Teacher will be charged for saying Mohammed was a child molester

People in the west love to judge other people and cultures by western standards. Which is absurd.

People in many parts of the world marry off their daughters when they reach puberty, regardless of age. I know a woman from Africa who was given in marriage at the age of 9 years old. Which was totally acceptable in her village. She told me that African girls have their first period earlier than western girls.

As for those who say at that age the girl would barely know what was going on is totally ridiculous. In rural settings kids see the farm animals mating all of the time. So yes, they are aware of what sex is about.

Also, people need to remember that people during antiquity generally lived on average only to about age 45. So marriage and procreation started much earlier than what is considered acceptable by today's standards. ........ :cool:
Defending that pedophile Mohammed are you?
People in the west love to judge other people and cultures by western standards. Which is absurd.

People in many parts of the world marry off their daughters when they reach puberty, regardless of age. I know a woman from Africa who was given in marriage at the age of 9 years old. Which was totally acceptable in her village. She told me that African girls have their first period earlier than western girls.

As for those who say at that age the girl would barely know what was going on is totally ridiculous. In rural settings kids see the farm animals mating all of the time. So yes, they are aware of what sex is about.

Also, people need to remember that people during antiquity generally lived on average only to about age 45. So marriage and procreation started much earlier than what is considered acceptable by today's standards. ........ :cool:
Oh, so if i go to muslim-land, i can fuck children? Cool man. It sounds like a great place to raise a family. Im shocked that anyone has a problem with Islam. :dunno:
A nine-year-old is incapable of consenting to sexual intercourse, and it doesn't matter what culture she lives in, it's still wrong for a grown man to take advantage of her in this way. Mohammed was a child rapist, and that's the culture of Islam, it makes Islam wrong.
People in the west love to judge other people and cultures by western standards. Which is absurd.

People in many parts of the world marry off their daughters when they reach puberty, regardless of age. I know a woman from Africa who was given in marriage at the age of 9 years old. Which was totally acceptable in her village. She told me that African girls have their first period earlier than western girls.

As for those who say at that age the girl would barely know what was going on is totally ridiculous. In rural settings kids see the farm animals mating all of the time. So yes, they are aware of what sex is about.

Also, people need to remember that people during antiquity generally lived on average only to about age 45. So marriage and procreation started much earlier than what is considered acceptable by today's standards. ........ :cool:
Never thought you could get into trouble for stating facts,
Remember this is what the Libs want to do to Climate change deniers too.
The inmates are truly in charge of the asylum,
Then don't excuse it by saying it was his culture. That's not an excuse. If he was a real prophet of God, God would have told him not to have sex with a nine-year-old.
Really? ...... did he tell you that??

Your bible has a prophet who had sex with both of his daughters and got them pregnant.

And basically all of the bible prophets had multiple wives.

And the God of the Bible never admonished them. ....... :cool:
(1) Lot was not a prophet.

(2) Lot's daughters got him drunk had sex with him without his consent, i.e. they RAPED him.

(3) There is nothing in the story saying God approved of what Lot's daughters did.

(4) Moses had only one wife.

(5) Most of the prophets never got married at all.

(6) Kings had multiple wives, but by Jesus' time the Jews realized that polygamy was against God's commandments.

(7) Christians never practiced polygamy, even when it started 2000 years ago.

(8) Muslim determination not to modernize their thinking is holding the Muslim people back, making them the poorest and most backwards countries in the world.
Marriage to Muhammad
The idea to match Aisha with Muhammad was suggested by Khawlah bint Hakim.[20][21] After this, the previous agreement regarding the marriage of Aisha with Jubayr ibn Mut'im was put aside by common consent. Abu Bakr was uncertain at first "as to the propriety or even legality of marrying his daughter to his 'brother'."[21] British historian William Montgomery Watt suggests that Muhammad hoped to strengthen his ties with Abu Bakr;[10] the strengthening of ties commonly served as a basis for marriage in Arabian culture.[22]

Age at marriage
See also: Criticism of Muhammad (Aisha), Islam and children § Marriage, and Child marriage
Aisha's age at the time she was married to Muhammad has been of interest since the earliest days of Islam, and references to her age by early historians are frequent.[11] According to Sunni scriptural Hadith sources, Aisha was six or seven years old when she was married to Muhammad with the marriage not being consummated until she had reached puberty at the age of nine or ten years old.[10][11][12][13][14][23][24][25] For example, Sahih al-Bukhari states:

Narrated 'Aisha: that the Prophet married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old, and then she remained with him for nine years (i.e., till his death).

