Teacher Compensation

I teach 150 elementary children every single day. In one day. 5th grade, Kind, 4th gr, lunch. 3rd grade, 1st grade, 2nd grade. That's one day. Get up the next day, do it all over again. Every day. We work like dogs. You have no earthly idea.
Yea I wouldn’t want to do it.
Teachers are prima donnas.They have never had real jobs.They are too pampered.Overpaid,too many paid holidays.But wait,they grade papers at night(Oh the humanity).They must be exhausted the next morning.
I teach 150 elementary children every single day. In one day. 5th grade, Kind, 4th gr, lunch. 3rd grade, 1st grade, 2nd grade. That's one day. Get up the next day, do it all over again. Every day. We work like dogs. You have no earthly idea.
I can’t send you a pm. I wanted to tell you Most everything I say rotten is intended to piss unkotard off. If you see me talking to him take what I say with a spoonful of salt.
Teachers are prima donnas.They have never had real jobs.They are too pampered.Overpaid,too many paid holidays.But wait,they grade papers at night(Oh the humanity).They must be exhausted the next morning.

What I just posted to sealy. I teach 150 elementary students in a single day. Six classes a day: 5th grade, Kind, 4th grade. Lunch. 3rd grade, 1st grade, 4th grade. That is ONE DAY. Get up the next day, do it all over again. Right, that sure is "pampered" isn't it?
I can’t send you a pm. I wanted to tell you Most everything I say rotten is intended to piss unkotard off. If you see me talking to him take what I say with a spoonful of salt.

Okay, but you asked ME why nobody has respect for teachers. You don't have to have respect for us. But don't tell me I don't work hard. I'm "on" all day long. No downtime at all.
Teachers are prima donnas.They have never had real jobs.They are too pampered.Overpaid,too many paid holidays.But wait,they grade papers at night(Oh the humanity).They must be exhausted the next morning.
Kind of agree. Sweetsue92 said I wouldn’t last one day. And she’s probably right. But she wouldn’t last one month at my job either. She wouldn’t want to do what it takes to find a new customer. Even my superiors say they wouldn’t want to do what I do and thank god they have me. If not the business might fail. Lot of pressure. Bla bla bla.

But I only get 3 weeks off. It was 2 for 5 years. Imagine only having 10 days of vacation time.

Yea I wouldn’t want to teach 150 kids a day for 8 months but if I got 4 months off and a pension when I retire and I make $80k give or take $10k? Shit.
What I just posted to sealy. I teach 150 elementary students in a single day. Six classes a day: 5th grade, Kind, 4th grade. Lunch. 3rd grade, 1st grade, 4th grade. That is ONE DAY. Get up the next day, do it all over again. Right, that sure is "pampered" isn't it?
It’s a job. Do you think our jobs are easy? And we don’t have a Union or job security or pensions coming. Or summers off.
Teachers are prima donnas.They have never had real jobs.They are too pampered.Overpaid,too many paid holidays.But wait,they grade papers at night(Oh the humanity).They must be exhausted the next morning.
Are you a conservative or liberal?
It’s a job. Do you think our jobs are easy? And we don’t have a Union or job security or pensions coming. Or summers off.

Many jobs are hard. You can have an idea how impossible teaching has become by how few college students are going into it and how many people leave the profession within 5 years. Put another way. If it was such a great deal people would flock to it. They are not. In fact, we can't get people to even sub anymore. Schools in our own state closing for this very reason. I had to substitute in a kindergarten room last week because no subs.

Again. Free market. If it's so great, there would be people. I LOVE teaching. But it's not so great anymore, for many reasons.
It is a case of priorities of your state and you get what you pay for

These states look at education as nonessential and are willing to hire those who may not be the best available. The bottom of the barrel is good enough to educate their youth
In case of fact---regardless of pay, government paid teachers fail do as well as homeschooling parents or charter school teachers, but yet they whine and whine and mo money mo money for working their part time job with benefits.
I can’t send you a pm. I wanted to tell you Most everything I say rotten is intended to piss unkotard off. If you see me talking to him take what I say with a spoonful of salt.
Take your troll act to the FZ, troll.
Okay, but you asked ME why nobody has respect for teachers. You don't have to have respect for us. But don't tell me I don't work hard. I'm "on" all day long. No downtime at all.
Makes the day go by fast no?

My sister in law bought up years so she can retire early and get her pension. She was burned out. But now that she reached her pension, she’s not gonna go. Where will she go and make as much? What will she do? She has two kids nearing college. So she’s probably going to continue teaching. It’s what she knows. No one else will pay her $80,000. And if she retires the pension is what, 60% of that?

Plus when you have that pension in your pocket and don’t HAVE to work it’s not as bad as when you NEED that paycheck.

How many years you have left?
In case of fact---regardless of pay, government paid teachers fail do as well as homeschooling parents or charter school teachers, but yet they whine and whine and mo money mo money for working their part time job with benefits.
Yea but in defense of teachers, isn’t how much you learn up to you and your parents? The average homeschooler or average public school student isn’t saying much. Do homeschoolers do as well as the 3.0 plus students in public school? Bet they don’t
Okay, but you asked ME why nobody has respect for teachers. You don't have to have respect for us. But don't tell me I don't work hard. I'm "on" all day long. No downtime at all.
Your day is what around 8:30-3:30 with lunch in there...And what do you "teach" all 6 grades exactly? Music, Gym, Recess?
Okay, but you asked ME why nobody has respect for teachers. You don't have to have respect for us. But don't tell me I don't work hard. I'm "on" all day long. No downtime at all.
And we do respect you. But we also think in some ways, you got a good gig. We don’t appreciate all the things you have to do that suck like reading all those papers.

If I was a teacher I’d ask for short and sweet papers. I don’t understand teachers who insisted on long 10 page papers. Can you explain that to me?

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