Teaching Anal Sex As "Good" In Schools. Where Is This Heading & Why?

I've thoroughly read the OP, visited the "gaslighting link", read that OP and I believe...

  • There's no pedophile "grooming" going on. It's just the OP as usual seeing things that aren't there

  • There does seem to be a progression towards involving kids in too much sex "information"

  • Yes, looking at the big picture, it's clear that the LGBT agenda is "grooming" kids (& adults).

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There are two ways you can tell Koshergrl is lying
  1. She has posted and
  2. She makes claims about what is in a post- without actually providing a quote

Again- nowhere in your links does it say what you claimed happened- you just lied- and made it up- here once again is what you claimed

No, my link is about the principal who gave explicit instructions to 10-11 year old children how to perform fellatio

All of these posts and you have yet to provide any evidence of any principal giving explicit instructions to children on how to perform fellatio

[From the article:]
[When Curtis and Jean Pannkuk began questioning their 11-year-old daughter, they discovered that the principal had given the fifth-graders instruction on oral and anal sex. “Our daughter didn’t want to go back to school. She cried all the way to school today,” said Curtis Pannkuk.]

Question: How does one give instructions on oral and anal sex to a fifth grader without talking about oral and anal sex, providing a video on it, or giving written instructions about what oral and anal sex is about???

In other words, what is your stupid point? Koshergirl did not lie, you are just being an obstinate ass.
He's not being obstinate..he's being dishonest, and pushing the "child sex is normal" narrative. Despite the fact that it's not normal, and is in fact ILLEGAL to engage in any form of sex, INCLUDING explicit and graphic DETAILS either verbally or by any other medium, with underaged kids.

Unless you're a teacher, that is. Which is why our schools are full of perverts.
Now, now, Tur. Don't get your panties in a wad.... God forbid that they teach biology in Biology class!
Going into explicit detail about sex with underage kids outside of school would get usmb pervs sex offender status and a few years in the big house. No wonder pedos are deserting the church and becoming teachers.

Dear, KG, I hate to break this to you, but about half the kids in the 10th grade are already having sex. It might be a good idea to educate them on birth control and how to avoid STD. And before you have a cow, please note that I am talking about the quote provided by TUR, which is about 10th graders.
Dear v.h., they are legally underage to have sex. If you are having sex with them, stop. And if you were to have a discussion with a kid about inserting a female condom, or anal sex, you would be breaking the law.

By all means, the best thing to do about children who are growing up is to avoid discussing anything that you feel is unpleasant. Then, the child will just go on, blissfully unaware that the decisions she is making will lead to unwed motherhood, STD and perhaps a lifetime on welfare.

Not only unpleasant..illegal.

Nope, I don't think it's appropriate to give children who are legally not allowed to engage in sex, detailed descriptions of how to have sex.

An attitude which explains the high teenage birth rate in Alaska as Evercurious mentioned.
You think that 10th graders being taught about human reproduction in a biology class=gromming kids to be porno actors? Perhaps you would prefer that they be taught about how angels leave babies under cabbage leaves?
Reproduction? Who opposed that? That wasn't the point of the discussion, you got lost in the elevator.

Not at all, Ice. I have been carrying on a conversation with Tur about her indignation that human reproduction is being taught to some poor 10th grade child in biology class, which upset her so much that she was embarrassed to talk about it with her parents. Perhaps you should read the thread that I have been posting about, instead of reaching conclusions that are only in your imagination.

As for the topic of 1st and 2nd graders being taught about anal sex, I flat out don't believe it, so I haven't even gone there. of course, if someone were to post a link to a mainstream news source about it, i would read it, but I give no credibility whatsoever to the some catholic blog on the internet.
Believe it or not, I went to high school. AND college after the military. Even had sex ed 101 and we didn't have anal sex in the discussion. This is a recent development and obvious to me a way of conditioning youths to make gender irrelevant. I see no other reason for it.

I will say this again, because you seem to have skipped over it.

I do not believe that any public school is teaching 1st and 2nd grade children about anal sex. If it happened, it would have made the cover of Time magazine.
Post where I said they did. You can't. It doesn't even belong in high school. Anal sex is potentially harmful, it isn't made for it.

..and this has what to do with post 175, to which my post was addressed?
Yea, no one cared if it was illegal for them to have sex when I was in HS... (Though for the record, I don't believe it was, nor is, illegal for kids to have sex up here. I think it only comes into play if it's a child having sex with an adult, I think we have a 5yr spread before it becomes illegal... I'll have to look it up if I have time.)
There are two ways you can tell Koshergrl is lying
  1. She has posted and
  2. She makes claims about what is in a post- without actually providing a quote

Again- nowhere in your links does it say what you claimed happened- you just lied- and made it up- here once again is what you claimed

No, my link is about the principal who gave explicit instructions to 10-11 year old children how to perform fellatio

All of these posts and you have yet to provide any evidence of any principal giving explicit instructions to children on how to perform fellatio

[From the article:]
[When Curtis and Jean Pannkuk began questioning their 11-year-old daughter, they discovered that the principal had given the fifth-graders instruction on oral and anal sex. “Our daughter didn’t want to go back to school. She cried all the way to school today,” said Curtis Pannkuk.]

