Teacher Compensation

It is a case of priorities of your state and you get what you pay for

These states look at education as nonessential and are willing to hire those who may not be the best available. The bottom of the barrel is good enough to educate their youth
The best of the best do not major in education

Define "best".

Would you or anyone coming out of college work in a field that pays so poorly? It's called dedication.

The top 5% of graduating High school students

And it doesn't say much about your intelligence if you "dedicate" yourself to a job that doesn't pay well

Not all people are dedicated to making the most money.

Some want a rewarding lifetime of making things better.
------------------------------------------------ agree , but concerning teachers check out all the anti American teacher in a few different states going crazy and stealing into the pockets of their taxpaying employers MaryAnn .
You do realize many of those things you posted are the reason we find it hard to get or keep good Teachers.

We have 2 Teachers in the family. One left to go into computer technology. The other went into the Medical field.

No doubt.
It is devastating to employee moral when they see people getting paid exactly, or even more than they are but do half the work or less.
It is way way way way past time for our education system to expel permanently teachers unions that are poisoning the entire system.
Our education ranks EMBARRASSINGLY lower than virtually all other major western civilizations. And to think we STILL have a system that refuses to fire bad teachers.
You would think good teachers would be demanding this to change, but as you can see by the "Admiral" here too many will instead demand it stays the same.

Did you ever think of the other side of the story?

Unions make it possible for good Teachers to make a decent wage, Health benefits and Security that some Superviser can give their job to a friend, as they can with out a Union?

Do you really want your kids, grandkids to go back to a one room School where the Teacher has to live with a family, bring in the firewood,etc?

That way of thinking is why this country is going backward today.

With that idiot at the EPA rolling back Standards, giving his $50 a night landlord a Pipeline deal. While flying around the country on your tax dollars first class,trying to rent a private jet for $100,000 a month.

And your choice of President spending 3 million a week flying to his Golf courses, sucking money into his business.

And you are bitching about Teachers wanting a raise?

That is ridiculous.
Unions do no such thing for teachers anymore.
You can't say "teachers aren't paid enough!"...and then turn around and say that the unions are why they get paid so much. o_O

You just took a couple of words from my post, made up your own tale.

Oh puhleese....you say without unions teachers would have to go back to living with families and carry in firewood and you say I am making stuff up.
Unions were once a VITAL part of the American society as a whole. Unions are what built the middle class, for that, there is no argument. We all owe an enormous gratitude to unions of the early-mid 20th century. Including teachers.
However after the 1970's....unions became a negative factor instead of a positive one.
And this is especially true for the teachers union. The single largest factor today is protecting teachers from responsibility. Making it practically impossible to fire teachers based on low performance. And that makes our system suffer.
Private schools without unions...not only pay teachers better, but out perform public schools almost 100% of the time.
Since the demise of unions
Worker pay, benefits and job security has plummeted
for 'union' members and 'non union' members . And in the case of Taxpayers you still approve of 'union members' robbing 'non union' American taxpayers pockets to pay MORE to 'union members' RWinger
No doubt.
It is devastating to employee moral when they see people getting paid exactly, or even more than they are but do half the work or less.
It is way way way way past time for our education system to expel permanently teachers unions that are poisoning the entire system.
Our education ranks EMBARRASSINGLY lower than virtually all other major western civilizations. And to think we STILL have a system that refuses to fire bad teachers.
You would think good teachers would be demanding this to change, but as you can see by the "Admiral" here too many will instead demand it stays the same.

Did you ever think of the other side of the story?

Unions make it possible for good Teachers to make a decent wage, Health benefits and Security that some Superviser can give their job to a friend, as they can with out a Union?

Do you really want your kids, grandkids to go back to a one room School where the Teacher has to live with a family, bring in the firewood,etc?

That way of thinking is why this country is going backward today.

With that idiot at the EPA rolling back Standards, giving his $50 a night landlord a Pipeline deal. While flying around the country on your tax dollars first class,trying to rent a private jet for $100,000 a month.

And your choice of President spending 3 million a week flying to his Golf courses, sucking money into his business.

And you are bitching about Teachers wanting a raise?

That is ridiculous.
Unions do no such thing for teachers anymore.
You can't say "teachers aren't paid enough!"...and then turn around and say that the unions are why they get paid so much. o_O

You just took a couple of words from my post, made up your own tale.