— Sahih al-Bukhari, 7:62:64
Some traditional sources disagree. Ibn Hisham wrote in his biography of Muhammad that she may have been ten years old at the consummation.[11] Ibn Khallikan, as well as Ibn Sa'd al-Baghdadi citing Hisham ibn Urwah, record that she was nine years old at marriage, and twelve at consummation.[26] Sadakat Kadri points out that the recording of Aisha's age by Ibn Sa'd and Bukhari (though the hadith was Sahih) came a couple of centuries after the Prophet's death.[27] Child marriage was not uncommon in many places at the time, Arabia included. It often served political purposes, and Aisha's marriage to Muhammad would have had a political connotation.[26]

Muslim authors who calculate Aisha's age based on the more detailed information available about her sister Asma estimate that she was over thirteen and perhaps between seventeen and nineteen at the time of her marriage.[28] Muhammad Niknam Arabshahi, an Iranian Islamic scholar and historian, has considered six different approaches to determining Aisha'a age and concluded that she was engaged in her late teens.[29] Using the age of Fatimah as a reference point, the Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement scholar Muhammad Ali has estimated that Aisha was over ten years old at the time of marriage and over fifteen at the time of its consummation.[30]

Aisha - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It doesn't surprise me in the least.

Because in Austria a person can be thrown in prison for publicly questioning the so called Holocaust. ...... :cool:
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It doesn't surprise me in the least.

Because in Austria a person can be thrown in prison for publicly questioning the Holocaust. ...... :cool:
People shouldnt be thrown in jail for being incredibly stupid. I guess we agree on that point.
(1) Lot was not a prophet.

(2) Lot's daughters got him drunk had sex with him without his consent, i.e. they RAPED him.

(3) There is nothing in the story saying God approved of what Lot's daughters did.

(4) Moses had only one wife.

(5) Most of the prophets never got married at all.

(6) Kings had multiple wives, but by Jesus' time the Jews realized that polygamy was against God's commandments.

(7) Christians never practiced polygamy, even when it started 2000 years ago.

(8) Muslim determination not to modernize their thinking is holding the Muslim people back, making them the poorest and most backwards countries in the world.
Yes, Lot was a prophet.....and yes, Moses had more that one wife.

Try reading your Bible for a change.....instead of spending your time attacking other religions. ...... :cool:
(1) Lot was not a prophet.

(2) Lot's daughters got him drunk had sex with him without his consent, i.e. they RAPED him.

(3) There is nothing in the story saying God approved of what Lot's daughters did.

(4) Moses had only one wife.

(5) Most of the prophets never got married at all.

(6) Kings had multiple wives, but by Jesus' time the Jews realized that polygamy was against God's commandments.

(7) Christians never practiced polygamy, even when it started 2000 years ago.

(8) Muslim determination not to modernize their thinking is holding the Muslim people back, making them the poorest and most backwards countries in the world.
Yes, Lot was a prophet.....and yes, Moses had more that one wife.

Try reading your Bible for a change.....instead of spending your time attacking other religions. ...... :cool:
Lot wasn't a prophet, he was just a regular guy who got caught up in events beyond his control. God allowed him to live because he was the only good man in Sodom and Gomorrah, but his wife looked back on that sinful city and was destroyed, and his daughters raped him. He is one of the most sorrowful characters in the entire Bible, and not a prophet.

Moses had one wife, look it up if you don't believe me. If you had proof that he had others, please find a Bible passage to support it.
What's the problem? Mohammed was a child molester. This crap is out of control

A teacher in Austria will be charged for telling students Mohammed, the founder of Islam, was a child molester.

A middle school teacher in the Austrian city of Bregenz is facing criminal prosecution for her comments regarding the founder of Islam. Vorarlberg Provincial Councillor Dr. Bernadette Mennel confirmed that the teacher was facing a criminal complaint when she said, “yes, there is an allegation against the teacher,” VOL reports.

It is alleged that the Bregenz teacher had described Mohammed, the prophet and founder of Islam, as a child molester in front of her students. Upon hearing the news the school forwarded the complaint to the Vorarlberg prosecutors office.

