Teacher Compensation

It's not a company's job to guarantee our retirement. The root problem is out burdensome income tax system. I'd rather have all of my compensation under my control to decide how much and where to invest.

It should be. That was the deal. Pensions were a part of your compensation package. It would be no less wrong to say companies are not responsible for our wages. It was a part of our end of the "service for hire" deal.

OK. Then you risk a company being in control of a pool of pension assets, with all the moral hazard that has led to underfunded pensions.

This, and health care, are just gimmicks put in place to get around wage controls and tax disincentives.

If your pension contribution was added to your cash comp and tax exempt for retirement account purposes, you'd be far better off.

Not as long as they were properly regulated.
I am one of the rare people my age (53), works in the private industry and have the fantastic benefit of having 20 years with an old fashioned real pension. It wasn't the evil companies that raided pension funds etc. It was the evil companies colluding with the government to remove the regulations that prevented them from getting their hands on it. Enron, etc. were not original pension plan sets, they were modified "investment" pensions in which a large percentage of your pension is shares in the company.
Since my pension is the old plans that are locked away in guaranteed asset funds held by an independent firm - regardless of the companies finances, no matter what happens to them.... I will get my $2,200 a month. That doesn't sound like much I know, I would have loved to have been able to add another 10 years to that, but they froze the plans in 2004.

Oh blah blah blah evil companies.

Pretty much

Are you kidding)
It is a case of priorities of your state and you get what you pay for

These states look at education as nonessential and are willing to hire those who may not be the best available. The bottom of the barrel is good enough to educate their youth

First of all, teachers make plenty of money. They won't stop complaining even if you pay them $100K a year. They'll still complain. So money is not the issue. Many of the people who went into teaching regret it but they aren't cut out to do anything else.

Here is another thing to consider. Unemployment is very low for teachers. So, it's easy to find a job. Very few teachers out of work.

And if teachers deserve more pay, don't we all?

8 College Degrees With The Lowest Unemployment Rates

Here’s the top 8:


Is unkotare worth more than
Most of those Teachers work at other jobs,or continue their Education during the Summer months. I do not know one that takes a 3 month vacation.

Teachers are so underpaid that many HAVE to work two jobs throughout the year and not just in the summer in order to survive, while fitting in summer trainings and continuing education requirements to maintain their certification. And, most school calendars extend into the summer now, so they aren't off 3 months anymore.
Teachers are so underpaid that many HAVE to work two jobs throughout the year and not just in the summer in order to survive, while fitting in summer trainings and continuing education requirements to maintain their certification. And, most school calendars extend into the summer now, so they aren't off 3 months anymore.
/——/ I was married to a Catholic School teacher for 37 years and 9 months. You speak the truth.

In addition teachers dig into their pockets to pay for school supplies for their students that the bloated school budgets won’t supply.
/——/ I was married to a Catholic School teacher for 37 years and 9 months. You speak the truth.

In addition teachers dig into their pockets to pay for school supplies for their students that the bloated school budgets won’t supply.
/——/ Make that 47 years and 9 months. Just now saw the typo and too late to edit it.
Teachers are so underpaid that many HAVE to work two jobs throughout the year and not just in the summer in order to survive, while fitting in summer trainings and continuing education requirements to maintain their certification. And, most school calendars extend into the summer now, so they aren't off 3 months anymore.
Keep in mind where the teaching profession started in the US. The first teachers were young, unmarried women. And in that day, young unmarried women were not deemed worthy of high pay or social status. We're still feeling the effects of that when we put teachers at the bottom of the social status list. The Japanese have a completely different view of their teachers, both giving them high social status and expecting a great deal from them and it certainly seems to be paying off in the quality of the education their kids receive. It shows what can be accomplished when motivated parents team up with motivated teachers.
Any generalization about teacher compensation is bound to be incorrect. Teacher compensation is all over the lot, even within the same geographical area.

All of the arguments have been repeated ad infinitum. Teaching is not a full-time job. A typical worker works approximately 2000 hours per year, teachers - especially in the last half of their careers - work a little more than half that. They used to say that teachers had to spend their summers preparing for the following year and/or taking required classes, but this doesn't apply after the first couple years. The old truism is that there are only three reasons to teach: June, July, and August.

The advent of collective bargaining was the worst development in the history of American public education. The teachers now have advocates who have a vested interest in preventing any meaningful performance assessments of teachers, and preventing their termination for any reason short of copulating with students.

The teachers' unions have done more political harm than most people can imagine. The Political Left cowers at the feet of the union bosses, and even last year, when the teachers' unions refused to allow normal teaching despite a mountain of evidence proving that the Covid dangers were almost entirely imaginary, the political Left refused to rein them in.

All of the arguments have been repeated ad infinitum. Teaching is not a full-time job. A typical worker works approximately 2000 hours per year, teachers - especially in the last half of their careers - work a little more than half that. They used to say that teachers had to spend their summers preparing for the following year and/or taking required classes, but this doesn't apply after the first couple years. The old truism is that there are only three reasons to teach: June, July, and August.
How did I miss this "beauty" of a thread. LOOLLOOL
So much Hate and Untruth in Purple.

