Teacher will be charged for saying Mohammed was a child molester

I'm wondering if The Great Goose will clarify....or run away.
I hope his ass gets spanked for the rule violation.
Did anyone call you a pedophile? I didnt think so, so why dont you shut up.
Accusing someone of defending pedophiles is also against TOS, FYI

No, it's not. Read the rules silly person. ACCUSING someone of BEING a pedophile is against the rules. Accusing them of defending a pedo is NOT.
That is fucking bullshit.

Don't like the rules, don't play. It's as simple as that.
Which one of us is the "progressive bull dyke who wants little girls to herself?
I'm wondering if The Great Goose will clarify....or run away.
I hope his ass gets spanked for the rule violation.
Did anyone call you a pedophile? I didnt think so, so why dont you shut up.
Accusing someone of defending pedophiles is also against TOS, FYI

No, it's not. Read the rules silly person. ACCUSING someone of BEING a pedophile is against the rules. Accusing them of defending a pedo is NOT.
Ok, so from now one I can say someone here is supporting a pedophile. That's excellent news. I shall save this post of yours.
I'm wondering if The Great Goose will clarify....or run away.
I hope his ass gets spanked for the rule violation.
Did anyone call you a pedophile? I didnt think so, so why dont you shut up.
Accusing someone of defending pedophiles is also against TOS, FYI

No, it's not. Read the rules silly person. ACCUSING someone of BEING a pedophile is against the rules. Accusing them of defending a pedo is NOT.
Ok, so from now one I can say someone here is supporting a pedophile. That's excellent news. I shall save this post of yours.
Aww, are you going to pout now? You should actually read the rules before trying to enforce them, dummy.
We don't know how old Mary was when she conceived Jesus, but she was already past the age of puberty, making her much older than nine-years-old.
I'm wondering if The Great Goose will clarify....or run away.
I hope his ass gets spanked for the rule violation.
Did anyone call you a pedophile? I didnt think so, so why dont you shut up.
Accusing someone of defending pedophiles is also against TOS, FYI

No, it's not. Read the rules silly person. ACCUSING someone of BEING a pedophile is against the rules. Accusing them of defending a pedo is NOT.
Ok, so from now one I can say someone here is supporting a pedophile. That's excellent news. I shall save this post of yours.

Feel free to. If the shoe fits and all that. Remember dearie we relaxed the rules quite a bit so that D4E and his pedo bullshit could be dealt with in a more fair way. If you tread in the shit, it's going to stick.
I hope his ass gets spanked for the rule violation.
Did anyone call you a pedophile? I didnt think so, so why dont you shut up.
Accusing someone of defending pedophiles is also against TOS, FYI

Fine I quit.

No, it's not. Read the rules silly person. ACCUSING someone of BEING a pedophile is against the rules. Accusing them of defending a pedo is NOT.
That is fucking bullshit.

Don't like the rules, don't play. It's as simple as that.
Ban me. .
So anyway, quit defending pedophiles. Thats sick shit.
She isn't...just like I'm not defending Christians who burned people at the stake by talking about it being a cultural thing in Medieval Europe. What the Christians did was adhorrant, but I'm not defending it by pointing it out.
What's the problem? Mohammed was a child molester. This crap is out of control

A teacher in Austria will be charged for telling students Mohammed, the founder of Islam, was a child molester.

A middle school teacher in the Austrian city of Bregenz is facing criminal prosecution for her comments regarding the founder of Islam. Vorarlberg Provincial Councillor Dr. Bernadette Mennel confirmed that the teacher was facing a criminal complaint when she said, “yes, there is an allegation against the teacher,” VOL reports.

It is alleged that the Bregenz teacher had described Mohammed, the prophet and founder of Islam, as a child molester in front of her students. Upon hearing the news the school forwarded the complaint to the Vorarlberg prosecutors office.

Currently the prosecution office has given no information about their investigation into the veracity of the claims against the teacher but if they find any truth to them there will likely be harsh consequences for the teacher.

Frau Mennel said, “such statements are unacceptable,” but said she would hold off judgement until the state prosecutor was able fully to investigate the case and determine the legitimacy of the claim.

Remarks about Mohammed being a child molester refer to a marriage that occurred later in his life. Mohammed was married to a girl named Aisha who was only six years old at the time of their marriage, and only nine years old when they first had sexual relations

Teacher To Be Prosecuted For Calling Mohammed Child Molester

she was lucky

in a couple of more years

it could have been a beheading

Well, if we can go back and rail on confederates, past actors that may have said this or that about gays etc, etc, and apply our current cultural and political norms in order to pass judgement on them despite the culture of the times they lived in I don't see how calling Mohammed a pedo is any different.

Call it what it would be considered now or apply the standards equally and give all groups/people the consideration of whether or not what they did/said/believed was 'normal' at that time.
The thing is, when someone accused me of accused me of being a pedophile because I play D&D with my son and his friends (all legal adults by the way), I did not complain, I just put him on "ignore." So you could do that too, instead of whining.

But you won't put me on "ignore" because I actually pay attention to what you say, and I've been respectful considering that we disagree about everything.

I have never called you a "butch" or a "lesbo" and I have never said anything hateful to you.

I oppose you and your agenda because I must, as a Christian, oppose you and your agenda. The LGBT movement knows that gender identity is not purely a matter of the way you are born, but it is also something to do with environment. LGBT people are creating an environment designed to confuse young people about their gender identity and sexual orientation, and therefore lure them over to the LGBT lifestyle.

And you have done that to your adopted son, and now he's gender confused. Had he been raised by a heterosexual couple, he would NOT be gender confused.

So all his problems are on your head.
Well, if we can go back and rail on confederates, past actors that may have said this or that about gays etc, etc, and apply our current cultural and political norms in order to pass judgement on them despite the culture of the times they lived in I don't see how calling Mohammed a pedo is any different.

Call it what it would be considered now or apply the standards equally and give all groups/people the consideration of whether or not what they did/said/believed was 'normal' at that time.
I agree with you somewhat, but not enough to agree that slavery or pedophilia was ever acceptable, even if the culture allowed it. In our society, is legal and some say acceptable, to have an abortion all the way until the day of natural birth. I don't believe there is a cultural defense to abortion, even if many people think it's okay, it's not.
Well, if we can go back and rail on confederates, past actors that may have said this or that about gays etc, etc, and apply our current cultural and political norms in order to pass judgement on them despite the culture of the times they lived in I don't see how calling Mohammed a pedo is any different.

Call it what it would be considered now or apply the standards equally and give all groups/people the consideration of whether or not what they did/said/believed was 'normal' at that time.
I agree with you somewhat, but not enough to agree that slavery or pedophilia was ever acceptable, even if the culture allowed it. In our society, is legal and some say acceptable, to have an abortion all the way until the day of natural birth. I don't believe there is a cultural defense to abortion, even if many people think it's okay, it's not.

I see what you're saying. Some things are indefensible. Slavery. Pedophilia. Yes.

Time warp it back a few/several hundred years though and they're both commonplace.

Just saying if we're going to be retroactively politically correct Mohammed shouldn't be getting a pass.
Then don't excuse it by saying it was his culture. That's not an excuse. If he was a real prophet of God, God would have told him not to have sex with a nine-year-old.
Really? ...... did he tell you that??

Your bible has a prophet who had sex with both of his daughters and got them pregnant.

And basically all of the bible prophets had multiple wives.

And the God of the Bible never admonished them. ....... :cool:

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