Teachers under police investigation for going after parents who oppose critical race theory teaching

I've said it a hundred times. Unions are corrupt. Yeah I know the left will come in here and point out the union isn't specifically involved in this CRIMILAL ACTIVITY but....

The unions protect these dumbfucks from termination
These communists should be jailed for stalking and intimidation.
Honestly I think jailed is a bridge too far based on what I've heard. BUT they do not belong in a classroom teaching our children .
They are entitle to their fucked up thought process just like I am

I've said it a hundred times. Unions are corrupt. Yeah I know the left will come in here and point out the union isn't specifically involved in this CRIMILAL ACTIVITY but....

The unions protect these dumbfucks from termination
These communists should be jailed for stalking and intimidation.
Honestly I think jailed is a bridge too far based on what I've heard. BUT they do not belong in a classroom teaching our children .
They are entitle to their fucked up thought process just like I am
People who stalk celebrities are jailed. Other possible charges--libel, slander. You are entitled to your opinion but when it crosses over to libel and slander, only truth will save you. Doxxing can be akin to malicious stalking--people have been convicted for both.

I've said it a hundred times. Unions are corrupt. Yeah I know the left will come in here and point out the union isn't specifically involved in this CRIMILAL ACTIVITY but....

The unions protect these dumbfucks from termination

They can call white people and their families RACIST publicly for not agreeing with the Critical Race THEORY..... yet, Trump uses the words "China Virus" to describe a virus that came from China... and it makes anyone who doesnt denounce that... also a racist xenophobe...
And do they care about backlash against those innocent people????
There are some real dumbfucks out there trying their best to trash and destroy the American society for everyone.

I've said it a hundred times. Unions are corrupt. Yeah I know the left will come in here and point out the union isn't specifically involved in this CRIMILAL ACTIVITY but....

The unions protect these dumbfucks from termination

They can call white people and their families RACIST publicly for not agreeing with the Critical Race THEORY..... yet, Trump uses the words "China Virus" to describe a virus that came from China... and it makes anyone who doesnt denounce that... also a racist xenophobe...
And do they care about backlash against those innocent people????
There are some real dumbfucks out there trying their best to trash and destroy the American society for everyone.

Mostly on the Left.

I've said it a hundred times. Unions are corrupt. Yeah I know the left will come in here and point out the union isn't specifically involved in this CRIMILAL ACTIVITY but....

The unions protect these dumbfucks from termination
These communists should be jailed for stalking and intimidation.
Honestly I think jailed is a bridge too far based on what I've heard. BUT they do not belong in a classroom teaching our children .
They are entitle to their fucked up thought process just like I am
People who stalk celebrities are jailed. Other possible charges--libel, slander. You are entitled to your opinion but when it crosses over to libel and slander, only truth will save you. Doxxing can be akin to malicious stalking--people have been convicted for both.
Libel and slander are not jailable offenses bro and I hope they never are. Stalking is another story but needs to be ACTUALLY defined

I've said it a hundred times. Unions are corrupt. Yeah I know the left will come in here and point out the union isn't specifically involved in this CRIMILAL ACTIVITY but....

The unions protect these dumbfucks from termination
These communists should be jailed for stalking and intimidation.
Honestly I think jailed is a bridge too far based on what I've heard. BUT they do not belong in a classroom teaching our children .
They are entitle to their fucked up thought process just like I am
People who stalk celebrities are jailed. Other possible charges--libel, slander. You are entitled to your opinion but when it crosses over to libel and slander, only truth will save you. Doxxing can be akin to malicious stalking--people have been convicted for both.
Libel and slander are not jailable offenses bro and I hope they never are. Stalking is another story but needs to be ACTUALLY defined
You are right--got excited and ahead of myself. LOL
The Democrat Party is a dangerous political cult.
"Critical Race Theory" is government sponsored institutionalized hate and racism being taught to children.
The elected officials in school the districts where "Critical Race Theory" is being taught should be thrown out of office ASAP.
Critical race theory is nothing but democrat/globalist social engineering.

I've said it a hundred times. Unions are corrupt. Yeah I know the left will come in here and point out the union isn't specifically involved in this CRIMILAL ACTIVITY but....

The unions protect these dumbfucks from termination
The Dems are using this critical race theory to divide us.

It is quite amazing how quickly you can get impressionable minds to turn against others, based solely upon their skin color or DNA, if you tell them that people with a certain trait are inherently bad because they have privilege or ancestors who did bad things.

Here is a fascinating video from 1968, where teacher Jane Elliott has a classroom full of White kids, and gets all the blue-eyed kids to turn on the brown-eyed ones and vice-versa. In less than one day, there is actual physical violence. Very interesting, the test scores of the oppressed group deteriorate immediately.

This video is not for the easily-offended. There are N-words used. The video is fascinating, as I said. It's 14 minutes, but the full documentary is about an hour. You won't regret watching it...

This kind of critical race theory I am a huge proponent of. We are all of the human race.

White parents have got to get their kids out of the public school system.
They're only hope is school choice.
The unions protect these dumbfucks from termination
So the police union is investigating the teachers union? What in the world for?

I've said it a hundred times. Unions are corrupt. Yeah I know the left will come in here and point out the union isn't specifically involved in this CRIMILAL ACTIVITY but....

The unions protect these dumbfucks from termination
"Targeting unwoke parents" .....

AKA .... targeting parents who oppose Communism in favor of Freedom and Liberty.
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Libel and slander are not jailable offenses bro and I hope they never are. Stalking is another story but needs to be ACTUALLY defined

Libel and slander ABSOLUTELY SHOULD be jailable offenses-punished with either serious prison time or a public flogging.

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