Teaching Anal Sex As "Good" In Schools. Where Is This Heading & Why?

I've thoroughly read the OP, visited the "gaslighting link", read that OP and I believe...

  • There's no pedophile "grooming" going on. It's just the OP as usual seeing things that aren't there

  • There does seem to be a progression towards involving kids in too much sex "information"

  • Yes, looking at the big picture, it's clear that the LGBT agenda is "grooming" kids (& adults).

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Well, we all know that the National Catholic Register is fair and balanced has no agenda on their blog....

Well we all know you don’t have a leg to stand on so instead you accuse the Catholic newspaper of telling lies. Like we think for one millisecond there is a chance someone like you is going to concede anything you do not want to agree with.

I am sure this was all fabricated from the article by former student Corrinne Kelly when she was in 10th grade --> “I chose non-honors biology because I had just never had the stomach to dissect frogs and other little critters,” said the 2010 graduate of Ray High School. “Little did I know I would have to stomach much more than that. A representative from Planned Parenthood was introduced, and soon she was visiting the regular biology classes every month.

“There, I would squeamishly sit in my seat through the representative’s lectures about rape, ovulation, birth control, how to put on a condom and spermicide. It was embarrassing because I had to sit there with all the girls and guys in the classroom. I was told it was okay to have ‘safe sex’ — that it was perfectly normal to do so; that I was responsible enough to make my own decisions, and, in case I ever slipped up, they would be there to help.”

This is the secular immoral agenda school officials here and there along with odious partners like Planned Parenthood are pushing on public school students. This is an immoral indoctrination and no doubt it does not stop there. You know they are letting anyone know if they think they are gay to go for it. This is an anti-God agenda (bad for the soul) which you think is so innocent or laugh off.

Now, now, Tur. Don't get your panties in a wad.... God forbid that they teach biology in Biology class!
Going into explicit detail about sex with underage kids outside of school would get usmb pervs sex offender status and a few years in the big house. No wonder pedos are deserting the church and becoming teachers.

Dear, KG, I hate to break this to you, but about half the kids in the 10th grade are already having sex. It might be a good idea to educate them on birth control and how to avoid STD. And before you have a cow, please note that I am talking about the quote provided by TUR, which is about 10th graders.
Dear v.h., they are legally underage to have sex. If you are having sex with them, stop. And if you were to have a discussion with a kid about inserting a female condom, or anal sex, you would be breaking the law.
First we will start with some statistics:
How many victims does a child molester average? Interviews guaranteeing complete confidentiality and immunity from prosecution, conducted by Emory University psychiatrist Dr. Gene Abel*, uncovered that:

Same link as above...
Wouldn't a vigilant parent be able to detect a child molester, just by their actions? Not necessarily. Remember, sex offenders who prey on children:

  • Are notoriously friendly, nice, kind, engaging and likeable.
  • Target their victims, often insinuating themselves into that child's life - their family, school, house of worship, sports, and hobbies.
  • Are professional con artists and are expert at getting children and families to trust them.
  • Will smile at you, look you right in the eye and make you believe they are trustworthy.
From the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse:
Grooming: How Child Molesters Create Willing Victims...Many pedophiles are extremely clever, often charming, patient people, frequently thought of as among the most valued of community members. That's because they spend a lot of time grooming the parents, friends and neighbors of the children around them, just as they groom the kids themselves. It's not unusual for pedophiles to pick careers and / or volunteer positions that will deliberately place them in close proximity to the youngsters they crave. They'll then proceed to impress (or "groom") the adults around them by becoming the most reliable on-call volunteer, the most generous friend, the most giving neighbor or the favorite relative. Their presentation makes them seem to be completely sincere, among the most trustworthy and valuable community members. Parents of molested kids will often be shocked at their own naivety, but pedophiles are as clever as can be in grooming the adults around them, too. Grooming: How Child Molesters Create Willing Victims | NAASCA.org - National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse

Reference here for a more complete history on the LGBT movement: Understanding the Roots of the LGBT Movement...You've Been Gaslighted, Chump! | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Inspired here: Libs: Do you think it's okay for a porn producer to write children's books? | Page 2 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Libs, he honest. And rather than attack me, do you think it's okay for someone like this to be writing books for children?

Child molestors will often spend a great deal of time engaged in what's called "grooming". It's where they act surreptitiously, sometimes for years, winning over first a child's guardian's trust, and then later the child. We are nearing the end of this phase writ-large in the LGBT movement in general, who is now suing Mississippi for the "right" to adopt/deprive a child institutionally of either a mother or father for life. Not having a mother or father, sets the agenda of the two adults in the home to be uncontested..... Mothers and fathers act both as a proper influence on the children of their gender in the home, as well as a check and balance against any undue influence from female or male pressures and oversight in the home...

