Teacher Compensation

The Envy and Greed is on the part of Teachers Unions who hold students hostage in order to extract excessive pensions and benefits.

I'm wondering if someone can link to some recent studies of what retirement pensions and benefits are per state.

Rank and file people like me please, not cherry picked pensions for top earners like the Division Superintendent.

I'm in Virginia and part of of the same retirement system that teachers are in. I'm a non-hybrid employee that will be able to retire at 65 with and the plane will provide $2,300 per month and I get to have medical through Medicare (not through my employer).

That's $27,600 a year in a retirement pension.

I don't see that as an excessive pension.

Excessive pensions...laughable only said by snowflakes. Laughable. But you gotta love their drivel. Assuredly they worship at the altar of the rich and corporate sleezeballs who would forsake them in a heartbeat. Unreal how super done are.
Excessive pensions...laughable only said by snowflakes. Laughable. But you gotta love their drivel. Assuredly they worship at the altar of the rich and corporate sleezeballs who would forsake them in a heartbeat. Unreal how super done are.
An employee working 40 years and earning a comfortable retirement enrages conservatives
Since the demise of unions
Worker pay, benefits and job security has plummeted

I agree, but that is not to say they are intrinsically related.
One thing I know we both agree on, and IMO, every American should agree on left or right - is corporatism has been a damning force for the middle class and almost exclusively benefits only a tiny percentage of the population.... the wealthy.
But this is about teachers unions.
There is nobody to stand up to corporate America in defense of the workers

Republicans have instituted an “every man for himself” mentality and the workers have suffered as corporate America gets a compliant workforce

Oh like no Democrats have taken part in turning America into a corporatocracy ...really RW?
C'mon. The name Larry Summers mean anything to you? Robert Rubin? Timothy Geithner? The entire Agri-Business? The corruption of the entire finance industry took place over the past 30 years....both sides have taken part, no way only one side could have so thoroughly polluted the system.
And I know you already know this.
Republicans have made it part of their platform to destroy unions

Workers have suffered

Link to the platform that says that?
Here ya go professor

GOP plans new assault on unions
We as a nation demand a top notch education but are are too fucking cheap to pay for it.

We do not respect teachers.

We do not really respect education. Least of all in red states.
So massive strikes against such State Education Systems are bullshit. As with collective bargaining, they are a Leftist-led assault on the hapless taxpayers, in the name of "fairness."

Damn those republicans that get automatic raises when serving in legislature....
The Envy and Greed is on the part of Teachers Unions who hold students hostage in order to extract excessive pensions and benefits.

I'm wondering if someone can link to some recent studies of what retirement pensions and benefits are per state.

Rank and file people like me please, not cherry picked pensions for top earners like the Division Superintendent.

I'm in Virginia and part of of the same retirement system that teachers are in. I'm a non-hybrid employee that will be able to retire at 65 with and the plane will provide $2,300 per month and I get to have medical through Medicare (not through my employer).

That's $27,600 a year in a retirement pension.

I don't see that as an excessive pension.


That's more than the minimum wage workers who pay for your compensation will get from Social Security.
We as a nation demand a top notch education but are are too fucking cheap to pay for it.

We do not respect teachers.

We do not really respect education. Least of all in red states.
I think red states look at education as an annoyance
The Envy and Greed is on the part of Teachers Unions who hold students hostage in order to extract excessive pensions and benefits.

I'm wondering if someone can link to some recent studies of what retirement pensions and benefits are per state.

Rank and file people like me please, not cherry picked pensions for top earners like the Division Superintendent.

I'm in Virginia and part of of the same retirement system that teachers are in. I'm a non-hybrid employee that will be able to retire at 65 with and the plane will provide $2,300 per month and I get to have medical through Medicare (not through my employer).

That's $27,600 a year in a retirement pension.

I don't see that as an excessive pension.


That's more than the minimum wage workers who pay for your compensation will get from Social Security.
And you want teachers with a professional degree at minimum to be financial compared with minimum wage workers. Kind of proves the teachers' point about the disrespect trumpanzees have for education.
The Envy and Greed is on the part of Teachers Unions who hold students hostage in order to extract excessive pensions and benefits.

I'm wondering if someone can link to some recent studies of what retirement pensions and benefits are per state.

Rank and file people like me please, not cherry picked pensions for top earners like the Division Superintendent.

I'm in Virginia and part of of the same retirement system that teachers are in. I'm a non-hybrid employee that will be able to retire at 65 with and the plane will provide $2,300 per month and I get to have medical through Medicare (not through my employer).

That's $27,600 a year in a retirement pension.

I don't see that as an excessive pension.


That's more than the minimum wage workers who pay for your compensation will get from Social Security.

Since when do minimum wage workers pay a significant amount of property tax? Pardon me but your ignorance is showing.
Why do right wingers hate teachers? I truly don’t understand why they degrade them to the point where even a modest pension is considered excessive. You deserve what you get, failing schools, crumbling infrastructure, substandard teaching by u qualified teachers, because you don’t value the profession enough to demand quality AND pay for it.

You can’t compare US schools to homogenous countries like Finland but can to Canada. Canadian teachers have high levels of education, and are payed well. They are also respected as a profession.
Why do right wingers hate teachers?....

They don't.

Far too many conservatives have bought into the indoctrination myth, so they do hate teachers!

No, they don't. They don't like the system that's in place right now that is failing to educate the children. They don't like the fact that it can be very difficult if not impossible to remove bad teachers and that good teachers are not often rewarded for their excellence. They don't like the fact that we spend far more per student than most countries that are outperforming our students. They don't like the fact that students feeling good about themselves and knowing how to put a condom on a banana SEEMS more important than whether they can read, write, and make change for a dollar.

But they don't hate teachers.
Why do right wingers hate teachers?....

They don't.

Far too many conservatives have bought into the indoctrination myth, so they do hate teachers!

No, they don't. They don't like the system that's in place right now that is failing to educate the children. They don't like the fact that it can be very difficult if not impossible to remove bad teachers and that good teachers are not often rewarded for their excellence. They don't like the fact that we spend far more per student than most countries that are outperforming our students. They don't like the fact that students feeling good about themselves and knowing how to put a condom on a banana SEEMS more important than whether they can read, write, and make change for a dollar.

But they don't hate teachers.

So, you have bought into the "indoctrination" hoax?

You just listed lie after lie, with a few half-truths thrown in for good measure. Why do you not know what you are doing?
That's more than the minimum wage workers who pay for your compensation will get from Social Security.

I'm sorry, you said "excessive". I don't think that after working for a career that 35% of working salary is excessive.

Move the goal posts much? You were the one that says that rank-and-file retirements are excessive. Sorry I got an education and worked for a career not at minimum wage. (Not)


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