Teachers spend nearly $500 a year on supplies. Under the GOP tax bill, they will no longer get a tax

Teacher pay is shitty because every idiot wants to be a teacher. It's a clean, pleasant job with easy hours.

Get a job as a sewer worker, if you want great pay and benefits.

There's a guy who stands in sewer water for eight hours straight per day, fishing out the used condoms as they go by so they don't get jammed in the machinery.

Try this guy's job if you want to make the big bucks.

Teachers pay differs depending on where you go. Some are making great money while others not so good. Here teachers get paid pretty well. One of my former tenants was a teacher. He used to come outside early mornings in the summer to taunt us about how we had to go to work while he is getting paid to sit on his porch. He would laugh how he was going fishing for a week or to his camper for three or four.

Yeah, and he was probably grading homework papers for two and three hours per night after he got home while you kicked back in the La-Z-Boy with a brew watching the game. I loved getting a DVR so I could watch all of the TV shows that I had I missed during the week on Saturdays.

Yes, during the school year he did. I was talking about what he used to do all summer long while school was closed.

That's just one of the perks of working 16 hour days for months at a time. :D
A real man of the people.

Teachers spend nearly $500 a year on supplies. Under the GOP tax bill, they will no longer get a tax deduction.

It’s well known that teachers — even those who earn meager salaries — dig deep into their own pockets for supplies to do their jobs, with one study estimating they spend an average of nearly $500 a year on everything from pencils to batteries.

For now, teachers can get a small tax break — deducting up to $250 from their taxes — for what they spend on supplies. But under the GOP tax reform bill, that deduction would go away for teachers and other categories of workers, including certain state and local officials and performing artists.

No surprise there, Money doesn't grow on trees and the republicans have to get the money from somewhere to fund more tax breaks for the coke brothers.

Coke brothers?

Is that anything like the Pepsi brothers?
You can get rid of the Education Department when you make sure that states actually educate their kids instead of warehousing them for 12 years and then turning idiots out onto the streets.

1) Education is nowhere in the Constitution

2) The public schools are currently "warehousing them for 12 years and then turning idiots out onto the streets". Hell if it wasn't for my parents teaching me things that would have been me. Literally the only thing of value I learned in 12 years was basic reading, writing, and math.

Privatize schools? You want Islamic Madrassas getting tax dollars?

If that is what the parents want.

Florida had vouchers when I taught there. Not a single private high school would accept them because they were about half the cost of tuition. The schools would go bankrupt if they took them over paying students. The private schools never materialized like everyone claimed they would. Charter schools had about a 50% rate for bankruptcy. Guess what happens when those schools go belly-up? The kids get put back in public schools with no funding.

There would be no public schools in the plan I explained. So the vouchers would be higher than what was given in Florida.

Some schools would charge more than the vouchers some would charge the exact amount. There would be a school for every price.
If parents want private schools THEY can pay for it. They have no right to expect others to subsidize it.

But there is a right to force parents to pay for a school where they have to send their kids a half hour out of the way.

My wife and my cousin went to private schools. The tuition was less than what the county spends per student.

So if we got rid of the public schools and just gave parents a voucher it would save tax payers millions.

You simply cannot get rid of public schools. That is a non-starter, so go back to the drawing board or smoke another big fatty!

Why can't we? They aren't working.

Kids are spending 12 yrs in school. Not learning anything of value, but at least they are going to school.
That is sad...I know people who are teachers and in my state - they are badly underfunded. All of them provide material out of their pocket.

So...ya...get rid of the estate tax (which...essentially means....wealthy inheritents will get untaxd income while those who labor for it get taxed) and instead - nix the abilities of teachers to deduct what they supply instead.
#1..... They shouldn't buy their own supplies.
#2..... This is usually covered in the Standard Deduction.

You can get rid of the Education Department when you make sure that states actually educate their kids instead of warehousing them for 12 years and then turning idiots out onto the streets.

1) Education is nowhere in the Constitution

2) The public schools are currently "warehousing them for 12 years and then turning idiots out onto the streets". Hell if it wasn't for my parents teaching me things that would have been me. Literally the only thing of value I learned in 12 years was basic reading, writing, and math.

Privatize schools? You want Islamic Madrassas getting tax dollars?

If that is what the parents want.

Florida had vouchers when I taught there. Not a single private high school would accept them because they were about half the cost of tuition. The schools would go bankrupt if they took them over paying students. The private schools never materialized like everyone claimed they would. Charter schools had about a 50% rate for bankruptcy. Guess what happens when those schools go belly-up? The kids get put back in public schools with no funding.

There would be no public schools in the plan I explained. So the vouchers would be higher than what was given in Florida.

Some schools would charge more than the vouchers some would charge the exact amount. There would be a school for every price.
If parents want private schools THEY can pay for it. They have no right to expect others to subsidize it.

But there is a right to force parents to pay for a school where they have to send their kids a half hour out of the way.