Oh puhleese....you say without unions teachers would have to go back to living with families and carry in firewood and you say I am making stuff up.
Unions were once a VITAL part of the American society as a whole. Unions are what built the middle class, for that, there is no argument. We all owe an enormous gratitude to unions of the early-mid 20th century. Including teachers.
However after the 1970's....unions became a negative factor instead of a positive one.
And this is especially true for the teachers union. The single largest factor today is protecting teachers from responsibility. Making it practically impossible to fire teachers based on low performance. And that makes our system suffer.
Private schools without unions...not only pay teachers better, but out perform public schools almost 100% of the time.
Since the demise of unions
Worker pay, benefits and job security has plummeted

I agree, but that is not to say they are intrinsically related.
One thing I know we both agree on, and IMO, every American should agree on left or right - is corporatism has been a damning force for the middle class and almost exclusively benefits only a tiny percentage of the population.... the wealthy.
But this is about teachers unions.
No doubt.
It is devastating to employee moral when they see people getting paid exactly, or even more than they are but do half the work or less.
It is way way way way past time for our education system to expel permanently teachers unions that are poisoning the entire system.
Our education ranks EMBARRASSINGLY lower than virtually all other major western civilizations. And to think we STILL have a system that refuses to fire bad teachers.
You would think good teachers would be demanding this to change, but as you can see by the "Admiral" here too many will instead demand it stays the same.

Did you ever think of the other side of the story?

Unions make it possible for good Teachers to make a decent wage, Health benefits and Security that some Superviser can give their job to a friend, as they can with out a Union?

Do you really want your kids, grandkids to go back to a one room School where the Teacher has to live with a family, bring in the firewood,etc?

That way of thinking is why this country is going backward today.

With that idiot at the EPA rolling back Standards, giving his $50 a night landlord a Pipeline deal. While flying around the country on your tax dollars first class,trying to rent a private jet for $100,000 a month.

And your choice of President spending 3 million a week flying to his Golf courses, sucking money into his business.

And you are bitching about Teachers wanting a raise?

That is ridiculous.
Unions do no such thing for teachers anymore.
You can't say "teachers aren't paid enough!"...and then turn around and say that the unions are why they get paid so much. o_O

You just took a couple of words from my post, made up your own tale.

Oh puhleese....you say without unions teachers would have to go back to living with families and carry in firewood and you say I am making stuff up.
Unions were once a VITAL part of the American society as a whole. Unions are what built the middle class, for that, there is no argument. We all owe an enormous gratitude to unions of the early-mid 20th century. Including teachers.
However after the 1970's....unions became a negative factor instead of a positive one.
And this is especially true for the teachers union. The single largest factor today is protecting teachers from responsibility. Making it practically impossible to fire teachers based on low performance. And that makes our system suffer.
Private schools without unions...not only pay teachers better, but out perform public schools almost 100% of the time.
Since the demise of unions
Worker pay, benefits and job security has plummeted

And what caused the demise of the unions?

1. Increasing global competition. When foreign companies produce high quality automobiles at a lower price than American companies do, for example, high American union salaries and benefits are no longer affordable.

2. Lack of flexibility and failure to react to the changing market. The entire work market has changed. It is no longer normal for a person to work for one company for decades. Thus, overly stressing seniority, for example, benefits fewer workers. Unions that fail to adapt to the new reality end up fighting last century's battles.

3. Lack of emphasis on rewarding quality. Workers who excel deserve to be noted and rewarded for doing so. Unions tend to compress everyone into a homogenous mass, where exceptionalism takes second place to seniority. This leaves exceptional workers frustrated.

4. Kill the goose. In their heyday, unions managed to force employers into lavish benefit and retirement packages that assumed eternal rapid growth. When that growth inevitably falls off, the maintainability of the programs also falls off. Being rigidly inflexible leaves them behind.
UNIONS for private business is fine but UNIONS for government employees are no good as it it Taxpayers that pay their wages . Just a comment .
It is a case of priorities of your state and you get what you pay for

These states look at education as nonessential and are willing to hire those who may not be the best available. The bottom of the barrel is good enough to educate their youth
The best of the best do not major in education

Define "best".

Would you or anyone coming out of college work in a field that pays so poorly? It's called dedication.

