Teacher Compensation

I'm sorry, you said "excessive". I don't think that after working for a career that 35% of working salary is excessive.

Move the goal posts much? You were the one that says that rank-and-file retirements are excessive. Sorry I got an education and worked for a career not at minimum wage. (Not)


Here's what normal people have to do: save for their own retirements.

“Normal people” don’t get social security?

For people working today, SS is a net loss. We would all do better investing that money for ourselves. The unfunded liability is so huge that the Feds are going to "solve" it with inflation and cutting benefits. Anyone planning to rely on SS to support their retirement is fooling himself.

That’s a failure of government

No, it's the inevitable failure of a collectivist policy. Sooner or later you run out of other people's money.

I don’t disagree, but you pay into Social Security. It’s your money that government failed to manage correctly
They don't.

Far too many conservatives have bought into the indoctrination myth, so they do hate teachers!

No, they don't. They don't like the system that's in place right now that is failing to educate the children. They don't like the fact that it can be very difficult if not impossible to remove bad teachers and that good teachers are not often rewarded for their excellence. They don't like the fact that we spend far more per student than most countries that are outperforming our students. They don't like the fact that students feeling good about themselves and knowing how to put a condom on a banana SEEMS more important than whether they can read, write, and make change for a dollar.

But they don't hate teachers.

So, you have bought into the "indoctrination" hoax?

You just listed lie after lie, with a few half-truths thrown in for good measure. Why do you not know what you are doing?

Can you be specific?

See the quote above.

Red text - lie.
Orange text - Half truth.
-------------------------------------------------------- the good thing is that many see many teachers as unAmerican enemies and that all by itself is a good thing Hun and Admiral !!
Why do right wingers hate teachers? I truly don’t understand why they degrade them to the point where even a modest pension is considered excessive. You deserve what you get, failing schools, crumbling infrastructure, substandard teaching by u qualified teachers, because you don’t value the profession enough to demand quality AND pay for it.

You can’t compare US schools to homogenous countries like Finland but can to Canada. Canadian teachers have high levels of education, and are payed well. They are also respected as a profession.

Oh Good Lord... look through every post I have made here and you will see peppered in there how I appreciate teachers, how I had some great teachers, how my kids had some teachers that were really good.
HOWEVER... there are bad teachers. Too many. And they are protected by an ingrained system that shuffles them around, pays them to do nothing...or worse the Principle has his hands tied so just leaves them in the classroom.
That does not mean I hate teachers for f*cks sake.

Really? Who are these teachers? Can you name them personally?

The PRINCIPAL does not have their hands tied. They are more likely the problem in that he or she did not document the deficiencies you claim exist. Do you even know their responsibilities?

What makes you think these are "bad" teachers? What constitutes a bad teacher to you?

My money is you can't answer these questions because you are parroting talking points, just like you can't spell "principal".

You again?....blah blah blah.

Of course I can name the bad teachers I had, and my kids had. Everyone knew who they were/are.
What is a bad teacher? What kind of a question is that anyway? You ever hear the term 'self-evident'?
Your money? According to you, you don't have any. So it is moot.

Ah, you cannot answer the question. Typical.
Here's what normal people have to do: save for their own retirements.

“Normal people” don’t get social security?

For people working today, SS is a net loss. We would all do better investing that money for ourselves. The unfunded liability is so huge that the Feds are going to "solve" it with inflation and cutting benefits. Anyone planning to rely on SS to support their retirement is fooling himself.

That’s a failure of government

No, it's the inevitable failure of a collectivist policy. Sooner or later you run out of other people's money.

I don’t disagree, but you pay into Social Security. It’s your money that government failed to manage correctly

Actually, the Supreme Court has ruled that nobody has a right to their SS payments. It should be our money, but as the government has spent it all, that is cold comfort.

What we need are individualized accounts that the government can't touch. Instead, we see the Dems advocating for things such as nationalized 401K plans in order to provide some assets to stave off the inevitable cratering of the SS ponzi scheme.
Actually, the Supreme Court has ruled that nobody has a right to their SS payments. It should be our money, but as the government has spent it all, that is cold comfort.

What we need are individualized accounts that the government can't touch. Instead, we see the Dems advocating for things such as nationalized 401K plans in order to provide some assets to stave off the inevitable cratering of the SS ponzi scheme.

