Teaching Anal Sex As "Good" In Schools. Where Is This Heading & Why?

I've thoroughly read the OP, visited the "gaslighting link", read that OP and I believe...

  • There's no pedophile "grooming" going on. It's just the OP as usual seeing things that aren't there

  • There does seem to be a progression towards involving kids in too much sex "information"

  • Yes, looking at the big picture, it's clear that the LGBT agenda is "grooming" kids (& adults).

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I will say this again, because you seem to have skipped over it.

I do not believe that any public school is teaching 1st and 2nd grade children about anal sex. If it happened, it would have made the cover of Time magazine.

Who is claiming that??? koshergirl? I don't think so. She spoke of 5th graders who were talked to about anal sex and her article totally backs up that claim!!

Where did I ever mention anal sex being spoken to 1st or 2nd graders?? Nowhere.

Not only are you poor at comprehension, you are also a typical liberal who picks at one point and ignores ten others that make you out to be a liar or a fool. In My Opinion.
I will say this again, because you seem to have skipped over it.

I do not believe that any public school is teaching 1st and 2nd grade children about anal sex. If it happened, it would have made the cover of Time magazine.

Who is claiming that??? koshergirl? I don't think so. She spoke of 5th graders who were talked to about anal sex and her article totally backs up that claim!!

Where did I ever mention anal sex being spoken to 1st or 2nd graders?? Nowhere.

Not only are you poor at comprehension, you are also a typical liberal who picks at one point and ignores ten others that make you out to be a liar or a fool. In My Opinion.
He's not poor in comprehension. It was deliberate. See this OP for details: Understanding the Roots of the LGBT Movement...You've Been Gaslighted, Chump! | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

That was a strawman. He was trying to change the subject to "age when you can teach kids to enjoy anal sex" instead of "is it EVER appropriate to encourage kids to have anal sex and why are the people doing this, doing this?".. In other words he wanted to deftly steer the topic away from "is it EVER appropriate to encourage kids to have anal sex?!" to "Let's discuss what ages the LGBT can be forgiven for trying to influence kids into having anal sex..."

One of the things you learn when reading up on the etiology of pedophile "grooming" (see OP) is that the pedophiles are EXTREMELY cunning and clever at manipulating perception in others; particularly adults in charge of the children they're aiming to molest...That's why when you hear of a pedophile getting caught, it's always some dude (or in this case, a cult agenda) who was/is smart, cunning, had positioned himself well and was trusted...

Everybody stand up and chant "gay teen suicides!"...And under that very large and thick blanket we find a carte blanche for promoting gay sex in schools. Very clever. Sick...but clever...Nevermind that gay teen suicides are quite likely caused by a gay boy (usually) who has been molested (statistically true) and is tortured inside his mind as the "gay community" "surrounds him with" "love" and tells him to "embrace what you've become"...

In fact, a very clever gay politician in California, later influenced upon New Jersey, convinced that state's legislature to pass a law forbidding a "gay" (statistically molested) teen from getting help to return to normal heterosexual behavior until their behaviors are too ingrained, age 18..

Don't want those "turned boys" turning back in the nick of time. Clever!...

Sick sick sick fuckers..
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Well, we all know that the National Catholic Register is fair and balanced has no agenda on their blog....
Again..the superintendent did not deny that the principal gave a nice fellatio how-to for the benefit of the 10 and 11 year olds.

Nor did the superintendent- or anyone else say that the principal gave a nice fellatio how-to.

Except of course- you.
And the parents. The superintendents response was that it was acceptable and part of the curriculum to have explicit how to sessions with ten and eleven year olds. After all, they asked. They obviously wanted it.

No- not the parents either

There are two ways you can tell Koshergrl is lying
  1. She has posted and
  2. She makes claims about what is in a post- without actually providing a quote
The most recent link you provided
Parents Take Battle With Planned Parenthood to Next Level
mentions the superintendent twice-

Actual quote:

School officials, including Salem-Keizer School District Superintendent Sandy Husk, stand behind the Teen Outreach Program, despite moving to replace the Planned Parenthood instructors.

