Teacher of The Year Arrested For Lewd Acts Performed On a Thirteen Year-Old Child

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
I'm frankly surprised that she was even arrested to begin with. Everybody knows that after homosexuality and transgenderism pedophilia is the next thing to be normalized with the kids. Especially considering the fact that this happened in California.

Another example of the fallacy of the "not that there is anything wrong with that" normies have been conditioned to say about those freaks of nature.....I hate to break it to you enablers but there's a lot wrong with that.

No fuckin' way "proud" gays should be allowed within 500' of a school, much less in a school, it's just a pedo incident waiting to happen.

They can find them another profession to be proud gays in.
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Democrats are fixated sexually upon our children, this has become virtually irrefutable, from the pedophile they cheated into the oval office, to the typical fascist streetwalker, all are sexually infatuated with our children!

What I don't get is there's an awful lot of these dumbasses walking around so surely they would be able to find one of them that's their age or around their age.
What I don't get is there's an awful lot of these dumbasses walking around so surely they would be able to find one of them that's their age or around their age.
0 out of 1000 little boys are interested in old fuck´s cock. What a dilemma. They gotta go to the maf.
The usual suspects even want the term pedophile removed in favor of “minor attracted persons”. Somehow they think that sounds better and lessens the “stigma” attached to that term. It doesn’t.
The usual suspects even want the term pedophile removed in favor of “minor attracted persons”. Somehow they think that sounds better and lessens the “stigma” attached to that term. It doesn’t.

It sounds more like they're defending pedophilia to me.
80% of pedophiles are not gay or trans, they are hetero/straight.

And about 75% of those pedo's don't have sex with kids to have sex with them, they do it to destroy them............
either because they had it done to them, or because they despise and hate kids for being kids. Or some other ludicrous reason.
What I don't get is there's an awful lot of these dumbasses walking around so surely they would be able to find one of them that's their age or around their age.
They do not have any interest in sexual relationships within their age spectrum, they are drawn to sexually mature kids(12-17), that is what turns their crank for them, such is referred to as "pederasty" in men, though you can easily apply it to these female offenders.

If the subject of their sexual fixation is not sexually mature, kids 12 and under, that is pedophilia, but in circumstances where they are pursuing reciprocal sexual relationships in kids 12 + then it is rightly referred to as pederasty, the kid is capable and willing to reciprocate, often via gifting and payments.

Such is literally central to the homosexual lifestyle, they deny the shit out of it, but they all know the truth, in young males who lean homosexual, its all but certain that the vast majority of such very first sexual experience revolved around sex with a much older male, often twice their age.

Its been going on for millennia.........
Democrats are fixated sexually upon our children, this has become virtually irrefutable, from the pedophile they cheated into the oval office, to the typical fascist streetwalker, all are sexually infatuated with our children!
You are a voracious liar.
You are a voracious liar.
I am a "hungry" liar??? I think not, you however, you are a inveterate liar, as most fascist democrats are, consumed by the very lies you continually disseminate, you have come to believe them, your lies! :wink:
There was a rumor going around when I attended high school that the school's female drama teacher was giving some boys BJ's. It was never proven.
Democrats are fixated sexually upon our children, this has become virtually irrefutable, from the pedophile they cheated into the oval office, to the typical fascist streetwalker, all are sexually infatuated with our children!

Yet it is Republicans who continuously vote down legislation to end child marriage in the US. Makes you wonder who is really fixated.
Yet it is Republicans who continuously vote down legislation to end child marriage in the US. Makes you wonder who is really fixated.
This is essentially the same fallacious argument offered by not so well intentioned fascist democrats, who seek to minimize the sexual exploitation of children via the "family friendly drag show" obscenity, by comparing them to the equally repulsive sexual exploitation of little girls via "organized beauty pageants!"

They are not even remotely the same thing, one is become widespread(drag hours)the other relegated to minute portion of population spearheaded by mothers living vicariously through their daughters. The other centers around introducing primarily, little boys, into the orbit of sexually deviant adult males engaged in sexually explicit displays of that deviant behavior!

Curiously, it strongly appears these mother types pushing their little girls into the beauty pageant universe, are the same exact ones intent upon introducing their little boys into the drag queen scene, likely an attempt to manufacture little girls out of them, regardless the drag queen scene dwarfs the beauty pageant scene by order of magnitude, it has reached a much broader audience, and it encourages the widespread involvement of little boys with "adult males" in various stages of undress!

This is precisely the linkage you attempt, it falls absolutely flat....

They are not even remotely the same thing, one is become widespread(drag hours)the other relegated to minute portion of population spearheaded by mothers living vicariously through their daughters. The other centers around introducing primarily, little boys, into the orbit of sexually deviant adult males engaged in sexually explicit displays of that deviant behavior!

Curiously, it strongly appears these mother types pushing their little girls into the beauty pageant universe, are the same exact ones intent upon introducing their little boys into the drag queen scene, likely an attempt to manufacture little girls out of them, regardless the drag queen scene dwarfs the beauty pageant scene by order of magnitude as it encourages the widespread involvement of little boys with "adult males" in various stages of undress!

This is precisely the linkage you attempt, it falls absolutely flat....
Got it. All that hot air in order to excuse child marriage and doing this to little girls:

How many kids actually go to drag shows? How many little girls get put in pageants?

Why don't you let little girls be kids instead of sex objects?
Got it. All that hot air in order to excuse child marriage and doing this to little girls:
View attachment 764832

How many kids actually go to drag shows? How many little girls get put in pageants?

Why don't you let little girls be kids instead of sex objects?
Its funny to you is it, you laugh? The issue you have chosen as your hill of moral relevancy, is ludicrous, there is no comparing the two, as its not a serious societal issue, if it was it would draw ire of Americans, the democrat universal sexual exploitation of American children so dwarfs your ludicrous little hill as to be analogous to comparing an explosion on the moon, to the moon actually exploding, it is just an attempt by you to rationalize morality on down to a game of whataboutism!

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