Damn straight. (my emphasis)
401ks are an enormous rip off. They consistently under perform the markets by as much as 5-6%. All they really are is slush money for the financial system as a whole, and since it's inception - company after company dropped pension plans that were FULLY PAID for by the employer!! And guaranteed.
401ks are an abysmal replacement for traditional pensions that are now history.
Corporatocracy at it's finest
Actually, the Supreme Court has ruled that nobody has a right to their SS payments. It should be our money, but as the government has spent it all, that is cold comfort.

What we need are individualized accounts that the government can't touch. Instead, we see the Dems advocating for things such as nationalized 401K plans in order to provide some assets to stave off the inevitable cratering of the SS ponzi scheme.

Damn straight. (my emphasis)
401ks are an enormous rip off. They consistently under perform the markets by as much as 5-6%. All they really are is slush money for the financial system as a whole, and since it's inception - company after company dropped pension plans that were FULLY PAID for by the employer!! And guaranteed.
401ks are an abysmal replacement for traditional pensions that are now history.
Corporatocracy at it's finest

You must not know anything about 401Ks. :D

I think we are starting to see a trend here with all of things you think you know about, yet don't.
just a HEADS UP but talk on RUSH LIMBAUGH about SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS also being a big problem in the demise of good education in the USA . Little i have heard so far is RUSH is talking about 'white privledge' brain washing being pushed by public school 'admins' . ----------------- might want to listen in !!
Far too many conservatives have bought into the indoctrination myth, so they do hate teachers!

No, they don't. They don't like the system that's in place right now that is failing to educate the children. They don't like the fact that it can be very difficult if not impossible to remove bad teachers and that good teachers are not often rewarded for their excellence. They don't like the fact that we spend far more per student than most countries that are outperforming our students. They don't like the fact that students feeling good about themselves and knowing how to put a condom on a banana SEEMS more important than whether they can read, write, and make change for a dollar.

But they don't hate teachers.

So, you have bought into the "indoctrination" hoax?

You just listed lie after lie, with a few half-truths thrown in for good measure. Why do you not know what you are doing?

Can you be specific?

See the quote above.

Red text - lie.
Orange text - Half truth.
-------------------------------------------------------- the good thing is that many see many teachers as unAmerican enemies and that all by itself is a good thing Hun and Admiral !!
Well, I must say....they failed you.
just a HEADS UP but talk on RUSH LIMBAUGH about SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS also being a big problem in the demise of good education in the USA . Little i have heard so far is RUSH is talking about 'white privledge' brain washing being pushed by public school 'admins' . ----------------- might want to listen in !!
Ah....you listen to rush and believe him religiously......I see the problem here. Oh....and it's "white privilege"....you are welcome.
but it looks like its about 26 or so pages of DEVIANT Teachers in just 2 articles or pages over the years and its probably gotten worse as more Young Teachers are hired . ------------------------ and they ALL want more money and respect Hunarcy .

Such an impressive list! But, out of 3.2 MILLION? Still not many. But, don’t let this stop your ignorant jihad against educators.
---------------------- its all in a moment of searching so its all i could find as i don't have access to all of YOUR friends , teachers and colleagues . Hey , look , as i said , my kids are grown and went to School many . many years ago so i just do this for Fun . As a way to measure Teacher success i just read articles about teaching incompetence , education failing and similar in the USA as i have already posted . At least , taxpayers that read my lists will be informed and they can either ignore or be informed about some teachers that they pay to molest and teach their kids , Its fun Hunarcy .
Where are those articles you supposedly read?
no , i listen to RUSH to see if his info is informative in the same way you MAY listen to 'mrobama' , illary and 'ralphy maddow' Bodecia ,
but it looks like its about 26 or so pages of DEVIANT Teachers in just 2 articles or pages over the years and its probably gotten worse as more Young Teachers are hired . ------------------------ and they ALL want more money and respect Hunarcy .

Such an impressive list! But, out of 3.2 MILLION? Still not many. But, don’t let this stop your ignorant jihad against educators.
---------------------- its all in a moment of searching so its all i could find as i don't have access to all of YOUR friends , teachers and colleagues . Hey , look , as i said , my kids are grown and went to School many . many years ago so i just do this for Fun . As a way to measure Teacher success i just read articles about teaching incompetence , education failing and similar in the USA as i have already posted . At least , taxpayers that read my lists will be informed and they can either ignore or be informed about some teachers that they pay to molest and teach their kids , Its fun Hunarcy .
Where are those articles you supposedly read?
------------------------------------------------ quite a few pages back , not really articles , more or less they are police reports of teachers arrested for didling young kid students Bodecia .
They don't.

