Teacher fired for racist comments

As I stated, no teacher should discuss his or her political views with students. How can I make that any clearer? To assume I only mean that conservatives can't do it is implicitly ignoring what I said. I don't say what I don't mean.

You are wrong. And saying this gave nutters here something to aim at. You are allowing them to divert the discussion toward freedom of speech and they will now accuse you ( and the left by proxy) of wanting to control people by silencing them.

Teachers ABSOLUTELY should discuss their political views with students. They just need to do so in a way that educates.......that promotes giod citizenship and critical thinking.
She a veritable ding bat, but here she's right. Children should be spared political indoctrination as much as possible.

I am shocked! Another genius thinks teachers should not talk politics with students.

Indoctrination? You give our youth too little credit. Or.....are you afraid that kids might learn something?
You are wrong. And saying this gave nutters here something to aim at. You are allowing them to divert the discussion toward freedom of speech and they will now accuse you ( and the left by proxy) of wanting to control people by silencing them.

Teachers ABSOLUTELY should discuss their political views with students. They just need to do so in a way that educates.......that promotes giod citizenship and critical thinking.
She a veritable ding bat, but here she's right. Children should be spared political indoctrination as much as possible.

I am shocked! Another genius thinks teachers should not talk politics with students.

Indoctrination? You give our youth too little credit. Or.....are you afraid that kids might learn something?
Who said they shouldn't talk about politics? The job of teachers is to teach, not indoctrinate. I imagine you think indoctrination is a good thing as long as you find in agreeable. I also imagine you would make a wonderful North Korean school teacher, language aside.
The role of teachers is to teach students how to think for themselves, not what to think. It is entirely possible for a teacher to teach politics without involving oneself and one's personal political views. One simply profers an hypothesis and asks for students to consider it and comment on it. No need to express one's personal opinion at all. The teacher should encourage students to read, research, and debate the issue amongst themselves; he/she should not become involved in the debate. The teacher should remain as objective as possible. It is like news reporters. Their role used to be reporting the news. Now they are called commentators and are expected to comment on the news as well as reporting it. Objectivity has taken an nose dive in our culture. Teachers need to be objective.
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After the first incident he should have been reprimanded. After the second he should have been fired. It never should have gotten this far in the first place.
This is a tough one for some rw's because they hate teachers but love racists.

Oh ye of little faith.
I would not have been shocked if the teacher's union jumped in and protected the teacher.
With that kind of stupidity, that teacher should find another line of work.
There are things that just should remain unsaid. Smart people know this.
This is a tough one for some rw's because they hate teachers but love racists.

Too true. If this topic were about a teacher who was accused of: not following the curriculum, of calling students stupid, and of making homophobic comments, the right wingers would be all over this thread attacking the administration for firing him and blaming it on liberals and progressives.

They are merciless when it comes to criticizing teachers, but this guy would be a hero in their eyes.

With every post you expose your room temperature IQ.
This now former teacher is a moron with no filter. The inability to keep one's opinions to themselves is what the issue is here.
Sorry, teachers are held to a higher standard. And as such, would be wise to temper their comments.
Ohio teacher loses job for racist comment

FAIRFIELD, Ohio — A suburban Cincinnati teacher, accused of making a racist remark to a black student, lost his job after a labor hearing.

Gil Voigt, a Fairfield Freshman School science teacher since 2000, has been on unpaid leave since December when he told a student who had professed his desire to follow in the footsteps of President Barack Obama that "we do not need another black president."

"There is good and just cause to terminate the teaching contract," a state referee said Thursday in a letter to the Fairfield Board of Education. The board voted 4-0 with one board member absent to end his employment with the Butler County school system.

Voigt declined to comment but previously said the student, whom he has described as troublesome, misquoted him in the Dec. 3 incident.

He later told Fairfield officials that what he said to the teen was "I think we can't afford another president like Obama, whether he's black or white."

A previous review of Voigt's personnel file showed that in 2008 he was accused of calling a student an "African-American Rudolph" while aiming a laser pointer at the pupil, in 2013 he received a verbal warning after being accused of calling one student "stupid" and others "gay," and in December he was warned for failing to use the adopted curriculum.

Fairfield Superintendent Paul Otten also recommended Thursday that the board discontinue the veteran teacher's employment contract.
So, they changed the story, eh?

Originally, the Teacher said, "we don't need another President like Barak Obama."

This has been changed to, "we don't need another black President."

Dishonesty in the media.....who'd have thought it possible....