The top 5% of graduating High school students

And it doesn't say much about your intelligence if you "dedicate" yourself to a job that doesn't pay well

Those top 5% of graduating high school students don't become plumbers or auto mechanics either, both of which pay more than teaching.

The fact that you don't understand is more about you than me.

So what?

IMO a plumber or auto mechanic is more important than a teacher

That's why you are a dumbass!
Some do

We have some excellent teachers. Chasing them into other professions will not help our educational system

Matters not to me. I was smart enough not to have kids. And it's not teachers' salary that is the problem it's that we are asking schools to be something else these days.

And like most government run bureaucracies the schools are top heavy with administrators

These teachers should be calling for the culling of the administrative herd

The fact that you did not reproduce makes us eternally grateful!

We did not have to provide for your offspring and the women thank you especially!

Typical teacher. You think you can't have sex if you don't have kids

If you look anything like your personality, you probably have to pay for it!

If you're as stupid as you sound you think your students are laughing with you not at you

You obviously never paid any attention to your teachers anyway, or you would not be a dumbass!

You do realize many of those things you posted are the reason we find it hard to get or keep good Teachers.

We have 2 Teachers in the family. One left to go into computer technology. The other went into the Medical field.

No doubt.
It is devastating to employee moral when they see people getting paid exactly, or even more than they are but do half the work or less.
It is way way way way past time for our education system to expel permanently teachers unions that are poisoning the entire system.
Our education ranks EMBARRASSINGLY lower than virtually all other major western civilizations. And to think we STILL have a system that refuses to fire bad teachers.
You would think good teachers would be demanding this to change, but as you can see by the "Admiral" here too many will instead demand it stays the same.

Did you ever think of the other side of the story?

Unions make it possible for good Teachers to make a decent wage, Health benefits and Security that some Superviser can give their job to a friend, as they can with out a Union?

Do you really want your kids, grandkids to go back to a one room School where the Teacher has to live with a family, bring in the firewood,etc?

That way of thinking is why this country is going backward today.

With that idiot at the EPA rolling back Standards, giving his $50 a night landlord a Pipeline deal. While flying around the country on your tax dollars first class,trying to rent a private jet for $100,000 a month.

And your choice of President spending 3 million a week flying to his Golf courses, sucking money into his business.

And you are bitching about Teachers wanting a raise?

That is ridiculous.
Unions do no such thing for teachers anymore.
You can't say "teachers aren't paid enough!"...and then turn around and say that the unions are why they get paid so much. o_O

Where did she say that teachers get paid so much? She said decent. Perhaps you should look up the meaning of the word.

Can you imagine what teachers would be making if it were not for unions?

Right now, teachers in our state are decently paid, but our state legislature is taking money away by requiring a higher contribution for every teacher to the retirement fund! Do you know what a pay cut is?

Also, contrary to what is apparently common knowledge, not a dime of my retirement comes from the state, but out of my paycheck! They decide how much to take! I do not get to participate in social security. I lost my social security disability eligibility because I have been out of SS for over 10 years. Now, I have to pay for my own!
For most people and for most situations, Unions are inappropriate and destructive.

Think about it: An employment contract is one of the most important agreements in one's life. I agree to do some work, and another person or entity agrees to compensate me for it. If the compensation is unacceptable, I don't agree. If my work is found to be unacceptable, the other party can terminate the contract. If I find that my work is worth more than my compensation, I can bargain for better compensation, or take my services elsewhere, so that I can receive what I am worth. 90% (roughly) of the people in the private sector live their work lives according to these simple rules.

By introducing a Union into this scenario, a number of insidious factors come into play. It is not MY work that determines may compensation, but the value of EVERYONE's work, from the best to the worst. The best workers are discouraged from performing to their potential, because there is no advantage to doing so. The worst workers find ways of doing as little as possible (and sometimes even sabotaging the work), because they know that they are very unlikely to see any ramifications for their laziness. Personal advancement is discouraged because "standing out" is socially unacceptable in the union community.

Government employment is a lot like Union employment to start with, but then, when you formally adopt collective bargaining along with the "right" to strike, it becomes near evil. In true collective bargaining, both sides must be reasonable. If the Union demands (and gets) too much, the viability of the enterprise is threatened, and everybody loses. When a government union demands too much, management representatives are incentivized to make a good showing of "hard bargaining," but there is never any threat to the enterprise if the contract unreasonably favors the Union, so the end result is a gradual inflation of Union compensation to a level that has no rational relationship to what is being "produced" bye the Union members.