Question: How does one give instructions on oral and anal sex to a fifth grader without talking about oral and anal sex, providing a video on it, or giving written instructions about what oral and anal sex is about???

In other words, what is your stupid point? Koshergirl did not lie, you are just being an obstinate ass.
He's not being obstinate..he's being dishonest, and pushing the "child sex is normal" narrative. Despite the fact that it's not normal, and is in fact ILLEGAL to engage in any form of sex, INCLUDING explicit and graphic DETAILS either verbally or by any other medium, with underaged kids.

Unless you're a teacher, that is. Which is why our schools are full of perverts.

The left has an unhealthy obsession with sexual issues, from LGBT to transgender and everything in between and that's well and good but leave the children out of it
There are two ways you can tell Koshergrl is lying
  1. She has posted and
  2. She makes claims about what is in a post- without actually providing a quote

Again- nowhere in your links does it say what you claimed happened- you just lied- and made it up- here once again is what you claimed

No, my link is about the principal who gave explicit instructions to 10-11 year old children how to perform fellatio

All of these posts and you have yet to provide any evidence of any principal giving explicit instructions to children on how to perform fellatio

[From the article:]
[When Curtis and Jean Pannkuk began questioning their 11-year-old daughter, they discovered that the principal had given the fifth-graders instruction on oral and anal sex. “Our daughter didn’t want to go back to school. She cried all the way to school today,” said Curtis Pannkuk.]

Question: How does one give instructions on oral and anal sex to a fifth grader without talking about oral and anal sex, providing a video on it, or giving written instructions about what oral and anal sex is about???

In other words, what is your stupid point? Koshergirl did not lie, you are just being an obstinate ass.
He's not being obstinate..he's being dishonest, and pushing the "child sex is normal" narrative. Despite the fact that it's not normal, and is in fact ILLEGAL to engage in any form of sex, INCLUDING explicit and graphic DETAILS either verbally or by any other medium, with underaged kids.

Unless you're a teacher, that is. Which is why our schools are full of perverts.

Of course that is just another of your many lies Koshergrl.

I am opposed to any sexual behavior by underage children- but unlike yourself- I believe in protecting children by educating them.

You promote ignorance- I promote knowledge- and the CDC agrees with me

About Teen Pregnancy | Teen Pregnancy | Reproductive Health | CDC

In 2013, a total of 273,105 babies were born to women aged 15–19 years, for a live birth rate of 26.5 per 1,000 women in this age group.1 This is a record low for U.S. teens in this age group, and a drop of 10% from 2012. Birth rates fell 13% for women aged 15–17 years, and 8% for women aged 18–19 years. Still, the U.S. teen pregnancy rate is substantially higher than in other western industrialized nations.2

While reasons for the declines are not clear, teens seem to be less sexually active, and sexually active teens seem to be using birth control than in previous years.3

  • Pregnancy and birth are significant contributors to high school drop out rates among girls. Only about 50% of teen mothers receive a high school diploma by 22 years of age, versus approximately 90% of women who had not given birth during adolescence.5
  • The children of teenage mothers are more likely to have lower school achievement and drop out of high school, have more health problems, be incarcerated at some time during adolescence, give birth as a teenager, and face unemployment as a young adult.6
These effects remain for the teen mother and her child even after adjusting for those factors that increased the teenager’s risk for pregnancy, such as growing up in poverty, having parents with low levels of education, growing up in a single-parent family, and having poor performance in school.6

More Related Links

CDCTeen Pregnancy
About Teen Pregnancy
On this Page
Teen Pregnancy in the United States

In 2013, a total of 273,105 babies were born to women aged 15–19 years, for a live birth rate of 26.5 per 1,000 women in this age group.1 This is a record low for U.S. teens in this age group, and a drop of 10% from 2012. Birth rates fell 13% for women aged 15–17 years, and 8% for women aged 18–19 years. Still, the U.S. teen pregnancy rate is substantially higher than in other western industrialized nations.2

While reasons for the declines are not clear, teens seem to be less sexually active, and sexually active teens seem to be using birth control than in previous years.3

Birth Rates (Live Births) per 1,000 Females Aged 15–19 Years, by Race and Hispanic Ethnicity, Select Years

Text version of this graph


Source: Martin, JA, Hamilton BE, Osterman MJK, Curtin SC, Mathews TJ. Births: Final data for 2013. Natl Vital Stat Rep. 2015;64(1).

Disparities in Teen Birth Rates
Teen birth rates declined for all races and for Hispanics in 2013 from 2012. Among 15–19 year olds, from 2012–2013 teen birth rates decreased 9% for non-Hispanic whites, 11% for non-Hispanic blacks and American Indian/Alaska Natives (AI/AN), and 10% for Asian/Pacific Islanders and Hispanics.1 Despite these declines, substantial disparities persist in teen birth rates, and teen pregnancy and childbearing continue to carry significant social and economic costs. In 2013, non-Hispanic black and Hispanic teen birth rates were still more than two times higher than the rate for non-Hispanic white teens, and American Indian/Alaska Native teen birth rates remained more than one and a half times higher than the white teen birth rate.