“We feel strongly that this program, which was based on curriculum developed at the national level that aligns with standards set by the Oregon Department of Education, is an excellent option for our students,” Husk wrote in a letter to parents.

“It’s a state-adopted curriculum,” Superintendent Scott Fenter said. “She followed the state curriculum, she gave the answer that was in the state curriculum.”

Again- nowhere in your links does it say what you claimed happened- you just lied- and made it up- here once again is what you claimed

No, my link is about the principal who gave explicit instructions to 10-11 year old children how to perform fellatio

All of these posts and you have yet to provide any evidence of any principal giving explicit instructions to children on how to perform fellatio
Well, we all know that the National Catholic Register is fair and balanced has no agenda on their blog....

Well we all know you don’t have a leg to stand on so instead you accuse the Catholic newspaper of telling lies. Like we think for one millisecond there is a chance someone like you is going to concede anything you do not want to agree with.

I am sure this was all fabricated from the article by former student Corrinne Kelly when she was in 10th grade --> “I chose non-honors biology because I had just never had the stomach to dissect frogs and other little critters,” said the 2010 graduate of Ray High School. “Little did I know I would have to stomach much more than that. A representative from Planned Parenthood was introduced, and soon she was visiting the regular biology classes every month.

“There, I would squeamishly sit in my seat through the representative’s lectures about rape, ovulation, birth control, how to put on a condom and spermicide. It was embarrassing because I had to sit there with all the girls and guys in the classroom. I was told it was okay to have ‘safe sex’ — that it was perfectly normal to do so; that I was responsible enough to make my own decisions, and, in case I ever slipped up, they would be there to help.”

This is the secular immoral agenda school officials here and there along with odious partners like Planned Parenthood are pushing on public school students. This is an immoral indoctrination and no doubt it does not stop there. You know they are letting anyone know if they think they are gay to go for it. This is an anti-God agenda (bad for the soul) which you think is so innocent or laugh off.

Now, now, Tur. Don't get your panties in a wad.... God forbid that they teach biology in Biology class!
Going into explicit detail about sex with underage kids outside of school would get usmb pervs sex offender status and a few years in the big house. No wonder pedos are deserting the church and becoming teachers.

Why exactly Koshergrl wants to leave children ignorant of sex, and more vulnerable to child sexual predators, I really cannot understand.
I will say this again, because you seem to have skipped over it.

I do not believe that any public school is teaching 1st and 2nd grade children about anal sex. If it happened, it would have made the cover of Time magazine.

Who is claiming that??? koshergirl? I don't think so. She spoke of 5th graders who were talked to about anal sex and her article totally backs up that claim!!

Where did I ever mention anal sex being spoken to 1st or 2nd graders?? Nowhere.

Not only are you poor at comprehension, you are also a typical liberal who picks at one point and ignores ten others that make you out to be a liar or a fool. In My Opinion.
He's not poor in comprehension. It was deliberate...

Of course all your threads are deliberate attempts to mislead.
Well, we all know that the National Catholic Register is fair and balanced has no agenda on their blog....

Well we all know you don’t have a leg to stand on so instead you accuse the Catholic newspaper of telling lies. Like we think for one millisecond there is a chance someone like you is going to concede anything you do not want to agree with.

I am sure this was all fabricated from the article by former student Corrinne Kelly when she was in 10th grade --> “I chose non-honors biology because I had just never had the stomach to dissect frogs and other little critters,” said the 2010 graduate of Ray High School. “Little did I know I would have to stomach much more than that. A representative from Planned Parenthood was introduced, and soon she was visiting the regular biology classes every month.

“There, I would squeamishly sit in my seat through the representative’s lectures about rape, ovulation, birth control, how to put on a condom and spermicide. It was embarrassing because I had to sit there with all the girls and guys in the classroom. I was told it was okay to have ‘safe sex’ — that it was perfectly normal to do so; that I was responsible enough to make my own decisions, and, in case I ever slipped up, they would be there to help.”