In our public dialog, one thing seldom mentioned is the outrageous generosity of the pensions. The reason it "flies under the radar" is that the outrage is not the monthly or annual AMOUNT of the pensions, it is the DURATION of them. Many government employees (especially teachers) are able to RETIRE in their EARLY 50's! This is insane! They will be, on average, on the public dole for 30 or more years while producing nothing! So when we talk about "low" teacher salaries, remember that their full compensation is more than twice that annual amount, because they will be on the pension-dole for AS LONG AS THEIR WORKING LIVES.

Anyone reading this who goes on cruises will note how many of your fellow cruisers are retired teachers. There are a couple reasons for this: (a) they make a good retirement income, and (b) they are healthy are retired for two or three times as long as their private sector counterparts who retire at a normal 65 or 66. For most people, the time to "have fun" is 8-10 years between retirement and, say 75, at which time activities are significantly curtailed due to the normal ravages of age. But if you retire at 53 (normal for a teacher), you have over 20 years of. healthy, well compensated retirement before you have to significantly slow down.
You do realize many of those things you posted are the reason we find it hard to get or keep good Teachers.

We have 2 Teachers in the family. One left to go into computer technology. The other went into the Medical field.

No doubt.
It is devastating to employee moral when they see people getting paid exactly, or even more than they are but do half the work or less.
It is way way way way past time for our education system to expel permanently teachers unions that are poisoning the entire system.
Our education ranks EMBARRASSINGLY lower than virtually all other major western civilizations. And to think we STILL have a system that refuses to fire bad teachers.
You would think good teachers would be demanding this to change, but as you can see by the "Admiral" here too many will instead demand it stays the same.

Did you ever think of the other side of the story?

Unions make it possible for good Teachers to make a decent wage, Health benefits and Security that some Superviser can give their job to a friend, as they can with out a Union?

Do you really want your kids, grandkids to go back to a one room School where the Teacher has to live with a family, bring in the firewood,etc?

That way of thinking is why this country is going backward today.

With that idiot at the EPA rolling back Standards, giving his $50 a night landlord a Pipeline deal. While flying around the country on your tax dollars first class,trying to rent a private jet for $100,000 a month.

And your choice of President spending 3 million a week flying to his Golf courses, sucking money into his business.

And you are bitching about Teachers wanting a raise?

That is ridiculous.
Unions do no such thing for teachers anymore.
You can't say "teachers aren't paid enough!"...and then turn around and say that the unions are why they get paid so much. o_O

You just took a couple of words from my post, made up your own tale.

Oh puhleese....you say without unions teachers would have to go back to living with families and carry in firewood and you say I am making stuff up.
Unions were once a VITAL part of the American society as a whole. Unions are what built the middle class, for that, there is no argument. We all owe an enormous gratitude to unions of the early-mid 20th century. Including teachers.
However after the 1970's....unions became a negative factor instead of a positive one.
And this is especially true for the teachers union. The single largest factor today is protecting teachers from responsibility. Making it practically impossible to fire teachers based on low performance. And that makes our system suffer.
Private schools without unions...not only pay teachers better, but out perform public schools almost 100% of the time.

So, in your uneducated opinion, unions requiring school districts to follow due process is now considered "protecting teachers"?

Teachers get fired for low performance all the time. You just never hear about it. If an administrator just doesn't like someone, why should they be able to fire them for "poor performance" without documenting anything? Without unions, that is exactly what happens.

As to your claim that private schools pay teachers better, you are completely out to lunch! Private schools teachers usually cannot wait to get to a public schools because their pay and benefits are even worse than ours. I really would like to know where you picked up that ignorant tidbit.
For most people and for most situations, Unions are inappropriate and destructive.

Think about it: An employment contract is one of the most important agreements in one's life. I agree to do some work, and another person or entity agrees to compensate me for it. If the compensation is unacceptable, I don't agree. If my work is found to be unacceptable, the other party can terminate the contract. If I find that my work is worth more than my compensation, I can bargain for better compensation, or take my services elsewhere, so that I can receive what I am worth. 90% (roughly) of the people in the private sector live their work lives according to these simple rules.

