Teacher will have to answer for banning Bible from classroom.

I read the article. This took place in Broward County, Texas.

Not much for me to say---unless this is the school system's policy--the teacher sounds insane.

Tired of school related incidents.

In the days of 'Leave It to Beaver'--we pledged the flag every morning--fairly certain that was followed by the Lord's Prayer--cannot really remember. Beyond that--no discussion of religion. Everybody went to church every Sunday----what can be said.

My community is still moderate---some conservatives and some liberals. I can't think of an incident that might compare to those that seem to occur frequently in other areas. I would wager my school district would not support the decision of the system in TX.

Pledging allegiance and/or marching off to a church like a bunch of good little brown shirts means nothing. And, Leave it to Beaver was fiction.

Schools have changed in a lot of ways, some for the better but much is very negative. No Child Left Behind was the beginning of the worst. We've got to end this teaching to the test. We need to pay teachers what they're worth or accept below-average people teaching our kids.

And, we need parents to go back to supporting the school and the teacher instead of undermining every move they make.

I cannot apologize for my experience--I attempted to point out that things seemed simpler---to me they were. We went to school to work---religious matters were handled in church and or synagogues. And yes, I am fairly certain that the State had policies in place regarding religion----it wasn't an issue. Long, long time ago--maybe it never happened? Families were stable--people seemed to get along--sounds like a fantasy.

Not so sure I would be supportive of this teacher. Sounds like she has strong personal beliefs---but then the article was not comprehensive, again.

I might not support the teacher in this matter either but my point was that the past you describe is pretty much fiction. What passed for stability was often just the way it looked from the outside.

Religion belongs in churches but churches have worked to ban other, much less violent, much less objectionable books from schools.
The Dept. of Education maintains that students have the right to read their bibles at school.

So bugger off.

Tell you what thumper, don't pray in our schools and I won't think in your church :eek:
Giovanni Rubeo is a fifth-grade student at the school, who had been given a Bible at church as a Christmas gift. It’s his favorite book, so he decided he’d like to read it during the time in class where students are allowed to read anything they choose.

A good teacher would support a child's choice, especially if it's encouraging them to READ. She should keep her personal opinion out of it, and if the religious aspect bothers her, then just take the stance that many other people do and view it as a piece of literature. Mostly I think she's a bitch for attempting to humiliate and shame a child for his choice in front of his classmates...teaching that practicing faith should be something done in secret for fear of offending others.
Seems like Mondays are always the worst, after the thumpers get hopped up on ignorance and superstition on Sundays, they are rearing to go like hot footed hill billies spewing their nonsense
Seems like Mondays are always the worst, after the thumpers get hopped up on ignorance and superstition on Sundays, they are rearing to go like hot footed hill billies spewing their nonsense

Right, because only back woods crackers go to church and feel passionately about their faith....if this was a black child in an urban school, the NAACP would be all over this shit.:D

Seems like Mondays are always the worst, after the thumpers get hopped up on ignorance and superstition on Sundays, they are rearing to go like hot footed hill billies spewing their nonsense

Right, because only back woods crackers go to church and feel passionately about their faith....if this was a black child in an urban school, the NAACP would be all over this shit.:D


most people don't try to impose their beliefs on others.
Giovanni Rubeo is a fifth-grade student at the school, who had been given a Bible at church as a Christmas gift. It’s his favorite book, so he decided he’d like to read it during the time in class where students are allowed to read anything they choose.

A good teacher would support a child's choice, especially if it's encouraging them to READ. She should keep her personal opinion out of it, and if the religious aspect bothers her, then just take the stance that many other people do and view it as a piece of literature. Mostly I think she's a bitch for attempting to humiliate and shame a child for his choice in front of his classmates...teaching that practicing faith should be something done in secret for fear of offending others.

Christians should follow their bible god jr

Matthew 6:6
But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly. :eusa_whistle:
Giovanni Rubeo is a fifth-grade student at the school, who had been given a Bible at church as a Christmas gift. It’s his favorite book, so he decided he’d like to read it during the time in class where students are allowed to read anything they choose.

A good teacher would support a child's choice, especially if it's encouraging them to READ. She should keep her personal opinion out of it, and if the religious aspect bothers her, then just take the stance that many other people do and view it as a piece of literature. Mostly I think she's a bitch for attempting to humiliate and shame a child for his choice in front of his classmates...teaching that practicing faith should be something done in secret for fear of offending others.

Christians should follow their bible god jr

Matthew 6:6
But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly. :eusa_whistle:

You're a transparent little cherry picker...it isn't the place of those who find The Bible distasteful to play the game of quoting something they don't believe in. Pathetic and slimy.:thup:
Seems like Mondays are always the worst, after the thumpers get hopped up on ignorance and superstition on Sundays, they are rearing to go like hot footed hill billies spewing their nonsense

Right, because only back woods crackers go to church and feel passionately about their faith....if this was a black child in an urban school, the NAACP would be all over this shit.:D


most people don't try to impose their beliefs on others.

