Tea Party tries to rewrite history?

We've thrown over $7 trillion a the "cycle of poverty" since LBJ's idiotic Great Society debacle, yet poverty and lack are as bad as ever!

As though that's supposed to be evidence that we need even more of what has clearly failed?

Speaking of taking the cake....:lol:


Dave....some Republicans are not to keen on history themselves.....:eusa_eh:
True enough. But it's a plank of the DNC platform.
Please provide your proof for such a statement
Of course:

Comment here: Any woman that would support the Republican party is a traitor to her gender and all the women before her that have fought for voting, abortion rights, birth control, divorce etc.

Comment here: I'm alarmed that no one seems to be discussing the fact that if this woman becomes VP it will set women in this country back 50 years. If she actually became the President, not only would her leadership cause America to have trepidation in bringing another woman to the presidency, but like a traitor to her sex she would radically embrace stay-at-home mom legislation.

Sent by Micah | 11:44 AM | 9-14-2008

Comment here: Ram, September 15, 2008 2:49 AM
Not Responsible
Sarah Palin is plain and simple against abortion. But is it fair to bring a child to this world with such a disability. I do not call her brave, I call her irresponsible. This is not autism. We are talking about Downs Syndrome.

TM, pretending it's not here doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
who is it that fights to strip our schools on money evey chance they get?

Any money for schools the right calls "throwing money at the problem"

In charlotte North Carolina and Mecklinburg county it would be a board full of elected democrats and a Democratic elected mayor.
Truthmatters! Listen very carefully! Step away from the keyboard. Go grab your dictionary and stand in front of a mirror and read the definition of masochism.

See anything familiar?
who is it that fights to strip our schools on money evey chance they get?

Any money for schools the right calls "throwing money at the problem"
Who is it that fights to increase their funding despite becoming worse and worse with every year?

Whoo horsey! Whoo! There is no correlation between spending more on education and that creating poorer school grades.
this is not a study is it , its a couple of personal stories and a littl talk about how todays housewifes feel about staying home.

It in no way proves that the majority of women feel forced to work by feminists.

Guess what these women stayed home out of choice and NOT relegated to no choice but to stay home like the vast majority of women in the past.

Choices have consequences but at least they all have a choice now huh?

BTW , I was a stay at home mom by choice.

and yet you showcased a Fucking Right Wing Religious Nut spewing his shit....and attributed his BULLSHIT to Republicans.....are you starting to see why so many here think your a joke and why you get so much respect?.....
Please provide your proof for such a statement
Of course:

Comment here: Any woman that would support the Republican party is a traitor to her gender and all the women before her that have fought for voting, abortion rights, birth control, divorce etc.

Comment here: I'm alarmed that no one seems to be discussing the fact that if this woman becomes VP it will set women in this country back 50 years. If she actually became the President, not only would her leadership cause America to have trepidation in bringing another woman to the presidency, but like a traitor to her sex she would radically embrace stay-at-home mom legislation.

Sent by Micah | 11:44 AM | 9-14-2008

Comment here: Ram, September 15, 2008 2:49 AM
Not Responsible
Sarah Palin is plain and simple against abortion. But is it fair to bring a child to this world with such a disability. I do not call her brave, I call her irresponsible. This is not autism. We are talking about Downs Syndrome.

TM, pretending it's not here doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Dave, it depends on what the meaning of "it" is.
want to prove to me you live in reality?

I have a guestion for you to show if you are willing to live in reality

why should i answer it?......you only answer the questions you want to.....but go ahead...i aint like you .....i respond to questions if asked of me.....
Of course:

Comment here: Any woman that would support the Republican party is a traitor to her gender and all the women before her that have fought for voting, abortion rights, birth control, divorce etc.

Comment here: I'm alarmed that no one seems to be discussing the fact that if this woman becomes VP it will set women in this country back 50 years. If she actually became the President, not only would her leadership cause America to have trepidation in bringing another woman to the presidency, but like a traitor to her sex she would radically embrace stay-at-home mom legislation.

Sent by Micah | 11:44 AM | 9-14-2008

Comment here: Ram, September 15, 2008 2:49 AM
Not Responsible
Sarah Palin is plain and simple against abortion. But is it fair to bring a child to this world with such a disability. I do not call her brave, I call her irresponsible. This is not autism. We are talking about Downs Syndrome.

