Teacher calls student "the dumbest girl I ever met".

Telling a student they are stupid, oh my....Better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick to get their attention...

Form the article:

Shaniaya Hunter, a student at Greene County High School, has an eye condition that’s caused her to miss class.

After some absences, Hunter was trying to catch up for a test in December when she asked the teacher a question. She was recording the lesson on her iPad, so when he allegedly snapped back with a rude and belittling response, she caught it all on tape.

So you think it is ok for a teacher to insult a kid with a physical condition just because she is trying to learn?

Wow, that's sick man.
^^^ A recording of the man saying it to her was played so maybe people having the ability to record anything and anyone who is around them is what we all should be getting used to.

God bless you and her always!!!

If that was recording in a classroom without the teacher's permission, the recorder should find themself in legal trouble.

Georgia is not a two-party consent state.
I went to a Catholic grade school where the majority of teachers were Dominican nuns. Some of them would have no problem degrading a student in class like that,

Most teaching nuns being psychotic isn't exactly news.
Telling a student they are stupid, oh my....Better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick to get their attention...

Form the article:

Shaniaya Hunter, a student at Greene County High School, has an eye condition that’s caused her to miss class.

After some absences, Hunter was trying to catch up for a test in December when she asked the teacher a question. She was recording the lesson on her iPad, so when he allegedly snapped back with a rude and belittling response, she caught it all on tape.

So you think it is ok for a teacher to insult a kid with a physical condition just because she is trying to learn?

Wow, that's sick man.
So now you have tried to put me in the position of being the teacher..I do hope you illogical mind is content...
I went to a Catholic grade school where the majority of teachers were Dominican nuns. Some of them would have no problem degrading a student in class like that,

Most teaching nuns being psychotic isn't exactly news.
No shit, many weresadist....Just like our teachers in school..To them nothing couldn't be settled without a paddling to dat azz...
And just for the record, no it wouldn't be illegal for her to have recorded it regardless:

"Conversations in private places are banned from third party audio recording and a member of a conversation can covertly record the conversation without the consent of others. Conversations that occur in public can be recorded by a third party (see O.C.G.A. § 16-11-62).

Recording actions in public places without the consent of those being recorded is legal. Recording actions in a private place or in a public place that is out of public view requires the consent of all those being recorded (see O.C.G.A. § 16-11-62). The law has further clauses regarding recording actions of individuals under 18 as well as when it is on one's own property.[1]" ~ Georgia (U.S. state) wiretapping laws - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Schools are considered "public" places so that's that.

Teachers just want to manipulate and brainwash parent's children in secret, and are just REALLY offended when that secret mental conditioning and bullying gets out into the public. They think it is none of the public's business even though it is our children and our tax money they are dealing with.

I'm sorry but I don't agree with that either. This teacher insulted the student and should be dealt with. But in no way are all teachers out to do what you claim. I have seen VERY good teachers throughout my child's education and the majority just want to actually teach students, not brainwash them.
Oh yeah, I agree with that. You would have to read the entire 400 odd page book to understand what it is saying.

Most teachers are too obtuse to understand that they themselves are part of a machine. A great majority of teachers are very good.

However, they still believe in compulsory education. Likewise, they also believe in a sort of educational methodology that is somewhat harmful to the young child's mind.
Telling a student they are stupid, oh my....Better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick to get their attention...

Form the article:

Shaniaya Hunter, a student at Greene County High School, has an eye condition that’s caused her to miss class.

After some absences, Hunter was trying to catch up for a test in December when she asked the teacher a question. She was recording the lesson on her iPad, so when he allegedly snapped back with a rude and belittling response, she caught it all on tape.

So you think it is ok for a teacher to insult a kid with a physical condition just because she is trying to learn?

Wow, that's sick man.
So now you have tried to put me in the position of being the teacher..I do hope you illogical mind is content...

Not sure how you got that, only using YOUR words. You seem to think making fun of a disabled person is no big deal.
I went to a Catholic grade school where the majority of teachers were Dominican nuns. Some of them would have no problem degrading a student in class like that,

Most teaching nuns being psychotic isn't exactly news.
No shit, many weresadist....Just like our teachers in school..To them nothing couldn't be settled without a paddling to dat azz...

My wife still has a scar from one...her "paddle" was a broken piece of a draftsman's square, that she honed to a razor's edge with a whetstone. She seemed to hate anyone left-handed, and my wife is a southpaw.

