Teacher will be charged for saying Mohammed was a child molester

A nine-year-old is incapable of consenting to sexual intercourse, and it doesn't matter what culture she lives in, it's still wrong for a grown man to take advantage of her in this way. Mohammed was a child rapist, and that's the culture of Islam, it makes Islam wrong.
Then so were many Americans....You can't judge a society that existed 1400 years ago with morals of today...
christians and jews married off girls around the same age

and he did wait until she was 12.

but there's a reason we stopped doing that barbaric shit

It's immoral and out and out evil to do that to someone so young. If he really was 'the' profit, the voice of god, he should have known better.

and islam still practices it today
Anyway, if it's illegal for a teacher to tell the truth about a historical person, that's a bad sign that the entire country is in serious trouble.
The truth is Aisha was 9. The truth is some girls were married at that age and at that time. In India, it still goes on.
I believe that it wasn't that long ago that girls as young as 14 were married in Europe and the United States. I personally met a couple where the girl married when she was 15. But 14-15, while under the modern age of consent in most states, is still after the age of puberty.

Mohammed married this girl when she was six, so she had no choice about marrying him. She was a slave, not a real wife. And he had sex with her when she was nine, an age when sex doesn't even make sense to most girls. She probably didn't even know what he was doing to her. But it must have been very painful, and she must have cried afterwards, because she was raped. Nine-year-old girls cannot consent to sexual intercourse, they lack the capacity.
Anyway, if it's illegal for a teacher to tell the truth about a historical person, that's a bad sign that the entire country is in serious trouble.
The truth is Aisha was 9. The truth is some girls were married at that age and at that time. In India, it still goes on.
China, Europe, USA, South America...Europe etc, etc, .....These people think they can condemn dead people....and make them feel bad..............
I believe that it wasn't that long ago that girls as young as 14 were married in Europe and the United States. I personally met a couple where the girl married when she was 15. But 14-15, while under the modern age of consent in most states, is still after the age of puberty.

Mohammed married this girl when she was six, so she had no choice about marrying him. She was a slave, not a real wife. And he had sex with her when she was nine, an age when sex doesn't even make sense to most girls. She probably didn't even know what he was doing to her. But it must have been very painful, and she must have cried afterwards, because she was raped. Nine-year-old girls cannot consent to sexual intercourse, they lack the capacity.
The culture then in all nations was that females were not valued as males were in an agriculture society....and were sold off.. Why do you think a female needed a dowry to marry?
I believe that it wasn't that long ago that girls as young as 14 were married in Europe and the United States. I personally met a couple where the girl married when she was 15. But 14-15, while under the modern age of consent in most states, is still after the age of puberty.

Mohammed married this girl when she was six, so she had no choice about marrying him. She was a slave, not a real wife. And he had sex with her when she was nine, an age when sex doesn't even make sense to most girls. She probably didn't even know what he was doing to her. But it must have been very painful, and she must have cried afterwards, because she was raped. Nine-year-old girls cannot consent to sexual intercourse, they lack the capacity.
110 years ago, you could still marry a 10 year old in the USA....
If he said that Jesus was a faggot, he'd be given an award.
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Dhara wants a world where they she can defend pedophiles, but if I point out the truth that she is defending pedophiles, I'm the one who gets in trouble.

Which is exactly what they're doing in Austria, punishing a teacher for telling the truth to her students that Mohammed had sex with a nine-year-old girl, which makes him a pedophile.

This is how they work, folks. This is the new world they want us to live in. If I get banned for telling the truth about what Dhara said, then this forum is doomed to go the route of Facebook, and all the other forums where people get banned for telling the truth.
Dhara wants a world where they she can defend pedophiles, but if I point out the truth that she is defending pedophiles, I'm the one who gets in trouble.

Which is exactly what they're doing in Austria, punishing a teacher for telling the truth to her students that Mohammed had sex with a nine-year-old girl, which makes him a pedophile.

This is how they work, folks. This is the new world they want us to live in. If I get banned for telling the truth about what Dhara said, then this forum is doomed to go the route of Facebook, and all the other forums where people get banned for telling the truth.
Accusing a fellow poster of defending pedophiles.
Some people don't seem to know that Austria has different laws about speech than the U.S.

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