Teacher will have to answer for banning Bible from classroom.

Christians are famous for picking and choosing , that's why you have hundreds of different christian cults

Is that your lame ass attempt to legitimize your stance of intolerance??:eusa_whistle:


^^^ If it were my kid being bullied by a teacher of all people, that teacher would be looking for another job.

God bless you and the boy always!!! :) :) :)


I didn't read the article. Sometimes there are other issues involved in such incidents.

It makes me wonder--had there been a previous confrontation on this?

Things seem to be very different now from my long ago experiences in school. I had enough to do to academically and I am glad I didn't have to worry about my sex life or constitutional issues. Or deal with physical assault--a video was shown locally of a larger student beating a smaller one---two days suspension for the aggressor. I would have thought 'expulsion'--but such was not the case.

I have seen it down here in NC where the parents goad the kid to make a big thing about their jesus in class, This might not be the case but I do not know what went on previously with the kid and the school . Some of these fundamentalists aren't above using children for their own religious stunts to stir things up.

Yeah, who can forget Michael Newdow's stunt.
^^^ If it were my kid being bullied by a teacher of all people, that teacher would be looking for another job.

God bless you and the boy always!!! :) :) :)


I didn't read the article. Sometimes there are other issues involved in such incidents.

It makes me wonder--had there been a previous confrontation on this?

Things seem to be very different now from my long ago experiences in school. I had enough to do to academically and I am glad I didn't have to worry about my sex life or constitutional issues. Or deal with physical assault--a video was shown locally of a larger student beating a smaller one---two days suspension for the aggressor. I would have thought 'expulsion'--but such was not the case.

I have seen it down here in NC where the parents goad the kid to make a big thing about their jesus in class, This might not be the case but I do not know what went on previously with the kid and the school . Some of these fundamentalists aren't above using children for their own religious stunts to stir things up.

There is that and other variations.

It seemed to be 'free reading'--what sort of class was this---that would be an interesting detail. There are students who challenge authority for the sake of challenging authority.

With several headline news school stories--additional information changed my opinion. I didn't really see anything on google--fwiw.

I suppose it must go right over your head how many on the left, including minorities, are Christians. I'm sure you exclude them from your warped stereotyping.:D

JMO, but there are Christians and then there are christians.

There are the bible thumpers who would kick a hungry child out of their way on the street and hide under their bed lovingly rubbing their gun. Then there are Christians who work at the food pantry and fight for equality for all people.

And it doesn't have a thing to do with race.
Pledging allegiance and/or marching off to a church like a bunch of good little brown shirts means nothing. And, Leave it to Beaver was fiction.

Schools have changed in a lot of ways, some for the better but much is very negative. No Child Left Behind was the beginning of the worst. We've got to end this teaching to the test. We need to pay teachers what they're worth or accept below-average people teaching our kids.

And, we need parents to go back to supporting the school and the teacher instead of undermining every move they make.

I cannot apologize for my experience--I attempted to point out that things seemed simpler---to me they were. We went to school to work---religious matters were handled in church and or synagogues. And yes, I am fairly certain that the State had policies in place regarding religion----it wasn't an issue. Long, long time ago--maybe it never happened? Families were stable--people seemed to get along--sounds like a fantasy.

Not so sure I would be supportive of this teacher. Sounds like she has strong personal beliefs---but then the article was not comprehensive, again.

I went to school in the NYC school system in the 50's an early 60's was the best in the country , they handled it like this, no prayers since big diversity in schools. But they have 2 hours a week for what was called religious instruction where children who wanted to were let out early an picked up by their religious institution for what ever they did there. Me, to get out early I went to synagogue, they let us play basketball an had great kosher food and the rabbi would say a few words lasting 5 minutes that non of us kids listened to, great fun

Mormon kids still do it here in Utah. Did not dumb em down anymore than the students over at Rowland High or Judge High, the parochial schools.
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I suppose it must go right over your head how many on the left, including minorities, are Christians. I'm sure you exclude them from your warped stereotyping.:D

JMO, but there are Christians and then there are christians.

There are the bible thumpers who would kick a hungry child out of their way on the street and hide under their bed lovingly rubbing their gun. Then there are Christians who work at the food pantry and fight for equality for all people.

And it doesn't have a thing to do with race.

Yes, but painting the fringe as the norm is disingenuous...perhaps guno actually perceives the majority on the right to behave in such a manner, but then that just tells me that he doesn't have a realistic perception and/or his prejudice clouds his judgment.
Pledging allegiance and/or marching off to a church like a bunch of good little brown shirts means nothing. And, Leave it to Beaver was fiction.

Schools have changed in a lot of ways, some for the better but much is very negative. No Child Left Behind was the beginning of the worst. We've got to end this teaching to the test. We need to pay teachers what they're worth or accept below-average people teaching our kids.

And, we need parents to go back to supporting the school and the teacher instead of undermining every move they make.

I cannot apologize for my experience--I attempted to point out that things seemed simpler---to me they were. We went to school to work---religious matters were handled in church and or synagogues. And yes, I am fairly certain that the State had policies in place regarding religion----it wasn't an issue. Long, long time ago--maybe it never happened? Families were stable--people seemed to get along--sounds like a fantasy.

Not so sure I would be supportive of this teacher. Sounds like she has strong personal beliefs---but then the article was not comprehensive, again.

I went to school in the NYC school system in the 50's an early 60's was the best in the country , they handled it like this, no prayers since big diversity in schools. But they have 2 hours a week for what was called religious instruction where children who wanted to were let out early an picked up by their religious institution for what ever they did there. Me, to get out early I went to synagogue, they let us play basketball an had great kosher food and the rabbi would say a few words lasting 5 minutes that non of us kids listened to, great fun

A bit less intense about religion in those days--or so it seemed to me. There wasn't a great deal of diversity in my area---I can't recall anything religious being said---it was understood.