Non-Hispanic black youth, Hispanic/Latino youth, American Indian/Alaska Native youth, and socioeconomically disadvantaged youth of any race or ethnicity experience the highest rates of teen pregnancy and childbirth. Together, black and Hispanic teens comprised 57% of U.S. teen births in 2013.1 CDC is focusing on these priority populations because of the need for greater public health efforts to improve the life opportunities of adolescents facing significant health disparities, as well as to have the greatest impact on overall U.S. teen birth rates. Other priority populations for CDC’s teen pregnancy prevention efforts include young people in foster care and the juvenile justice system, and those otherwise living in conditions of risk.


The Importance of Prevention
Teen pregnancy and childbearing bring substantial social and economic costs through immediate and long-term impacts on teen parents and their children.

  • In 2010, teen pregnancy and childbirth accounted for at least $9.4 billion in costs to U.S. taxpayers for increased health care and foster care, increased incarceration rates among children of teen parents, and lost tax revenue because of lower educational attainment and income among teen mothers.4
  • Pregnancy and birth are significant contributors to high school drop out rates among girls. Only about 50% of teen mothers receive a high school diploma by 22 years of age, versus approximately 90% of women who had not given birth during adolescence.5
  • The children of teenage mothers are more likely to have lower school achievement and drop out of high school, have more health problems, be incarcerated at some time during adolescence, give birth as a teenager, and face unemployment as a young adult.6
These effects remain for the teen mother and her child even after adjusting for those factors that increased the teenager’s risk for pregnancy, such as growing up in poverty, having parents with low levels of education, growing up in a single-parent family, and having poor performance in school.6

CDC Priority: Reducing Teen Pregnancy and Promoting Health Equity Among Youth
Teen pregnancy prevention is one of CDC’s top six priorities, a “winnable battle” in public health, and of paramount importance to health and quality of life for our youth. Evidence-based teen pregnancy prevention programs typically address specific protective factors on the basis of knowledge, skills, beliefs, or attitudes related to teen pregnancy.

  1. Knowledge of sexual issues, HIV, other STDs, and pregnancy (including methods of prevention).
  2. Perception of HIV risk.
  3. Personal values about sex and abstinence.
  4. Attitudes toward condoms (pro and con).
  5. Perception of peer norms and sexual behavior.
  6. Individual ability to refuse sex and to use condoms.
  7. Intent to abstain from sex or limit number of partners.
  8. Communication with parents or other adults about sex, condoms, and contraception.
  9. Individual ability to avoid HIV/STD risk and risk behaviors.
  10. Avoidance of places and situations that might lead to sex.
  11. Intent to use a condom.7
Yea, no one cared if it was illegal for them to have sex when I was in HS... (Though for the record, I don't believe it was, nor is, illegal for kids to have sex up here. I think it only comes into play if it's a child having sex with an adult, I think we have a 5yr spread before it becomes illegal... I'll have to look it up if I have time.)
Different states are different.
But all states have laws that classify the explicit description of sexual acts with underage kids as illegal.

Like I said. Unless you're a teacher. Then you have a free pass to groom the kids for the pervs that are drooling on the sidelines.
There are two ways you can tell Koshergrl is lying
  1. She has posted and
  2. She makes claims about what is in a post- without actually providing a quote

Again- nowhere in your links does it say what you claimed happened- you just lied- and made it up- here once again is what you claimed

No, my link is about the principal who gave explicit instructions to 10-11 year old children how to perform fellatio

All of these posts and you have yet to provide any evidence of any principal giving explicit instructions to children on how to perform fellatio

[From the article:]
[When Curtis and Jean Pannkuk began questioning their 11-year-old daughter, they discovered that the principal had given the fifth-graders instruction on oral and anal sex. “Our daughter didn’t want to go back to school. She cried all the way to school today,” said Curtis Pannkuk.]

Question: How does one give instructions on oral and anal sex to a fifth grader without talking about oral and anal sex, providing a video on it, or giving written instructions about what oral and anal sex is about???

In other words, what is your stupid point? Koshergirl did not lie, you are just being an obstinate ass.
He's not being obstinate..he's being dishonest, and pushing the "child sex is normal" narrative. Despite the fact that it's not normal, and is in fact ILLEGAL to engage in any form of sex, INCLUDING explicit and graphic DETAILS either verbally or by any other medium, with underaged kids.

Unless you're a teacher, that is. Which is why our schools are full of perverts.

The left has an unhealthy obsession with sexual issues, from LGBT to transgender and everything in between and that's well and good but leave the children out of it

Hence why Koshergrl and you feel obligated to post about sexual issues all the time

Speaking of obsession.
Yea, no one cared if it was illegal for them to have sex when I was in HS... (Though for the record, I don't believe it was, nor is, illegal for kids to have sex up here. I think it only comes into play if it's a child having sex with an adult, I think we have a 5yr spread before it becomes illegal... I'll have to look it up if I have time.)
Different states are different.
But all states have laws that classify the explicit description of sexual acts with underage kids as illegal.