If that is a direct quote, the teacher now has a civil case for wrongful termination.
Because it goes from being a racial incident to one of free speech.
It is highly possible that the student made up a story because he was pissed at the teacher.
This kind of thing is becoming commonplace.
Kids making up stories to get back at teachers.
Not long ago there was a story about two girls who got a teacher into trouble by accusing him of sexual misconduct. The truth was uncovered when the investigation revealed the one girl made up the story over a bad grade and a suspension for cutting class. She got a friend to go along with it.
The teacher was suspended then reinstated. The teacher is now suing the parents of both girls. The teacher had a suit naming the district and the superintendent as defendants. That suit was dropped once the teacher was reinstated.
The bottom line is this. Some kids are just inherently evil. This comes from their upbringing. Their parents tell the kids how great they are and they believe it. Tell them that they can do no wrong and they believe that too. And will defend their kids even in the face of overwhelming evidence that the kid indeed commit the the offense.
In this case, there are two ways to look at it. One, if the teacher did make these racial or other insensitive remarks and there is a pattern of this, clearly the guy is a dope and should be moving on to another career. If the kids made up the stories, well then the school district had better hire a good legal firm,.
Most of the bottom feeders on the Right have stopped mentioning that President Obama has African-American blood lines. They have switched to referring to him as "Hussein", and "the Kenyon in the White House", and, or simply "the Muslim president. You are not supposed to recognize that as racist....

The underside of the rock is your friend.
Teacher is being fired for being stupid...he's standing in a SCHOOL surrounded by union teachers and bureaucrats, using terms that can be construed as racist while criticizing teacher's pet, Barry O ...might as well have walked into a steel mill and yelled, "Budweiser sucks!!!"... school teacher (in today's public schools) was wrong job for this guy...and I wouldn't put up with him calling my kid "stupid" in a private school...
Teacher is being fired for being stupid...he's standing in a SCHOOL surrounded by union teachers and bureaucrats, using terms that can be construed as racist while criticizing teacher's pet, Barry O ...might as well have walked into a steel mill and yelled, "Budweiser sucks!!!"... school teacher (in today's public schools) was wrong job for this guy...and I wouldn't put up with him calling my kid "stupid" in a private school...

But....Budweiser DOES suck!
So, they changed the story, eh?

Originally, the Teacher said, "we don't need another President like Barak Obama."

This has been changed to, "we don't need another black President."

Dishonesty in the media.....who'd have thought it possible....

If that is a direct quote, the teacher now has a civil case for wrongful termination.
Because it goes from being a racial incident to one of free speech.
It is highly possible that the student made up a story because he was pissed at the teacher.
This kind of thing is becoming commonplace.
Kids making up stories to get back at teachers.
Not long ago there was a story about two girls who got a teacher into trouble by accusing him of sexual misconduct. The truth was uncovered when the investigation revealed the one girl made up the story over a bad grade and a suspension for cutting class. She got a friend to go along with it.
The teacher was suspended then reinstated. The teacher is now suing the parents of both girls. The teacher had a suit naming the district and the superintendent as defendants. That suit was dropped once the teacher was reinstated.
The bottom line is this. Some kids are just inherently evil. This comes from their upbringing. Their parents tell the kids how great they are and they believe it. Tell them that they can do no wrong and they believe that too. And will defend their kids even in the face of overwhelming evidence that the kid indeed commit the the offense.
In this case, there are two ways to look at it. One, if the teacher did make these racial or other insensitive remarks and there is a pattern of this, clearly the guy is a dope and should be moving on to another career. If the kids made up the stories, well then the school district had better hire a good legal firm,.
Nice load of shit there....congrats.
Show me. All I ever see is the so-called-conservatives calling liberals racists. Sure, there are a few cases where liberals pull the race card, but for the most part, it is the pseudo-conservatives playing the race game.

Yeah, if someone says all black people are stupid...they are going to deservedly get called a racist, no? But if a lib disagrees with the right, for any reason...you call them racists? Hell, there can't even be intelligent conversations around here because of the pseudo-conservatives crying racism every thread.

Show you ? Seriously man ?
Dude, I've been posting on internet message boards since 1997, and from that point until now I have dealt with the left throwing out the race card, sexist card, homophobe card, yada yada yada yada.
The difference now is, it's been stepped up considerably since Obama has been in office.
Fuck, I'm not even seriously going to waste my time. It's all over the goddamned internet, if you want examples go look for them yourself.

Again, diggie, have a gander at the Race and Race Relations forum. Notice that 9 out of 10 threads are started by conservatives. It is the conservatives on the board who over and over and over again, ad infinitum, have issues with race and race relations, not the liberals and progressives. If not for the conservatives on this board, there would be no need for an entire forum on racial issues. It is the conservatives who are constantly bringing up this issue.

They are bringing it up here, because they see it everywhere else in their lives.
Why is the leader of the teachers union in Chicago not fired for her racist comments like Off with their heads , talking about conservatives http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/01/08/karen-lewis-off-with-their-heads_n_2434718.html

Chicago Teachers Union president spews racial hate speech, ignores truth about minority parents | Fox News

Ohio teacher loses job for racist comment

FAIRFIELD, Ohio — A suburban Cincinnati teacher, accused of making a racist remark to a black student, lost his job after a labor hearing.