Currently the prosecution office has given no information about their investigation into the veracity of the claims against the teacher but if they find any truth to them there will likely be harsh consequences for the teacher.

Frau Mennel said, “such statements are unacceptable,” but said she would hold off judgement until the state prosecutor was able fully to investigate the case and determine the legitimacy of the claim.

Remarks about Mohammed being a child molester refer to a marriage that occurred later in his life. Mohammed was married to a girl named Aisha who was only six years old at the time of their marriage, and only nine years old when they first had sexual relations

Teacher To Be Prosecuted For Calling Mohammed Child Molester

Mohammed was a child molester?

Well.... I'm sure you'll make some bull up that ignores a lot of history, and a lot of the reality of the past, and then mix it in with taking sources and misusing them.
The only person ignoring history is YOU! Quit defending pedophiles, you sick fuck.

A pedophile is what?

Pedophilia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Pedophilia or paedophilia is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children."

Hebephilia is:

"Hebephilia is the strong and persistent adult sexual interest in pubescent (early adolescent) individuals, typically ages 11–14"

Ephebophilia is:

"Ephebophilia is the primary or exclusive adult sexual interest in mid-to-late adolescents, generally ages 15 to 19."

So, firstly, you have to understand the terms. Pedophilia is not having sex with pre-pubescent children, it's the sexual attraction towards pre-pubescent children.

Secondly, Mohammed MARRIED Aisha when she was six. Marrying someone doesn't mean you're having sex with them, and it doesn't mean you're sexually attracted to them.

Ayesha the child wife of the Prophet

Sahih Muslim Book 008, Number 3310:
'A'isha (Allah be pleased with her) reported: Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) married me when I was six years old, and I was admitted to his house when I was nine years old.

"Sahih Muslim Book 008, Number 3311
'A'isha (Allah be pleased with her) reported that Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) married her when she was seven years old, and he was taken to his house as a bride when she was nine, and her dolls were with her; and when he (the Holy Prophet) died she was eighteen years old.

Firstly, Mohammed married a six year old, but the girl wasn't even admitted to his house until she was 9. This suggests that perhaps the marriage wasn't for sex as the primary purpose, but for politics.

Second, the "facts" are very sketchy. Married when she was six or seven?

"The holy Prophet died when he was 63. So he must have married Ayesha when he as 51 and went to her when he was 54."

"I never felt so jealous of any woman as I did of Khadija, though she had died three years before the Prophet married me,"

"Khadija died in December of 619 AD. That is two years before Hijra. At that time the Prophet was 51-years-old."

So, Mohammed died when he was 63. Khadija died when in 632 AD at the age of 63. So Mohammed was 50 or 51 years old when she died. Then he married three years after Khadija died, so 53 or 54 years old. Aisha was born in 613 AD, so she'd have been 10 years old when he married her. But other sources say 6 or 7 years old.

Now, if they say she was 6, and then she moved to his house when she was 9, what if she was 10 years old and moved when she was 13 years old?

The problem is no one knows how old this girl was when they married. No one knows how old she was when they first had sex.

Aisha - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"British historian William Montgomery Watt suggests that Muhammad hoped to strengthen his ties with Abu Bakr;[10] the strengthening of ties commonly served as a basis for marriage in Arabian culture.[22]"

"Aisha's age at the time she was married to Muhammad has been of interest since the earliest days of Islam, and references to her age by early historians are frequent.[11] According to Sunni scriptural Hadith sources, Aisha was six or seven years old when she was married to Muhammad with the marriage not being consummated until she had reached puberty at the age of nine or ten years old."

"American historian Denise Spellberg has reviewed Islamic literature on Aisha's virginity, age at marriage and age when the marriage was consummated and speculates that Aisha's youth might have been exaggerated to exclude any doubt about her virginity.["

And the last thing is, Mohammed and Aisha didn't have any children together.

This could have been for various reasons. However, there's no real proof that they even had sex together. They would have had to consummate the marriage. However they could easily have said that they had had sex without actually having sex.
What's the problem? Mohammed was a child molester. This crap is out of control

A teacher in Austria will be charged for telling students Mohammed, the founder of Islam, was a child molester.

A middle school teacher in the Austrian city of Bregenz is facing criminal prosecution for her comments regarding the founder of Islam. Vorarlberg Provincial Councillor Dr. Bernadette Mennel confirmed that the teacher was facing a criminal complaint when she said, “yes, there is an allegation against the teacher,” VOL reports.

