Teachers Told To Favor Black Students In ‘Racial Equity’ Training

Colleges have come up with an adversity score. It’s brilliant because it doesn’t take race into account.

1. Do you come from a 1 parent home?

2. Do you live in a poor community?

3. Are your parents immigrants?

Kids get extra credit added to their sat’s for thes three things.

This is to combat the unfair advantage rich kids with two parents who were educated in America have on the ones who have survived adversity.

It’s all about finding our best and brightest and fairly judging the rest of us compared to rich kids who’s parents can pay for the best tutors.

The game is rigged. Don’t you want to even the playing field or do you defend rich privilege? Huh aunt Becky?

If it's about finding the best and brightest why would any of those factors be taken into consideration?
Indeed. Ben Carson fits 2 of those categories and the fucker's a brain surgeon that currently works in the white house. A rigged game? No. A difficult one that only the best can beat:

Ben Carson was helped by affirmative action, government welfare, adversity programs, liberals. Shame he didn’t appreciate it.

But maybe he sees the lack of effort the poor black communities are putting forward? We spend a lot of money on social programs over decades and when we look in these high poverty neighborhoods we see how ghetto the residents are. Looking at high crime and poverty neighborhoods it’s hard to want to keep on funding the status quo. Eventually we want to ask the poor people to change their behavior. Raise your kids better and ultimately get the fuck out of that high crime and high poverty area if it’s that bad. And don’t have kids in that area. And it’s important you educate your kids. It’s not enough to have good teachers you need good parents too.
Colleges have come up with an adversity score. It’s brilliant because it doesn’t take race into account.

1. Do you come from a 1 parent home?

2. Do you live in a poor community?

3. Are your parents immigrants?

Kids get extra credit added to their sat’s for thes three things.

This is to combat the unfair advantage rich kids with two parents who were educated in America have on the ones who have survived adversity.

It’s all about finding our best and brightest and fairly judging the rest of us compared to rich kids who’s parents can pay for the best tutors.

The game is rigged. Don’t you want to even the playing field or do you defend rich privilege? Huh aunt Becky?

If it's about finding the best and brightest why would any of those factors be taken into consideration?
My nephews are rich. They were taught two quick and simple ways to eliminate 2 of the 4 possible answers. That’s fucked up. What an unfair advantag rich kids have. The system is rigged.

Who knows who our future CEOs might be if the playing field were leveled. The way things are now the future CEOs will be rich peoples kids who they know will go to Harvard one day.

And the world is going to shit. Maybe these rich kids shouldn’t be the future CEOs. They have no empathy or compassion. They only care about corporate profits.
Oh! Oh no! The rich kids have an advantage because they were born into rich households! How unfair! Let's go ask how the poor African fuckers living in mud-huts think about Americans.

People are born with pros can cons. We have to use our pros to best our cons, working past them in order to better ourselves. It sucks colossal dick, but that, in every sense, is life. Great men are created, not born. The more burdens you face and overcome, the better of a person you are. If ease is handed to you, you will not become a great person. It's the strife we face that makes us show who we really are.
Colleges have come up with an adversity score. It’s brilliant because it doesn’t take race into account.

1. Do you come from a 1 parent home?

2. Do you live in a poor community?

3. Are your parents immigrants?

Kids get extra credit added to their sat’s for thes three things.

This is to combat the unfair advantage rich kids with two parents who were educated in America have on the ones who have survived adversity.

It’s all about finding our best and brightest and fairly judging the rest of us compared to rich kids who’s parents can pay for the best tutors.

The game is rigged. Don’t you want to even the playing field or do you defend rich privilege? Huh aunt Becky?

If it's about finding the best and brightest why would any of those factors be taken into consideration?
Because the kid who survives and achieves despite the adversity is better than the spoiled rich kid.

The kid who survives and achieves despite the adversity will be getting as good as, if not better, scores on the SATs as the rich kid, so this is a moot point. This isn't about the best and brightest; it's about the lowering the standards which may end up setting kids up to fail. Furthermore, who are you to label children of rich parents spoiled? Prejudice much? Jealous, maybe? It's funny how you're making an argument not to judge others based on their socioeconomic background while you judge others based on their socioeconomic background. Typical intolerant hypocrite not practicing what you preach.
Spin it however you like colleges have figured a way around the argument that affirmative action is racist and unfair to whites. That is true.

But adversity scores are not racist. They’ll benefit lots of disadvantaged whites.

Take it up with the universities who are implementing this. Tell them you are smarter and know better than them
Colleges have come up with an adversity score. It’s brilliant because it doesn’t take race into account.