This is the secular immoral agenda school officials here and there along with odious partners like Planned Parenthood are pushing on public school students. This is an immoral indoctrination and no doubt it does not stop there. You know they are letting anyone know if they think they are gay to go for it. This is an anti-God agenda (bad for the soul) which you think is so innocent or laugh off.

Now, now, Tur. Don't get your panties in a wad.... God forbid that they teach biology in Biology class!
Going into explicit detail about sex with underage kids outside of school would get usmb pervs sex offender status and a few years in the big house. No wonder pedos are deserting the church and becoming teachers.

Dear, KG, I hate to break this to you, but about half the kids in the 10th grade are already having sex. It might be a good idea to educate them on birth control and how to avoid STD. And before you have a cow, please note that I am talking about the quote provided by TUR, which is about 10th graders.
Dear v.h., they are legally underage to have sex. If you are having sex with them, stop. And if you were to have a discussion with a kid about inserting a female condom, or anal sex, you would be breaking the law.

Once again Koshergrl is just lying her ass off- and trying to insinuate that a poster is a sexual predator.

Koshergrl somehow wants to prevent sexually active teens from knowing about sex.

Here are some pertinent facts- that Koshergrl doesn't want kids to know

Sexual Behaviors | Adolescent and School Health | CDC

High school students
  • 47% had ever had sexual intercourse.
  • 34% had had sexual intercourse during the previous 3 months, and, of these
    • 41% did not use a condom the last time they had sex.
  • 15% had had sex with four or more people during their life.
  • Only 22% of sexually experienced students have ever been tested for HIV.*
  • Nearly 10,000 young people (aged 13-24) were diagnosed with HIV infection in the United States in 2013.2
  • Young gay and bisexual men (aged 13-24) accounted for an estimated 19% (8,800) of all new HIV infections in the United States, and 72% of new HIV infections among youth in 2010.3
  • Nearly half of the 20 million new STDs each year were among young people, between the ages of 15 to 24.4
  • Approximately 273,000 babies were born to teen girls aged 15–19 years in 2013.5
Why teach 10th graders about condoms, contraception and sexually transmitted diseases?

To help kids avoid becoming part of the above statistics.
quite spamming syriusly, or I'll report you again.

Report away.

Now that i have your intention- prove your claim about 'schools' teaching anal sex as 'good''.

So far you just keep spamming that claim without backing it up.
There are two ways you can tell Koshergrl is lying
  1. She has posted and
  2. She makes claims about what is in a post- without actually providing a quote

Again- nowhere in your links does it say what you claimed happened- you just lied- and made it up- here once again is what you claimed

No, my link is about the principal who gave explicit instructions to 10-11 year old children how to perform fellatio

All of these posts and you have yet to provide any evidence of any principal giving explicit instructions to children on how to perform fellatio

[From the article:]
[When Curtis and Jean Pannkuk began questioning their 11-year-old daughter, they discovered that the principal had given the fifth-graders instruction on oral and anal sex. “Our daughter didn’t want to go back to school. She cried all the way to school today,” said Curtis Pannkuk.]

Question: How does one give instructions on oral and anal sex to a fifth grader without talking about oral and anal sex, providing a video on it, or giving written instructions about what oral and anal sex is about???

In other words, what is your stupid point? Koshergirl did not lie, you are just being an obstinate ass.
There are two ways you can tell Koshergrl is lying
  1. She has posted and
  2. She makes claims about what is in a post- without actually providing a quote

Again- nowhere in your links does it say what you claimed happened- you just lied- and made it up- here once again is what you claimed

No, my link is about the principal who gave explicit instructions to 10-11 year old children how to perform fellatio

All of these posts and you have yet to provide any evidence of any principal giving explicit instructions to children on how to perform fellatio

[From the article:]
[When Curtis and Jean Pannkuk began questioning their 11-year-old daughter, they discovered that the principal had given the fifth-graders instruction on oral and anal sex. “Our daughter didn’t want to go back to school. She cried all the way to school today,” said Curtis Pannkuk.]