Far too many conservatives have bought into the indoctrination myth, so they do hate teachers!


Far from it! This forum is sufficient proof!

You take this forum as representative of society as a whole?

No. Every news site, Facebook page, and other forums I visit show the same total disdain and ignorance about education from many conservatives.

You’re hanging with the wrong crowd.
Actually, the Supreme Court has ruled that nobody has a right to their SS payments. It should be our money, but as the government has spent it all, that is cold comfort.

What we need are individualized accounts that the government can't touch. Instead, we see the Dems advocating for things such as nationalized 401K plans in order to provide some assets to stave off the inevitable cratering of the SS ponzi scheme.

Damn straight. (my emphasis)
401ks are an enormous rip off. They consistently under perform the markets by as much as 5-6%. All they really are is slush money for the financial system as a whole, and since it's inception - company after company dropped pension plans that were FULLY PAID for by the employer!! And guaranteed.
401ks are an abysmal replacement for traditional pensions that are now history.
Corporatocracy at it's finest

You must not know anything about 401Ks. :D

I think we are starting to see a trend here with all of things you think you know about, yet don't.

Are you a stalker?
I think we see why you are in the classroom now, well part-time because you can't even hack that.
You know the saying "for those that can't do...teach".
We see clearly by you how that saying was formed.
Actually, the Supreme Court has ruled that nobody has a right to their SS payments. It should be our money, but as the government has spent it all, that is cold comfort.

What we need are individualized accounts that the government can't touch. Instead, we see the Dems advocating for things such as nationalized 401K plans in order to provide some assets to stave off the inevitable cratering of the SS ponzi scheme.

Damn straight. (my emphasis)
401ks are an enormous rip off. They consistently under perform the markets by as much as 5-6%. All they really are is slush money for the financial system as a whole, and since it's inception - company after company dropped pension plans that were FULLY PAID for by the employer!! And guaranteed.
401ks are an abysmal replacement for traditional pensions that are now history.
Corporatocracy at it's finest

You must not know anything about 401Ks. :D

I think we are starting to see a trend here with all of things you think you know about, yet don't.

Are you a stalker?
I think we see why you are in the classroom now, well part-time because you can't even hack that.
You know the saying "for those that can't do...teach".
We see clearly by you how that saying was formed.

OK, dumbass! I wasn't going to embarrass you but where are funds in 401Ks usually invested?

The stock market, DUH!

Being stupid is not a crime, but you should at least realize how stupid you are!
Actually, the Supreme Court has ruled that nobody has a right to their SS payments. It should be our money, but as the government has spent it all, that is cold comfort.

What we need are individualized accounts that the government can't touch. Instead, we see the Dems advocating for things such as nationalized 401K plans in order to provide some assets to stave off the inevitable cratering of the SS ponzi scheme.

Damn straight. (my emphasis)
401ks are an enormous rip off. They consistently under perform the markets by as much as 5-6%. All they really are is slush money for the financial system as a whole, and since it's inception - company after company dropped pension plans that were FULLY PAID for by the employer!! And guaranteed.
401ks are an abysmal replacement for traditional pensions that are now history.
Corporatocracy at it's finest

You must not know anything about 401Ks. :D

I think we are starting to see a trend here with all of things you think you know about, yet don't.

Are you a stalker?
I think we see why you are in the classroom now, well part-time because you can't even hack that.
You know the saying "for those that can't do...teach".
We see clearly by you how that saying was formed.

OK, dumbass! I wasn't going to embarrass you but where are funds in 401Ks usually invested?

The stock market, DUH!

Being stupid is not a crime, but you should at least realize how stupid you are!

What in the hell are you talking about??
Of course I know 401ks are invested in the markets. What made you think I didn't?
I said, 401ks consistently underperform in the market averages.
No wonder you a only a substitute!!
Actually, the Supreme Court has ruled that nobody has a right to their SS payments. It should be our money, but as the government has spent it all, that is cold comfort.