All states have laws regarding sex education for children.

You are against children being educated- despite our high teen pregnancy rate.

I will say this again, because you seem to have skipped over it.

I do not believe that any public school is teaching 1st and 2nd grade children about anal sex. If it happened, it would have made the cover of Time magazine.

Who is claiming that??? koshergirl? I don't think so. She spoke of 5th graders who were talked to about anal sex and her article totally backs up that claim!!

Where did I ever mention anal sex being spoken to 1st or 2nd graders?? Nowhere.

Not only are you poor at comprehension, you are also a typical liberal who picks at one point and ignores ten others that make you out to be a liar or a fool. In My Opinion.
Tur, there is hope for the permanently confused, but, in your case, I am not so sure....

But, I will repeat for you, as well as Ice, as well as all the other reactionaries on here, I am only addressing post 175. I will not dignify any National Catholic Registry claims about elementary school kids of any age being systematically taught in a public school about anal sex. besides, I pulled up a copy of the National Catholic Registry, and got stuck on reading about the church's support groups that help cure people of gay cravings. That pretty much was as far as I got (or want to go).
There are two ways you can tell Koshergrl is lying
  1. She has posted and
  2. She makes claims about what is in a post- without actually providing a quote

Again- nowhere in your links does it say what you claimed happened- you just lied- and made it up- here once again is what you claimed

No, my link is about the principal who gave explicit instructions to 10-11 year old children how to perform fellatio

All of these posts and you have yet to provide any evidence of any principal giving explicit instructions to children on how to perform fellatio

[From the article:]
[When Curtis and Jean Pannkuk began questioning their 11-year-old daughter, they discovered that the principal had given the fifth-graders instruction on oral and anal sex. “Our daughter didn’t want to go back to school. She cried all the way to school today,” said Curtis Pannkuk.]

Question: How does one give instructions on oral and anal sex to a fifth grader without talking about oral and anal sex, providing a video on it, or giving written instructions about what oral and anal sex is about???

In other words, what is your stupid point? Koshergirl did not lie, you are just being an obstinate ass.
He's not being obstinate..he's being dishonest, and pushing the "child sex is normal" narrative. Despite the fact that it's not normal, and is in fact ILLEGAL to engage in any form of sex, INCLUDING explicit and graphic DETAILS either verbally or by any other medium, with underaged kids.

Unless you're a teacher, that is. Which is why our schools are full of perverts.

The left has an unhealthy obsession with sexual issues, from LGBT to transgender and everything in between and that's well and good but leave the children out of it

Hence why Koshergrl and you feel obligated to post about sexual issues all the time

Speaking of obsession.

Yeah toad, you're the one advocating butt sex....it's almost like you endorse it....that's telling. Just leave the kids alone, parents are sick of you perverted left loons
There are two ways you can tell Koshergrl is lying
  1. She has posted and
  2. She makes claims about what is in a post- without actually providing a quote

Again- nowhere in your links does it say what you claimed happened- you just lied- and made it up- here once again is what you claimed

No, my link is about the principal who gave explicit instructions to 10-11 year old children how to perform fellatio

All of these posts and you have yet to provide any evidence of any principal giving explicit instructions to children on how to perform fellatio

[From the article:]
[When Curtis and Jean Pannkuk began questioning their 11-year-old daughter, they discovered that the principal had given the fifth-graders instruction on oral and anal sex. “Our daughter didn’t want to go back to school. She cried all the way to school today,” said Curtis Pannkuk.]

Question: How does one give instructions on oral and anal sex to a fifth grader without talking about oral and anal sex, providing a video on it, or giving written instructions about what oral and anal sex is about???

In other words, what is your stupid point? Koshergirl did not lie, you are just being an obstinate ass.
He's not being obstinate..he's being dishonest, and pushing the "child sex is normal" narrative. Despite the fact that it's not normal, and is in fact ILLEGAL to engage in any form of sex, INCLUDING explicit and graphic DETAILS either verbally or by any other medium, with underaged kids.

Unless you're a teacher, that is. Which is why our schools are full of perverts.

Of course that is just another of your many lies Koshergrl.

I am opposed to any sexual behavior by underage children- but unlike yourself- I believe in protecting children by educating them.

You promote ignorance- I promote knowledge- and the CDC agrees with me

About Teen Pregnancy | Teen Pregnancy | Reproductive Health | CDC

In 2013, a total of 273,105 babies were born to women aged 15–19 years, for a live birth rate of 26.5 per 1,000 women in this age group.1 This is a record low for U.S. teens in this age group, and a drop of 10% from 2012. Birth rates fell 13% for women aged 15–17 years, and 8% for women aged 18–19 years. Still, the U.S. teen pregnancy rate is substantially higher than in other western industrialized nations.2

While reasons for the declines are not clear, teens seem to be less sexually active, and sexually active teens seem to be using birth control than in previous years.3

