Teachers Compile List Of Parents Who Question Racial Curriculum, Plot War On Them: “Infiltrate… shut down their websites… expose these people publicly

Its sad that some parents are so shit that teachers have to take up the load.
That's odd. You think parents who are involved in and pay attention to the things their children are being taught are, as you say, "shit"? Would you prefer that parents NOT care what their children are being taught and just stay out of it?
There are shit parents everywhere. There is a family round here that is on its third generation of neo nazi. Father to son to grandaughter of horrible racist trash.

How can you blame the young girl when she has been reared in such an abusive environment ? No doubt the community will pick up the slack on this but it would have been better if it had been dealt with in school a few generations back.
Race hatred has no validity and should not be treated as a legitimate political view. Race haters should be monitored if they have kids so that the kids do not get abused.
And if they do something illegal they should be dealt with at that point. Thought, OTOH, is not illegal, save in totalitarian societies. What you are seeking is the criminalization of thought.
Its sad that some parents are so shit that teachers have to take up the load.
That's odd. You think parents who are involved in and pay attention to the things their children are being taught are, as you say, "shit"? Would you prefer that parents NOT care what their children are being taught and just stay out of it?
There are shit parents everywhere. There is a family round here that is on its third generation of neo nazi. Father to son to grandaughter of horrible racist trash.

How can you blame the young girl when she has been reared in such an abusive environment ? No doubt the community will pick up the slack on this but it would have been better if it had been dealt with in school a few generations back.
Race hatred has no validity and should not be treated as a legitimate political view. Race haters should be monitored if they have kids so that the kids do not get abused.
And if they do something illegal they should be dealt with at that point. Thought, OTOH, is not illegal, save in totalitarian societies. What you are seeking is the criminalization of thought.
Teaching hate is child abuse.
Its sad that some parents are so shit that teachers have to take up the load.
That's odd. You think parents who are involved in and pay attention to the things their children are being taught are, as you say, "shit"? Would you prefer that parents NOT care what their children are being taught and just stay out of it?
There are shit parents everywhere. There is a family round here that is on its third generation of neo nazi. Father to son to grandaughter of horrible racist trash.

How can you blame the young girl when she has been reared in such an abusive environment ? No doubt the community will pick up the slack on this but it would have been better if it had been dealt with in school a few generations back.
Race hatred has no validity and should not be treated as a legitimate political view. Race haters should be monitored if they have kids so that the kids do not get abused.
And if they do something illegal they should be dealt with at that point. Thought, OTOH, is not illegal, save in totalitarian societies. What you are seeking is the criminalization of thought.
Teaching hate is child abuse.

Who's teaching hate? Provide a link and if not sit down
Its sad that some parents are so shit that teachers have to take up the load.
That's odd. You think parents who are involved in and pay attention to the things their children are being taught are, as you say, "shit"? Would you prefer that parents NOT care what their children are being taught and just stay out of it?
There are shit parents everywhere. There is a family round here that is on its third generation of neo nazi. Father to son to grandaughter of horrible racist trash.

How can you blame the young girl when she has been reared in such an abusive environment ? No doubt the community will pick up the slack on this but it would have been better if it had been dealt with in school a few generations back.
Race hatred has no validity and should not be treated as a legitimate political view. Race haters should be monitored if they have kids so that the kids do not get abused.
And if they do something illegal they should be dealt with at that point. Thought, OTOH, is not illegal, save in totalitarian societies. What you are seeking is the criminalization of thought.
Teaching hate is child abuse.
Interesting that you want to grant government the power to label what is "hate" and what is not. Give government that power and within a relatively short period of time simply opposing the ruling party will be labeled "hate" and made illegal.
How is it a failure? Millions of students are educated every year.....grow up, get jobs, some go to college, etc. Of course....some don't do well and become orange cultists.

Let's talk about failure.

