Teacher Compensation

When are you going to mention student responsibility? Waiting. A teacher can put it out there but if a kid refuses to learn again you are blaming only one person. Wow how dog dung dumb.

You bet.
We have a cultural problem in America. Once endemic to primarily urban areas, is becoming pandemic across the whole country.
But this is what happens when you have a society without a moral compass.
But that is a different situation than bad teachers.
When are you going to mention student responsibility? Waiting. A teacher can put it out there but if a kid refuses to learn again you are blaming only one person. Wow how dog dung dumb.
----------------------------------- maybe huh , but to me it is WHAT the schools do not teach that i only hear about . For example , schools don't teach the Constitution , or Civics and then there are no practical skills like Home EC. or carpentry / shop or the USE of tools . And like i admit , i have been out of School for a long time . But yeah , young 'hip hoppers' just sit in class and say , feck this INIT .
When are you going to mention student responsibility? Waiting. A teacher can put it out there but if a kid refuses to learn again you are blaming only one person. Wow how dog dung dumb.
----------------------------------- maybe huh , but to me it is WHAT the schools do not teach that i only hear about . For example , schools don't teach the Constitution , or Civics and then there are no practical skills like Home EC. or carpentry / shop or the USE of tools . And like i admit , i have been out of School for a long time . But yeah , young 'hip hoppers' just sit in class and say , feck this INIT .

If that's not being taught and you think it should, you should participate and contact your State's School Board! Make your voice heard.
yeah , Teachers HIGH STANDARDS !! --- Married Teachers Accused of Sexual Abuse of Student --- husband and wife team , check it out MaryAnn !!

Out of 3.2 million teachers, you found 2 who didn't live up to standards...way to go!
--------------------------------------------- no , no and no . There are all kinds of these deviant teacher out there INIT !!

Create a list. Then, tell us what percentage of teachers are deviant.
When are you going to mention student responsibility? Waiting. A teacher can put it out there but if a kid refuses to learn again you are blaming only one person. Wow how dog dung dumb.
----------------------------------- maybe huh , but to me it is WHAT the schools do not teach that i only hear about . For example , schools don't teach the Constitution , or Civics and then there are no practical skills like Home EC. or carpentry / shop or the USE of tools . And like i admit , i have been out of School for a long time . But yeah , young 'hip hoppers' just sit in class and say , feck this INIT .

If that's not being taught and you think it should, you should participate and contact your State's School Board! Make your voice heard.
--------------------------- feck that , my kids are grown and i want to see if my CURSE on lefties , millenials , hip hop and anti American types that are building a falling down society for themselves and their kids is accurate . I want to see if my Curse comes true . So I say 'feck' these lefty people as they have NO Common sense and its a waste of time to try to talk common sense to them . Lets see what happens Hunarcy !! .
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yeah , Teachers HIGH STANDARDS !! --- Married Teachers Accused of Sexual Abuse of Student --- husband and wife team , check it out MaryAnn !!

Out of 3.2 million teachers, you found 2 who didn't live up to standards...way to go!
--------------------------------------------- no , no and no . There are all kinds of these deviant teacher out there INIT !!

Create a list. Then, tell us what percentage of teachers are deviant.
--------------------------------------------- not a percentage but this is some information for YOU Hunarcy . --- http://mobile.wnd.com/2014/08/39783/5/ --- just a start though HArcy .
but it looks like its about 26 or so pages of DEVIANT Teachers in just 2 articles or pages over the years and its probably gotten worse as more Young Teachers are hired . ------------------------ and they ALL want more money and respect Hunarcy .

You do realize many of those things you posted are the reason we find it hard to get or keep good Teachers.

We have 2 Teachers in the family. One left to go into computer technology. The other went into the Medical field.

No doubt.
It is devastating to employee moral when they see people getting paid exactly, or even more than they are but do half the work or less.
It is way way way way past time for our education system to expel permanently teachers unions that are poisoning the entire system.
Our education ranks EMBARRASSINGLY lower than virtually all other major western civilizations. And to think we STILL have a system that refuses to fire bad teachers.
You would think good teachers would be demanding this to change, but as you can see by the "Admiral" here too many will instead demand it stays the same.

You are EMBARRASSINGLY ignorant about teachers and education. You have bought into the talking points expressed by education bashers.

Where have I demanded it stay the same? I tried changing it when I was an administrator, but my principal decided to give my job to her best friend. There was no union to complain to, as administrators are not represented by a union. I do my best to change it every day in the classroom. What have you done?

Bitching about falsehoods that you believed seems to be your forte.
When are you going to mention student responsibility? Waiting. A teacher can put it out there but if a kid refuses to learn again you are blaming only one person. Wow how dog dung dumb.
----------------------------------- maybe huh , but to me it is WHAT the schools do not teach that i only hear about . For example , schools don't teach the Constitution , or Civics .... .

Wrong again.
I notice that not one pister/basher puts one ounce of responsibility in the students. So if a kid is a complete truant/ disruption and won't do an ounce of work and fall its the fault of the teacher. I believe some of you think all kids just anxiously await to be taught and spend time working at it. What about the growing percentage who do nothing..no studying no work turn in total disengaged. The ones who bring your beloved test scores down? Its the teachers fault correct? You are nuts.
A large percentage of students don’t see the value of education, especially in HS. .....

What percentage? Proof?
It is part of the Conservative playbook

Support unfettered accumulation of wealth for the one percent

Attack as excessive any wage earned by teachers, cops....even minimum wage jobs

More lies from the hyper-partisan left.

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