TM, pretending it's not here doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Dave, it depends on what the meaning of "it" is.
:lol: Leftists couldn't exist without selective perception.
Several overly simplistic points with a cliche in it does not a valid response make.

And when "looking" at Europe..which Europe?

Europeans from France, Germany and England are some of the hardest working indivduals on the planet. Greece? Not so much.

France, Germany and England are some of the what? :lol::lol::lol: Yea... right. I know at least two of those countries very, very well... and I am fond of both... but 'the hardest working'? That's just not true.

What I said is backed up by evidence. EU countries are desperately scrabbling to get away from the welfare mentality that has become ingrained in their cultures. Britain's welfare state has all but collapsed... and the IMF agrees that the British coalition government's austerity measures are vital to save their economy.

Actually..it's the austerity measures that are killing their economy. Big time.
Austerity measures? We've implemented ANY????? When'd that fucking happen?
who is it that fights to strip our schools on money evey chance they get?

Any money for schools the right calls "throwing money at the problem"
Who is it that fights to increase their funding despite becoming worse and worse with every year?

Whoo horsey! Whoo! There is no correlation between spending more on education and that creating poorer school grades.
Oh good. Then we can cut back on education even harder with no downside to education.

that's what you're saying right? The amount of money used to educate does not correllate with the success we have in education? We can quit making Education the second largest state budget item in most states (the first being social spending) then I guess.
France, Germany and England are some of the what? :lol::lol::lol: Yea... right. I know at least two of those countries very, very well... and I am fond of both... but 'the hardest working'? That's just not true.

What I said is backed up by evidence. EU countries are desperately scrabbling to get away from the welfare mentality that has become ingrained in their cultures. Britain's welfare state has all but collapsed... and the IMF agrees that the British coalition government's austerity measures are vital to save their economy.

Actually..it's the austerity measures that are killing their economy. Big time.
Austerity measures? We've implemented ANY????? When'd that fucking happen?

Remember when we passed the CR for the 2011 budget? The Dems agreed to 38 bil in cuts? That was it, according to them. Hell, we were denying women's rights, starving widows, the elderly, and orphans, what's more austere than that? Oh yeah, Ryan's budget.
Actually..it's the austerity measures that are killing their economy. Big time.
Austerity measures? We've implemented ANY????? When'd that fucking happen?

Remember when we passed the CR for the 2011 budget? The Dems agreed to 38 bil in cuts? That was it, according to them. Hell, we were denying women's rights, starving widows, the elderly, and orphans, what's more austere than that? Oh yeah, Ryan's budget.
Has a single one gone into effect or were they not stopped by the Senate as I seem to recall? And didn't the 'austerity' measures total less than 10 billion dollars?
Austerity measures? We've implemented ANY????? When'd that fucking happen?

Remember when we passed the CR for the 2011 budget? The Dems agreed to 38 bil in cuts? That was it, according to them. Hell, we were denying women's rights, starving widows, the elderly, and orphans, what's more austere than that? Oh yeah, Ryan's budget.
Has a single one gone into effect or were they not stopped by the Senate as I seem to recall? And didn't the 'austerity' measures total less than 10 billion dollars?

I think most of that 38 billion was for later in the decade. If I'm not mistaken, Obama included it in his revised budget speech when he trashed Ryan and his plan.
Remember when we passed the CR for the 2011 budget? The Dems agreed to 38 bil in cuts? That was it, according to them. Hell, we were denying women's rights, starving widows, the elderly, and orphans, what's more austere than that? Oh yeah, Ryan's budget.
Has a single one gone into effect or were they not stopped by the Senate as I seem to recall? And didn't the 'austerity' measures total less than 10 billion dollars?

I think most of that 38 billion was for later in the decade. If I'm not mistaken, Obama included it in his revised budget speech when he trashed Ryan and his plan.
Right, so there've been really no cuts, but just kicked the can down the road.

Real austerity cuts start now (thanks to ignoring the issue of government spending) at around 40% of total budget reduction. Better still would be reducing it to 2001 levels... yes pre Medicare Part D and Homeland Security or war on terror levels.

that would be better.