1. Do you come from a 1 parent home?

2. Do you live in a poor community?

3. Are your parents immigrants?

Kids get extra credit added to their sat’s for thes three things.

This is to combat the unfair advantage rich kids with two parents who were educated in America have on the ones who have survived adversity.

It’s all about finding our best and brightest and fairly judging the rest of us compared to rich kids who’s parents can pay for the best tutors.

The game is rigged. Don’t you want to even the playing field or do you defend rich privilege? Huh aunt Becky?

If it's about finding the best and brightest why would any of those factors be taken into consideration?
My nephews are rich. They were taught two quick and simple ways to eliminate 2 of the 4 possible answers. That’s fucked up. What an unfair advantag rich kids have. The system is rigged.

Who knows who our future CEOs might be if the playing field were leveled. The way things are now the future CEOs will be rich peoples kids who they know will go to Harvard one day.

And the world is going to shit. Maybe these rich kids shouldn’t be the future CEOs. They have no empathy or compassion. They only care about corporate profits.
Oh! Oh no! The rich kids have an advantage because they were born into rich households! How unfair! Let's go ask how the poor African fuckers living in mud-huts think about Americans.

People are born with pros can cons. We have to use our pros to best our cons, working past them in order to better ourselves. It sucks colossal dick, but that, in every sense, is life. Great men are created, not born. The more burdens you face and overcome, the better of a person you are. If ease is handed to you, you will not become a great person. It's the strife we face that makes us show who we really are.
And ultimately it’s on the parents to make sure their kids do the best they can. I agree. Why should good kids from good parents be punished?
Colleges have come up with an adversity score. It’s brilliant because it doesn’t take race into account.

1. Do you come from a 1 parent home?

2. Do you live in a poor community?

3. Are your parents immigrants?

Kids get extra credit added to their sat’s for thes three things.

This is to combat the unfair advantage rich kids with two parents who were educated in America have on the ones who have survived adversity.

It’s all about finding our best and brightest and fairly judging the rest of us compared to rich kids who’s parents can pay for the best tutors.

The game is rigged. Don’t you want to even the playing field or do you defend rich privilege? Huh aunt Becky?

If it's about finding the best and brightest why would any of those factors be taken into consideration?
Indeed. Ben Carson fits 2 of those categories and the fucker's a brain surgeon that currently works in the white house. A rigged game? No. A difficult one that only the best can beat:

Ben Carson was helped by affirmative action, government welfare, adversity programs, liberals. Shame he didn’t appreciate it.

But maybe he sees the lack of effort the poor black communities are putting forward? We spend a lot of money on social programs over decades and when we look in these high poverty neighborhoods we see how ghetto the residents are. Looking at high crime and poverty neighborhoods it’s hard to want to keep on funding the status quo. Eventually we want to ask the poor people to change their behavior. Raise your kids better and ultimately get the fuck out of that high crime and high poverty area if it’s that bad. And don’t have kids in that area. And it’s important you educate your kids. It’s not enough to have good teachers you need good parents too.

Yes. He used it the way it was MEANT to be. He used it as HELP! It helped him overcome his strife and look where he is now. And I agree, he's looking around and seeing the system being used as an umbilical cord to keep blacks in the womb, rather than the ladder he used to climb out of the hole.
Sending your kid to public school is the equivalent to child abuse.

In controversial “implicit bias” training, New York City’s public-school educators have been told to focus on black children over white ones — and one Jewish superintendent who described her family’s Holocaust tragedies was scolded and humiliated, according to firsthand accounts.

A consultant hired by the city Department of Education told administrators at a workshop that “racial equity” means favoring black children regardless of their socio-economic status, sources said.

“If I had a poor white male student and I had a middle-class black boy, I would actually put my equitable strategies and interventions into that middle class black boy because over the course of his lifetime he will have less access and less opportunities than that poor white boy,” the consultant, Darnisa Amante, is quoted as saying by those in the room.

“That’s what racial equity is,” Amante explained.


Why do you take extreme examples and paint the entire public schools system as being as screwed up as NYC schools? That only proves that you are the dumbass in the equation.

Did you attend public schools? If so should you be arrested for child abuse?

My three children and two grandchildren attended school systems where I taught. Their education was vastly superior to mine.
You taught them to be uber libs?

All three of my children are registered Republicans, with my son being somewhere to the right of Attila the Hun. Two served in the Army and the other is an officer in the largest American Legion Auxiliary Post in the state.
Sending your kid to public school is the equivalent to child abuse.