I taught during the 70's and 80's---things began to get more complicated.

I don't think we have all the details--but whatever they choose to do about this in Texas---fine with me. Plenty of attorneys there---litigate.
I suppose it must go right over your head how many on the left, including minorities, are Christians. I'm sure you exclude them from your warped stereotyping.:D

JMO, but there are Christians and then there are christians.

There are the bible thumpers who would kick a hungry child out of their way on the street and hide under their bed lovingly rubbing their gun. Then there are Christians who work at the food pantry and fight for equality for all people.

And it doesn't have a thing to do with race.

Yes, but painting the fringe as the norm is disingenuous...perhaps guno actually perceives the majority on the right to behave in such a manner, but then that just tells me that he doesn't have a realistic perception and/or his prejudice clouds his judgment.

You've got it backward. Its like it says in my sig -

Its not that most rw's are socially backward. Its that those who do thump on their bibles and spit on the needs of others are almost universally rw.

Indeed, that's what the right hates about the left - their charity and compassion.
JMO, but there are Christians and then there are christians.

There are the bible thumpers who would kick a hungry child out of their way on the street and hide under their bed lovingly rubbing their gun. Then there are Christians who work at the food pantry and fight for equality for all people.

And it doesn't have a thing to do with race.

Yes, but painting the fringe as the norm is disingenuous...perhaps guno actually perceives the majority on the right to behave in such a manner, but then that just tells me that he doesn't have a realistic perception and/or his prejudice clouds his judgment.

You've got it backward. Its like it says in my sig -

Its not that most rw's are socially backward. Its that those who do thump on their bibles and spit on the needs of others are almost universally rw.

Indeed, that's what the right hates about the left - their charity and compassion.

We should let guno speak for himself, but he's definitely left me with the impression that he perceives the typical conservative to be all of those stereotypes he posted...it is easier to attack people if you paint them in such a light, so that could be his motivation as well.

I suppose it must go right over your head how many on the left, including minorities, are Christians. I'm sure you exclude them from your warped stereotyping.:D

JMO, but there are Christians and then there are christians.

There are the bible thumpers who would kick a hungry child out of their way on the street and hide under their bed lovingly rubbing their gun. Then there are Christians who work at the food pantry and fight for equality for all people.

And it doesn't have a thing to do with race.

Oh I agree the leader of the Moral Monday Movement is a Christian Pastor an he walks the talk.

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Well, they're just going to have to burn that teacher at the stake now.
Come on, shield maiden, the teacher made a mistake.

Let's see how it plays out.
Free reading time sounds like it means you can read whatever you choose. Including Hitler's Mien Kampf. Although I imagine that would be banned, right?
Seems like Mondays are always the worst, after the thumpers get hopped up on ignorance and superstition on Sundays, they are rearing to go like hot footed hill billies spewing their nonsense

So you are for banning books in school?
Free reading time sounds like it means you can read whatever you choose. Including Hitler's Mien Kampf. Although I imagine that would be banned, right?

I'm not certain what age a person can fully comprehend books such as Mien Kampf and The Communist Manifesto, but we should be encouraging everyone to read them at some point. How can we have honest debate without knowledge?? To be reasonable, an elementary teacher should not permit a book about bomb building or The Kama Sutra, but banning the reading of The Bible, The Torah, The Kuran, or The Vedas is hostile intolerance towards religion.
Free reading time sounds like it means you can read whatever you choose. Including Hitler's Mien Kampf. Although I imagine that would be banned, right?

I'm not certain what age a person can fully comprehend books such as Mien Kampf and The Communist Manifesto, but we should be encouraging everyone to read them at some point. How can we have honest debate without knowledge?? To be reasonable, an elementary teacher should not permit a book about bomb building or The Kama Sutra, but banning the reading of The Bible, The Torah, The Kuran, or The Vedas is hostile intolerance towards religion.

The point I was trying to make is about which books do you decide are acceptable for 'free reading'? Some might say that young children cannot comprehend The Bible, but allow them to read something else they cannot comprehend.
Who decides what is appropriate reading material?
I disagree with the teacher's actions for two reasons: (1) Allowing ALL books EXCEPT religious ones to be read during the free reading period constitutes a violation of the U.S. Constitutional; and (2) The young boy was in the fifth grade and children at that stage should be encouraged to read. The Bible was the child's favorite book and the teacher should have been delighted that he found a book which captured his interest. The following is from the link provided:

“Giovanni Rubeo is a fifth-grade student at the school, who had been given a Bible at church as a Christmas gift. It’s his favorite book, so he decided he’d like to read it during the time in class where students are allowed to read anything they choose.

“Swornia Thomas is Giovanni’s teacher. On April 8, Thomas told Giovanni he’s not allowed to read the Bible in her class and ordered him to put it away. Giovanni asked her to call his father, Paul Rubeo, about the incident.

“Thomas did so, leaving a voicemail that included, “I noticed that he [Giovanni] has a book—a religious book—in the classroom. He’s not permitted to read those books in my classroom.” Rubeo then contacted the school’s principal, Orinthia Dias, who brought in the school’s legal department. None of them are willing to acknowledge that Giovanni has a constitutional right to read the Bible.”

FL Teacher Banned Bible from 'Free Reading' Time in Classroom

I don't see any gray areas concerning the violation of the child’s First Amendment rights. While no child has a Constitutional right to read the Bible during a class such as math or even a study period (students are usually instructed that the study period is for school work only), excluding religious books from a class when all other literature is permitted - whether related to school work or not – will not pass constitutional muster. At least not in my humble opinion.

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