Question: How does one give instructions on oral and anal sex to a fifth grader without talking about oral and anal sex, providing a video on it, or giving written instructions about what oral and anal sex is about???

In other words, what is your stupid point? Koshergirl did not lie, you are just being an obstinate ass.

Koshrgrl lied- and I pointed it out.

This is what she claimed:
No, my link is about the principal who gave explicit instructions to 10-11 year old children how to perform fellatio

You ask how does one give instruction on oral and anal sex- and clearly the principal did instruct what oral and anal sex are- but no one has claimed he was teaching 'how to perform fellatio'.

That is the equivalent of claiming a teacher is guilty of teaching children how to murder their parents, if the teacher explains what murder means.

Beyond that- since the section they were learning that day was regarding HIV/AIDS- and since the primary means of transmitting HIV/AIDS in the United States is unprotected anal intercourse- teaching about HIV/AIDS without explaining how it is transmitted is like teaching about the common cold- without telling students that it is spread through germs spread through coughing/sneezing and unwashed hands.
I try to be understanding of folks religious beliefs because I do believe they often mean well, but I'm afraid we need a dose of reality on this subject here. If you were/are a "good" girl/boy by abstaining until marriage, that's awesome for you, but it's not what a lot (maybe even most) kids are doing in the real world. I actually agree with the "idea" of waiting until married, waiting until you have the money to afford kids, etc., but we're not talking about what you nor I personally believe is "best" for people, we are talking about what kids/young adults are /actually/ doing.

Let me tell you about my experience growing up, in a mostly Christian smaller town, (Alaska, which is still mostly Christian and also apparently social/culturally stuck in the 50s) Like half of my friends got pregnant in HS (and I only went for two years.) One of my "better" friends had her first kido as a sophomore; ultimately she had 6 kids (and lost custody of all of them because she and her husband - a local pot grower / seller made illegal by the Feds - never stopped their "business" after it was made illegal in '92; they actually made more money after the state was forced to criminalize it and the police didn't particularly give a shit for a long time - like it prob. took until the early 2000's before they "seriously" started enforcing pot drug laws - and that was for money JS - anyway, they wouldn't give up growing and ultimately the Fed agents caught them.) - sorry got a bit off track there...

I lost my virginity at 15, to my fiancé, I was one of the few who had... idk "qualifications" I suppose. I wanted it to be someone special, I wanted it to be important, I wanted it to be someone who loved me... Like it was some kind of gift or something lol... I wasn't like everyone else though... Everyone else /were/ like porn stars or something... No joke, there was a BBS' in Anchorage where the girls talked about who did what to them and if they liked it, there was a lot of discussion about how to find your g-spot and stuff... The cheerleaders at my school had a little [not so secret] club called Frito's - where they played match maker and hooked folks up for "good lays." I was... not really made fun of, but idk thought of as a prude kind of because I was still a virgin in HS, most everyone else claims to have lost their virginity in jr. high, my (now) ex-husband claimed to have lost his at 13, our best friend said he was 12... I personally always kind of thought our school was full of whores (and that's saying something cause I'm no where near a prude) but the thing is, my personal thoughts and beliefs didn't matter for anyone but /me/ - everyone else did what they wanted, which was having a lot of "free sex".

The argument ultimately boils down to a mistaken belief that not teaching kids about sex somehow delays their dabbling in it... it's complete bunk I'm afraid. My sex ed class (I think it was in Jr. High) was total rubbish - Christian inspired talking about biological aspects then a bunch of stuff on periods (to try to gross the boys out or something) ... complete failure on stopping any of the sex going on, and almost all of us already knew WAY more than they even /thought/ about talking about in the class (and that was /before/ the internet.) It was a waste of time and money, too little too late; 3 of the girls in my particular sex ed class were expecting, JS. -- (On the other hand, it seems that abstinence is now back in the "cool club" up here - being a virgin is a badge of honor currently, and throughout HS all the kido's proudly touted that they were "waiting" (not for marriage, but rather until they were financially ready for kids. And thus far, with the kids at 30, 22, 21, 20, and 16 - I have no grandchildren Yay!)