In controversial “implicit bias” training, New York City’s public-school educators have been told to focus on black children over white ones — and one Jewish superintendent who described her family’s Holocaust tragedies was scolded and humiliated, according to firsthand accounts.

A consultant hired by the city Department of Education told administrators at a workshop that “racial equity” means favoring black children regardless of their socio-economic status, sources said.

“If I had a poor white male student and I had a middle-class black boy, I would actually put my equitable strategies and interventions into that middle class black boy because over the course of his lifetime he will have less access and less opportunities than that poor white boy,” the consultant, Darnisa Amante, is quoted as saying by those in the room.

“That’s what racial equity is,” Amante explained.


Why do you take extreme examples and paint the entire public schools system as being as screwed up as NYC schools? That only proves that you are the dumbass in the equation.

Did you attend public schools? If so should you be arrested for child abuse?

My three children and two grandchildren attended school systems where I taught. Their education was vastly superior to mine.
Your belief it’s an isolated incident simply validates my point the teachers are the root cause for the decline in education.
Fuck off. Are you for real? Don't blame this on teachers; it's the dipshit bureaucrats and administration ruining everything. Depending on the school, teachers can barely run their own classrooms how they want. When I started in primary sped, my assistant principal (who specializes in pre-k and NOT special ed) scolded my ass for trying to run my sped class like a sped classroom, and, instead, told me to run my class like a pre-k program.

The second I got in, the cabinets and storage was FLOODED with toys and other shit useless for teaching ID kids outside of reenforcement, so I gave away a bunch of toys to the pre-k programs. She was infuriated me and told me that I needed to treat my 6-8 year old students like fucking 3 year olds. Bitch tied my hands behind my back and told me to run my class like a fucking Montessori school. First and foremost, my students need to be taught DISCIPLINE! How to stay in designated areas, how to respect authority figures, and how to follow directions. These are essential skills to holding a job AND these seeds need to be planted early in life. After teaching discipline, I can get to academics. But her arrogance and ignorance made her think kids that 6 year olds with down syndrome can play with toys and magically learn their ABCs AND that academics was the most important thing for them to learn. Ignoring the likelyhood that these kids are going to make coffee or clean up trash for the rest of their lives, if they're lucky enough to have independence at all. The way parents are now? Kids without Intellectual Disabilities are barely leaving the nest and getting independence from mommy and daddy.

Bureaucrats and administration are the fuckers that are choking and stomping on teachers. I mean, you think teachers are about equity because they believe in it? In CCSD, we have weekly trainings telling us how to do our jobs, including this equity shit. Whether we like it or not, it has to be implemented in our classrooms. And that's the thing, like, I don't even want to blame administration so much. I'm willing to bet that the bureaucrats are up their asses, the same way they're up the teachers' asses. Regardless, this is totally not the fault of the teachers.
Teachers don’t teach. They just go on strike to get richer.

Boy, you just can't help making stupid statements. Teachers are barred from striking by law in 95% of the school districts nationwide.
Fuck off. Are you for real? Don't blame this on teachers; it's the dipshit bureaucrats and administration ruining everything. Depending on the school, teachers can barely run their own classrooms how they want. When I started in primary sped, my assistant principal (who specializes in pre-k and NOT special ed) scolded my ass for trying to run my sped class like a sped classroom, and, instead, told me to run my class like a pre-k program.

The second I got in, the cabinets and storage was FLOODED with toys and other shit useless for teaching ID kids outside of reenforcement, so I gave away a bunch of toys to the pre-k programs. She was infuriated me and told me that I needed to treat my 6-8 year old students like fucking 3 year olds. Bitch tied my hands behind my back and told me to run my class like a fucking Montessori school. First and foremost, my students need to be taught DISCIPLINE! How to stay in designated areas, how to respect authority figures, and how to follow directions. These are essential skills to holding a job AND these seeds need to be planted early in life. After teaching discipline, I can get to academics. But her arrogance and ignorance made her think kids that 6 year olds with down syndrome can play with toys and magically learn their ABCs AND that academics was the most important thing for them to learn. Ignoring the likelyhood that these kids are going to make coffee or clean up trash for the rest of their lives, if they're lucky enough to have independence at all. The way parents are now? Kids without Intellectual Disabilities are barely leaving the nest and getting independence from mommy and daddy.