It is alleged that the Bregenz teacher had described Mohammed, the prophet and founder of Islam, as a child molester in front of her students. Upon hearing the news the school forwarded the complaint to the Vorarlberg prosecutors office.

Currently the prosecution office has given no information about their investigation into the veracity of the claims against the teacher but if they find any truth to them there will likely be harsh consequences for the teacher.

Frau Mennel said, “such statements are unacceptable,” but said she would hold off judgement until the state prosecutor was able fully to investigate the case and determine the legitimacy of the claim.

Remarks about Mohammed being a child molester refer to a marriage that occurred later in his life. Mohammed was married to a girl named Aisha who was only six years old at the time of their marriage, and only nine years old when they first had sexual relations

Teacher To Be Prosecuted For Calling Mohammed Child Molester

Mohammed was a child molester?

Well.... I'm sure you'll make some bull up that ignores a lot of history, and a lot of the reality of the past, and then mix it in with taking sources and misusing them.
The fact that Mohammed married a six-year-old, and had sex with her when she was nine, is well known. Do you feel entitled to create your own alternative reality where facts are just as you wish them to be? Because I've noticed that in a lot of liberals. They think they can wish facts away, and that makes them not real. It's really a form of mental illness, liberalism is.

Read my post before.

The "fact" that he married a 6 year old isn't a "fact" at all.

The "fact" that he had sex with a 9 year old is also not a "fact".

Yes, it is well known. That doesn't make it a fact.
I attack Islam because it is inspired by a false prophet who got false visions from Satan to start a false and evil religion based on ignorance, violence, and hatred.
Fucking violate TOS with no action by staff. Great. This place is going to hell in a handbasket.
So you want me punished? This is more proof that the LGBT agenda is about punishing people, and making them afraid to speak out. You have already destroyed free speech on Facebook, since people who oppose LGBT on Facebook are being fired from their jobs and expelled from college. You want this place to do that too? You are a Stalinist, Dhara. Plain and simple.

Destroyed free speech on Facebook? As if you have a right to free speech on Facebook.
Do you believe LGBT has a right to destroy lives and careers of all who oppose them? Because if you believe that you are a combination of Joseph Stalin and Joseph McCarthy.

I'm sorry, what does this have to do with freedom of speech and facebook?

If I kill someone, does someone else have the "right" to destroy my life and send me to prison?
I attack Islam because it is inspired by a false prophet who got false visions from Satan to start a false and evil religion based on ignorance, violence, and hatred.

How do you prove someone is a false prophet?

I'd say all prophets are false. But hey.
Personally, I don't care. Mohammed did so many other evil deeds in his life that having sex with a nine-year-old is just a drop in the bucket. Of Mohammed it can truly be said that there would be more peace, light, and truth in the world had he never been born. Before Mohammed's bloody jihad, the Mediterranean was a Christian lake. Had Mohammed not been born, the countries of the Middle and North Africa would have remained Christian, and Christian Europe would not have been cut off from the rest of the world, and fallen into the Dark Ages.

And even though the Islamic world thrived and prospered for a time, the mind-numbing dogmas of the Koran finally dragged it down into the Dark Ages as well, where it remains to this day.
A nine-year-old is incapable of consenting to sexual intercourse, and it doesn't matter what culture she lives in, it's still wrong for a grown man to take advantage of her in this way. Mohammed was a child rapist, and that's the culture of Islam, it makes Islam wrong.
People in the west love to judge other people and cultures by western standards. Which is absurd.

People in many parts of the world marry off their daughters when they reach puberty, regardless of age. I know a woman from Africa who was given in marriage at the age of 9 years old. Which was totally acceptable in her village. She told me that African girls have their first period earlier than western girls.

As for those who say at that age the girl would barely know what was going on is totally ridiculous. In rural settings kids see the farm animals mating all of the time. So yes, they are aware of what sex is about.

Also, people need to remember that people during antiquity generally lived on average only to about age 45. So marriage and procreation started much earlier than what is considered acceptable by today's standards. ........ :cool:

Sunni, I haven't read the whole thread, but the issue for me is:

No problem what their (your) customs are in Africa & the Middle East....but when they (you) come over here...they (you) need to leave the Barbaric stuff behind.

But, no Muslim ever intends to do that...do they?

And therein lies the problem which Donald Trump has the stones to address.

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