Teacher Compensation

It is a case of priorities of your state and you get what you pay for

These states look at education as nonessential and are willing to hire those who may not be the best available. The bottom of the barrel is good enough to educate their youth
The best of the best do not major in education

Define "best".

Would you or anyone coming out of college work in a field that pays so poorly? It's called dedication.
It is a case of priorities of your state and you get what you pay for

These states look at education as nonessential and are willing to hire those who may not be the best available. The bottom of the barrel is good enough to educate their youth
The best of the best do not major in education

Some do

We have some excellent teachers. Chasing them into other professions will not help our educational system

Matters not to me. I was smart enough not to have kids. And it's not teachers' salary that is the problem it's that we are asking schools to be something else these days.

And like most government run bureaucracies the schools are top heavy with administrators

These teachers should be calling for the culling of the administrative herd

The fact that you did not reproduce makes us eternally grateful!

We did not have to provide for your offspring and the women thank you especially!
It is a case of priorities of your state and you get what you pay for

These states look at education as nonessential and are willing to hire those who may not be the best available. The bottom of the barrel is good enough to educate their youth
The best of the best do not major in education

Define "best".

Would you or anyone coming out of college work in a field that pays so poorly? It's called dedication.

The top 5% of graduating High school students

And it doesn't say much about your intelligence if you "dedicate" yourself to a job that doesn't pay well
It is a case of priorities of your state and you get what you pay for

These states look at education as nonessential and are willing to hire those who may not be the best available. The bottom of the barrel is good enough to educate their youth
The best of the best do not major in education

Some do

We have some excellent teachers. Chasing them into other professions will not help our educational system

Matters not to me. I was smart enough not to have kids. And it's not teachers' salary that is the problem it's that we are asking schools to be something else these days.

And like most government run bureaucracies the schools are top heavy with administrators

These teachers should be calling for the culling of the administrative herd

The fact that you did not reproduce makes us eternally grateful!

We did not have to provide for your offspring and the women thank you especially!

Typical teacher. You think you can't have sex if you don't have kids
It is a case of priorities of your state and you get what you pay for

These states look at education as nonessential and are willing to hire those who may not be the best available. The bottom of the barrel is good enough to educate their youth
The best of the best do not major in education

Define "best".

Would you or anyone coming out of college work in a field that pays so poorly? It's called dedication.
------------------------------------------- so , its like i say , you take the job and then feck the kids over until you can squeeze more MONEY from the taxpaying public that pays your salaries eh Admiral ??
It is a case of priorities of your state and you get what you pay for

These states look at education as nonessential and are willing to hire those who may not be the best available. The bottom of the barrel is good enough to educate their youth
The best of the best do not major in education

Define "best".

Would you or anyone coming out of college work in a field that pays so poorly? It's called dedication.

The top 5% of graduating High school students

And it doesn't say much about your intelligence if you "dedicate" yourself to a job that doesn't pay well

Those top 5% of graduating high school students don't become plumbers or auto mechanics either, both of which pay more than teaching.

The fact that you don't understand is more about you than me.
It is a case of priorities of your state and you get what you pay for

These states look at education as nonessential and are willing to hire those who may not be the best available. The bottom of the barrel is good enough to educate their youth
The best of the best do not major in education

Some do

We have some excellent teachers. Chasing them into other professions will not help our educational system

Matters not to me. I was smart enough not to have kids. And it's not teachers' salary that is the problem it's that we are asking schools to be something else these days.

And like most government run bureaucracies the schools are top heavy with administrators

These teachers should be calling for the culling of the administrative herd

The fact that you did not reproduce makes us eternally grateful!

We did not have to provide for your offspring and the women thank you especially!

Typical teacher. You think you can't have sex if you don't have kids

If you look anything like your personality, you probably have to pay for it!

You do realize many of those things you posted are the reason we find it hard to get or keep good Teachers.

We have 2 Teachers in the family. One left to go into computer technology. The other went into the Medical field.
My wife was a teacher for 29 years.

Got every summer off, two weeks at Christmas, a week in the Spring and every holiday. Went into work a couple of hours later than me every day and was always home earlier. Never had to work a weekend.

When she was first starting she worked at home at night a little bit grading and planning but after getting a little experience she didn't have to do that any more.

Great job for he sandwich maker. Her salary paid our combined Federal, State and Local taxes for the year so that we could live on my Engineer's salary.

Never once complained about the pay.

Suck it up Buttercups.

What did she teach? P.E.?

Either that or she must have been a lousy teacher. Was this was 20 years ago?

Your wife never attended a sporting event, play, or exhibition on the weekend? Never had to grade papers? Never had to enter grades into a computer? Never had to plan a lesson or a unit?


Sorry Moon Bat but she was a great teacher. She won an award from the Jimmy Carter Administration for being a good teacher and she went to a White House ceremony to get the award. The award was for teaching disadvantage kids. You know, the hard stuff.

What else you got Moon Bat?

I am a Moon Bat, but your wife received an award from an administration that was in office 40 years ago?

I graduated from high school 40 years ago! I guess your job as a typewriter repairman made for a good income.

Totally clueless doesn't even begin to describe how out of touch you are.

I have been in the classroom since 1996. Nothing today compares to when I first started.

Not all teachers are Left Wing assholes like you Moon Bat. Some actually have good conservative values.

I was really proud of my wife back in the 1970s.

When she first started teaching she joined the teacher's union because they had good liability insurance. However, she found out they were using her dues money to support filthy ass Democrat candidates. She quit the union and got professional liability coverage under our homeowners insurance. Thank god that Florida is a right to work state so she could tell the filthy union to go shove it.

Teaching was a good way for her to help the family income by earning enough money to pay our combined Federal State and local taxes each year.

If the stupid cost of government wasn't so high she wouldn't have had to be a working Mom just so our family could get ahead..

You honestly think teaching in the 1970’s has any comparison to today?

You should have been proud of your wife for her accomplishments then.

But it is a whole new world in Teaching today.

You do realize many of those things you posted are the reason we find it hard to get or keep good Teachers.

We have 2 Teachers in the family. One left to go into computer technology. The other went into the Medical field.
--------------------------------- GOOD , Good to see them gone . They can not harm American school kids anymore . Except maybe their own widdle lefties Mary Ann .
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generally speaking i do not think that teachers of the last 30 - 40 years are well educated MaryAnn .

Well, I disagree with you. I think the standards they have to live by are very high.
------------------------- sure you do , you are a teacher , probably millenial or younger . You have no experience with an older and better America MaryAnn .
you Teachers are not the Pillars of Society as you may have been seen in the past Admiral Teacher !!

You do know you have made a complete ass of yourself in this thread?

Arguing with Teachers who know what Teaching is.

You failed!

You do realize many of those things you posted are the reason we find it hard to get or keep good Teachers.

We have 2 Teachers in the family. One left to go into computer technology. The other went into the Medical field.

No doubt.
It is devastating to employee moral when they see people getting paid exactly, or even more than they are but do half the work or less.
It is way way way way past time for our education system to expel permanently teachers unions that are poisoning the entire system.
Our education ranks EMBARRASSINGLY lower than virtually all other major western civilizations. And to think we STILL have a system that refuses to fire bad teachers.
You would think good teachers would be demanding this to change, but as you can see by the "Admiral" here too many will instead demand it stays the same.
When are you going to mention student responsibility? Waiting. A teacher can put it out there but if a kid refuses to learn again you are blaming only one person. Wow how dog dung dumb.

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