By introducing a Union into this scenario, a number of insidious factors come into play. It is not MY work that determines may compensation, but the value of EVERYONE's work, from the best to the worst. The best workers are discouraged from performing to their potential, because there is no advantage to doing so. The worst workers find ways of doing as little as possible (and sometimes even sabotaging the work), because they know that they are very unlikely to see any ramifications for their laziness. Personal advancement is discouraged because "standing out" is socially unacceptable in the union community.

Government employment is a lot like Union employment to start with, but then, when you formally adopt collective bargaining along with the "right" to strike, it becomes near evil. In true collective bargaining, both sides must be reasonable. If the Union demands (and gets) too much, the viability of the enterprise is threatened, and everybody loses. When a government union demands too much, management representatives are incentivized to make a good showing of "hard bargaining," but there is never any threat to the enterprise if the contract unreasonably favors the Union, so the end result is a gradual inflation of Union compensation to a level that has no rational relationship to what is being "produced" bye the Union members.

In our public dialog, one thing seldom mentioned is the outrageous generosity of the pensions. The reason it "flies under the radar" is that the outrage is not the monthly or annual AMOUNT of the pensions, it is the DURATION of them. Many government employees (especially teachers) are able to RETIRE in their EARLY 50's! This is insane! They will be, on average, on the public dole for 30 or more years while producing nothing! So when we talk about "low" teacher salaries, remember that their full compensation is more than twice that annual amount, because they will be on the pension-dole for AS LONG AS THEIR WORKING LIVES.

Anyone reading this who goes on cruises will note how many of your fellow cruisers are retired teachers. There are a couple reasons for this: (a) they make a good retirement income, and (b) they are healthy are retired for two or three times as long as their private sector counterparts who retire at a normal 65 or 66. For most people, the time to "have fun" is 8-10 years between retirement and, say 75, at which time activities are significantly curtailed due to the normal ravages of age. But if you retire at 53 (normal for a teacher), you have over 20 years of. healthy, well compensated retirement before you have to significantly slow down.

Teachers fund their own retirements in my state and many others. Therefore your comments about pensions are ignorant of the facts.

Teacher retirement ages have been raised upwards in the past few decades. Your information is at best outdated. I cannot retire until I am 67 1/2, so go back and revise your false assumptions.

You have done an excellent job of taking anecdotal evidence and using your ignorance to make a good case for your position, but it is simply based on false information.

You do realize many of those things you posted are the reason we find it hard to get or keep good Teachers.

We have 2 Teachers in the family. One left to go into computer technology. The other went into the Medical field.

No doubt.
It is devastating to employee moral when they see people getting paid exactly, or even more than they are but do half the work or less.
It is way way way way past time for our education system to expel permanently teachers unions that are poisoning the entire system.
Our education ranks EMBARRASSINGLY lower than virtually all other major western civilizations. And to think we STILL have a system that refuses to fire bad teachers.
You would think good teachers would be demanding this to change, but as you can see by the "Admiral" here too many will instead demand it stays the same.

Did you ever think of the other side of the story?

Unions make it possible for good Teachers to make a decent wage, Health benefits and Security that some Superviser can give their job to a friend, as they can with out a Union?

Do you really want your kids, grandkids to go back to a one room School where the Teacher has to live with a family, bring in the firewood,etc?

That way of thinking is why this country is going backward today.

With that idiot at the EPA rolling back Standards, giving his $50 a night landlord a Pipeline deal. While flying around the country on your tax dollars first class,trying to rent a private jet for $100,000 a month.

And your choice of President spending 3 million a week flying to his Golf courses, sucking money into his business.

And you are bitching about Teachers wanting a raise?

That is ridiculous.
Unions do no such thing for teachers anymore.
You can't say "teachers aren't paid enough!"...and then turn around and say that the unions are why they get paid so much. o_O

Where did she say that teachers get paid so much? She said decent. Perhaps you should look up the meaning of the word.

Can you imagine what teachers would be making if it were not for unions?

Right now, teachers in our state are decently paid, but our state legislature is taking money away by requiring a higher contribution for every teacher to the retirement fund! Do you know what a pay cut is?

Also, contrary to what is apparently common knowledge, not a dime of my retirement comes from the state, but out of my paycheck! They decide how much to take! I do not get to participate in social security. I lost my social security disability eligibility because I have been out of SS for over 10 years. Now, I have to pay for my own!

