Teacher Fired For Being An Abuse Victim

It's just not fair. The woman's already been victimized once, and now she's been victimized again. Where's the justice in all of this? Shame on this school for doing that.

What would Jesus do?
It looks like the school had no choice.

Basically, we’d had a very bad weekend with him, we’d called the sheriff’s department three times on Sunday with him,” said Charlesworth to MSNBC, "referring to an incident in January that put her leave of absence in motion," according to the report.

"She went to her principal at Holy Trinity School in El Cajon the following morning and told the principal to be on the lookout for her ex-husband. As many domestic violence cases go, this one has a trail of restraining orders and 911 calls," added MSNBC. "When Charlesworth’s ex-husband showed up in the school parking lot, the school went into lockdown."

San Diego teacher fired following domestic violence incident - New York Early Childhood Education | Examiner.com

I thought he was getting out in two weeks. It looks like he will actually be getting out in the fall.

That will give her enough time to start again someplace else.
It wouldn't happen to me because I would have blown the asshole away long before he came to my job threatening anyone. I would have made sure he came to my home, came in my home, and then I'd call the coroner.

The school's obligation to keeping the children safe from insane people is greater than their obligation to keep this woman employed. Had they not fired her and her husband became the next Adam Lanza, the school would have been completely responsible. They know what a danger he presented and elected to keep the woman on the job WITH children.

Or, the school could arm all the teachers and the principal and the security guard, and take care of it that way.
If he's a threat and they can't keep him away from her, then that's a problem.

But honestly, ANYONE can get the wrong lunatic, katz. When it comes right down to it, most sane people are pretty reluctant to pull the trigger...not out of misguided consideration for the abuser, but because of the repercussions it will have.

I am fully cognizant of the impossible situation this woman is in. Anyone can get the wrong lunatic but the school's primary obligation is to keep the children safe, not make sure this teacher has a job. It's sad for her. I feel really bad for her, but a school that knowingly kept her on the job is no different than someone who keeps a wild animal in their apartment downtown. Especially since he already made threats! The school cannot knowingly expose children to that kind of danger. If you wonder how someone would feel if it was them, or someone they knew, or a daughter, just think about how someone would feel if this kind of nutcase killed an entire first grade class. Suppose one of those children were your child. How would you feel then?

As harsh as it is, the deranged spouse problem is HER problem. Everything that is happening to her is a direct result of decisions she made. She can't now shift the burden to someone else.

Oh I don't have a problem with the school telling her to clear out.

Of course, if they had guards, like they should, it wouldn't be an issue.

My statement was just in regards to the trite "it wouldn't happen to me because" - insert whatever here - This sort of scenario can happen to ANYONE. What people don't realize about abusers is...they don't present themselves as abusers. By the time they do, often it's too late to get away from them.
You think he'd want revenge on the school for kicking her out! Really! No. He doesn't care about his children like that. Not in that way. He's probably reveling in the power he just exercised in getting her fired in the first place.
I don't know about that. With her being without a job now, all of the financial responsibility will fall on him where the kids are concerned and if he is the type of guy who doesn't like that.....

God bless you always!!!

No, he'll be glad she got fired, and claim it just proves how worthless she is, and how much she needs someone to control her.

Hopefully the school will give her a severance package, or she'll be able to get unemployment, and get far, far away. He'll probably find her anyway, but it's worth a try.
After reading and listening to the report, I have to side with the school. Too many nutcases out there to deal with and this guy is violent. He wants payback maybe and goes to the school and blows a shitload of people AND kids away to get back at his wife. The school did what was in the best interests of the children.

Then she should be on PAID leave, and the school should have armed police presence at all times. (He might just decide to kill students to hurt her.)

Yes, the woman was the victim and did everything right. Problem is, her choice now affects many others...including those she teaches. Like katz...he would have hit me once and that would have been the end of that. No further threats against me, my kids or my job because he wouldn't be breathin'.

She has three choices: kill him, skip the country, or suck a shotgun.
The school's obligation to keeping the children safe from insane people is greater than their obligation to keep this woman employed. Had they not fired her and her husband became the next Adam Lanza, the school would have been completely responsible.
That man can still be a threat, especially when he gets word that his kids were pretty much punished by the school for his choice of action on their mother.

God bless you and the kids and their mom always!!!


You think he'd want revenge on the school for kicking her out! Really! No. He doesn't care about his children like that. Not in that way. He's probably reveling in the power he just exercised in getting her fired in the first place.

No, I think he might figure a great way to hurt HER would be to kill a couple dozen of her co-workers and students!
It looks like the school had no choice.

Basically, we’d had a very bad weekend with him, we’d called the sheriff’s department three times on Sunday with him,” said Charlesworth to MSNBC, "referring to an incident in January that put her leave of absence in motion," according to the report.

"She went to her principal at Holy Trinity School in El Cajon the following morning and told the principal to be on the lookout for her ex-husband. As many domestic violence cases go, this one has a trail of restraining orders and 911 calls," added MSNBC. "When Charlesworth’s ex-husband showed up in the school parking lot, the school went into lockdown."

San Diego teacher fired following domestic violence incident - New York Early Childhood Education | Examiner.com

I thought he was getting out in two weeks. It looks like he will actually be getting out in the fall.

That will give her enough time to start again someplace else.

You're delusional. She is now a pariah, totally unemployable.
The guy needs to be prosecuted for showing up at the school...and it sounds like he is, in which case I don't see why she'd be unemployable.

Sometimes life throws you a curve. If she is at risk from this guy, then the kids she wants to teach are also at risk, and she should be willing to consider a different career. It isn't the end of the world.
The guy needs to be prosecuted for showing up at the school...and it sounds like he is, in which case I don't see why she'd be unemployable.

Sometimes life throws you a curve. If she is at risk from this guy, then the kids she wants to teach are also at risk, and she should be willing to consider a different career. It isn't the end of the world.

Because no school will hire her! When asked why she left her last job, she would have to answer, "Because my ex is a psycho and threatened to shoot the place up."
That man can still be a threat, especially when he gets word that his kids were pretty much punished by the school for his choice of action on their mother.

God bless you and the kids and their mom always!!!


You think he'd want revenge on the school for kicking her out! Really! No. He doesn't care about his children like that. Not in that way. He's probably reveling in the power he just exercised in getting her fired in the first place.

No, I think he might figure a great way to hurt HER would be to kill a couple dozen of her co-workers and students!

Completely correct. That's why she isn't working there any more. No more co-workers or students.
The guy needs to be prosecuted for showing up at the school...and it sounds like he is, in which case I don't see why she'd be unemployable.

Sometimes life throws you a curve. If she is at risk from this guy, then the kids she wants to teach are also at risk, and she should be willing to consider a different career. It isn't the end of the world.

Because no school will hire her! When asked why she left her last job, she would have to answer, "Because my ex is a psycho and threatened to shoot the place up."

Like many others who found themselves unemployed she might have to retrain.
Should the school be required to put every child in that school at risk of a known nutcase instead?

Its not her fault that her husband is an abusive fucker. Why should she be fired because of his actions?

I did take note that it was a Catholic school...no surprise there. They probably think she is sinful for not obeying her husband...
Two clarifications here:
The teacher wasn't "fired" according to the article; they declined to renew her for next year. That's how they work; you get a contract year to year.

And two, the guy was sentenced to a year in jail, so he's in no position to be a threat for that duration anyway.

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