So basically, no I don't think there is any such thing as "grooming," neither in the so-called "encouraging" of kids to have sex through sex education, nor in the ridiculous fantasy that gay people have infiltrated school districts in order to teach kids to bend over and spread their cheeks. ~rolls eyes~
Hey "Evercurious", I'll put you down on the watch list too... This topic is about ENCOURAGING adolescents to have anal sex instead of showing them pictures of AIDS patients and teaching them how sex with the lower digestive tract will most likely kill them. And, that the digestive tract is not a sexual organ.

We teach kids not to stick things in their ears, eyes and nose. Does that mean if some kids are inclined to do that anyway, that we should then just urge all kids to do it "using a lot of lube and going slowly"...?

I will say this again, because you seem to have skipped over it.

I do not believe that any public school is teaching 1st and 2nd grade children about anal sex. If it happened, it would have made the cover of Time magazine.

Who is claiming that??? koshergirl? I don't think so. She spoke of 5th graders who were talked to about anal sex and her article totally backs up that claim!!

Where did I ever mention anal sex being spoken to 1st or 2nd graders?? Nowhere.

Not only are you poor at comprehension, you are also a typical liberal who picks at one point and ignores ten others that make you out to be a liar or a fool. In My Opinion.
He's not poor in comprehension. It was deliberate. See this OP for details: Understanding the Roots of the LGBT Movement...You've Been Gaslighted, Chump! | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

That was a strawman. He was trying to change the subject to "age when you can teach kids to enjoy anal sex" instead of "is it EVER appropriate to encourage kids to have anal sex and why are the people doing this, doing this?".. In other words he wanted to deftly steer the topic away from "is it EVER appropriate to encourage kids to have anal sex?!" to "Let's discuss what ages the LGBT can be forgiven for trying to influence kids into having anal sex..."

One of the things you learn when reading up on the etiology of pedophile "grooming" (see OP) is that the pedophiles are EXTREMELY cunning and clever at manipulating perception in others; particularly adults in charge of the children they're aiming to molest...That's why when you hear of a pedophile getting caught, it's always some dude (or in this case, a cult agenda) who was/is smart, cunning, had positioned himself well and was trusted...

Everybody stand up and chant "gay teen suicides!"...And under that very large and thick blanket we find a carte blanche for promoting gay sex in schools. Very clever. Sick...but clever...Nevermind that gay teen suicides are quite likely caused by a gay boy (usually) who has been molested (statistically true) and is tortured inside his mind as the "gay community" "surrounds him with" "love" and tells him to "embrace what you've become"...

In fact, a very clever gay politician in California, later influenced upon New Jersey, convinced that state's legislature to pass a law forbidding a "gay" (statistically molested) teen from getting help to return to normal heterosexual behavior until their behaviors are too ingrained, age 18..

Don't want those "turned boys" turning back in the nick of time. Clever!...

Sick sick sick fuckers..

[From the article:]
[When Curtis and Jean Pannkuk began questioning their 11-year-old daughter, they discovered that the principal had given the fifth-graders instruction on oral and anal sex. “Our daughter didn’t want to go back to school. She cried all the way to school today,” said Curtis Pannkuk.]

Question: How does one give instructions on oral and anal sex to a fifth grader without talking about oral and anal sex, providing a video on it, or giving written instructions about what oral and anal sex is about???

In other words, what is your stupid point? Koshergirl did not lie, you are just being an obstinate ass.

Koshrgrl lied- and I pointed it out....