My wife and my cousin went to private schools. The tuition was less than what the county spends per student.

So if we got rid of the public schools and just gave parents a voucher it would save tax payers millions.

You simply cannot get rid of public schools. That is a non-starter, so go back to the drawing board or smoke another big fatty!

Why can't we? They aren't working.

Kids are spending 12 yrs in school. Not learning anything of value, but at least they are going to school.

It obviously did not take with you.

I had three children who went through the public schools:

One daughter is a loan officer with a major finance company.

My son is a Army veteran attending college on the GI Bill in computer engineering.

My other daughter is a US Army officer.

[sarcasm] They obviously learned nothing of value.[/sarcasm]

If they aren't working in your area, get involved and fix them. Stop making blanket statements that are false.
Perhaps if we pay them less the loons will cut back on trying to indoctrinate our kids.

Great thinking! NOT!

I keep hearing about this indoctrination, but no one can give me an example of what the heck they are talking about. that is pervasive nationwide. Are there some crazy things going on in NY, Boston, Chicago and California? Yes, but that crap doesn't fly everywhere and all you hear about are those few isolated cases of liberals gone nuts.

schools indoctrinating children - Bing video

schools indoctrinating children - Bing video
Perhaps if we pay them less the loons will cut back on trying to indoctrinate our kids.

Great thinking! NOT!

I keep hearing about this indoctrination, but no one can give me an example of what the heck they are talking about. that is pervasive nationwide. Are there some crazy things going on in NY, Boston, Chicago and California? Yes, but that crap doesn't fly everywhere and all you hear about are those few isolated cases of liberals gone nuts.

schools indoctrinating children - Bing video

schools indoctrinating children - Bing video

Ironic that you would choose that example. I have taught from those high school textbooks. Everything she is pointing out is ancillary materials that no teacher in their right mind teaches because it takes far too long to teach. I also found her objections were based on selecting the passage on socialism vs capitalism without showing the also very highly negative comments about socialism. If you noticed, she was selecting from the paragraph entitled "Advantages/Disadvantages" without reading the entire paragraph. I found her objections biased.

Also, Florida's textbooks are tailor made to state standards by the publishers. There is nothing missing from those textbooks as far as the standards go or the state would not have bought them. It is also ironic that the state of Florida's Board of Education, that selects these textbooks,consists mainly of conservatives appointed by Republican governors over about the past two decades.

I found the comments about Thanksgiving very telling because what the text is saying is absolutely true. Far too much of our past history instruction was based on myths. Remember all of the depictions about the first Thanksgiving with turkeys looking like they came from Butterball and the women serving them? The real menu probably looked nothing like you would imagine. Also. the Plymouth Colony nearly ceased to exist because most of the women died.

To put it succinctly, you have nothing here. To some people the truth is indoctrination when it clashes with what they were taught in past generations.
A real man of the people.

Teachers spend nearly $500 a year on supplies. Under the GOP tax bill, they will no longer get a tax deduction.

It’s well known that teachers — even those who earn meager salaries — dig deep into their own pockets for supplies to do their jobs, with one study estimating they spend an average of nearly $500 a year on everything from pencils to batteries.

For now, teachers can get a small tax break — deducting up to $250 from their taxes — for what they spend on supplies. But under the GOP tax reform bill, that deduction would go away for teachers and other categories of workers, including certain state and local officials and performing artists.

No surprise there, Money doesn't grow on trees and the republicans have to get the money from somewhere to fund more tax breaks for the coke brothers.

Coke brothers?

Is that anything like the Pepsi brothers?

I prefer the Sprite Brothers.
A real man of the people.

Teachers spend nearly $500 a year on supplies. Under the GOP tax bill, they will no longer get a tax deduction.

It’s well known that teachers — even those who earn meager salaries — dig deep into their own pockets for supplies to do their jobs, with one study estimating they spend an average of nearly $500 a year on everything from pencils to batteries.

For now, teachers can get a small tax break — deducting up to $250 from their taxes — for what they spend on supplies. But under the GOP tax reform bill, that deduction would go away for teachers and other categories of workers, including certain state and local officials and performing artists.

No surprise there, Money doesn't grow on trees and the republicans have to get the money from somewhere to fund more tax breaks for the coke brothers.

Who are the coke brothers? Drug dealers?
Don't we all spend about $500 per year on everything from pencils to batteries? Wouldn't it be nice if everyone saw a reduction in their state and federal taxes?
Ever looked to see what their administrative costs are as a percentage of the budget? Bet you’d be surprised.
That is sad...I know people who are teachers and in my state - they are badly underfunded. All of them provide material out of their pocket.

So...ya...get rid of the estate tax (which...essentially means....wealthy inheritents will get untaxd income while those who labor for it get taxed) and instead - nix the abilities of teachers to deduct what they supply instead.
I did not read the thread, but a tax deduction by a teacher on $500 of supplies would amount to about $50 in savings per year.