What we need are individualized accounts that the government can't touch. Instead, we see the Dems advocating for things such as nationalized 401K plans in order to provide some assets to stave off the inevitable cratering of the SS ponzi scheme.

Damn straight. (my emphasis)
401ks are an enormous rip off. They consistently under perform the markets by as much as 5-6%. All they really are is slush money for the financial system as a whole, and since it's inception - company after company dropped pension plans that were FULLY PAID for by the employer!! And guaranteed.
401ks are an abysmal replacement for traditional pensions that are now history.
Corporatocracy at it's finest

You must not know anything about 401Ks. :D

I think we are starting to see a trend here with all of things you think you know about, yet don't.

Are you a stalker?
I think we see why you are in the classroom now, well part-time because you can't even hack that.
You know the saying "for those that can't do...teach".
We see clearly by you how that saying was formed.

OK, dumbass! I wasn't going to embarrass you but where are funds in 401Ks usually invested?

The stock market, DUH!

Being stupid is not a crime, but you should at least realize how stupid you are!

What in the hell are you talking about??
Of course I know 401ks are invested in the markets. What made you think I didn't?
I said, 401ks consistently underperform in the market averages.
No wonder you a only a substitute!!

Logic, dumbass!

If the 401K is in the market, it should perform at the same level as the market averages if invested properly.

You really are dumber than a box of rocks!
Actually, the Supreme Court has ruled that nobody has a right to their SS payments. It should be our money, but as the government has spent it all, that is cold comfort.

What we need are individualized accounts that the government can't touch. Instead, we see the Dems advocating for things such as nationalized 401K plans in order to provide some assets to stave off the inevitable cratering of the SS ponzi scheme.

Damn straight. (my emphasis)
401ks are an enormous rip off. They consistently under perform the markets by as much as 5-6%. All they really are is slush money for the financial system as a whole, and since it's inception - company after company dropped pension plans that were FULLY PAID for by the employer!! And guaranteed.
401ks are an abysmal replacement for traditional pensions that are now history.
Corporatocracy at it's finest

You must not know anything about 401Ks. :D

I think we are starting to see a trend here with all of things you think you know about, yet don't.

Are you a stalker?
I think we see why you are in the classroom now, well part-time because you can't even hack that.
You know the saying "for those that can't do...teach".
We see clearly by you how that saying was formed.

OK, dumbass! I wasn't going to embarrass you but where are funds in 401Ks usually invested?

The stock market, DUH!

Being stupid is not a crime, but you should at least realize how stupid you are!

What in the hell are you talking about??
Of course I know 401ks are invested in the markets. What made you think I didn't?
I said, 401ks consistently underperform in the market averages.
No wonder you a only a substitute!!

401Ks provide limited choices for participants.

But the real drawback is that the Feds always have the option to jack up taxes through the roof when you withdraw the funds in retirement.
Damn straight. (my emphasis)
401ks are an enormous rip off. They consistently under perform the markets by as much as 5-6%. All they really are is slush money for the financial system as a whole, and since it's inception - company after company dropped pension plans that were FULLY PAID for by the employer!! And guaranteed.
401ks are an abysmal replacement for traditional pensions that are now history.
Corporatocracy at it's finest

You must not know anything about 401Ks. :D

I think we are starting to see a trend here with all of things you think you know about, yet don't.

Are you a stalker?
I think we see why you are in the classroom now, well part-time because you can't even hack that.
You know the saying "for those that can't do...teach".
We see clearly by you how that saying was formed.

OK, dumbass! I wasn't going to embarrass you but where are funds in 401Ks usually invested?

The stock market, DUH!

Being stupid is not a crime, but you should at least realize how stupid you are!

What in the hell are you talking about??
Of course I know 401ks are invested in the markets. What made you think I didn't?
I said, 401ks consistently underperform in the market averages.
No wonder you a only a substitute!!

401Ks provide limited choices for participants.

But the real drawback is that the Feds always have the option to jack up taxes through the roof when you withdraw the funds in retirement.

As well as companies can stop matching your contribution anytime they want.
Companies used to finance 100% of employee pension plans...."but lookee here.... 401ks!!!...whoohoo...we'll tell them this is awesome...and it is "Free Money" for them cause we love them so much...and then in a few years phase out pension plans so they will finance their own retirements!!!...are we awesome or what!".......... said every company CEO/CFO

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