    • Pregnancy and birth are significant contributors to high school drop out rates among girls. Only about 50% of teen mothers receive a high school diploma by 22 years of age, versus approximately 90% of women who had not given birth during adolescence.5
    • The children of teenage mothers are more likely to have lower school achievement and drop out of high school, have more health problems, be incarcerated at some time during adolescence, give birth as a teenager, and face unemployment as a young adult.6
These effects remain for the teen mother and her child even after adjusting for those factors that increased the teenager’s risk for pregnancy, such as growing up in poverty, having parents with low levels of education, growing up in a single-parent family, and having poor performance in school.6

More Related Links

CDCTeen Pregnancy
About Teen Pregnancy
On this Page

Teen Pregnancy in the United States

In 2013, a total of 273,105 babies were born to women aged 15–19 years, for a live birth rate of 26.5 per 1,000 women in this age group.1 This is a record low for U.S. teens in this age group, and a drop of 10% from 2012. Birth rates fell 13% for women aged 15–17 years, and 8% for women aged 18–19 years. Still, the U.S. teen pregnancy rate is substantially higher than in other western industrialized nations.2

While reasons for the declines are not clear, teens seem to be less sexually active, and sexually active teens seem to be using birth control than in previous years.3

Birth Rates (Live Births) per 1,000 Females Aged 15–19 Years, by Race and Hispanic Ethnicity, Select Years

Text version of this graph


Source: Martin, JA, Hamilton BE, Osterman MJK, Curtin SC, Mathews TJ. Births: Final data for 2013. Natl Vital Stat Rep. 2015;64(1).

Disparities in Teen Birth Rates
Teen birth rates declined for all races and for Hispanics in 2013 from 2012. Among 15–19 year olds, from 2012–2013 teen birth rates decreased 9% for non-Hispanic whites, 11% for non-Hispanic blacks and American Indian/Alaska Natives (AI/AN), and 10% for Asian/Pacific Islanders and Hispanics.1 Despite these declines, substantial disparities persist in teen birth rates, and teen pregnancy and childbearing continue to carry significant social and economic costs. In 2013, non-Hispanic black and Hispanic teen birth rates were still more than two times higher than the rate for non-Hispanic white teens, and American Indian/Alaska Native teen birth rates remained more than one and a half times higher than the white teen birth rate.

Non-Hispanic black youth, Hispanic/Latino youth, American Indian/Alaska Native youth, and socioeconomically disadvantaged youth of any race or ethnicity experience the highest rates of teen pregnancy and childbirth. Together, black and Hispanic teens comprised 57% of U.S. teen births in 2013.1 CDC is focusing on these priority populations because of the need for greater public health efforts to improve the life opportunities of adolescents facing significant health disparities, as well as to have the greatest impact on overall U.S. teen birth rates. Other priority populations for CDC’s teen pregnancy prevention efforts include young people in foster care and the juvenile justice system, and those otherwise living in conditions of risk.


The Importance of Prevention
Teen pregnancy and childbearing bring substantial social and economic costs through immediate and long-term impacts on teen parents and their children.

    • In 2010, teen pregnancy and childbirth accounted for at least $9.4 billion in costs to U.S. taxpayers for increased health care and foster care, increased incarceration rates among children of teen parents, and lost tax revenue because of lower educational attainment and income among teen mothers.4
    • Pregnancy and birth are significant contributors to high school drop out rates among girls. Only about 50% of teen mothers receive a high school diploma by 22 years of age, versus approximately 90% of women who had not given birth during adolescence.5
    • The children of teenage mothers are more likely to have lower school achievement and drop out of high school, have more health problems, be incarcerated at some time during adolescence, give birth as a teenager, and face unemployment as a young adult.6
These effects remain for the teen mother and her child even after adjusting for those factors that increased the teenager’s risk for pregnancy, such as growing up in poverty, having parents with low levels of education, growing up in a single-parent family, and having poor performance in school.6

CDC Priority: Reducing Teen Pregnancy and Promoting Health Equity Among Youth
Teen pregnancy prevention is one of CDC’s top six priorities, a “winnable battle” in public health, and of paramount importance to health and quality of life for our youth. Evidence-based teen pregnancy prevention programs typically address specific protective factors on the basis of knowledge, skills, beliefs, or attitudes related to teen pregnancy.

    • Knowledge of sexual issues, HIV, other STDs, and pregnancy (including methods of prevention).
    • Perception of HIV risk.
    • Personal values about sex and abstinence.
    • Attitudes toward condoms (pro and con).
    • Perception of peer norms and sexual behavior.
    • Individual ability to refuse sex and to use condoms.
    • Intent to abstain from sex or limit number of partners.
    • Communication with parents or other adults about sex, condoms, and contraception.
    • Individual ability to avoid HIV/STD risk and risk behaviors.
    • Avoidance of places and situations that might lead to sex.
    • Intent to use a condom.7

I'm not interested in any of your propaganda. I've already heard it all and read it all. BTW, the CDC also touts Kinsey as a god.

If you'll look at the poll above, you'll see a good majority of people here believe that our education system (and that includes the CDC, the APA and all the rest of the depraved left's political "science" establishments, established with the primary goal of normalizing sex with children) is grooming children.

