teacher quit over school board lady taking pictures of black leaders in his class room

Yeah. We have to carve out a special month to highlight the usefulness of Black people.

It's pretty fucking pathetic.

It's a participation trophy.

If I were black, I would be fucking embarrassed about that bullshit. You're being treated like children.
Yeah. WE have to carve our a special month to highlight the usefulness of handicapped people.

It's pretty fucking pathetic.

It's a participation trophy.

If I were handicapped, I would be fucking embarrased about that bullshit. You're being treated like children.

Yeah. WE have to carve our a special month to highlight the usefulness of Irish-American people.

It's pretty fucking pathetic.

It's a participation trophy.

If I were Irish-American, I would be fucking embarrased about that bullshit. You're being treated like children.

Yeah. WE have to carve our a special month to highlight the usefulness of Jewish-American people.

It's pretty fucking pathetic.

It's a participation trophy.

If I were Jewish-American, I would be fucking embarrased about that bullshit. You're being treated like children.

Because they might grow up thinking they suck and need to improve some shit?

Need self-esteem so they don't feel the need to accomplish?

We was kangs?

What? White children need to learn why black people are useful? Is that because if they don't learn why black people are useful when they are young and impressionable, they might grow up and form their own opinions base on experience?

Do you see what I'm getting at?

Feed children a bunch of inflated shit and they will form irreversable opinions to the contrary when they grow up. But, go for it.
It's almost as if someone is afraid to find out that white males are not the end all and be all.

Because they might grow up thinking they suck and need to improve some shit?

Need self-esteem so they don't feel the need to accomplish?

We was kangs?

What? White children need to learn why black people are useful? Is that because if they don't learn why black people are useful when they are young and impressionable, they might grow up and form their own opinions base on experience?

Do you see what I'm getting at?

Feed children a bunch of inflated shit and they will form irreversable opinions to the contrary when they grow up. But, go for it.
Feed children a bunch of inflated shit and they will form irreversable opinions to the contrary when they grow up. But, go for it.

exactly what blacks do . and the kids painting picks of themselves with crowns on like they are superior race. and how are blacks useful when they percent of the crime>?
I've been out doing crap. Did she just say black history month if about remembering and commemorating handicapped people?
she dosent know what really handicapped or learning disabled person is and it is not one race either.
since when does anyone eat clothing? and ther are no clothes that are for one race or the other.

Moths lay eggs, the caterpillars eat fabric.

Moths lay eggs, the caterpillars eat fabric.

never mind i thought some was saying black people eat white people clothes lol. months actually ley eggs in cloth that makes hole., maybe the babies eat it i dont know. sorry
Moths lay eggs, the caterpillars eat fabric.

Sorry Todd, you are incorrect.

Clothes moths are pests that can destroy fabric and other materials. They feed exclusively on animal fibers, especially wool, fur, silk, feathers, felt, and leather.
Cotton and synthetic fabrics such as polyester and rayon are rarely attacked unless blended with wool, or heavily soiled with food stains or body oils.
Sorry Todd, you are incorrect.

Clothes moths are pests that can destroy fabric and other materials. They feed exclusively on animal fibers, especially wool, fur, silk, feathers, felt, and leather.
Cotton and synthetic fabrics such as polyester and rayon are rarely attacked unless blended with wool, or heavily soiled with food stains or body oils.

There are actually two types of clothes moths distributed worldwide: the webbing clothes moth (Tineola bisselliell) and casemaking clothes moth (Tinea pellionella). Both types of moths eat natural fibers found in clothing, carpet, drapes, upholstery and bedding. They’ll eat wool, silk, cotton and any other natural fiber they can find. If they run out of clothing fibers, moths will even eat pet fur or chomp through synthetic materials to burrow into natural fibers underneath.

I always thought they ate cotton too........

so he is signally out one race to feel comfortable not others like whites , mexians asains .,hmm. why do only blacks matter in his class? how does he think he is making the other non blacks feel.

Where does it say that he only had black leaders pictures in his class???? What it says is that ONLY black leaders pictures were removed.

Why are white men so afraid of black children having leaders who look like them.

Why are white children such snowflakes that hearing about black leaders makes them feel bad about being white?

You have no problem with black kids being labelled as “thugs” and “inferior” and yet white kids will be destroyed if they learn about the evils of slavery and racism.

My grandkids just had Truth and Reconcilliation Day across our education system. There they learned about the abuse and deaths of native children at residential schools. They know the truth about our past. So we can all learn and grow from it.

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