Bureaucrats and administration are the fuckers that are choking and stomping on teachers. I mean, you think teachers are about equity because they believe in it? In CCSD, we have weekly trainings telling us how to do our jobs, including this equity shit. Whether we like it or not, it has to be implemented in our classrooms. And that's the thing, like, I don't even want to blame administration so much. I'm willing to bet that the bureaucrats are up their asses, the same way they're up the teachers' asses. Regardless, this is totally not the fault of the teachers.
Teachers don’t teach. They just go on strike to get richer.
Nice broad brush you're painting with there. What are you going to say next?

Black people don't work. They just steal from 7/11's
Not a shocker that you protect the failing education system in America.
Lol, yes. Because *I* have the power to protect. Naturally, I could just snap my fingers and stop it from collapsing.

I already gave you insight that even teachers can't teach the way they want to in their own classroom, but apparently you're too fucking stupid to grasp that concept. Let me invite you to my classroom next year. You'll fit in well with all my down syndrome 6 and 7 year old students.
Thanks for pointing out Teachers only care about their paycheck.

Do you care about paying your bills?

Your error is using the term "only".
Fuck off. Are you for real? Don't blame this on teachers; it's the dipshit bureaucrats and administration ruining everything. Depending on the school, teachers can barely run their own classrooms how they want. When I started in primary sped, my assistant principal (who specializes in pre-k and NOT special ed) scolded my ass for trying to run my sped class like a sped classroom, and, instead, told me to run my class like a pre-k program.

The second I got in, the cabinets and storage was FLOODED with toys and other shit useless for teaching ID kids outside of reenforcement, so I gave away a bunch of toys to the pre-k programs. She was infuriated me and told me that I needed to treat my 6-8 year old students like fucking 3 year olds. Bitch tied my hands behind my back and told me to run my class like a fucking Montessori school. First and foremost, my students need to be taught DISCIPLINE! How to stay in designated areas, how to respect authority figures, and how to follow directions. These are essential skills to holding a job AND these seeds need to be planted early in life. After teaching discipline, I can get to academics. But her arrogance and ignorance made her think kids that 6 year olds with down syndrome can play with toys and magically learn their ABCs AND that academics was the most important thing for them to learn. Ignoring the likelyhood that these kids are going to make coffee or clean up trash for the rest of their lives, if they're lucky enough to have independence at all. The way parents are now? Kids without Intellectual Disabilities are barely leaving the nest and getting independence from mommy and daddy.

Bureaucrats and administration are the fuckers that are choking and stomping on teachers. I mean, you think teachers are about equity because they believe in it? In CCSD, we have weekly trainings telling us how to do our jobs, including this equity shit. Whether we like it or not, it has to be implemented in our classrooms. And that's the thing, like, I don't even want to blame administration so much. I'm willing to bet that the bureaucrats are up their asses, the same way they're up the teachers' asses. Regardless, this is totally not the fault of the teachers.
Teachers don’t teach. They just go on strike to get richer.
Nice broad brush you're painting with there. What are you going to say next?

Black people don't work. They just steal from 7/11's
Not a shocker that you protect the failing education system in America.
Yesterday at my garage sale some lady came by and we got to talking. She said she worked for one the local schools and I asked her about the kids she taught. She stated that they were disrespectful undisciplined little bastards and that they were not allowed to do anything to them.
Very true. Because teachers created that stupid scenario.

Man, you just cannot resist to prove you are mentally incompetent! Teachers have NOTHING to do with the disciplinary rules in the classroom.
Nice broad brush you're painting with there. What are you going to say next?

Black people don't work. They just steal from 7/11's
Not a shocker that you protect the failing education system in America.
Yesterday at my garage sale some lady came by and we got to talking. She said she worked for one the local schools and I asked her about the kids she taught. She stated that they were disrespectful undisciplined little bastards and that they were not allowed to do anything to them.
Very true. Because teachers created that stupid scenario.
No, fucking moron -- Learn to read. Teacher said students were disrespectful and undisciplined and they weren't ALLOWED to do anything. Teachers have very little power in their own classrooms. I don't know how many fucking people will have to tell you before you get a clue.

Also, it's parents that create the scenario with their shitty parenting skills.
Care to share with us any effort by teachers to take their classrooms back?

How do they do that? Strike?

They can't, dumbass!