Which is exactly what is happening when you give explicit how-to lessons on sodomy to 10 and 11 year olds, and tell 15 year old girls it's their responsibility to engage in safe illegal sex, in order to prevent any negative repercussions to their criminal partners.
I will say this again, because you seem to have skipped over it.

I do not believe that any public school is teaching 1st and 2nd grade children about anal sex. If it happened, it would have made the cover of Time magazine.

Who is claiming that??? koshergirl? I don't think so. She spoke of 5th graders who were talked to about anal sex and her article totally backs up that claim!!

Where did I ever mention anal sex being spoken to 1st or 2nd graders?? Nowhere.

Not only are you poor at comprehension, you are also a typical liberal who picks at one point and ignores ten others that make you out to be a liar or a fool. In My Opinion.
Tur, there is hope for the permanently confused, but, in your case, I am not so sure....

But, I will repeat for you, as well as Ice, as well as all the other reactionaries on here, I am only addressing post 175. I will not dignify any National Catholic Registry claims about elementary school kids of any age being systematically taught in a public school about anal sex. besides, I pulled up a copy of the National Catholic Registry, and got stuck on reading about the church's support groups that help cure people of gay cravings. That pretty much was as far as I got (or want to go).
I also provided the video run by the local newstation, of the parents.

But logical fallacy is your thing. That's because you're a depraved propagandist intent on advocating sex lessons for underaged children.
There are two ways you can tell Koshergrl is lying
  1. She has posted and
  2. She makes claims about what is in a post- without actually providing a quote

Again- nowhere in your links does it say what you claimed happened- you just lied- and made it up- here once again is what you claimed

No, my link is about the principal who gave explicit instructions to 10-11 year old children how to perform fellatio

All of these posts and you have yet to provide any evidence of any principal giving explicit instructions to children on how to perform fellatio

[From the article:]
[When Curtis and Jean Pannkuk began questioning their 11-year-old daughter, they discovered that the principal had given the fifth-graders instruction on oral and anal sex. “Our daughter didn’t want to go back to school. She cried all the way to school today,” said Curtis Pannkuk.]

Question: How does one give instructions on oral and anal sex to a fifth grader without talking about oral and anal sex, providing a video on it, or giving written instructions about what oral and anal sex is about???

In other words, what is your stupid point? Koshergirl did not lie, you are just being an obstinate ass.
He's not being obstinate..he's being dishonest, and pushing the "child sex is normal" narrative. Despite the fact that it's not normal, and is in fact ILLEGAL to engage in any form of sex, INCLUDING explicit and graphic DETAILS either verbally or by any other medium, with underaged kids.

Unless you're a teacher, that is. Which is why our schools are full of perverts.

Of course that is just another of your many lies Koshergrl.

I am opposed to any sexual behavior by underage children- but unlike yourself- I believe in protecting children by educating them.

You promote ignorance- I promote knowledge- and the CDC agrees with me

About Teen Pregnancy | Teen Pregnancy | Reproductive Health | CDC

In 2013, a total of 273,105 babies were born to women aged 15–19 years, for a live birth rate of 26.5 per 1,000 women in this age group.1 This is a record low for U.S. teens in this age group, and a drop of 10% from 2012. Birth rates fell 13% for women aged 15–17 years, and 8% for women aged 18–19 years. Still, the U.S. teen pregnancy rate is substantially higher than in other western industrialized nations.2

While reasons for the declines are not clear, teens seem to be less sexually active, and sexually active teens seem to be using birth control than in previous years.3

    • Pregnancy and birth are significant contributors to high school drop out rates among girls. Only about 50% of teen mothers receive a high school diploma by 22 years of age, versus approximately 90% of women who had not given birth during adolescence.5
    • The children of teenage mothers are more likely to have lower school achievement and drop out of high school, have more health problems, be incarcerated at some time during adolescence, give birth as a teenager, and face unemployment as a young adult.6
These effects remain for the teen mother and her child even after adjusting for those factors that increased the teenager’s risk for pregnancy, such as growing up in poverty, having parents with low levels of education, growing up in a single-parent family, and having poor performance in school.6

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Teen Pregnancy in the United States

In 2013, a total of 273,105 babies were born to women aged 15–19 years, for a live birth rate of 26.5 per 1,000 women in this age group.1 This is a record low for U.S. teens in this age group, and a drop of 10% from 2012. Birth rates fell 13% for women aged 15–17 years, and 8% for women aged 18–19 years. Still, the U.S. teen pregnancy rate is substantially higher than in other western industrialized nations.2

While reasons for the declines are not clear, teens seem to be less sexually active, and sexually active teens seem to be using birth control than in previous years.3

Birth Rates (Live Births) per 1,000 Females Aged 15–19 Years, by Race and Hispanic Ethnicity, Select Years

Text version of this graph


Source: Martin, JA, Hamilton BE, Osterman MJK, Curtin SC, Mathews TJ. Births: Final data for 2013. Natl Vital Stat Rep. 2015;64(1).

