Teacher Compensation

Yea but in defense of teachers, isn’t how much you learn up to you and your parents? The average homeschooler or average public school student isn’t saying much. Do homeschoolers do as well as the 3.0 plus students in public school? Bet they don’t
Homeschool students on average easily outshine public school students-----charter and even the religious schools easily outdo the public school students on study after study after study for decades. But yes, good Parents teach their kids whether they are homeschooled or in public school. If you aint got a parent teaching their kid, public school ain't going to do it...ergo public school serves as little more than babysitters who indoctrinate for the most part. Maybe we should get rid of the teachers and their unions, hire cheaper daycare providers and send a list and worksheets of what each student should learn to the home...holding the parent responsible for teaching their own kid.

This includes ridding ourselves of those stupid zoom classes online where the teacher tries to justify her/his/its job rambling online which doesn't teach kids.

If I was a teacher I’d ask for short and sweet papers. I don’t understand teachers who insisted on long 10 page papers. Can you explain that to me?
The fact that you're a lazy pothead is just one reason why you couldn't do the job.
Any generalization about teacher compensation is bound to be incorrect. Teacher compensation is all over the lot, even within the same geographical area.

All of the arguments have been repeated ad infinitum. Teaching is not a full-time job. A typical worker works approximately 2000 hours per year, teachers - especially in the last half of their careers - work a little more than half that. They used to say that teachers had to spend their summers preparing for the following year and/or taking required classes, but this doesn't apply after the first couple years. The old truism is that there are only three reasons to teach: June, July, and August.

The advent of collective bargaining was the worst development in the history of American public education. The teachers now have advocates who have a vested interest in preventing any meaningful performance assessments of teachers, and preventing their termination for any reason short of copulating with students.

The teachers' unions have done more political harm than most people can imagine. The Political Left cowers at the feet of the union bosses, and even last year, when the teachers' unions refused to allow normal teaching despite a mountain of evidence proving that the Covid dangers were almost entirely imaginary, the political Left refused to rein them in.

/----/Normally I agree with you on most topics, but you are way off base on how many hours teachers work. I had three teachers in my family. They get in at 7:30 am for meetings and prep work, stay late to grade papers, and meet with parents. There were times my late wife wouldn't get home until 7:00 pm. That's almost a 12 hour day. She also tutored kids on the weekend and in the summer reading programs. She was on the job for 35 years at a Catholic school at half the pay of public school teachers.
/----/Normally I agree with you on most topics, but you are way off base on how many hours teachers work. I had three teachers in my family. They get in at 7:30 am for meetings and prep work, stay late to grade papers, and meet with parents. There were times my late wife wouldn't get home until 7:00 pm. That's almost a 12 hour day. She also tutored kids on the weekend and in the summer reading programs. She was on the job for 35 years at a Catholic school at half the pay of public school teachers.
I thought the Nuns taught at Catholic schools.
If I ever get to the point where I can't do my job I will become a teacher instead.
Personally I think teachers get paid a fair salary.

60K a year average annual salary all kinds of time off. It's a pretty good gig if you ask me
And we do respect you. But we also think in some ways, you got a good gig. We don’t appreciate all the things you have to do that suck like reading all those papers.

If I was a teacher I’d ask for short and sweet papers. I don’t understand teachers who insisted on long 10 page papers. Can you explain that to me?

No. I teach recess.
Homeschool students on average easily outshine public school students-----charter and even the religious schools easily outdo the public school students on study after study after study for decades. But yes, good Parents teach their kids whether they are homeschooled or in public school. If you aint got a parent teaching their kid, public school ain't going to do it...ergo public school serves as little more than babysitters who indoctrinate for the most part. Maybe we should get rid of the teachers and their unions, hire cheaper daycare providers and send a list and worksheets of what each student should learn to the home...holding the parent responsible for teaching their own kid.

This includes ridding ourselves of those stupid zoom classes online where the teacher tries to justify her/his/its job rambling online which doesn't teach kids.

It will be great when we get those vouchers and all the great unwashed public school kids are in the private schools.

We'll see how great they are then. You have no idea, that's obvious.
In case of fact---regardless of pay, government paid teachers fail do as well as homeschooling parents
How many homeschool student have you personally had enter your classroom after the parent is completely overwhelmed?

I suspect NONE, you don't see actual children enter public school after poor homeschooling from failed parents. Granted, some homeschool parents are great, but most aren't.
Homeschool students on average easily outshine public school students
Where is your data?
I've seen them enter public school, it's usually not pretty.
They are usually well behind grade level, especially in math.
If I ever get to the point where I can't do my job I will become a teacher instead.
LLLOOOLOL, what HS subject would you teach?
Better yet, what HS subject COULD you teach?
I suspect none, you couldn't even do PE.
I thought the Nuns taught at Catholic schools.
/——-/ Due to so few women joining the Convent, Catholic schools began hiring lay teachers back in the 1960s. At my wife’s school, there were 10 teachers with only one being a nun.
Teachers are prima donnas.They have never had real jobs.They are too pampered.Overpaid,too many paid holidays.But wait,they grade papers at night(Oh the humanity).They must be exhausted the next morning.
I was an electronics technician in the Navy for a little over a year. Graduated from college and spent 10 years as a commissioned officer, one year as an insurance salesman for AUL, two years as benefits enrollment rep for AT&T, and then 21 years as a teacher, No real jobs, huh?

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