In this past primary election, there were more teachers running for state offices than any other profession. Why? Because our state legislature and governor tried to mess with our already useless retirement system. Our Republican governor is very likely to lose his reelection bid to a Democrat who is too stupid to pour piss out of a boot with the instructions on the heel. His one quality that will make him win is his support for teachers. He just barely won the primary and stands little chance in the general because Republicans will not turn out for him. I won't vote for a Democrat but I will also not vote for that dickhead!
Not a shocker that you protect the failing education system in America.
Yesterday at my garage sale some lady came by and we got to talking. She said she worked for one the local schools and I asked her about the kids she taught. She stated that they were disrespectful undisciplined little bastards and that they were not allowed to do anything to them.
Very true. Because teachers created that stupid scenario.
No, fucking moron -- Learn to read. Teacher said students were disrespectful and undisciplined and they weren't ALLOWED to do anything. Teachers have very little power in their own classrooms. I don't know how many fucking people will have to tell you before you get a clue.

Also, it's parents that create the scenario with their shitty parenting skills.
Care to share with us any effort by teachers to take their classrooms back?

How do they do that? Strike?

They can't, dumbass!

In this past primary election, there were more teachers running for state offices than any other profession. Why? Because our state legislature and governor tried to mess with our already useless retirement system. Our Republican governor is very likely to lose his reelection bid to a Democrat who is too stupid to pour piss out of a boot with the instructions on the heel. His one quality that will make him win is his support for teachers. He just barely won the primary and stands little chance in the general because Republicans will not turn out for him. I won't vote for a Democrat but I will also not vote for that dickhead!

You validate my point. Only when it came to your paycheck did action occur.
Teachers can make change for improvements.
A simple letter to the editor, a plea to the voters, an organized effort against incompetent school district officials, teachers going after policy making positions.

All can be done, yet very rarely is. Teachers just remain quite as long as their paychecks and benefits keep rolling in.
Not a shocker that you protect the failing education system in America.
Yesterday at my garage sale some lady came by and we got to talking. She said she worked for one the local schools and I asked her about the kids she taught. She stated that they were disrespectful undisciplined little bastards and that they were not allowed to do anything to them.
Very true. Because teachers created that stupid scenario.
No, fucking moron -- Learn to read. Teacher said students were disrespectful and undisciplined and they weren't ALLOWED to do anything. Teachers have very little power in their own classrooms. I don't know how many fucking people will have to tell you before you get a clue.

Also, it's parents that create the scenario with their shitty parenting skills.
Care to share with us any effort by teachers to take their classrooms back?

How do they do that? Strike?

They can't, dumbass!

In this past primary election, there were more teachers running for state offices than any other profession. Why? Because our state legislature and governor tried to mess with our already useless retirement system. Our Republican governor is very likely to lose his reelection bid to a Democrat who is too stupid to pour piss out of a boot with the instructions on the heel. His one quality that will make him win is his support for teachers. He just barely won the primary and stands little chance in the general because Republicans will not turn out for him. I won't vote for a Democrat but I will also not vote for that dickhead!
And what's a retirement system you speak of? I seem to remember something from history about it. But us working stiffs who pay teachers don't know what it is, we have to take what is left after teachers take our money and try to save a few pennies for ourselves. That is our retirement.
Yesterday at my garage sale some lady came by and we got to talking. She said she worked for one the local schools and I asked her about the kids she taught. She stated that they were disrespectful undisciplined little bastards and that they were not allowed to do anything to them.
Very true. Because teachers created that stupid scenario.
No, fucking moron -- Learn to read. Teacher said students were disrespectful and undisciplined and they weren't ALLOWED to do anything. Teachers have very little power in their own classrooms. I don't know how many fucking people will have to tell you before you get a clue.

Also, it's parents that create the scenario with their shitty parenting skills.
Care to share with us any effort by teachers to take their classrooms back?

How do they do that? Strike?

They can't, dumbass!

In this past primary election, there were more teachers running for state offices than any other profession. Why? Because our state legislature and governor tried to mess with our already useless retirement system. Our Republican governor is very likely to lose his reelection bid to a Democrat who is too stupid to pour piss out of a boot with the instructions on the heel. His one quality that will make him win is his support for teachers. He just barely won the primary and stands little chance in the general because Republicans will not turn out for him. I won't vote for a Democrat but I will also not vote for that dickhead!

Teachers can make change for improvements.
A simple letter to the editor, a plea to the voters, an organized effort against incompetent school district officials, teachers going after policy making positions.

All can be done, yet very rarely is. Teachers just remain quite as long as their paychecks and benefits keep rolling in.

So, why didn't you just come out and say you want them fired?

Teachers are not even allowed to discuss education on social media.

I once had someone falsely report to my principal that I supported drug abuse by teachers because I commented on a Fox News story about drug needles being found in a teacher's restroom and the district wanted to drug test every teacher that was seen using that restroom on the day in question. I maintained that was a violation of their 4th Amendment rights and the court had ruled accordingly when one teacher refused. That is the last time I ever posted with my name.

