Teacher will be charged for saying Mohammed was a child molester

Mary ws 13 when she had Jesus. Same age Mohammed consumated his marriage to Aisha.

Then there's Ted Poopy Pants Draft Dodger, Admitted Pedo, Canned Hunt Slime, Convicted Poacher Nugent and the creepy old fart on Duck Dynasty.

Very funny is that RWNJs here defended those two for their open pedophila.

As to the OP, Jesus and Mohammed, all they did was follow the standards of that era.
If what the teacher said is true, what's the problem? If people didn't want him to have such a thing about himself be a fact, he should have written something different about himself for other people to read. In other words, don't go shooting the messenger when they are not who did the writing of the message in the first place.

God bless you and the teacher always!!!

You diddle with a nine year old you're a chomo. Just a fact.

So why aren't you so angry about Joseph Smith doing the same thing?

Or David Koresh?
Virgin Mary was 12 when she had Jesus

Is God a pedophile?

As usual the left goes out of it's way to make excuses for it's protected religion.

Mary's age is not known when she had Jesus...fools abound

Neither was Aisha's age certain...fools abound indeed.
You diddle with a nine year old you're a chomo. Just a fact.

So why aren't you so angry about Joseph Smith doing the same thing?

Or David Koresh?
Virgin Mary was 12 when she had Jesus

Is God a pedophile?

As usual the left goes out of it's way to make excuses for it's protected religion.

Mary's age is not known when she had Jesus...fools abound

Neither was Aisha's age certain...fools abound indeed.

Hers is more certain than Mary's...fool. I see you're still coddling the Islamos. Regardless the teacher shouldn't be punished and it's just more coddling for the muzzies...like you and others on here do
What's the problem? Mohammed was a child molester. This crap is out of control

A teacher in Austria will be charged for telling students Mohammed, the founder of Islam, was a child molester.

A middle school teacher in the Austrian city of Bregenz is facing criminal prosecution for her comments regarding the founder of Islam. Vorarlberg Provincial Councillor Dr. Bernadette Mennel confirmed that the teacher was facing a criminal complaint when she said, “yes, there is an allegation against the teacher,” VOL reports.

It is alleged that the Bregenz teacher had described Mohammed, the prophet and founder of Islam, as a child molester in front of her students. Upon hearing the news the school forwarded the complaint to the Vorarlberg prosecutors office.

Currently the prosecution office has given no information about their investigation into the veracity of the claims against the teacher but if they find any truth to them there will likely be harsh consequences for the teacher.

Frau Mennel said, “such statements are unacceptable,” but said she would hold off judgement until the state prosecutor was able fully to investigate the case and determine the legitimacy of the claim.

Remarks about Mohammed being a child molester refer to a marriage that occurred later in his life. Mohammed was married to a girl named Aisha who was only six years old at the time of their marriage, and only nine years old when they first had sexual relations

Teacher To Be Prosecuted For Calling Mohammed Child Molester

I'm curious what the actual criminal charges are. I am guessing it will be something like a hate crime. Pretty soon liberals will be locking people up for calling them liars.
What's the problem? Mohammed was a child molester. This crap is out of control

A teacher in Austria will be charged for telling students Mohammed, the founder of Islam, was a child molester.

A middle school teacher in the Austrian city of Bregenz is facing criminal prosecution for her comments regarding the founder of Islam. Vorarlberg Provincial Councillor Dr. Bernadette Mennel confirmed that the teacher was facing a criminal complaint when she said, “yes, there is an allegation against the teacher,” VOL reports.

It is alleged that the Bregenz teacher had described Mohammed, the prophet and founder of Islam, as a child molester in front of her students. Upon hearing the news the school forwarded the complaint to the Vorarlberg prosecutors office.

Currently the prosecution office has given no information about their investigation into the veracity of the claims against the teacher but if they find any truth to them there will likely be harsh consequences for the teacher.

Frau Mennel said, “such statements are unacceptable,” but said she would hold off judgement until the state prosecutor was able fully to investigate the case and determine the legitimacy of the claim.

Remarks about Mohammed being a child molester refer to a marriage that occurred later in his life. Mohammed was married to a girl named Aisha who was only six years old at the time of their marriage, and only nine years old when they first had sexual relations

Teacher To Be Prosecuted For Calling Mohammed Child Molester

I'm curious what the actual criminal charges are. I am guessing it will be something like a hate crime. Pretty soon liberals will be locking people up for calling them liars.