Disparities in Teen Birth Rates
Teen birth rates declined for all races and for Hispanics in 2013 from 2012. Among 15–19 year olds, from 2012–2013 teen birth rates decreased 9% for non-Hispanic whites, 11% for non-Hispanic blacks and American Indian/Alaska Natives (AI/AN), and 10% for Asian/Pacific Islanders and Hispanics.1 Despite these declines, substantial disparities persist in teen birth rates, and teen pregnancy and childbearing continue to carry significant social and economic costs. In 2013, non-Hispanic black and Hispanic teen birth rates were still more than two times higher than the rate for non-Hispanic white teens, and American Indian/Alaska Native teen birth rates remained more than one and a half times higher than the white teen birth rate.

Non-Hispanic black youth, Hispanic/Latino youth, American Indian/Alaska Native youth, and socioeconomically disadvantaged youth of any race or ethnicity experience the highest rates of teen pregnancy and childbirth. Together, black and Hispanic teens comprised 57% of U.S. teen births in 2013.1 CDC is focusing on these priority populations because of the need for greater public health efforts to improve the life opportunities of adolescents facing significant health disparities, as well as to have the greatest impact on overall U.S. teen birth rates. Other priority populations for CDC’s teen pregnancy prevention efforts include young people in foster care and the juvenile justice system, and those otherwise living in conditions of risk.


The Importance of Prevention
Teen pregnancy and childbearing bring substantial social and economic costs through immediate and long-term impacts on teen parents and their children.

    • In 2010, teen pregnancy and childbirth accounted for at least $9.4 billion in costs to U.S. taxpayers for increased health care and foster care, increased incarceration rates among children of teen parents, and lost tax revenue because of lower educational attainment and income among teen mothers.4
    • Pregnancy and birth are significant contributors to high school drop out rates among girls. Only about 50% of teen mothers receive a high school diploma by 22 years of age, versus approximately 90% of women who had not given birth during adolescence.5
    • The children of teenage mothers are more likely to have lower school achievement and drop out of high school, have more health problems, be incarcerated at some time during adolescence, give birth as a teenager, and face unemployment as a young adult.6
These effects remain for the teen mother and her child even after adjusting for those factors that increased the teenager’s risk for pregnancy, such as growing up in poverty, having parents with low levels of education, growing up in a single-parent family, and having poor performance in school.6

CDC Priority: Reducing Teen Pregnancy and Promoting Health Equity Among Youth
Teen pregnancy prevention is one of CDC’s top six priorities, a “winnable battle” in public health, and of paramount importance to health and quality of life for our youth. Evidence-based teen pregnancy prevention programs typically address specific protective factors on the basis of knowledge, skills, beliefs, or attitudes related to teen pregnancy.

    • Knowledge of sexual issues, HIV, other STDs, and pregnancy (including methods of prevention).
    • Perception of HIV risk.
    • Personal values about sex and abstinence.
    • Attitudes toward condoms (pro and con).
    • Perception of peer norms and sexual behavior.
    • Individual ability to refuse sex and to use condoms.
    • Intent to abstain from sex or limit number of partners.
    • Communication with parents or other adults about sex, condoms, and contraception.
    • Individual ability to avoid HIV/STD risk and risk behaviors.
    • Avoidance of places and situations that might lead to sex.
    • Intent to use a condom.7

I'm not interested in any of your propaganda..

Of course not- just as I am not interested in your lies.

You want to leave teens uneducated and vulnerable to sexual exploitation.

Simple as that.
There are two ways you can tell Koshergrl is lying
  1. She has posted and
  2. She makes claims about what is in a post- without actually providing a quote

Again- nowhere in your links does it say what you claimed happened- you just lied- and made it up- here once again is what you claimed

No, my link is about the principal who gave explicit instructions to 10-11 year old children how to perform fellatio

All of these posts and you have yet to provide any evidence of any principal giving explicit instructions to children on how to perform fellatio

[From the article:]
[When Curtis and Jean Pannkuk began questioning their 11-year-old daughter, they discovered that the principal had given the fifth-graders instruction on oral and anal sex. “Our daughter didn’t want to go back to school. She cried all the way to school today,” said Curtis Pannkuk.]

Question: How does one give instructions on oral and anal sex to a fifth grader without talking about oral and anal sex, providing a video on it, or giving written instructions about what oral and anal sex is about???

In other words, what is your stupid point? Koshergirl did not lie, you are just being an obstinate ass.
He's not being obstinate..he's being dishonest, and pushing the "child sex is normal" narrative. Despite the fact that it's not normal, and is in fact ILLEGAL to engage in any form of sex, INCLUDING explicit and graphic DETAILS either verbally or by any other medium, with underaged kids.

Unless you're a teacher, that is. Which is why our schools are full of perverts.

The left has an unhealthy obsession with sexual issues, from LGBT to transgender and everything in between and that's well and good but leave the children out of it

Hence why Koshergrl and you feel obligated to post about sexual issues all the time

Speaking of obsession.

Yeah toad, you're the one advocating butt sex....it's almost like you endorse it....that's telling. Just leave the kids alone, parents are sick of you perverted left loons

Why are you promoting anal sex to teenagers? Why do you want teenagers to get pregnant and catch STD's?