Letters to the editor in our papers cannot be anonymous.

Go ahead and try to speak out publicly against a school board member running for reelection and see how long before you get called on the carpet and are told your services are no longer required.

Like the military, political activity by teachers is illegal in most cases. It violates your contract.
Very true. Because teachers created that stupid scenario.
No, fucking moron -- Learn to read. Teacher said students were disrespectful and undisciplined and they weren't ALLOWED to do anything. Teachers have very little power in their own classrooms. I don't know how many fucking people will have to tell you before you get a clue.

Also, it's parents that create the scenario with their shitty parenting skills.
Care to share with us any effort by teachers to take their classrooms back?

How do they do that? Strike?

They can't, dumbass!

In this past primary election, there were more teachers running for state offices than any other profession. Why? Because our state legislature and governor tried to mess with our already useless retirement system. Our Republican governor is very likely to lose his reelection bid to a Democrat who is too stupid to pour piss out of a boot with the instructions on the heel. His one quality that will make him win is his support for teachers. He just barely won the primary and stands little chance in the general because Republicans will not turn out for him. I won't vote for a Democrat but I will also not vote for that dickhead!

Teachers can make change for improvements.
A simple letter to the editor, a plea to the voters, an organized effort against incompetent school district officials, teachers going after policy making positions.

All can be done, yet very rarely is. Teachers just remain quite as long as their paychecks and benefits keep rolling in.

So, why didn't you just come out and say you want them fired?

Teachers are not even allowed to discuss education on social media.

I once had someone falsely report to my principal that I supported drug abuse by teachers because I commented on a Fox News story about drug needles being found in a teacher's restroom and the district wanted to drug test every teacher that was seen using that restroom on the day in question. I maintained that was a violation of their 4th Amendment rights and the court had ruled accordingly when one teacher refused. That is the last time I ever posted with my name.

Letters to the editor in our papers cannot be anonymous.

Go ahead and try to speak out publicly against a school board member running for reelection and see how long before you get called on the carpet and are told your services are no longer required.

Like the military, political activity by teachers is illegal in most cases. It violates your contract.
Ah yes, the victim card.

Until your paycheck is not hefty enough then you run for political office to keep the gravy train going.
Yesterday at my garage sale some lady came by and we got to talking. She said she worked for one the local schools and I asked her about the kids she taught. She stated that they were disrespectful undisciplined little bastards and that they were not allowed to do anything to them.
Very true. Because teachers created that stupid scenario.
No, fucking moron -- Learn to read. Teacher said students were disrespectful and undisciplined and they weren't ALLOWED to do anything. Teachers have very little power in their own classrooms. I don't know how many fucking people will have to tell you before you get a clue.

Also, it's parents that create the scenario with their shitty parenting skills.
Care to share with us any effort by teachers to take their classrooms back?

How do they do that? Strike?

They can't, dumbass!

In this past primary election, there were more teachers running for state offices than any other profession. Why? Because our state legislature and governor tried to mess with our already useless retirement system. Our Republican governor is very likely to lose his reelection bid to a Democrat who is too stupid to pour piss out of a boot with the instructions on the heel. His one quality that will make him win is his support for teachers. He just barely won the primary and stands little chance in the general because Republicans will not turn out for him. I won't vote for a Democrat but I will also not vote for that dickhead!
And what's a retirement system you speak of? I seem to remember something from history about it. But us working stiffs who pay teachers don't know what it is, we have to take what is left after teachers take our money and try to save a few pennies for ourselves. That is our retirement.

Teacher's retirement in this state is deducted from your paycheck. As a result, you are not eligible for Social Security. Taxpayers don't pay a dime towards our retirement which is based entirely on what is contributed, so your understanding is once again in error. The problem is Democrats in the past administrations spent the money that was supposed to be in the teacher retirement fund and spent it for state expenses, much like the federal government does with social security. When the fund started to run low, they wanted teachers to contribute even more money towards their retirement and then accept reduced payments. The courts ruled that violated the teacher's contracts and ruled against the state. I was fortunate to be able to take my retirement lump sum and walk away. Others will not be so lucky when they go to retire and the state has none of their money.

Why do you keep posting on a topic of which you apparently know every little and most of that is bald-faced lies?
Very true. Because teachers created that stupid scenario.
No, fucking moron -- Learn to read. Teacher said students were disrespectful and undisciplined and they weren't ALLOWED to do anything. Teachers have very little power in their own classrooms. I don't know how many fucking people will have to tell you before you get a clue.