Hahaha..... and all of us in the private industry have been doing this for over a decade...welcome to the crowd.
You do realize many of those things you posted are the reason we find it hard to get or keep good Teachers.

We have 2 Teachers in the family. One left to go into computer technology. The other went into the Medical field.

No doubt.
It is devastating to employee moral when they see people getting paid exactly, or even more than they are but do half the work or less.
It is way way way way past time for our education system to expel permanently teachers unions that are poisoning the entire system.
Our education ranks EMBARRASSINGLY lower than virtually all other major western civilizations. And to think we STILL have a system that refuses to fire bad teachers.
You would think good teachers would be demanding this to change, but as you can see by the "Admiral" here too many will instead demand it stays the same.

Did you ever think of the other side of the story?

Unions make it possible for good Teachers to make a decent wage, Health benefits and Security that some Superviser can give their job to a friend, as they can with out a Union?

Do you really want your kids, grandkids to go back to a one room School where the Teacher has to live with a family, bring in the firewood,etc?

That way of thinking is why this country is going backward today.

With that idiot at the EPA rolling back Standards, giving his $50 a night landlord a Pipeline deal. While flying around the country on your tax dollars first class,trying to rent a private jet for $100,000 a month.

And your choice of President spending 3 million a week flying to his Golf courses, sucking money into his business.

And you are bitching about Teachers wanting a raise?

That is ridiculous.
Unions do no such thing for teachers anymore.
You can't say "teachers aren't paid enough!"...and then turn around and say that the unions are why they get paid so much. o_O

Where did she say that teachers get paid so much? She said decent. Perhaps you should look up the meaning of the word.

Can you imagine what teachers would be making if it were not for unions?

Right now, teachers in our state are decently paid, but our state legislature is taking money away by requiring a higher contribution for every teacher to the retirement fund! Do you know what a pay cut is?

Also, contrary to what is apparently common knowledge, not a dime of my retirement comes from the state, but out of my paycheck! They decide how much to take! I do not get to participate in social security. I lost my social security disability eligibility because I have been out of SS for over 10 years. Now, I have to pay for my own!

Hahaha..... and all of us in the private industry have been doing this for over a decade...welcome to the crowd.

So you don't have SS, dumbass?
No doubt.
It is devastating to employee moral when they see people getting paid exactly, or even more than they are but do half the work or less.
It is way way way way past time for our education system to expel permanently teachers unions that are poisoning the entire system.
Our education ranks EMBARRASSINGLY lower than virtually all other major western civilizations. And to think we STILL have a system that refuses to fire bad teachers.
You would think good teachers would be demanding this to change, but as you can see by the "Admiral" here too many will instead demand it stays the same.

Did you ever think of the other side of the story?

Unions make it possible for good Teachers to make a decent wage, Health benefits and Security that some Superviser can give their job to a friend, as they can with out a Union?

Do you really want your kids, grandkids to go back to a one room School where the Teacher has to live with a family, bring in the firewood,etc?

That way of thinking is why this country is going backward today.

With that idiot at the EPA rolling back Standards, giving his $50 a night landlord a Pipeline deal. While flying around the country on your tax dollars first class,trying to rent a private jet for $100,000 a month.

And your choice of President spending 3 million a week flying to his Golf courses, sucking money into his business.

And you are bitching about Teachers wanting a raise?

That is ridiculous.
Unions do no such thing for teachers anymore.
You can't say "teachers aren't paid enough!"...and then turn around and say that the unions are why they get paid so much. o_O

Where did she say that teachers get paid so much? She said decent. Perhaps you should look up the meaning of the word.

Can you imagine what teachers would be making if it were not for unions?

Right now, teachers in our state are decently paid, but our state legislature is taking money away by requiring a higher contribution for every teacher to the retirement fund! Do you know what a pay cut is?

Also, contrary to what is apparently common knowledge, not a dime of my retirement comes from the state, but out of my paycheck! They decide how much to take! I do not get to participate in social security. I lost my social security disability eligibility because I have been out of SS for over 10 years. Now, I have to pay for my own!

Hahaha..... and all of us in the private industry have been doing this for over a decade...welcome to the crowd.

So you don't have SS, dumbass?