Then again, I advocate the ending and defunding of every bureaucracy and cabinet level position created after 1951 (Dept of Transportation)... and even they'd get pared back in power and scope too.
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Has a single one gone into effect or were they not stopped by the Senate as I seem to recall? And didn't the 'austerity' measures total less than 10 billion dollars?

I think most of that 38 billion was for later in the decade. If I'm not mistaken, Obama included it in his revised budget speech when he trashed Ryan and his plan.
Right, so there've been really no cuts, but just kicked the can down the road.

Real austerity cuts start now (thanks to ignoring the issue of government spending) at around 40% of total budget reduction. Better still would be reducing it to 2001 levels... yes pre Medicare Part D and Homeland Security or war on terror levels.

that would be better.

Then again, I advocate the ending and defunding of every bureaucracy and cabinet level position created after 1951 (Dept of Transportation)... and even they'd get pared back in power and scope too.

I hear ya, but is that much of a spending cut right now a good thing from the standpoint of the economy? If it's my call, I go looking first for the waste and inefficiencies in gov't, remember that report by the GAO (or was it the OMB?) that said we have way too many duplicate or obsolete programs? Then I go after the uneeded subsidies, but I think we need to gradually cut back rather than go crazy. Mostly we need a bipartisan plan that shows we are serious about addressing the debt/deficit AND are willing to work together on it, with compromise and cooperation. Which we ain't got right now.
I think most of that 38 billion was for later in the decade. If I'm not mistaken, Obama included it in his revised budget speech when he trashed Ryan and his plan.
Right, so there've been really no cuts, but just kicked the can down the road.

Real austerity cuts start now (thanks to ignoring the issue of government spending) at around 40% of total budget reduction. Better still would be reducing it to 2001 levels... yes pre Medicare Part D and Homeland Security or war on terror levels.

that would be better.

Then again, I advocate the ending and defunding of every bureaucracy and cabinet level position created after 1951 (Dept of Transportation)... and even they'd get pared back in power and scope too.

I hear ya, but is that much of a spending cut right now a good thing from the standpoint of the economy? If it's my call, I go looking first for the waste and inefficiencies in gov't, remember that report by the GAO (or was it the OMB?) that said we have way too many duplicate or obsolete programs? Then I go after the uneeded subsidies, but I think we need to gradually cut back rather than go crazy. Mostly we need a bipartisan plan that shows we are serious about addressing the debt/deficit AND are willing to work together on it, with compromise and cooperation. Which we ain't got right now.
In this we are in complete agreement.

Waste, fraud and duplication first.
Failed/Unconstitutional Cabinet bureaucracies second (energy, HHS, DHS, Education, HUD... among about half a dozen others)
Unnecessary expenditures (most foreign military bases and foreign aid, ending Pax Americana policies)

Stuff like that.
Has a single one gone into effect or were they not stopped by the Senate as I seem to recall? And didn't the 'austerity' measures total less than 10 billion dollars?

I think most of that 38 billion was for later in the decade. If I'm not mistaken, Obama included it in his revised budget speech when he trashed Ryan and his plan.
Right, so there've been really no cuts, but just kicked the can down the road.

Real austerity cuts start now (thanks to ignoring the issue of government spending) at around 40% of total budget reduction. Better still would be reducing it to 2001 levels... yes pre Medicare Part D and Homeland Security or war on terror levels.

that would be better.

Then again, I advocate the ending and defunding of every bureaucracy and cabinet level position created after 1951 (Dept of Transportation)... and even they'd get pared back in power and scope too.
Here's what the cuts Obama proposed in '09 looked like:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cWt8hTayupE]YouTube - ‪Obama Budget Cuts Visualization‬‏[/ame]
In this we are in complete agreement.

Waste, fraud and duplication first.
Failed/Unconstitutional Cabinet bureaucracies second (energy, HHS, DHS, Education, HUD... among about half a dozen others)
Unnecessary expenditures (most foreign military bases and foreign aid, ending Pax Americana policies)

Stuff like that.

If you wait for the government to deal with Waste, Fraud, and Duplication first, you'll never see the rest addressed. We've been hearing the "get rid of waste and fraud" canard for years.

It's time to seriously reduce the scope of government. Period.

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