Teachers Attend 'LGGBDTTTIQQAAP' Sensitivity Training

It’s odd that supporters of these teachings can’t articulate the benefits.
It’s odd that supporters of these teachings can’t articulate the benefits.
It's odd that certain people like you can't comprehend the benefits that I clearly articulated. You must be somewhat illiterate or just don't pay attention to facts that you don't like

You didn’t lay out shit. You are full of garbage.

It’s ok to spout nonsense without knowledge, it’s your right...but it makes you look like a fucking jackass.

I’ll just go on record as saying that the plight of the non binary gender community is not the burden of elementary school aged children to understand.

You don’t advocate for the explanation of Muslim misogynistic practices or the specific details of performing an abortion to elementary aged children. You just want to push whatever your personal agenda is on children. It’s kinda pedo, you sick fuck.
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It’s odd that supporters of these teachings can’t articulate the benefits.
It's odd that certain people like you can't comprehend the benefits that I clearly articulated. You must be somewhat illiterate or just don't pay attention to facts that you don't like

You didn’t lay out shit. You are full of garbage.

It’s ok to spout nonsense without knowledge, it’s your right...but it makes you look like a fucking jackass.

I’ll just go on record ad saying that the plight of the non binary gender community is not the burden of elementary school aged children to understand.

You don’t advocate for the explanation of Muslim misogynistic practices or the specific details of performing an abortion. You just want to push whatever your personal agenda is on children. It’s kinda pedo, you sick fuck.

^^^^^^^^Now that's articulating a point^^^^^^^^^^
You'd have to be wacked out of your fucking mind to disagree....oh wait.
What happened to personal freedom and liberty that you fuckers whined about under Obama? Boy does that change when someone wishes to live differently then your narrow minded ass...

It isn't freedom if it isn't also for people that are different. Whats the point if the majority agrees with it?
What happened to personal freedom and liberty that you fuckers whined about under Obama? Boy does that change when someone wishes to live differently then your narrow minded ass...

It isn't freedom if it isn't also for people that are different. Whats the point if the majority agrees with it?

Jesus, dude. Are you drunk?
What happened to personal freedom and liberty that you fuckers whined about under Obama? Boy does that change when someone wishes to live differently then your narrow minded ass...

It isn't freedom if it isn't also for people that are different. Whats the point if the majority agrees with it?

You see, the problem is this...Total nut-jobs forget they're total nut-jobs....then they bust their asses trying to normalize weird, wacked out shit...when normal sane people resist and refuse to be sold on the lunacy...wackos become severely butt hurt and even more wacked-out.
Just stay in the closet with your crazy shit you fucking fools.
What happened to personal freedom and liberty that you fuckers whined about under Obama? Boy does that change when someone wishes to live differently then your narrow minded ass...

It isn't freedom if it isn't also for people that are different. Whats the point if the majority agrees with it?

Jesus, dude. Are you drunk?

Show this to your children and show them what drugs will do your brain!
You're still not making a lick of sense . You're either just making shit up or listing to the voices in your head.

Stating facts.

"By the time they reach high school, nearly 20 percent of all American boys will be diagnosed with ADHD. Millions of those boys will be prescribed a powerful stimulant to "normalize" them. A great many of those boys will suffer serious side effects from those drugs. The shocking truth is that many of those diagnoses are wrong, and that most of those boys are being drugged for no good reason—simply for being boys. It's time we recognize this as a crisis."

The Drugging of the American Boy

The boys think public schools suck and are useless, and to top it utterly boring, facts that statistics show. They are not willing to sit idle as the teachers rape their eardrums. For this evildoing, they are viewed as damaged and drugged. Sounds like they are smarter than the teachers to be honest, who only seem to be good at siphoning tax money and almost nothing else.

Anyway you for sure would not oppose. For one, you don't have kids. But even if you did you would raise the boys as girls and then they would suicide themselves shortly after progressive style.

Put yourself in the teacher's position for once. 20% of a typical class is about 3 boys. Imagine a class with three kids totally off task, argumentative, talking out loud during class discussion or lecture, or making so much noise and distraction that no one else is getting any education. Is that how you want classes in schools to be?

I have two grandsons with ADHD. They take medication for it and as a result are excellent students, plus they don't disrupt the class for their classmates.

I can imagine myself as a teacher very well - the easiest job ever. It's just that the worst of the worst gather together at the, especially lowest educational levels. Who in the hell dreams of being a primary school teacher?

I can also imagine 3 kids argumentative disruptive and disrespectful, that's what single mothers generate so surprising it's only 3. I can't imagine why anyone believes it's good idea to drug those poor souls.

Think about it:
1) Single mother (cancer)
2) Liberal public schools (ass cancer)

And then after all that someone comes along and flushes drugs down your throat. The perfect leftist cluster fuck of non-responsibility.

Easiest job? You have no clue as to what you are talking about. That is typical of those who haven't darkened a classroom door since they were kicked out or finally graduated.

If you don't give the kids medication (teachers have no control over that) then they disrupt the process for everyone, so no one learns. Is that what you want?

I guess you must date single mothers since you seem to be an expert on them. Does your spouse know?

False, by any standard a primary school teacher has a job that is easy AF. That's why not much is required to do the job. In fact, sometimes I wonder if being a Marxist and of course incompetent at everything is enough to get the job. That's also why these jobs are generally poor paying, and would be even more so without the ridiculous amounts of leftist lobbying.

I think you may be confusing the experience of being the teacher and being the pupil. Some sort of weird dissonance.

Have you ever been a teacher? If not, you have no idea of the additional responsibilities that teachers have on a daily basis. My guess is that by 10:00 on the first day, you would be crying for your Mommy.
Kids that are gay are naturally that way. Forcing them to go against their instinct will cause them to kill themselves. See how fucking wrong your hatred and idiocy is? Blood thirsty asshole.

Wrong psychology-challenged middle school student!

Kids who are gay will kill themselves because they are disgusted with themselves and their perverse ways.

That is why you need to seek psychiatric care immediately.
You don’t advocate for the explanation of Muslim misogynistic practices or the specific details of performing an abortion. You just want to push whatever your personal agenda is on children. It’s kinda pedo, you sick fuck.

^^^^^^^^Now that's articulating a point^^^^^^^^^^
You'd have to be wacked out of your fucking mind to disagree....oh wait.

Nothing there, that hasn't already long been obvious about TheRegressivePervert.

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