If a California School District decided a 'D' is a passing grade, 1.0 GPA, to graduate from High School - is that considered an 'education'?
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The Democrats here will defend the failure of public education all day long. Just keep the money flowing and the union getting stronger. Education is not the priority.
Exhibit #3,274 on how public education is child cruelty and homeschooling is the only option.

In a better day pitchforks and torches would be in use.

“What follows is the story of the wealthiest county in America descending into a moral panic as a group of suburban white women egged each other to extremes against perceived ‘evil,’ while a school system seemed to slide from serving taxpayers to targeting them.”

What is it with the Left and their fucking list fetish? Nazis kept lists. Communists kept lists. Creating and keeping lists to eventually inflict pain and punishment on people you dont agree with is unAmerican.
Exhibit #3,274 on how public education is child cruelty and homeschooling is the only option.

In a better day pitchforks and torches would be in use.

“What follows is the story of the wealthiest county in America descending into a moral panic as a group of suburban white women egged each other to extremes against perceived ‘evil,’ while a school system seemed to slide from serving taxpayers to targeting them.”

Thank god I am not growing up in this era.
Exhibit #3,274 on how public education is child cruelty and homeschooling is the only option.

In a better day pitchforks and torches would be in use.

“What follows is the story of the wealthiest county in America descending into a moral panic as a group of suburban white women egged each other to extremes against perceived ‘evil,’ while a school system seemed to slide from serving taxpayers to targeting them.”

Thank god I am not growing up in this era.
Yep. And the actions of millennials gives me the attitude of screw em. Deficit spending needs to be higher.
Exhibit #3,274 on how public education is child cruelty and homeschooling is the only option.

In a better day pitchforks and torches would be in use.

“What follows is the story of the wealthiest county in America descending into a moral panic as a group of suburban white women egged each other to extremes against perceived ‘evil,’ while a school system seemed to slide from serving taxpayers to targeting them.”

Don't like it? Send your kids to the indoctrinating private school of your choice or else homeschool them.
That's one choice. Another is take education away from the corrupt unions and Federal government and put it under local state control.
Why? You keep forgetting that public education is the default position....not designed for the crazies on the fringes.
Yeah, that high school dropout rate in your big Democrat run cities is great, huh. You have no solutions, only carry on with the status quo.
So you flip flop back and forth there....either you care about parents sending their kids to public schools or you don't.....which is it, sweetie?
No one is flipping. You're avoiding the issue. Public education is a crisis and Democrats don't want to be part of the solution. The union has other priorities rather than educating children.
Yes you are flip flopping....First you are upset about kids being in public education, then you complain about them dropping out (leaving public education)......very bi-polar thinking on your part.
Nice deflection, but this isn't about me. I keep giving you opportunities to actually debate a topic and you continually deflect. You obviously can't defend the failure of public education. Move on, dope.
You can't address your flip flopping on the topic, can you? Thought not.
No, you can't address the topic. I'm not the topic. Weak limp pusillanimous putrid punk.
Either you are upset about children in public schools or you are upset about drop outs from public schools.....which is it?
I'm not upset. I'm voicing my opinion about the failure of the public Education system in the USA. You failed here. Carry on, propaganda parrot.
How is it a failure? Millions of students are educated every year.....grow up, get jobs, some go to college, etc. Of course....some don't do well and become orange cultists.
When a Baltimore high school’s top student has a 0.13 GPA and passed 3 classes in 4 years, you would call that a success story.

He ranks near the top half of his class, and thus he is not the top student. Reading is fundamental. I suggest remedial education.
Exhibit #3,274 on how public education is child cruelty and homeschooling is the only option.

In a better day pitchforks and torches would be in use.

“What follows is the story of the wealthiest county in America descending into a moral panic as a group of suburban white women egged each other to extremes against perceived ‘evil,’ while a school system seemed to slide from serving taxpayers to targeting them.”