Also, it's parents that create the scenario with their shitty parenting skills.
Care to share with us any effort by teachers to take their classrooms back?

How do they do that? Strike?

They can't, dumbass!

In this past primary election, there were more teachers running for state offices than any other profession. Why? Because our state legislature and governor tried to mess with our already useless retirement system. Our Republican governor is very likely to lose his reelection bid to a Democrat who is too stupid to pour piss out of a boot with the instructions on the heel. His one quality that will make him win is his support for teachers. He just barely won the primary and stands little chance in the general because Republicans will not turn out for him. I won't vote for a Democrat but I will also not vote for that dickhead!
And what's a retirement system you speak of? I seem to remember something from history about it. But us working stiffs who pay teachers don't know what it is, we have to take what is left after teachers take our money and try to save a few pennies for ourselves. That is our retirement.

Teacher's retirement in this state is deducted from your paycheck. As a result, you are not eligible for Social Security. Taxpayers don't pay a dime towards our retirement which is based entirely on what is contributed, so your understanding is once again in error. The problem is Democrats in the past administrations spent the money that was supposed to be in the teacher retirement fund and spent it for state expenses, much like the federal government does with social security. When the fund started to run low, they wanted teachers to contribute even more money towards their retirement and then accept reduced payments. The courts ruled that violated the teacher's contracts and ruled against the state. I was fortunate to be able to take my retirement lump sum and walk away. Others will not be so lucky when they go to retire and the state has none of their money.

Why do you keep posting on a topic of which you apparently know every little and most of that is bald-faced lies?
You're the one posting the teachers have no ability to make policy while you boast how teachers run for offices to make policies on pay. Hypocriticus Maximus.
No, fucking moron -- Learn to read. Teacher said students were disrespectful and undisciplined and they weren't ALLOWED to do anything. Teachers have very little power in their own classrooms. I don't know how many fucking people will have to tell you before you get a clue.

Also, it's parents that create the scenario with their shitty parenting skills.
Care to share with us any effort by teachers to take their classrooms back?

How do they do that? Strike?

They can't, dumbass!

In this past primary election, there were more teachers running for state offices than any other profession. Why? Because our state legislature and governor tried to mess with our already useless retirement system. Our Republican governor is very likely to lose his reelection bid to a Democrat who is too stupid to pour piss out of a boot with the instructions on the heel. His one quality that will make him win is his support for teachers. He just barely won the primary and stands little chance in the general because Republicans will not turn out for him. I won't vote for a Democrat but I will also not vote for that dickhead!

Teachers can make change for improvements.
A simple letter to the editor, a plea to the voters, an organized effort against incompetent school district officials, teachers going after policy making positions.

All can be done, yet very rarely is. Teachers just remain quite as long as their paychecks and benefits keep rolling in.

So, why didn't you just come out and say you want them fired?

Teachers are not even allowed to discuss education on social media.

I once had someone falsely report to my principal that I supported drug abuse by teachers because I commented on a Fox News story about drug needles being found in a teacher's restroom and the district wanted to drug test every teacher that was seen using that restroom on the day in question. I maintained that was a violation of their 4th Amendment rights and the court had ruled accordingly when one teacher refused. That is the last time I ever posted with my name.

Letters to the editor in our papers cannot be anonymous.

Go ahead and try to speak out publicly against a school board member running for reelection and see how long before you get called on the carpet and are told your services are no longer required.

Like the military, political activity by teachers is illegal in most cases. It violates your contract.
Ah yes, the victim card.

Until your paycheck is not hefty enough then you run for political office to keep the gravy train going.

Our state legislators are paid a pittance compared to what they will lose in being out of the classroom. Is that another idiotic statement on your part?

I currently make $44,000 a year as a US Army contractor. I barely made more than that as a classroom teacher with 21 years experience. Teaching was a veritable gold mine, which is why people are lining up at the door in colleges to take education courses. If you believe that last sentence, I have a bridge to sell you!
Fuck off. Are you for real? Don't blame this on teachers; it's the dipshit bureaucrats and administration ruining everything. Depending on the school, teachers can barely run their own classrooms how they want. When I started in primary sped, my assistant principal (who specializes in pre-k and NOT special ed) scolded my ass for trying to run my sped class like a sped classroom, and, instead, told me to run my class like a pre-k program.

