Not until Dillon Radigon started talking to him.

They were talking about the fact that GM and other companies who borrowed money from the government were paying it back and the US stood to make billions from these loans. This guy was saying that “there should never be ‘too big to fail’.” OK, I have no problem with that.

Then Dillon pointed out that GM employs tens of thousands of people, another 300,000 are directly impacted by those jobs and maybe another couple of million are impacted by those jobs. The guy said, “So?”

Dillon said to bring this much ruin, you might as well “tear down the country”. They TP guy said, “Some times you have to tear things down completely and start over”.

Then, they asked this same guy who wants to “tear down this country” if Obama was a racist. He said, “Well, ummm, uh, I don’t THINK he is”.

Then they asked this same guy if Obama “hated” America. The guy said, “Well, yes and no”.

Let me make sure I have this straight. They are asking a guy who just said he wanted to “tear down” this country and start over if Obama, who he just admitted saved possibly millions of jobs and brought billions in profit to the US, “loved” this country, a country he wants to “tear down”.

The guy said he wanted to “tear it down”. Is that “love”? And why is he the expert on Obama? Because he is a Tea Party Republican who is patriotic and white?

Remember, this is on MSNBC. A station that right wingers say is totally left, yet they give this guy a platform that was mostly unchallenged.

All I can say is, “Tomorrow is the DAY”. The day Republicans say they will present their “policies” to bring back jobs and “save” the economy.

"Remember, this is on MSNBC. A station that right wingers say is totally left, yet they give this guy a platform that was mostly unchallenged."

my only comment: joe scarborough is MOSTLY a VERY FAIR and RATIONAL republican!
Obama took an economy that was creeping out of recession and ran it into the dirt.

If you want to bring Western Civilization to a screeching halt, throw it in (P) for Progressive
why don't we give those "billions" of profit to the bondholders, shareholders, and pensionholder that were robbed blind in the deal,, and oh yeah why don't we give those "billions" to the dealers who were robbed blind in that dirty deal? whydon'twe?
Obama took an economy that was creeping out of recession and ran it into the dirt.

If you want to bring Western Civilization to a screeching halt, throw it in (P) for Progressive

The US was losing 750,000 jobs a month. The Dow was at 6,000.

Could you be more ignorant?
How is the Tea Party statement different from Obama vowing to "fundamentally change the United States"?

You say Potato, I say potahto.
This morning, on Morning Joe, there was some Tea Party guy who had written a book about “Taking back America”.

Joe Scarborough wanted so bad to like this guys message he just couldn’t bring himself to question the guy. Not until Dillon Radigon started talking to him.

They were talking about the fact that GM and other companies who borrowed money from the government were paying it back and the US stood to make billions from these loans. This guy was saying that “there should never be ‘too big to fail’.” OK, I have no problem with that.

Then Dillon pointed out that GM employs tens of thousands of people, another 300,000 are directly impacted by those jobs and maybe another couple of million are impacted by those jobs. The guy said, “So?”

Dillon said to bring this much ruin, you might as well “tear down the country”. They TP guy said, “Some times you have to tear things down completely and start over”.

Then, they asked this same guy who wants to “tear down this country” if Obama was a racist. He said, “Well, ummm, uh, I don’t THINK he is”.

Then they asked this same guy if Obama “hated” America. The guy said, “Well, yes and no”.

Let me make sure I have this straight. They are asking a guy who just said he wanted to “tear down” this country and start over if Obama, who he just admitted saved possibly millions of jobs and brought billions in profit to the US, “loved” this country, a country he wants to “tear down”.

The guy said he wanted to “tear it down”. Is that “love”? And why is he the expert on Obama? Because he is a Tea Party Republican who is patriotic and white?

Remember, this is on MSNBC. A station that right wingers say is totally left, yet they give this guy a platform that was mostly unchallenged.

All I can say is, “Tomorrow is the DAY”. The day Republicans say they will present their “policies” to bring back jobs and “save” the economy.

Please tell me you are not holding your breath waiting for the same idiots who destroyed this economy are somehow now going to have fresh, new ideas to help bring it out of the ditch?

Tomorrow the THE day. They knew how to break it. Let's see if they know how to fix it.

Republicans probably will take both houses. Americans are angry that they didn't fix the Republicans disasters fast enough. They will punish the Democrats, not for making the mess, but for not fixing it as quickly as they should. They want to teach the Democrats a lesson, unfortunately, it's the American people who will learn this bitter lesson.

Actually it seems like a very clever plan on the part of the repubs....;

1. run the country (into the ground) for 8 years
2. lose the government for 2 years to the democrats
3. spend those 2 years blaming the democrats for the mess the country is in (even though repubs are the ones who created it in the first place
4. make the voters SO ANGRY at democrats that 2 years after they SWEPT INTO office they are all swept OUT of office to be replaced by the very republicans who created the mess in the first place
5. then spend the next 8 years calling the democrats OBSTRUCTIONISTS and continue to blame them for all the problems in the country

seems to be working quite well for them
Deany did say we were making billions on our GM "Investment" right?

Do you wonder how we got a TRILLION Deficit?
As long as you start over with the Constitution being your guide,i don't have a problem with that. Both political parties have completely lost their way when it comes to adhering to our Constitution. It has become a matter of convenience for them at this point. They boast about our Constitution only when it can be used to advance their own personal agendas. Most in both parties could care less about our Constitution. It's all about Social-Engineering & Corporatism. The Constitution only gets in their way. So tearing it all down and starting over sounds like a pretty good idea to me. As long as the Constitution is used as the blueprint.
I suppose that includes the fourteenth amendment, the seventeenth amendment and the first amendment too, right?

I ask because recently we've heard a clamor to repeal the 17th, re-write the 14th and ignore the first amendments all from the Right Wingers who champion the Tea Party and that same beleaguered constitution.

You're right. It's all about Social-Engineering & Corporatism.
Republicans spending like drunken sailors from 2001 to 2009 had nothing to do with the deficit? Two failed wars, off the books, had nothing to do with the deficit?

But, in a Democracy, one gets the government that the whole deserves. So if the Repukes get the power back, and put us in the crapper again, the citizens that voted for them, and the citizens that failed to vote at all, will have earned their pain.
GM stock has to hit something like $140 a share to have the government make any money off this at all.. the historic high is $97 or something like that
Republicans spending like drunken sailors from 2001 to 2009 had nothing to do with the deficit? Two failed wars, off the books, had nothing to do with the deficit?

But, in a Democracy, one gets the government that the whole deserves. So if the Repukes get the power back, and put us in the crapper again, the citizens that voted for them, and the citizens that failed to vote at all, will have earned their pain.
Which 'failed wars' were those?
What do foreign wars have to do with the Tea Party threat to destroy the country?
Republicans spending like drunken sailors from 2001 to 2009 had nothing to do with the deficit? Two failed wars, off the books, had nothing to do with the deficit?

But, in a Democracy, one gets the government that the whole deserves. So if the Repukes get the power back, and put us in the crapper again, the citizens that voted for them, and the citizens that failed to vote at all, will have earned their pain.
Which 'failed wars' were those?
My guess is any war that does not result in an American victory is a failed war.

Osama bin Laden: Dead or Alive. Ring any bells?

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