Quit lying and trying to change the topic to a flame war. You were schooled, turzovka told you about the girl crying when she had to go back to school to learn more about oral and anal sex techniques...

Do you realize that your apologizing for promoting anal sex to kids in school would find you in prison in most countries around the world? Or at least on a predator-sympathizer watch list...
There are two ways you can tell Koshergrl is lying
  1. She has posted and
  2. She makes claims about what is in a post- without actually providing a quote

Again- nowhere in your links does it say what you claimed happened- you just lied- and made it up- here once again is what you claimed

No, my link is about the principal who gave explicit instructions to 10-11 year old children how to perform fellatio

All of these posts and you have yet to provide any evidence of any principal giving explicit instructions to children on how to perform fellatio

[From the article:]
[When Curtis and Jean Pannkuk began questioning their 11-year-old daughter, they discovered that the principal had given the fifth-graders instruction on oral and anal sex. “Our daughter didn’t want to go back to school. She cried all the way to school today,” said Curtis Pannkuk.]

Question: How does one give instructions on oral and anal sex to a fifth grader without talking about oral and anal sex, providing a video on it, or giving written instructions about what oral and anal sex is about???

In other words, what is your stupid point? Koshergirl did not lie, you are just being an obstinate ass.

Koshrgrl lied- and I pointed it out.

This is what she claimed:
No, my link is about the principal who gave explicit instructions to 10-11 year old children how to perform fellatio

You ask how does one give instruction on oral and anal sex- and clearly the principal did instruct what oral and anal sex are- but no one has claimed he was teaching 'how to perform fellatio'.

That is the equivalent of claiming a teacher is guilty of teaching children how to murder their parents, if the teacher explains what murder means.

Beyond that- since the section they were learning that day was regarding HIV/AIDS- and since the primary means of transmitting HIV/AIDS in the United States is unprotected anal intercourse- teaching about HIV/AIDS without explaining how it is transmitted is like teaching about the common cold- without telling students that it is spread through germs spread through coughing/sneezing and unwashed hands.

Oh, B.S. That is pretty much a distinction without a difference! And you know it... but you are desperate to find some reason that something you said have a kernel of truth to it.

The girl was visibly upset and crying a lot. I guess she her the words "oral sex" and just fell apart. (according to you)
I try to be understanding of folks religious beliefs because I do believe they often mean well, but I'm afraid we need a dose of reality on this subject here. If you were/are a "good" girl/boy by abstaining until marriage, that's awesome for you, but it's not what a lot (maybe even most) kids are doing in the real world. I actually agree with the "idea" of waiting until married, waiting until you have the money to afford kids, etc., but we're not talking about what you nor I personally believe is "best" for people, we are talking about what kids/young adults are /actually/ doing.

Let me tell you about my experience growing up, in a mostly Christian smaller town, (Alaska, which is still mostly Christian and also apparently social/culturally stuck in the 50s) Like half of my friends got pregnant in HS (and I only went for two years.) One of my "better" friends had her first kido as a sophomore; ultimately she had 6 kids (and lost custody of all of them because she and her husband - a local pot grower / seller made illegal by the Feds - never stopped their "business" after it was made illegal in '92; they actually made more money after the state was forced to criminalize it and the police didn't particularly give a shit for a long time - like it prob. took until the early 2000's before they "seriously" started enforcing pot drug laws - and that was for money JS - anyway, they wouldn't give up growing and ultimately the Fed agents caught them.) - sorry got a bit off track there...