Progressives are nuts...it's the only explanation
Anyway, if it's illegal for a teacher to tell the truth about a historical person, that's a bad sign that the entire country is in serious trouble.
The truth is Aisha was 9. The truth is some girls were married at that age and at that time. In India, it still goes on.

What difference does that make? It's all child molestation.
So why aren't you so angry about Joseph Smith doing the same thing?

Or David Koresh?
Virgin Mary was 12 when she had Jesus

Is God a pedophile?

As usual the left goes out of it's way to make excuses for it's protected religion.

Mary's age is not known when she had Jesus...fools abound

Neither was Aisha's age certain...fools abound indeed.

Hers is more certain than Mary's...fool. I see you're still coddling the Islamos. Regardless the teacher shouldn't be punished and it's just more coddling for the muzzies...like you and others on here do

Not at all. It's actually disputed in different Hadiths, all of which were much later....Mary was around 12, but already married to an old man.
Virgin Mary was 12 when she had Jesus

Is God a pedophile?

As usual the left goes out of it's way to make excuses for it's protected religion.

Mary's age is not known when she had Jesus...fools abound

Neither was Aisha's age certain...fools abound indeed.

Hers is more certain than Mary's...fool. I see you're still coddling the Islamos. Regardless the teacher shouldn't be punished and it's just more coddling for the muzzies...like you and others on here do

Not at all. It's actually disputed in different Hadiths, all of which were much later....Mary was around 12, but already married to an old man.

You have no idea what you're blabbering about Muzzie appeaser.
As usual the left goes out of it's way to make excuses for it's protected religion.

Mary's age is not known when she had Jesus...fools abound

Neither was Aisha's age certain...fools abound indeed.

Hers is more certain than Mary's...fool. I see you're still coddling the Islamos. Regardless the teacher shouldn't be punished and it's just more coddling for the muzzies...like you and others on here do

Not at all. It's actually disputed in different Hadiths, all of which were much later....Mary was around 12, but already married to an old man.

You have no idea what you're blabbering about Muzzie appeaser.

Joseph was a pedo I'm thinking and God was a rapist.
Mary's age is not known when she had Jesus...fools abound

Neither was Aisha's age certain...fools abound indeed.

Hers is more certain than Mary's...fool. I see you're still coddling the Islamos. Regardless the teacher shouldn't be punished and it's just more coddling for the muzzies...like you and others on here do

Not at all. It's actually disputed in different Hadiths, all of which were much later....Mary was around 12, but already married to an old man.

You have no idea what you're blabbering about Muzzie appeaser.

Joseph was a pedo I'm thinking and God was a rapist.

I'm thinking you're a muzzie lover and don't have the first clue what the hell you're blabbering about. I also have little interest in your bullshit
Neither was Aisha's age certain...fools abound indeed.

Hers is more certain than Mary's...fool. I see you're still coddling the Islamos. Regardless the teacher shouldn't be punished and it's just more coddling for the muzzies...like you and others on here do

Not at all. It's actually disputed in different Hadiths, all of which were much later....Mary was around 12, but already married to an old man.

You have no idea what you're blabbering about Muzzie appeaser.

Joseph was a pedo I'm thinking and God was a rapist.

I'm thinking you're a muzzie lover and don't have the first clue what the hell you're blabbering about. I also have little interest in your bullshit

What kind of deity goes around raping little girls? Sheesh.
Hers is more certain than Mary's...fool. I see you're still coddling the Islamos. Regardless the teacher shouldn't be punished and it's just more coddling for the muzzies...like you and others on here do

Not at all. It's actually disputed in different Hadiths, all of which were much later....Mary was around 12, but already married to an old man.

You have no idea what you're blabbering about Muzzie appeaser.

Joseph was a pedo I'm thinking and God was a rapist.

I'm thinking you're a muzzie lover and don't have the first clue what the hell you're blabbering about. I also have little interest in your bullshit

What kind of deity goes around raping little girls? Sheesh.

You're just trying to inflame. Have a lovely day, muzzie lover.
Which one of us is the "progressive bull dyke who wants little girls to herself?
I'm wondering if The Great Goose will clarify....or run away.
I hope his ass gets spanked for the rule violation.
Did anyone call you a pedophile? I didnt think so, so why dont you shut up.
Accusing someone of defending pedophiles is also against TOS, FYI

No, it's not. Read the rules silly person. ACCUSING someone of BEING a pedophile is against the rules. Accusing them of defending a pedo is NOT.

OH FER FUXS SAKES. Every sane fucking person knows that the intent is the same.

