Teacher beats up insane student

kid looked black. His first mistake was disrespect to another black man. Kids like that are safer if they pick a white male or white female teacher. smaller than them.

You could see he knew he'd put his ass in a sling as he was backing his little ass fast as he could after a couple connects by the teacher.
Loud mouth punk kid got the beatdown he deserved.
Unfortunately, the teacher will loose his job and face jail time.
What are you supposed to do ?
Call the principal? I would have immediately called the P
Great demonstration of why black people kill other black people.
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You don't usually use the descriptive term "beats up" in a case like this where a teacher subdues a violent student. What does "beats the breaks" mean?
Back in the day when I grew up.
No kid would dare cuss out a teacher like that.
School would call the kid's parents and he'd be in a world of hurt at home.
But today, many parents will defend their kid's outrageous behavior.
Then retain a lawyer and sue the school.
Kid almost got what he deserved,the pencil necked little shit deserved much more.
The little shit made the assumption that the teacher wouldnt hit him.....oops.
The teacher will probably never teach again and at best he might avoid jail time.
Ever since liberals made it illegal for parents and the schools to discipline kids it's gotten worse.
Back in the day when I grew up.
No kid would dare cuss out a teacher like that.
School would call the kid's parents and he'd be in a world of hurt at home.
But today, many parents will defend their kid's outrageous behavior.
Then retain a lawyer and sue the school.
The schools (mostly the universities) are what produced those liberal parents in the first place, so their chickens have come home to roost.

The schools should teach black kids (and teachers) to resist having their buttons pushed, especially by other blacks.
Back in the day when I grew up.
No kid would dare cuss out a teacher like that.
School would call the kid's parents and he'd be in a world of hurt at home.
But today, many parents will defend their kid's outrageous behavior.
Then retain a lawyer and sue the school.
A lawyer named Howard or Benjamin to sue the school and city for 100 million
Whoa. I was expecting the kid to take the first swing and the teacher, being the adult, to use reasonable self-defense.

The kid is a little shit. But the teacher just can’t do that and will face far stricter consequences than the kid. Not smart at all.
Back in the day when I grew up.
No kid would dare cuss out a teacher like that.
School would call the kid's parents and he'd be in a world of hurt at home.

True. And the whooping at home is what you feared the most. But then the idiots on the left came along with their PC police and tied the parent's hands threatening them with jail letting kids know they now had control and could flip anyone, their parents or the teacher the bird and get away with it! So now we have assholes as kids rioting in the streets of Chicago and all over thanks to the left.

But the whole thing was stupid anyway. The teacher should have told the kid to shut up and sit down, then he should have called the principle if he continued to disrupt the class and had him sent home for a week. But his home is likely leftist parents who would have defended the kid, incensed, told him he was a victim and a patsy, so that the kid would take a weapon to school to get even with the teacher and kill him when he went back in which case, then the school calls the police and has the kid arrested.

So the teacher did the right thing and stayed alive even if it costs him his job and the kid will still be an asshole who will eventually hurt someone anyway and go to jail, but now the school full of leftists will be stuck dealing with him. :smoke:

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