In my 37th year of teaching:
1). I spend at least 2-3 additional hours, 2-3 nights a week. Including Weekends too.
I also have a second job, 3 hours per night, MWThF, so 12 additional work hours that I choose to do. No one is making me do this extra job.
2). We are constantly required to update our Certificate, by taking required classes/training.
When I started teaching, there were no students using computers/laptops and remote teaching and learning was a distant thought.
3). States have different opening and closing date, in MY State, we start in Late August, and end in Mid-Late June. You got one thing correct, there is no school in July.
4). Meaning we get 9-10 weeks in the summer without students. Why you feel the need to imply 13 weeks (June, July and August) shows weakness in your argument.

Would you like to counter any of my Factual Statements?
Any generalization about teacher compensation is bound to be incorrect. Teacher compensation is all over the lot, even within the same geographical area.

All of the arguments have been repeated ad infinitum. Teaching is not a full-time job. A typical worker works approximately 2000 hours per year, teachers - especially in the last half of their careers - work a little more than half that. They used to say that teachers had to spend their summers preparing for the following year and/or taking required classes, but this doesn't apply after the first couple years. The old truism is that there are only three reasons to teach: June, July, and August.

The advent of collective bargaining was the worst development in the history of American public education. The teachers now have advocates who have a vested interest in preventing any meaningful performance assessments of teachers, and preventing their termination for any reason short of copulating with students.

The teachers' unions have done more political harm than most people can imagine. The Political Left cowers at the feet of the union bosses, and even last year, when the teachers' unions refused to allow normal teaching despite a mountain of evidence proving that the Covid dangers were almost entirely imaginary, the political Left refused to rein them in.


You are ignorant and repeating worn out slanders.
First of all, teachers make plenty of money. They won't stop complaining even if you pay them $100K a year. They'll still complain. So money is not the issue. Many of the people who went into teaching regret it but they aren't cut out to do anything else.

Here is another thing to consider. Unemployment is very low for teachers. So, it's easy to find a job. Very few teachers out of work.

And if teachers deserve more pay, don't we all?

8 College Degrees With The Lowest Unemployment Rates

Here’s the top 8:

View attachment 259690

Is unkotare worth more than

You would not last three days put together in my job. Not three. Guaranteed.
Any generalization about teacher compensation is bound to be incorrect. Teacher compensation is all over the lot, even within the same geographical area.

All of the arguments have been repeated ad infinitum. Teaching is not a full-time job. A typical worker works approximately 2000 hours per year, teachers - especially in the last half of their careers - work a little more than half that. They used to say that teachers had to spend their summers preparing for the following year and/or taking required classes, but this doesn't apply after the first couple years. The old truism is that there are only three reasons to teach: June, July, and August.

The advent of collective bargaining was the worst development in the history of American public education. The teachers now have advocates who have a vested interest in preventing any meaningful performance assessments of teachers, and preventing their termination for any reason short of copulating with students.

The teachers' unions have done more political harm than most people can imagine. The Political Left cowers at the feet of the union bosses, and even last year, when the teachers' unions refused to allow normal teaching despite a mountain of evidence proving that the Covid dangers were almost entirely imaginary, the political Left refused to rein them in.


1985 called it wants its talking points back
Any generalization about teacher compensation is bound to be incorrect. Teacher compensation is all over the lot, even within the same geographical area.

All of the arguments have been repeated ad infinitum. Teaching is not a full-time job. A typical worker works approximately 2000 hours per year, teachers - especially in the last half of their careers - work a little more than half that. They used to say that teachers had to spend their summers preparing for the following year and/or taking required classes, but this doesn't apply after the first couple years. The old truism is that there are only three reasons to teach: June, July, and August.

The advent of collective bargaining was the worst development in the history of American public education. The teachers now have advocates who have a vested interest in preventing any meaningful performance assessments of teachers, and preventing their termination for any reason short of copulating with students.

The teachers' unions have done more political harm than most people can imagine. The Political Left cowers at the feet of the union bosses, and even last year, when the teachers' unions refused to allow normal teaching despite a mountain of evidence proving that the Covid dangers were almost entirely imaginary, the political Left refused to rein them in.

Know what would be great? If you had the slightest idea what you're talking about.
You would not last three days put together in my job. Not three. Guaranteed.
Why? We’ve all been in classrooms with teachers why don’t any of us hav respect for you guys?

I mean none of us would like to do your job but that doesn’t mean we couldn’t do it. What couldn’t I do? Explain what would make me snap.
Why? We’ve all been in classrooms with teachers why don’t any of us hav respect for you guys?

I mean none of us would like to do your job but that doesn’t mean we couldn’t do it. What couldn’t I do? Explain what would make me snap.

I teach 150 elementary children every single day. In one day. 5th grade, Kind, 4th gr, lunch. 3rd grade, 1st grade, 2nd grade. That's one day. Get up the next day, do it all over again. Every day. We work like dogs. You have no earthly idea.

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