Teacher Compensation

.......They think that reading in a complicated language like English is equal to much simpler languages all over the world. ......


You have never seen reading skills compared between the US and other countries?

Your assumptions about comparative linguistics are just that.

I don't want to argue with you, but your bias is showing.

What bias would that be?
.......They think that reading in a complicated language like English is equal to much simpler languages all over the world. ......


You have never seen reading skills compared between the US and other countries?

Your assumptions about comparative linguistics are just that.

I don't want to argue with you, but your bias is showing.

What bias would that be?

If you don't know, that is your problem. Let's try to slay the dragons and leave the lizards alone.

You have never seen reading skills compared between the US and other countries?

Your assumptions about comparative linguistics are just that.

I don't want to argue with you, but your bias is showing.

What bias would that be?

If you don't know, that is your problem. ........

It's ok, you can tell me. It won't make the "you teachers have it soooo easy!" morons any more difficult to knock down.
I notice that not one pister/basher puts one ounce of responsibility in the students. So if a kid is a complete truant/ disruption and won't do an ounce of work and fall its the fault of the teacher. I believe some of you think all kids just anxiously await to be taught and spend time working at it. What about the growing percentage who do nothing..no studying no work turn in total disengaged. The ones who bring your beloved test scores down? Its the teachers fault correct? You are nuts.
I notice that not one pister/basher puts one ounce of responsibility in the students. So if a kid is a complete truant/ disruption and won't do an ounce of work and fall its the fault of the teacher. I believe some of you think all kids just anxiously await to be taught and spend time working at it. What about the growing percentage who do nothing..no studying no work turn in total disengaged. The ones who bring your beloved test scores down? Its the teachers fault correct? You are nuts.
A large percentage of students don’t see the value of education, especially in HS. They are there because attendance is mandatory. The state has decided the topics that the student is supposed to be taught. It’s kind of like trying to get a two year old to eat food that he has already decided that he does not like.
Sorry you don’t like it.

So what is your expertise in this area? Many of us responding to you are teachers. Apparently you are spewing BS to make yourself feel better about your miserable life.

So I am supposed to bow down now and say "hail to the teachers"?
The teaching profession is the same as any other profession...there are good employees and lousy employees. Just because a person is a teacher, doesn't mean they are automatically just that awesome.
I had wonderful teachers in my life, and more than a few truly awful ones. And nothing is done about those truly awful ones. In system after system.
What makes me an expert? I can read. And I can see and hear.
When my kids went through school everyone knew there were teachers you did NOT want your kids to go to. Teachers teaching the same class as others only their students get poorer grades and struggle to pass placement test for college. But the system does nothing.
If you think you are going to sit there and convince America that there is nothing wrong with the teachers union - you are going to be woefully disappointed.
I had teachers that even now at 53, I still think about fondly. Not just very good at what they do, but were really nice people. My two kids had teachers that I appreciated very much. And I have ZERO problem with teachers getting paid better, as long as the teachers unions and the system cleans themselves up and does something about bad teachers.
As a teacher, I cannot comprehend why you would deny their existence.

I never denied their existence. You are using a broad brush to paint all teachers in a negative light. Just go back and read your posts.

You may be able to read, but have you ever considered the source of your information and the locations where all of the negative stories originate? Of course you haven't because that destroys your trolling!
Nah...you’re just way too sensitive. Any negative statement about your profession and you go off the deep end and want to label them a hater. You also need to use the reading comprehension you expect from your students and noticed I also had plenty of compliments

Not true. You have shown yourself to be the same type of hater as many that I have on ignore for stupidity above and beyond the call of duty.

BTW, you are not qualified to assess me. That is another concept you haters cannot understand.
Haha.....holier than though, haughty faculty lounge type of teacher eh?
Kentucky and Oklahoma. Arizona next! Yes, indeedy. It's happening.
generally speaking i do not think that teachers of the last 30 - 40 years are well educated MaryAnn .
So what is your expertise in this area? Many of us responding to you are teachers. Apparently you are spewing BS to make yourself feel better about your miserable life.

So I am supposed to bow down now and say "hail to the teachers"?
The teaching profession is the same as any other profession...there are good employees and lousy employees. Just because a person is a teacher, doesn't mean they are automatically just that awesome.
I had wonderful teachers in my life, and more than a few truly awful ones. And nothing is done about those truly awful ones. In system after system.
What makes me an expert? I can read. And I can see and hear.
When my kids went through school everyone knew there were teachers you did NOT want your kids to go to. Teachers teaching the same class as others only their students get poorer grades and struggle to pass placement test for college. But the system does nothing.
If you think you are going to sit there and convince America that there is nothing wrong with the teachers union - you are going to be woefully disappointed.
I had teachers that even now at 53, I still think about fondly. Not just very good at what they do, but were really nice people. My two kids had teachers that I appreciated very much. And I have ZERO problem with teachers getting paid better, as long as the teachers unions and the system cleans themselves up and does something about bad teachers.
As a teacher, I cannot comprehend why you would deny their existence.

I never denied their existence. You are using a broad brush to paint all teachers in a negative light. Just go back and read your posts.

You may be able to read, but have you ever considered the source of your information and the locations where all of the negative stories originate? Of course you haven't because that destroys your trolling!
Nah...you’re just way too sensitive. Any negative statement about your profession and you go off the deep end and want to label them a hater. You also need to use the reading comprehension you expect from your students and noticed I also had plenty of compliments

Not true. You have shown yourself to be the same type of hater as many that I have on ignore for stupidity above and beyond the call of duty.

BTW, you are not qualified to assess me. That is another concept you haters cannot understand.
Haha.....holier than though, haughty faculty lounge type of teacher eh?

You apparently would not know a faculty lounge if someone locked you in it! Lounge? Folding chairs around a table to eat lunch. That's about it!

It is a fact that you cannot assess me because you are an ignorant troll. That is all. Have a nice day!
hey look , lots of people see what YOU teachers are and at least thats a start Admiral Teacher !!
you Teachers are not the Pillars of Society as you may have been seen in the past Admiral Teacher !!

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