The second I got in, the cabinets and storage was FLOODED with toys and other shit useless for teaching ID kids outside of reenforcement, so I gave away a bunch of toys to the pre-k programs. She was infuriated me and told me that I needed to treat my 6-8 year old students like fucking 3 year olds. Bitch tied my hands behind my back and told me to run my class like a fucking Montessori school. First and foremost, my students need to be taught DISCIPLINE! How to stay in designated areas, how to respect authority figures, and how to follow directions. These are essential skills to holding a job AND these seeds need to be planted early in life. After teaching discipline, I can get to academics. But her arrogance and ignorance made her think kids that 6 year olds with down syndrome can play with toys and magically learn their ABCs AND that academics was the most important thing for them to learn. Ignoring the likelyhood that these kids are going to make coffee or clean up trash for the rest of their lives, if they're lucky enough to have independence at all. The way parents are now? Kids without Intellectual Disabilities are barely leaving the nest and getting independence from mommy and daddy.

Bureaucrats and administration are the fuckers that are choking and stomping on teachers. I mean, you think teachers are about equity because they believe in it? In CCSD, we have weekly trainings telling us how to do our jobs, including this equity shit. Whether we like it or not, it has to be implemented in our classrooms. And that's the thing, like, I don't even want to blame administration so much. I'm willing to bet that the bureaucrats are up their asses, the same way they're up the teachers' asses. Regardless, this is totally not the fault of the teachers.
Teachers don’t teach. They just go on strike to get richer.
Nice broad brush you're painting with there. What are you going to say next?

Black people don't work. They just steal from 7/11's
Not a shocker that you protect the failing education system in America.
Yesterday at my garage sale some lady came by and we got to talking. She said she worked for one the local schools and I asked her about the kids she taught. She stated that they were disrespectful undisciplined little bastards and that they were not allowed to do anything to them.
Very true. Because teachers created that stupid scenario.
I thought it was created by administrators and libstain politicians. Most teachers want discipline in the class room.
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No, fucking moron -- Learn to read. Teacher said students were disrespectful and undisciplined and they weren't ALLOWED to do anything. Teachers have very little power in their own classrooms. I don't know how many fucking people will have to tell you before you get a clue.

Also, it's parents that create the scenario with their shitty parenting skills.
Care to share with us any effort by teachers to take their classrooms back?

How do they do that? Strike?

They can't, dumbass!

In this past primary election, there were more teachers running for state offices than any other profession. Why? Because our state legislature and governor tried to mess with our already useless retirement system. Our Republican governor is very likely to lose his reelection bid to a Democrat who is too stupid to pour piss out of a boot with the instructions on the heel. His one quality that will make him win is his support for teachers. He just barely won the primary and stands little chance in the general because Republicans will not turn out for him. I won't vote for a Democrat but I will also not vote for that dickhead!
And what's a retirement system you speak of? I seem to remember something from history about it. But us working stiffs who pay teachers don't know what it is, we have to take what is left after teachers take our money and try to save a few pennies for ourselves. That is our retirement.

Teacher's retirement in this state is deducted from your paycheck. As a result, you are not eligible for Social Security. Taxpayers don't pay a dime towards our retirement which is based entirely on what is contributed, so your understanding is once again in error. The problem is Democrats in the past administrations spent the money that was supposed to be in the teacher retirement fund and spent it for state expenses, much like the federal government does with social security. When the fund started to run low, they wanted teachers to contribute even more money towards their retirement and then accept reduced payments. The courts ruled that violated the teacher's contracts and ruled against the state. I was fortunate to be able to take my retirement lump sum and walk away. Others will not be so lucky when they go to retire and the state has none of their money.

Why do you keep posting on a topic of which you apparently know every little and most of that is bald-faced lies?
You're the one posting the teachers have no ability to make policy while you boast how teachers run for offices to make policies on pay. Hypocriticus Maximus.

That started this past election. You know, the election we had on Tuesday! If they get elected, they will probably lose their teaching positions for that very reason! Dumbass!
Sending your kid to public school is the equivalent to child abuse.

In controversial “implicit bias” training, New York City’s public-school educators have been told to focus on black children over white ones — and one Jewish superintendent who described her family’s Holocaust tragedies was scolded and humiliated, according to firsthand accounts.

A consultant hired by the city Department of Education told administrators at a workshop that “racial equity” means favoring black children regardless of their socio-economic status, sources said.

“If I had a poor white male student and I had a middle-class black boy, I would actually put my equitable strategies and interventions into that middle class black boy because over the course of his lifetime he will have less access and less opportunities than that poor white boy,” the consultant, Darnisa Amante, is quoted as saying by those in the room.

“That’s what racial equity is,” Amante explained.


They better check with La Raza on that.


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