I lost my virginity at 15, to my fiancé, I was one of the few who had... idk "qualifications" I suppose. I wanted it to be someone special, I wanted it to be important, I wanted it to be someone who loved me... Like it was some kind of gift or something lol... I wasn't like everyone else though... Everyone else /were/ like porn stars or something... No joke, there was a BBS' in Anchorage where the girls talked about who did what to them and if they liked it, there was a lot of discussion about how to find your g-spot and stuff... The cheerleaders at my school had a little [not so secret] club called Frito's - where they played match maker and hooked folks up for "good lays." I was... not really made fun of, but idk thought of as a prude kind of because I was still a virgin in HS, most everyone else claims to have lost their virginity in jr. high, my (now) ex-husband claimed to have lost his at 13, our best friend said he was 12... I personally always kind of thought our school was full of whores (and that's saying something cause I'm no where near a prude) but the thing is, my personal thoughts and beliefs didn't matter for anyone but /me/ - everyone else did what they wanted, which was having a lot of "free sex".

The argument ultimately boils down to a mistaken belief that not teaching kids about sex somehow delays their dabbling in it... it's complete bunk I'm afraid. My sex ed class (I think it was in Jr. High) was total rubbish - Christian inspired talking about biological aspects then a bunch of stuff on periods (to try to gross the boys out or something) ... complete failure on stopping any of the sex going on, and almost all of us already knew WAY more than they even /thought/ about talking about in the class (and that was /before/ the internet.) It was a waste of time and money, too little too late; 3 of the girls in my particular sex ed class were expecting, JS. -- (On the other hand, it seems that abstinence is now back in the "cool club" up here - being a virgin is a badge of honor currently, and throughout HS all the kido's proudly touted that they were "waiting" (not for marriage, but rather until they were financially ready for kids. And thus far, with the kids at 30, 22, 21, 20, and 16 - I have no grandchildren Yay!)

So basically, no I don't think there is any such thing as "grooming," neither in the so-called "encouraging" of kids to have sex through sex education, nor in the ridiculous fantasy that gay people have infiltrated school districts in order to teach kids to bend over and spread their cheeks. ~rolls eyes~

Thank you for that dose of reality.
Hey "Evercurious", I'll put you down on the watch list too... This topic is about ENCOURAGING adolescents to have anal sex ..

Okay- Silhouette- why do you want to encourage adolescents to have anal sex
Hey asshole, it's about the people who are doing that. You, for example. And the reasons why you are promoting anal sex to curious adolescents when you know statistically it will lead to their horrible and untimely death..

There are two ways you can tell Koshergrl is lying
  1. She has posted and
  2. She makes claims about what is in a post- without actually providing a quote

Again- nowhere in your links does it say what you claimed happened- you just lied- and made it up- here once again is what you claimed

No, my link is about the principal who gave explicit instructions to 10-11 year old children how to perform fellatio

All of these posts and you have yet to provide any evidence of any principal giving explicit instructions to children on how to perform fellatio

[From the article:]
[When Curtis and Jean Pannkuk began questioning their 11-year-old daughter, they discovered that the principal had given the fifth-graders instruction on oral and anal sex. “Our daughter didn’t want to go back to school. She cried all the way to school today,” said Curtis Pannkuk.]

Question: How does one give instructions on oral and anal sex to a fifth grader without talking about oral and anal sex, providing a video on it, or giving written instructions about what oral and anal sex is about???

In other words, what is your stupid point? Koshergirl did not lie, you are just being an obstinate ass.

Koshrgrl lied- and I pointed it out.

This is what she claimed:
No, my link is about the principal who gave explicit instructions to 10-11 year old children how to perform fellatio

You ask how does one give instruction on oral and anal sex- and clearly the principal did instruct what oral and anal sex are- but no one has claimed he was teaching 'how to perform fellatio'.

That is the equivalent of claiming a teacher is guilty of teaching children how to murder their parents, if the teacher explains what murder means.

Beyond that- since the section they were learning that day was regarding HIV/AIDS- and since the primary means of transmitting HIV/AIDS in the United States is unprotected anal intercourse- teaching about HIV/AIDS without explaining how it is transmitted is like teaching about the common cold- without telling students that it is spread through germs spread through coughing/sneezing and unwashed hands.

Oh, B.S. That is pretty much a distinction without a difference! And you know it... but you are desperate to find some reason that something you said have a kernel of truth to it.