Unfortunately for Sister Psycho, she made a critical mistake: never try to bully someone more vicious than you.
Telling a student they are stupid, oh my....Better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick to get their attention...

Form the article:

Shaniaya Hunter, a student at Greene County High School, has an eye condition that’s caused her to miss class.

After some absences, Hunter was trying to catch up for a test in December when she asked the teacher a question. She was recording the lesson on her iPad, so when he allegedly snapped back with a rude and belittling response, she caught it all on tape.

So you think it is ok for a teacher to insult a kid with a physical condition just because she is trying to learn?

Wow, that's sick man.
So now you have tried to put me in the position of being the teacher..I do hope you illogical mind is content...

Not sure how you got that, only using YOUR words. You seem to think making fun of a disabled person is no big deal.
Disabled but still is in school and ask a dumb question, and the teacher had a short fuse...Why doesn't somebody instruct us on on how much we should cut our wrists and bleed over the issue?
I went to a Catholic grade school where the majority of teachers were Dominican nuns. Some of them would have no problem degrading a student in class like that,

Most teaching nuns being psychotic isn't exactly news.
No shit, many weresadist....Just like our teachers in school..To them nothing couldn't be settled without a paddling to dat azz...

My wife still has a scar from one...her "paddle" was a broken piece of a draftsman's square, that she honed to a razor's edge with a whetstone. She seemed to hate anyone left-handed, and my wife is a southpaw.

Unfortunately for Sister Psycho, she made a critical mistake: never try to bully someone more vicious than you.
I would simply laugh at them and let them know it didn't hurt...
Telling a student they are stupid, oh my....Better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick to get their attention...

Form the article:

Shaniaya Hunter, a student at Greene County High School, has an eye condition that’s caused her to miss class.

After some absences, Hunter was trying to catch up for a test in December when she asked the teacher a question. She was recording the lesson on her iPad, so when he allegedly snapped back with a rude and belittling response, she caught it all on tape.

So you think it is ok for a teacher to insult a kid with a physical condition just because she is trying to learn?

Wow, that's sick man.
So now you have tried to put me in the position of being the teacher..I do hope you illogical mind is content...

Not sure how you got that, only using YOUR words. You seem to think making fun of a disabled person is no big deal.
Disabled but still is in school and ask a dumb question, and the teacher had a short fuse...Why doesn't somebody instruct us on on how much we should cut our wrists and bleed over the issue?

Why do you excuse the teacher's bad behavior? Why do you insult the student who is trying to learn? Do you think the teacher insulting the student is going to make the student want to ask the teacher for help when she has a question? Seriously, there is no excusing the teacher's actions at all.
You don't understand: it was a fucking WEAPON! It was a piece of metal honed to a razor's edge with a whetstone! My wife still (almost 20 years later) has a 3" scar on her hand from it.
Telling a student they are stupid, oh my....Better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick to get their attention...

Form the article:

Shaniaya Hunter, a student at Greene County High School, has an eye condition that’s caused her to miss class.

After some absences, Hunter was trying to catch up for a test in December when she asked the teacher a question. She was recording the lesson on her iPad, so when he allegedly snapped back with a rude and belittling response, she caught it all on tape.

So you think it is ok for a teacher to insult a kid with a physical condition just because she is trying to learn?

Wow, that's sick man.
So now you have tried to put me in the position of being the teacher..I do hope you illogical mind is content...

Not sure how you got that, only using YOUR words. You seem to think making fun of a disabled person is no big deal.
Disabled but still is in school and ask a dumb question, and the teacher had a short fuse...Why doesn't somebody instruct us on on how much we should cut our wrists and bleed over the issue?

Why do you excuse the teacher's bad behavior? Why do you insult the student who is trying to learn? Do you think the teacher insulting the student is going to make the student want to ask the teacher for help when she has a question? Seriously, there is no excusing the teacher's actions at all.
I am sure you will not lose any sleep over it, and yet another human dies every hour and you want to play Aristophanes with a minor incident...
You don't understand: it was a fucking WEAPON! It was a piece of metal honed to a razor's edge with a whetstone! My wife still (almost 20 years later) has a 3" scar on her hand from it.
Life is full of scars, both mental and physical..
I am astounded that /anyone/ defends a teacher calling their student stupid. WTF is wrong with you people...

It doesn't matter what the teacher is making, if he was having a bad day, nor if she truly is stupid, under no circumstances is this /ever/ acceptable. None. He can kiss his [possible] tenure goodbye because his actions give the school just cause to fire him no question in my mind.