They can manage...or maybe the schools should spend less on stupid shit and give the students the supplies they need.
Perhaps if we pay them less the loons will cut back on trying to indoctrinate our kids.

Great thinking! NOT!

I keep hearing about this indoctrination, but no one can give me an example of what the heck they are talking about. that is pervasive nationwide. Are there some crazy things going on in NY, Boston, Chicago and California? Yes, but that crap doesn't fly everywhere and all you hear about are those few isolated cases of liberals gone nuts.

schools indoctrinating children - Bing video

schools indoctrinating children - Bing video

Ironic that you would choose that example. I have taught from those high school textbooks. Everything she is pointing out is ancillary materials that no teacher in their right mind teaches because it takes far too long to teach. I also found her objections were based on selecting the passage on socialism vs capitalism without showing the also very highly negative comments about socialism. If you noticed, she was selecting from the paragraph entitled "Advantages/Disadvantages" without reading the entire paragraph. I found her objections biased.

Also, Florida's textbooks are tailor made to state standards by the publishers. There is nothing missing from those textbooks as far as the standards go or the state would not have bought them. It is also ironic that the state of Florida's Board of Education, that selects these textbooks,consists mainly of conservatives appointed by Republican governors over about the past two decades.

I found the comments about Thanksgiving very telling because what the text is saying is absolutely true. Far too much of our past history instruction was based on myths. Remember all of the depictions about the first Thanksgiving with turkeys looking like they came from Butterball and the women serving them? The real menu probably looked nothing like you would imagine. Also. the Plymouth Colony nearly ceased to exist because most of the women died.

To put it succinctly, you have nothing here. To some people the truth is indoctrination when it clashes with what they were taught in past generations.

Certainly not suggesting all teachers are on board with the agenda, there are some that disagree, some that I know. Not sure how far up the ladder the problem is but some teachers are pushing the liberal agenda.
teachers pushing liberal agendas - Bing video
A real man of the people.

Teachers spend nearly $500 a year on supplies. Under the GOP tax bill, they will no longer get a tax deduction.

It’s well known that teachers — even those who earn meager salaries — dig deep into their own pockets for supplies to do their jobs, with one study estimating they spend an average of nearly $500 a year on everything from pencils to batteries.

For now, teachers can get a small tax break — deducting up to $250 from their taxes — for what they spend on supplies. But under the GOP tax reform bill, that deduction would go away for teachers and other categories of workers, including certain state and local officials and performing artists.

No surprise there, Money doesn't grow on trees and the republicans have to get the money from somewhere to fund more tax breaks for the coke brothers.

Coke brothers?

Is that anything like the Pepsi brothers?

I prefer the Sprite Brothers.

They’ve got a feud going with the Fanta clan.
A real man of the people.

Teachers spend nearly $500 a year on supplies. Under the GOP tax bill, they will no longer get a tax deduction.

It’s well known that teachers — even those who earn meager salaries — dig deep into their own pockets for supplies to do their jobs, with one study estimating they spend an average of nearly $500 a year on everything from pencils to batteries.

For now, teachers can get a small tax break — deducting up to $250 from their taxes — for what they spend on supplies. But under the GOP tax reform bill, that deduction would go away for teachers and other categories of workers, including certain state and local officials and performing artists.
Maybe it's me, but I would submit a bill to the school board if I had out of pocket expenses for school supplies.

If teachers are too stupid to do this, they shouldn't get to write it off on their taxes.

It has nothing to do with being stupid.
Yes it does. I always submit my expenses to my employer. Why can't teachers do the same? Are they incapable of proper expense tracking?
They are not re-imbursed.
Well, the remedy there is to stop buying stuff out of their own funds. If the district won't pay for it, then the kiddies don't get it.

It's not in the nature of most teachers to do that. With very few exceptions, teachers are teachers because they truly like what they do, so this tax adjustment will really hurt them. Hopefully it can be revised.
Teachers are Teachers because they aren't qualified to get real jobs.
That's what many RWrs say about the military too.
A real man of the people.

Teachers spend nearly $500 a year on supplies. Under the GOP tax bill, they will no longer get a tax deduction.

It’s well known that teachers — even those who earn meager salaries — dig deep into their own pockets for supplies to do their jobs, with one study estimating they spend an average of nearly $500 a year on everything from pencils to batteries.

For now, teachers can get a small tax break — deducting up to $250 from their taxes — for what they spend on supplies. But under the GOP tax reform bill, that deduction would go away for teachers and other categories of workers, including certain state and local officials and performing artists.

Well, the remedy there is to stop buying stuff out of their own funds. If the district won't pay for it, then the kiddies don't get it.

I never spent a dime of my own money on my job while working for others. How ludicrous.

You don't buy the materials and your evaluation will show you are lacking in your teaching skills and you get not renewed.

Then you won't have a job.
Teachers have tenure so no, I don't buy it.
Not everywhere...."Right to Work" states don't have unions or tenure.....and tenure is just the switch from temporary to a permanent position....not a guarantee of continued employment.

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