Yea, no one cared if it was illegal for them to have sex when I was in HS... (Though for the record, I don't believe it was, nor is, illegal for kids to have sex up here. I think it only comes into play if it's a child having sex with an adult, I think we have a 5yr spread before it becomes illegal... I'll have to look it up if I have time.)
Different states are different.
But all states have laws that classify the explicit description of sexual acts with underage kids as illegal.

Like I said. Unless you're a teacher. Then you have a free pass to groom the kids for the pervs that are drooling on the sidelines.

I don't believe that's true, its called freedom of speech...

You'd have to fly that you were trying to get them to have sex in Alaska as per Alaska - Age of Consent Which would require a shit ton more than /anyone/ answering a question the child asked about sexual acts...
[From the article:]
[When Curtis and Jean Pannkuk began questioning their 11-year-old daughter, they discovered that the principal had given the fifth-graders instruction on oral and anal sex. “Our daughter didn’t want to go back to school. She cried all the way to school today,” said Curtis Pannkuk.]

Question: How does one give instructions on oral and anal sex to a fifth grader without talking about oral and anal sex, providing a video on it, or giving written instructions about what oral and anal sex is about???

In other words, what is your stupid point? Koshergirl did not lie, you are just being an obstinate ass.
He's not being obstinate..he's being dishonest, and pushing the "child sex is normal" narrative. Despite the fact that it's not normal, and is in fact ILLEGAL to engage in any form of sex, INCLUDING explicit and graphic DETAILS either verbally or by any other medium, with underaged kids.

Unless you're a teacher, that is. Which is why our schools are full of perverts.

The left has an unhealthy obsession with sexual issues, from LGBT to transgender and everything in between and that's well and good but leave the children out of it

Hence why Koshergrl and you feel obligated to post about sexual issues all the time

Speaking of obsession.

Yeah toad, you're the one advocating butt sex....it's almost like you endorse it....that's telling. Just leave the kids alone, parents are sick of you perverted left loons

Why are you promoting anal sex to teenagers? Why do you want teenagers to get pregnant and catch STD's?


I'm not, stop being a lying dumb ass, dumb ass
It's all a conspiracy, Syri! pretty soon, even good ol' apple pie baking kindly Aunt Martha will be recruited by the democrat controlled porn industry to indoctrinate kids on other uses of cucumbers!
He's not being obstinate..he's being dishonest, and pushing the "child sex is normal" narrative. Despite the fact that it's not normal, and is in fact ILLEGAL to engage in any form of sex, INCLUDING explicit and graphic DETAILS either verbally or by any other medium, with underaged kids.

Unless you're a teacher, that is. Which is why our schools are full of perverts.

The left has an unhealthy obsession with sexual issues, from LGBT to transgender and everything in between and that's well and good but leave the children out of it

Hence why Koshergrl and you feel obligated to post about sexual issues all the time

Speaking of obsession.

Yeah toad, you're the one advocating butt sex....it's almost like you endorse it....that's telling. Just leave the kids alone, parents are sick of you perverted left loons

Why are you promoting anal sex to teenagers? Why do you want teenagers to get pregnant and catch STD's?


I'm not, stop being a lying dumb ass, dumb ass

Funny- you suddenly develop a interest in truth when you are the subject?

Yea, no one cared if it was illegal for them to have sex when I was in HS... (Though for the record, I don't believe it was, nor is, illegal for kids to have sex up here. I think it only comes into play if it's a child having sex with an adult, I think we have a 5yr spread before it becomes illegal... I'll have to look it up if I have time.)
Different states are different.
But all states have laws that classify the explicit description of sexual acts with underage kids as illegal.

Like I said. Unless you're a teacher. Then you have a free pass to groom the kids for the pervs that are drooling on the sidelines.

I don't believe that's true, its called freedom of speech...

You'd have to fly that you were trying to get them to have sex in Alaska as per Alaska - Age of Consent Which would require a shit ton more than /anyone/ answering a question the child asked about sexual acts...
It is true, and you don't have freedom of speech when it comes to engaging in lurid and explicit sex talk with children. It is considered a form of child porn, and prosecutors are DEATH on it.

Unless you're a teacher.

"As more and more children are exposed not only to soft-core pornography, but also to explicit deviant sexual material, they are learning an extremely dangerous message from pornographers: Sex without responsibility is acceptable and desirable. Because pornography encourages sexual expression without responsibility, it endangers children's health."

pornography short-circuits and/or distorts the normal personality development process and supplies misinformation about a child's sexuality, sense of self, and body that leaves the child confused, changed, and damaged.xiii
Pornography often introduces children prematurely to sexual sensations that they are developmentally unprepared to contend with. This awareness of sexual sensation can be confusing and overstimulating for children.
The sexual excitement and eventual release obtained through pornography are mood altering. For example, if a young boy's early stimulus was pornographic photographs, he can be conditioned to become aroused through photographs. Once this pairing is rewarded a number of times, it is likely to become permanent. xiv The result is that it becomes difficult for the individual to experience sexual satisfaction apart from pornographic images.."

Sexually explicit descriptive lessons about deviant sex is pornography, and it is bad for children.

That's the beginning, and the end of it.

How Pornography Harms Children

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