Go to hell stupid ass, if you can't talk like an adult without juvenile name calling then don't post like you are an adult.
Lots of states don't give government workers social security because they opted for providing better benefits under a state pension. And indeed, government state pensions overwhelmingly provide better retirement bene's than SS.

Now, act like an adult jack ass.
The best of the best do not major in education

Define "best".

Would you or anyone coming out of college work in a field that pays so poorly? It's called dedication.

The top 5% of graduating High school students

And it doesn't say much about your intelligence if you "dedicate" yourself to a job that doesn't pay well

Those top 5% of graduating high school students don't become plumbers or auto mechanics either, both of which pay more than teaching.

The fact that you don't understand is more about you than me.

So what?

IMO a plumber or auto mechanic is more important than a teacher

That's why you are a dumbass!

You're so full of shit you must have a plumber on retainer
Matters not to me. I was smart enough not to have kids. And it's not teachers' salary that is the problem it's that we are asking schools to be something else these days.

And like most government run bureaucracies the schools are top heavy with administrators

These teachers should be calling for the culling of the administrative herd

The fact that you did not reproduce makes us eternally grateful!

We did not have to provide for your offspring and the women thank you especially!

Typical teacher. You think you can't have sex if you don't have kids

If you look anything like your personality, you probably have to pay for it!

If you're as stupid as you sound you think your students are laughing with you not at you

You obviously never paid any attention to your teachers anyway, or you would not be a dumbass!

There is nothing I learned in school I couldn't have learned on my own
Did you ever think of the other side of the story?

Unions make it possible for good Teachers to make a decent wage, Health benefits and Security that some Superviser can give their job to a friend, as they can with out a Union?

Do you really want your kids, grandkids to go back to a one room School where the Teacher has to live with a family, bring in the firewood,etc?

That way of thinking is why this country is going backward today.

With that idiot at the EPA rolling back Standards, giving his $50 a night landlord a Pipeline deal. While flying around the country on your tax dollars first class,trying to rent a private jet for $100,000 a month.

And your choice of President spending 3 million a week flying to his Golf courses, sucking money into his business.

And you are bitching about Teachers wanting a raise?

That is ridiculous.
Unions do no such thing for teachers anymore.
You can't say "teachers aren't paid enough!"...and then turn around and say that the unions are why they get paid so much. o_O

Where did she say that teachers get paid so much? She said decent. Perhaps you should look up the meaning of the word.

Can you imagine what teachers would be making if it were not for unions?

Right now, teachers in our state are decently paid, but our state legislature is taking money away by requiring a higher contribution for every teacher to the retirement fund! Do you know what a pay cut is?

Also, contrary to what is apparently common knowledge, not a dime of my retirement comes from the state, but out of my paycheck! They decide how much to take! I do not get to participate in social security. I lost my social security disability eligibility because I have been out of SS for over 10 years. Now, I have to pay for my own!

Hahaha..... and all of us in the private industry have been doing this for over a decade...welcome to the crowd.

So you don't have SS, dumbass?

Go to hell stupid ass, if you can't talk like an adult without juvenile name calling then don't post like you are an adult.
Lots of states don't give government workers social security because they opted for providing better benefits under a state pension. And indeed, government state pensions overwhelmingly provide better retirement bene's than SS.

Now, act like an adult jack ass.

More idiocy! Where do you come up with this endless supply you seem to have?
The fact that you did not reproduce makes us eternally grateful!

We did not have to provide for your offspring and the women thank you especially!

Typical teacher. You think you can't have sex if you don't have kids

If you look anything like your personality, you probably have to pay for it!

If you're as stupid as you sound you think your students are laughing with you not at you

You obviously never paid any attention to your teachers anyway, or you would not be a dumbass!

There is nothing I learned in school I couldn't have learned on my own

I have no doubt that is true. Being an asshole is something you have accomplished all alone!
Typical teacher. You think you can't have sex if you don't have kids

If you look anything like your personality, you probably have to pay for it!

If you're as stupid as you sound you think your students are laughing with you not at you

You obviously never paid any attention to your teachers anyway, or you would not be a dumbass!

There is nothing I learned in school I couldn't have learned on my own

I have no doubt that is true. Being an asshole is something you have accomplished all alone!

Funny Like I care what you think.

I don't even remember most of the names of my high school teachers.

You are all utterly forgettable.

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