Don't like it? Send your kids to the indoctrinating private school of your choice or else homeschool them.
That's one choice. Another is take education away from the corrupt unions and Federal government and put it under local state control.
Why? You keep forgetting that public education is the default position....not designed for the crazies on the fringes.
Yeah, that high school dropout rate in your big Democrat run cities is great, huh. You have no solutions, only carry on with the status quo.
So you flip flop back and forth there....either you care about parents sending their kids to public schools or you don't.....which is it, sweetie?
No one is flipping. You're avoiding the issue. Public education is a crisis and Democrats don't want to be part of the solution. The union has other priorities rather than educating children.
Yes you are flip flopping....First you are upset about kids being in public education, then you complain about them dropping out (leaving public education)......very bi-polar thinking on your part.
Nice deflection, but this isn't about me. I keep giving you opportunities to actually debate a topic and you continually deflect. You obviously can't defend the failure of public education. Move on, dope.
You can't address your flip flopping on the topic, can you? Thought not.
No, you can't address the topic. I'm not the topic. Weak limp pusillanimous putrid punk.
Either you are upset about children in public schools or you are upset about drop outs from public schools.....which is it?
I'm not upset. I'm voicing my opinion about the failure of the public Education system in the USA. You failed here. Carry on, propaganda parrot.
How is it a failure? Millions of students are educated every year.....grow up, get jobs, some go to college, etc. Of course....some don't do well and become orange cultists.
When a Baltimore high school’s top student has a 0.13 GPA and passed 3 classes in 4 years, you would call that a success story.

That's just sad

He misquoted the link. Judging from his past history, he must be lying.

I had a student in his third freshman year with a 0.00 GPA, As his assistant principal, I threw him out of school. for failure to advance academically at the age of 17 and repeated arrests by our school resource officers for dealing drugs. Our libtard principal let him back in the following year after I left. I was not surprised to find out he was stalking a student and bullying her brother. The older brother shot him DRT in their apartment parking lot due to his harassment.

That is what should be done with these kids. They will wind up in jail or dead soon enough.
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Nice deflection, but this isn't about me. I keep giving you opportunities to actually debate a topic and you continually deflect. You obviously can't defend the failure of public education. Move on, dope.
It is, of course, both undeniable and indefensible.
Let's see if we have this correct. Parents who care what their children are being taught and don't want government bodies trying to destroy their lives need to just sit down and shut up or take their kids somewhere else?
Exactly correct, according to the resident teacher union apologist.
There are shit parents everywhere. There is a family round here that is on its third generation of neo nazi. Father to son to grandaughter of horrible racist trash.

How can you blame the young girl when she has been reared in such an abusive environment ? No doubt the community will pick up the slack on this but it would have been better if it had been dealt with in school a few generations back.
Race hatred has no validity and should not be treated as a legitimate political view. Race haters should be monitored if they have kids so that the kids do not get abused.

So, you condemn blacks that hate "whitey" just as much...right?
Its sad that some parents are so shit that teachers have to take up the load.
That's odd. You think parents who are involved in and pay attention to the things their children are being taught are, as you say, "shit"? Would you prefer that parents NOT care what their children are being taught and just stay out of it?
There are shit parents everywhere. There is a family round here that is on its third generation of neo nazi. Father to son to grandaughter of horrible racist trash.

How can you blame the young girl when she has been reared in such an abusive environment ? No doubt the community will pick up the slack on this but it would have been better if it had been dealt with in school a few generations back.
Race hatred has no validity and should not be treated as a legitimate political view. Race haters should be monitored if they have kids so that the kids do not get abused.
And if they do something illegal they should be dealt with at that point. Thought, OTOH, is not illegal, save in totalitarian societies. What you are seeking is the criminalization of thought.
Teaching hate is child abuse.

Who's teaching hate? Provide a link and if not sit down
Another country heard from.
Its sad that some parents are so shit that teachers have to take up the load.

Uh, this isn't about taking up the load.

It's about attacking people with different points of view.

I get that you are a marxist, but you need to stay on topic.

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