The girl was visibly upset and crying a lot. I guess she her the words "oral sex" and just fell apart. (according to you)

I was very grossed out the first time I found out what sex was.

However, when the teen who told us 10 year old what sex was, we didn't pretend that she was 'giving us explicit instructions on how to have sex"

How about you?
Hey "Evercurious", I'll put you down on the watch list too... This topic is about ENCOURAGING adolescents to have anal sex ..

Okay- Silhouette- why do you want to encourage adolescents to have anal sex
Hey asshole, it's about the people who are doing that. You, for example. And the reasons why you are promoting anal sex to curious adolescents when you know statistically it will lead to their horrible and untimely death..

So far it seems like it is you promoting that. You start thread after thread on the subject.

Why exactly do you want to promote anal sex to teenagers?
hmm I am trying to recall the first time I learned about sex... it was so long ago... I know it wasn't my parents though cause my folks /never/ talked to me about sex, they just expected that I'd figure it out on my own or something... which I guess I did. The internet is amazing though, I wish I'd had it when I was younger, its rather amazing how deep one can dig into the physical and psychological aspects of sexual acts... That discussion might not be safe for work though heh

Honestly, I don't think I really heard about anal sex until I was older, it wasn't on the "menu" at school... The only conversation I can particularly remember was when I was around 17 and it had come up at a party. One of my nerd friend's 18th birthday and he was joining the military, but he couldn't go to a strip club (law says 21 for that) so someone had ... well... basically gotten him a whore so he didn't die a virgin lol Well, this chick was into some kinky ass shit let me just say... She did a little pole dance routine thing and lap dance in a bikini and that was w/e, but the things coming out of her mouth... damn... lol
Well we all know you don’t have a leg to stand on so instead you accuse the Catholic newspaper of telling lies. Like we think for one millisecond there is a chance someone like you is going to concede anything you do not want to agree with.

I am sure this was all fabricated from the article by former student Corrinne Kelly when she was in 10th grade --> “I chose non-honors biology because I had just never had the stomach to dissect frogs and other little critters,” said the 2010 graduate of Ray High School. “Little did I know I would have to stomach much more than that. A representative from Planned Parenthood was introduced, and soon she was visiting the regular biology classes every month.

“There, I would squeamishly sit in my seat through the representative’s lectures about rape, ovulation, birth control, how to put on a condom and spermicide. It was embarrassing because I had to sit there with all the girls and guys in the classroom. I was told it was okay to have ‘safe sex’ — that it was perfectly normal to do so; that I was responsible enough to make my own decisions, and, in case I ever slipped up, they would be there to help.”

This is the secular immoral agenda school officials here and there along with odious partners like Planned Parenthood are pushing on public school students. This is an immoral indoctrination and no doubt it does not stop there. You know they are letting anyone know if they think they are gay to go for it. This is an anti-God agenda (bad for the soul) which you think is so innocent or laugh off.

Now, now, Tur. Don't get your panties in a wad.... God forbid that they teach biology in Biology class!
Going into explicit detail about sex with underage kids outside of school would get usmb pervs sex offender status and a few years in the big house. No wonder pedos are deserting the church and becoming teachers.

Dear, KG, I hate to break this to you, but about half the kids in the 10th grade are already having sex. It might be a good idea to educate them on birth control and how to avoid STD. And before you have a cow, please note that I am talking about the quote provided by TUR, which is about 10th graders.
Dear v.h., they are legally underage to have sex. If you are having sex with them, stop. And if you were to have a discussion with a kid about inserting a female condom, or anal sex, you would be breaking the law.

By all means, the best thing to do about children who are growing up is to avoid discussing anything that you feel is unpleasant. Then, the child will just go on, blissfully unaware that the decisions she is making will lead to unwed motherhood, STD and perhaps a lifetime on welfare.

Not only unpleasant..illegal.

Nope, I don't think it's appropriate to give children who are legally not allowed to engage in sex, detailed descriptions of how to have sex.

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