There is a /huge/ difference between verbal abuse and "teaching," it is disturbing that ya'll can't tell the difference. Don't have kids.
"You know what your purpose is going to be? To have sex and have children because you aren't ever going to be smart"

Fire his ass
You want quality teachers for shit pay. Seems reasonable I guess

Professionalism at all times. Nobody forces them to be teachers.

Ok, but if you expect a security guard that gets paid min wage to secure some shit with his life you're in for a bad time. Same thing, you pay for what you get.

I know of no min wage security guard jobs where the policy is to guard property with their life. Please show me such company that requires their min wage security guards to do that. False analogy on your part.

Of course thats not the policy. No one can make that a policy. But paying someone shit will lower their levels of "give a dam" no matter what profession it is.

To a point yes, but even a min wage security job doesn't give the guard an excuse to tell someone they see to fuck off. They will still be fired for such a thing. Just because a job is min wage or low, doesn't mean you get to do whatever you want to.

Wow, thanks for saying that since there was some confusion on that subject :eusa_shifty:
Form the article:

So you think it is ok for a teacher to insult a kid with a physical condition just because she is trying to learn?

Wow, that's sick man.
So now you have tried to put me in the position of being the teacher..I do hope you illogical mind is content...

Not sure how you got that, only using YOUR words. You seem to think making fun of a disabled person is no big deal.
Disabled but still is in school and ask a dumb question, and the teacher had a short fuse...Why doesn't somebody instruct us on on how much we should cut our wrists and bleed over the issue?

Why do you excuse the teacher's bad behavior? Why do you insult the student who is trying to learn? Do you think the teacher insulting the student is going to make the student want to ask the teacher for help when she has a question? Seriously, there is no excusing the teacher's actions at all.
I am sure you will not lose any sleep over it, and yet another human dies every hour and you want to play Aristophanes with a minor incident...

So because someone dies every hour, that excuses the teacher's behavior why? Nice deflection
In other words...you were just made to look the dumb ass and need to get your foot out of your mouth...lol.
What the fuck are you talking about? What a jackass you are making such a simple minded assumption. If you were well read and knowledgeable about the world at large, you would know that there are people who fool others by acting innocent and 'charming.' All the time. People like Ted Bundy, for example. You're just as dumb as the kid in the article.
And this mastermind of a student just so happened to bait the teacher into making his ignorant and hateful statements just as she was recording his lesson and asked him a simple question???...lol.

Please stop giving the word "stupidity" even greater meaning...

So by that logic, if a student seduces a teacher and the teacher accepts it, then the teacher shouldn't be punished for having sex with an underage student.

Sorry, that doesn't fly under ANY circumstances. The teacher should be professional enough to not be "baited" into anything like that. The teacher can simply tell the student to leave and report to the admin office if it upsets the teacher. Instead this teacher was an idiot and now will suffer consequences over it. Tough shit for the teacher.
That's not the logic he used. You don't make any sense at all.

Yes it is his logic. He excused the teacher saying what he did because he claimed the student of baiting the teacher as if that is an excuse. I simply pointed out that isn't an excuse because as an authority figure he could have simply told the student to leave. Instead he fucked up and now it's time for the consequences.
You are illiterate...
What the fuck are you talking about? What a jackass you are making such a simple minded assumption. If you were well read and knowledgeable about the world at large, you would know that there are people who fool others by acting innocent and 'charming.' All the time. People like Ted Bundy, for example. You're just as dumb as the kid in the article.
And this mastermind of a student just so happened to bait the teacher into making his ignorant and hateful statements just as she was recording his lesson and asked him a simple question???...lol.

Please stop giving the word "stupidity" even greater meaning...

So by that logic, if a student seduces a teacher and the teacher accepts it, then the teacher shouldn't be punished for having sex with an underage student.

Sorry, that doesn't fly under ANY circumstances. The teacher should be professional enough to not be "baited" into anything like that. The teacher can simply tell the student to leave and report to the admin office if it upsets the teacher. Instead this teacher was an idiot and now will suffer consequences over it. Tough shit for the teacher.
That's not the logic he used. You don't make any sense at all.

Yes it is his logic. He excused the teacher saying what he did because he claimed the student of baiting the teacher as if that is an excuse. I simply pointed out that isn't an excuse because as an authority figure he could have simply told the student to leave. Instead he fucked up and now it's time for the consequences.
You are illiterate...

Nope, but you are a fucktard.

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