Here, let's try it out, you fucking moron: I bet you defend pedos!!!
Not defending Islam or muhammad but by todays definition, my grandfather was a child molester. He was 19 and married my then 13yo grandmother. Amazingly, he managed to live another 70 years without touching another child besides his wife, was a pillar of the community with insurance agencies and streets named after him, he gave tons of people jobs, etc etc. However, by todays standards, he would be unemployed because he wouldn't have been able to get a job because of his label of "sex offender."
Not defending Islam or muhammad but by todays definition, my grandfather was a child molester. He was 19 and married my then 13yo grandmother. Amazingly, he managed to live another 70 years without touching another child besides his wife, was a pillar of the community with insurance agencies and streets named after him, he gave tons of people jobs, etc etc. However, by todays standards, he would be unemployed because he wouldn't have been able to get a job because of his label of "sex offender."
If it's OK for black people to feel sore about slavery, then it's OK for the entire world to call Muhammed a child molester.
Not at all. It's actually disputed in different Hadiths, all of which were much later....Mary was around 12, but already married to an old man.

You have no idea what you're blabbering about Muzzie appeaser.

Joseph was a pedo I'm thinking and God was a rapist.

I'm thinking you're a muzzie lover and don't have the first clue what the hell you're blabbering about. I also have little interest in your bullshit

What kind of deity goes around raping little girls? Sheesh.

You're just trying to inflame. Have a lovely day, muzzie lover.
Truth is not flaming

The Jewish records of the Rabbis are of extreme importance in determining Gospel origins and the value of the church presentation of the virgin birth story of Jesus Christ. A common appellation for Jesus in the Talmud was Yeshu'a ben Panthera, an allusion to the widespread Jewish belief during the earliest centuries of the Christian era that Jesus was the result of an illegitimate union between his mother and a Roman soldier named Tiberius Julius Abdes Panthera.

The Talmud enshrines within its pages Jewish oral law. It is divided into two parts, the Mishna and the Gemara. The first discusses such subjects as festivals and sacred things. The Gemara, is basically a commentary on these subjects. When the Talmud was written is not known. Some authorities suggest a date of 150-160, around the same time the Christian Gospels began to emerge, while others say 450.

The Talmud writers mentioned Jesus' name twenty times and quite specifically documented that he was born an illegitimate son of a Roman soldier called Panthera, nicknamed the "Panther". Panthera's existence was confirmed by the discovery of a mysterious tombstone at Bingerbrück in Germany. The engraving etched in the headstone read:

Tiberius Julius Abdes Panthera, an archer, native of Sidon, Phoenicia, who in 9AD was transferred to service in Rhineland (Germany). 1

This inscription added fuel to the theory that Jesus was the illegitimate son of Mary and the soldier Panthera. Classical scholar Professor Morton Smith of the Columbia University USA, described the tombstone as possibly `our only genuine relic of the holy family.' 2 In many Jewish references, Jesus was often referred to as 'ben Panthera', 'ben' meaning, 'son of'. However cautious one ought to be in accepting anything about Jesus from Jewish sources, in the matter of Jesus 'ben Panthera', the writers seem more consistent than the men we now call the church fathers.

Scholars, for centuries, have discussed at length why Jesus was so regularly called ben Panthera. Adamantius Origen, an early Christian historian and church father (185-251), recorded the following verses about Mary from the research records of a highly regarded Second Century historian and author named Celsus (c. 178):

Mary was turned out by her husband, a carpenter by profession, after she had been convicted of unfaithfulness. Cut off by her spouse, she gave birth to Jesus, a bastard; that Jesus, on account of his poverty was hired out to go to Egypt; that while there he acquired certain (magical) powers which Egyptians pride themselves on possessing.3

Later, in passage 1:32, Origen supported the Jewish records and confirmed that the paramour of the mother of Jesus was a Roman soldier called Panthera, a name he repeated in verse 1:69. Sometime during the 17th Century, those sentences were erased from the oldest Vatican manuscripts and other codices under church control. 4

The traditional church writings of St Epiphanius, the Bishop of Salamis (315-403) again confirmed the ben Panthera story and his information was of a startling nature. This champion of Christian orthodoxy and saint of Roman Catholicism frankly stated:

Jesus was the son of a certain Julius whose surname was Panthera.5

This was an extraordinary declaration simply recorded in ancient records as accepted church history. The ben Panthera legend was so widespread that two early stalwarts of the Christian church inserted the name in the genealogies of Jesus and Mary as a matter of fact.


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