Teacher Insults Mexican Student, Mexican Sues School

I'm sorry, but ANY American citizen who is actively rooting for ANY team other than the United States representative in ANY tournament, deserves to get yelled at, screamed at, abused verbally, and possibly physically. I see it all the time around here whenever the US Men's Soccer team plays any of the Central/South American teams. Half (or better) of the fans at the game are wearing the colors of Mexico, Columbia, Argentina, Brazil, etc... yet they leave the game and go directly home to the suburbs of Boston.

Ah...a Hooligan.
American-born children of illegal aliens are still American citizens. Deal with it.

THAT is one of the first things that needs to be remedied.

The teacher has an obligation to not harm the student. Xenophobic remarks about how the student's "people" do things to the teacher is not OK. That shit is abusive.

When someone comes into this country and fails to leave that culture behind and assimilate to THIS CULTURE, they are no better than a spy in my mind. They deserve no respect, honor, or even common decency. This extends to individuals with "dual citizenship" as well.


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The teacher has an obligation to not harm the student. Xenophobic remarks about how the student's "people" do things to the teacher is not OK. That shit is abusive.
I wonder what the teacher meant by that???
“because of people like you, I pay high taxes, and because of people like you, my insurance is sky high,”

Please show me where this particular student is an illegal immigrant.
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Teacher should be fired. Clearly if he/she feels this way it is possible Mexican students may not be treated in a fair manner in her class. Student shouldn't be allowed to sue anyone. Learn to buck up and get over it. Someone saying something you find insulting is not a justification to sue.

It's depends. It's a violation of the Civil Rights Act just for starters. Another would be if it was said in front of other students. Then there's professional negligence, infliction of mental distress, hate speech, on and on and on.
Yeah dickheaded to say ... she shouldnt be allowed to sue anyone but him. Not the school district. Thats about stupid.

Unfortunately, that's how lawsuits work. They're the ones with the bucks. The lawyers must think they can establish negligence on the school districts part for having such a racist, nutjob, on the payroll.
The teacher has an obligation to not harm the student. Xenophobic remarks about how the student's "people" do things to the teacher is not OK. That shit is abusive.

Teacher aren't liable for the stupidity of their students.
Teachers need to leave their opinions in the car, there is no place in the class room for that kind of talk but a law suit is stupid as well. I bet the kid did not think of it but you can bet some lawyer heard about it and told the parents I can get you some money.
5. $17 Billion dollars a year is spent for education for the American-born children of illegal aliens, known as anchor babies.

American-born children of illegal aliens are still American citizens. Deal with it.

Cases of Leprosy on The Rise In The U.S. - The New York Times. "While there were some 900 recorded cases in the United States 40 years ago, today more than 7,000 people have leprosy." Leprosy is an airborne virus; it can also be spread by touching and coughing.

Leprosy (a.k.a. Hansen's Disease) is caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium leprae and Mycobacterium lepromatosis, and as such can be treated by antibiotics.

7,000 cases out of 310 million people is less than 0.002%. Who gives a fuck?

I care!

We went from practically zero leprosy cases to more than 7,000 cases because the illegal aliens are bringing it into our country.
If the leper touches something and someone else touches that same object, they could get leprosy. Also, if the leper coughs, any person in the path of that cough, could contract it.

Deport all illegal aliens!

can you show me a link from a credible source that states the comment you made in RED above? Or, is it just supposition on your part?
White libs have taught Hispanics that they are always victims, thus the lawsuit.
The teacher has an obligation to not harm the student. Xenophobic remarks about how the student's "people" do things to the teacher is not OK. That shit is abusive.

Cut the shit.

It's not abuse. It was an insult. Big fucking deal. If I sued every time some idiot insulted me I'd be in court until I die.

That stupid kid needs to grow the fuck up and get over it.
This is just another reason why we should demand our politicians to end Birthright Citizenship. As far, as I'm concerned when two illegal aliens born a child in America that child is also an illegal alien!

To be an American the child has to have at least one American citizen parent!

I'm beginning to wonder if the mexicans have signed on with the jihad's. Our doom will be from within our own borders.

The fastest growing religion in Mexico is Islam. Mexico has a large and growing Communist party. There are more beheading in Mexico than in the Middle East. That should tell us something.
This is just another reason why we should demand our politicians to end Birthright Citizenship. As far, as I'm concerned when two illegal aliens born a child in America that child is also an illegal alien!

To be an American the child has to have at least one American citizen parent!


Wow, Wolfmoon. Make the law retroactive to 1490, and the American Indians could deport us all back to wherever all our ancestors originated. We'd all be illegals. :rolleyes:

That teacher's bitter banter amounted to mental abuse against a child. It is intolerable.

Let the courts decide.

Adult instructors of minor children are not allowed to take a hot pee on them for being themselves nor born in a different family setting than the adult instructor of children.

Oh, yes, and I am not a Mexican nor do I have any Spanish descent. It's just that racial prejudice in the public school system has no place, and I abhor the practice of racism against children in an institution that is charged with producing the next generation of Americans or neighbors who are in our care from other countries.

Mental abuse of a child so severe it taxes them for being born is no less disgraceful than child abuse inflicted with a hammer to kill.
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