Reading a book is imposing on others??:lol: That's a fucking load of shit right there.:D The teacher was imposing HER belief on that child.
If it was "free" reading time and the child was reading to him or her self without infringing on the school mates, this teacher is going to be looking for a new job.
A good teacher would support a child's choice, especially if it's encouraging them to READ. She should keep her personal opinion out of it, and if the religious aspect bothers her, then just take the stance that many other people do and view it as a piece of literature. Mostly I think she's a bitch for attempting to humiliate and shame a child for his choice in front of his classmates...teaching that practicing faith should be something done in secret for fear of offending others.

Christians should follow their bible god jr

Matthew 6:6
But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly. :eusa_whistle:

You're a transparent little cherry picker...it isn't the place of those who find The Bible distasteful to play the game of quoting something they don't believe in. Pathetic and slimy.:thup:

Christians are famous for picking and choosing , that's why you have hundreds of different christian cults
Christians should follow their bible god jr

Matthew 6:6
But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly. :eusa_whistle:

You're a transparent little cherry picker...it isn't the place of those who find The Bible distasteful to play the game of quoting something they don't believe in. Pathetic and slimy.:thup:

Christians are famous for picking and choosing , that's why you have hundreds of different christian cults

Is that your lame ass attempt to legitimize your stance of intolerance??:eusa_whistle:
This is why we have SCOTUS, folks.

2016 elections will hold the key to a conservative or liberal leaning court into the twenties and thirties.
I read the article. This took place in Broward County, Texas.

Not much for me to say---unless this is the school system's policy--the teacher sounds insane.

Tired of school related incidents.

In the days of 'Leave It to Beaver'--we pledged the flag every morning--fairly certain that was followed by the Lord's Prayer--cannot really remember. Beyond that--no discussion of religion. Everybody went to church every Sunday----what can be said.

My community is still moderate---some conservatives and some liberals. I can't think of an incident that might compare to those that seem to occur frequently in other areas. I would wager my school district would not support the decision of the system in TX.

Pledging allegiance and/or marching off to a church like a bunch of good little brown shirts means nothing. And, Leave it to Beaver was fiction.

Schools have changed in a lot of ways, some for the better but much is very negative. No Child Left Behind was the beginning of the worst. We've got to end this teaching to the test. We need to pay teachers what they're worth or accept below-average people teaching our kids.

And, we need parents to go back to supporting the school and the teacher instead of undermining every move they make.

I cannot apologize for my experience--I attempted to point out that things seemed simpler---to me they were. We went to school to work---religious matters were handled in church and or synagogues. And yes, I am fairly certain that the State had policies in place regarding religion----it wasn't an issue. Long, long time ago--maybe it never happened? Families were stable--people seemed to get along--sounds like a fantasy.

Not so sure I would be supportive of this teacher. Sounds like she has strong personal beliefs---but then the article was not comprehensive, again.

I went to school in the NYC school system in the 50's an early 60's was the best in the country , they handled it like this, no prayers since big diversity in schools. But they have 2 hours a week for what was called religious instruction where children who wanted to were let out early an picked up by their religious institution for what ever they did there. Me, to get out early I went to synagogue, they let us play basketball an had great kosher food and the rabbi would say a few words lasting 5 minutes that non of us kids listened to, great fun
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Seems like Mondays are always the worst, after the thumpers get hopped up on ignorance and superstition on Sundays, they are rearing to go like hot footed hill billies spewing their nonsense

'cept if you're here on Sunday morning, so are they. :dunno:

Thing is, this was 'free time' so if the kid wanted to read a bible, he should have been allowed to.

OTOH, when I volunteered at my g'kids' grade school, a teacher confiscated a car magazine that had photos of bikini clad models in it.

The bible is a lot worse than that!
^^^ If it were my kid being bullied by a teacher of all people, that teacher would be looking for another job.

God bless you and the boy always!!! :) :) :)


I didn't read the article. Sometimes there are other issues involved in such incidents.

It makes me wonder--had there been a previous confrontation on this?

Things seem to be very different now from my long ago experiences in school. I had enough to do to academically and I am glad I didn't have to worry about my sex life or constitutional issues. Or deal with physical assault--a video was shown locally of a larger student beating a smaller one---two days suspension for the aggressor. I would have thought 'expulsion'--but such was not the case.

I have seen it down here in NC where the parents goad the kid to make a big thing about their jesus in class, This might not be the case but I do not know what went on previously with the kid and the school . Some of these fundamentalists aren't above using children for their own religious stunts to stir things up.
You're a transparent little cherry picker...it isn't the place of those who find The Bible distasteful to play the game of quoting something they don't believe in. Pathetic and slimy.:thup:

Christians are famous for picking and choosing , that's why you have hundreds of different christian cults

Is that your lame ass attempt to legitimize your stance of intolerance??:eusa_whistle:


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