Teachers in England will have to tell parents if children question their gender

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

Its a difficult one this. As a parent I would want to know. But I also recognise that there will be parents who cant be trusted with this information.

Kids will be put in danger and teachers will be in the front line.

Our govt is trying to make this a culture war wedge issue. The kids deserve better and should not be treated like this.

Its a difficult one this. As a parent I would want to know. But I also recognise that there will be parents who cant be trusted with this information.

Kids will be put in danger and teachers will be in the front line.

Our govt is trying to make this a culture war wedge issue. The kids deserve better and should not be treated like this.

Yeah, it's always a difficult one.
I think you're never going to find the perfect solution.
Some parents are just total arseholes, and whatever you do, the kids will have problems.
Its a difficult one this. As a parent I would want to know. But I also recognise that there will be parents who cant be trusted with this information.
Kids will be put in danger and teachers will be in the front line.
Our govt is trying to make this a culture war wedge issue. The kids deserve better and should not be treated like this.

Faggots, trannies, and their allies be like…

Yeah, it's always a difficult one.
I think you're never going to find the perfect solution.
Some parents are just total arseholes, and whatever you do, the kids will have problems.

I dont think a broad brush solution like this can work for every child.Im not sure that teachers are equipped to deal with it.
How would you cope Bob ?

I would use a saw with a very narrow blade, like this one…


I dont think a broad brush solution like this can work for every child.Im not sure that teachers are equipped to deal with it.
Keeping up with New Speak at your Communist Party propaganda advice meetings I see . Is it just Welsh teachers that cannot cope with brushes or is this another of your crass generalisations ?

Its a difficult one this. As a parent I would want to know. But I also recognise that there will be parents who cant be trusted with this information.

Kids will be put in danger and teachers will be in the front line.

Our govt is trying to make this a culture war wedge issue. The kids deserve better and should not be treated like this.
Of course if parents would be parents at the onset of their babies development and nurture the child into being what God wanted that child to be, instead of cowering in fear when the child approaches them demanding that the child be treated like a unicorn or demon. But alas in todays world, the mentally ill queers have so intimidated a lot of parents, they allow such actions to continue, thus the child develops a rebellious way against anything normal, and the world will end up in a war that never should be. Thanks Marxists for this...

Its a difficult one this. As a parent I would want to know. But I also recognise that there will be parents who cant be trusted with this information.

Kids will be put in danger and teachers will be in the front line.

Our govt is trying to make this a culture war wedge issue. The kids deserve better and should not be treated like this.
Not to worry, I'm sure the state will arrest the parents if they object to little Suzy lopping off her breasts before the age of 13 or Timmy getting his wing wang cut off before even hitting puberty.
Of course if parents would be parents at the onset of their babies development and nurture the child into being what God wanted that child to be, instead of cowering in fear when the child approaches them demanding that the child be treated like a unicorn or demon. But alas in todays world, the mentally ill queers have so intimidated a lot of parents, they allow such actions to continue, thus the child develops a rebellious way against anything normal, and the world will end up in a war that never should be. Thanks Marxists for this...
Do you have a link for this "science" Mike ?

Its a difficult one this. As a parent I would want to know. But I also recognise that there will be parents who cant be trusted with this information.

Kids will be put in danger and teachers will be in the front line.

Our govt is trying to make this a culture war wedge issue. The kids deserve better and should not be treated like this.
Kids will be put in danger
any more danger than letting them decide to change their sex with no parental input at all?

I dont think a broad brush solution like this can work for every child.Im not sure that teachers are equipped to deal with it.
Im not sure that teachers are equipped to deal with it.
teachers don't need to be equipped for it,


Its a difficult one this. As a parent I would want to know. But I also recognise that there will be parents who cant be trusted with this information.

Kids will be put in danger and teachers will be in the front line.

Our govt is trying to make this a culture war wedge issue. The kids deserve better and should not be treated like this.

Let me warn all kids here! When I was about 8 years old one of my best friends said "Girls get babies from kissing". I was convinced this was not true because to kiss is a damned ugly thing and so I asked my sisters. Never, never, never ask your sisters such simple questions! In the end I found out I was right - but this afternoon was lost. Fortunatelly I had to kiss no one in the next years and then - suddenly - it was not ugly any longer to do so. I know, I know - adults are strange! How should "to kiss" not able to be ugly? ... Perhaps you are able to flee this brainwash. We will see.

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