Gil Voigt, a Fairfield Freshman School science teacher since 2000, has been on unpaid leave since December when he told a student who had professed his desire to follow in the footsteps of President Barack Obama that "we do not need another black president."

"There is good and just cause to terminate the teaching contract," a state referee said Thursday in a letter to the Fairfield Board of Education. The board voted 4-0 with one board member absent to end his employment with the Butler County school system.

Voigt declined to comment but previously said the student, whom he has described as troublesome, misquoted him in the Dec. 3 incident.

He later told Fairfield officials that what he said to the teen was "I think we can't afford another president like Obama, whether he's black or white."

A previous review of Voigt's personnel file showed that in 2008 he was accused of calling a student an "African-American Rudolph" while aiming a laser pointer at the pupil, in 2013 he received a verbal warning after being accused of calling one student "stupid" and others "gay," and in December he was warned for failing to use the adopted curriculum.

Fairfield Superintendent Paul Otten also recommended Thursday that the board discontinue the veteran teacher's employment contract.
Why is the leader of the teachers union in Chicago not fired for her racist comments like Off with their heads , talking about conservatives Karen Lewis 'Off With Their Heads' Comment: Chicago Teachers Union President Stirs Conservative Ire

Chicago Teachers Union president spews racial hate speech, ignores truth about minority parents | Fox News

Ohio teacher loses job for racist comment

FAIRFIELD, Ohio — A suburban Cincinnati teacher, accused of making a racist remark to a black student, lost his job after a labor hearing.

Gil Voigt, a Fairfield Freshman School science teacher since 2000, has been on unpaid leave since December when he told a student who had professed his desire to follow in the footsteps of President Barack Obama that "we do not need another black president."

"There is good and just cause to terminate the teaching contract," a state referee said Thursday in a letter to the Fairfield Board of Education. The board voted 4-0 with one board member absent to end his employment with the Butler County school system.

Voigt declined to comment but previously said the student, whom he has described as troublesome, misquoted him in the Dec. 3 incident.

He later told Fairfield officials that what he said to the teen was "I think we can't afford another president like Obama, whether he's black or white."

A previous review of Voigt's personnel file showed that in 2008 he was accused of calling a student an "African-American Rudolph" while aiming a laser pointer at the pupil, in 2013 he received a verbal warning after being accused of calling one student "stupid" and others "gay," and in December he was warned for failing to use the adopted curriculum.

Fairfield Superintendent Paul Otten also recommended Thursday that the board discontinue the veteran teacher's employment contract.
Another liberal double standard, just one of many.
Why is the leader of the teachers union in Chicago not fired for her racist comments like Off with their heads , talking about conservatives Karen Lewis 'Off With Their Heads' Comment: Chicago Teachers Union President Stirs Conservative Ire

Chicago Teachers Union president spews racial hate speech, ignores truth about minority parents | Fox News

Ohio teacher loses job for racist comment

FAIRFIELD, Ohio — A suburban Cincinnati teacher, accused of making a racist remark to a black student, lost his job after a labor hearing.

Gil Voigt, a Fairfield Freshman School science teacher since 2000, has been on unpaid leave since December when he told a student who had professed his desire to follow in the footsteps of President Barack Obama that "we do not need another black president."

"There is good and just cause to terminate the teaching contract," a state referee said Thursday in a letter to the Fairfield Board of Education. The board voted 4-0 with one board member absent to end his employment with the Butler County school system.

Voigt declined to comment but previously said the student, whom he has described as troublesome, misquoted him in the Dec. 3 incident.

He later told Fairfield officials that what he said to the teen was "I think we can't afford another president like Obama, whether he's black or white."

A previous review of Voigt's personnel file showed that in 2008 he was accused of calling a student an "African-American Rudolph" while aiming a laser pointer at the pupil, in 2013 he received a verbal warning after being accused of calling one student "stupid" and others "gay," and in December he was warned for failing to use the adopted curriculum.

Fairfield Superintendent Paul Otten also recommended Thursday that the board discontinue the veteran teacher's employment contract.

Most likely because she was not talking to a student. Thats a diversion you just posted.

Invalidate his retirement. Send back the retirement money he contributed, without interest, and terminate from the system.

invalidate his retirement? you're not a republican by any standard. he has a vested contract right to that retirement. no way a republican believes otherwise. what he did, if true, was wrong, and you don't even know if it is true, that does not mean he doesn't get his retirement. sorry jake, but your far leftist views are wrong again.

Welcome back.

Now you are supporting vesting union rights?

Can't have it both ways, bub.

My suggestion is both republican and democratic.

Our children and grand children cannot have such teachers in the system.
leftist unions thugs think they can get away with anything

Nope, good Americans don't let bad Americans get away it.

the leftist union monopoly of our education has been fucking over kids for decades. Every inner city is completely fucked over by the system.

but one leftist went off script, so now he's done, finally, after multiple breaches.

Far right reactionary talking points with no data behind them.

The system worked: get over it.
The American people will not allow the far right to dumb down American education.

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