Phase #2 of the LGBT "grooming-writ-large" is to slowly begin introducing the idea of sex acts they intend to engage children in "as fun". We see this in the teaching of anal sex in schools now as "normal, healthy, OK". I find it perfectly in tune with my theory here that now we find a porn producer writing children's books. Look for more and more and more of this in the future.

I'm hoping Mississippi will hold her ground. Because if she does not, our society will be rapidly changing into something even gays today would cringe at in 20 years hence. Because mental illness has a mind and momentum of its own when it grafts itself into a social movement and becomes a cult. Even the originators of the cult will die off and the monster takes on a life of its own, alarming even its most loyal of followers with time...see my signature for details...

We have:

1. Children being taught in schools today, against many protests from adults, that "anal sex is fine and OK" (ie: you can try it too!).

2. A porn producer writing children's books. Keep an eye on his future themes...

Are we or are we not caught up in an actual pedophilic-grooming scheme? Yes or no? Be sure to visit the "Gaslighting" link above to get a complete picture of the progression of the LGBT movement and its manifesting manifesto to date. Does it match "grooming"? Are you part of that naive set of otherwise responsible adults who were tricked into trusting an insidious movement towards children? Discuss.

Hey, well at least they are banning Christmas and Thanksgiving!

and Mark Twain........ so they cant be all bad , hahahah
Well, we all know that the National Catholic Register is fair and balanced has no agenda on their blog....

Well we all know you don’t have a leg to stand on so instead you accuse the Catholic newspaper of telling lies. Like we think for one millisecond there is a chance someone like you is going to concede anything you do not want to agree with.

I am sure this was all fabricated from the article by former student Corrinne Kelly when she was in 10th grade --> “I chose non-honors biology because I had just never had the stomach to dissect frogs and other little critters,” said the 2010 graduate of Ray High School. “Little did I know I would have to stomach much more than that. A representative from Planned Parenthood was introduced, and soon she was visiting the regular biology classes every month.

“There, I would squeamishly sit in my seat through the representative’s lectures about rape, ovulation, birth control, how to put on a condom and spermicide. It was embarrassing because I had to sit there with all the girls and guys in the classroom. I was told it was okay to have ‘safe sex’ — that it was perfectly normal to do so; that I was responsible enough to make my own decisions, and, in case I ever slipped up, they would be there to help.”

This is the secular immoral agenda school officials here and there along with odious partners like Planned Parenthood are pushing on public school students. This is an immoral indoctrination and no doubt it does not stop there. You know they are letting anyone know if they think they are gay to go for it. This is an anti-God agenda (bad for the soul) which you think is so innocent or laugh off.

Now, now, Tur. Don't get your panties in a wad.... God forbid that they teach biology in Biology class!
Going into explicit detail about sex with underage kids outside of school would get usmb pervs sex offender status and a few years in the big house. No wonder pedos are deserting the church and becoming teachers.

Dear, KG, I hate to break this to you, but about half the kids in the 10th grade are already having sex. It might be a good idea to educate them on birth control and how to avoid STD. And before you have a cow, please note that I am talking about the quote provided by TUR, which is about 10th graders.
Dear v.h., they are legally underage to have sex. If you are having sex with them, stop. And if you were to have a discussion with a kid about inserting a female condom, or anal sex, you would be breaking the law.

By all means, the best thing to do about children who are growing up is to avoid discussing anything that you feel is unpleasant. Then, the child will just go on, blissfully unaware that the decisions she is making will lead to unwed motherhood, STD and perhaps a lifetime on welfare.
By all means, the best thing to do about children who are growing up is to avoid discussing anything that you feel is unpleasant. Then, the child will just go on, blissfully unaware that the decisions she is making will lead to unwed motherhood, STD and perhaps a lifetime on welfare.

It is really quite impossible to have an honest exchange with those who play dumb. You put up a bogus response accusing us of a totally false position. But, hey, what’s new?I will only reiterate a couple of prime objections, for the sake of nobody apparently.

We really, really resent very young children (like 1st and 2nd graders) being exposed to age inappropriate material on sexuality. Get it? Books like “Heather has two mommies” is absolutely irresponsible and sinful, imo. Telling them about anything sexual at those ages is totally wrong. That is for the parents and the schools need to quit making those kinds of decisions for the parents.

Telling 6th – 9th graders that Gay is Ok is absolutely wrong! You or they are too stupid or vain to understand the spiritual and eternal ramifications of such measures. God will surely hold those responsible for pushing kids towards sexual experimentation. I could say a lot more on that subject but I will not.

The 10th grade girl I was giving an example of earlier gave her experience in a Texas high school where her biology class turned into a sexuality class. Where girls and boys together review films about young women’s thoughts on sexuality and men’s and putting on condoms, spermicide, etc. Of course worse than that for her was the Planned Parenthood speaker who came into the biology class every month to talk about sex. And in the words of this 10th grader she was saying it was okay to have ‘safe sex’ — that it was perfectly normal to do so; that I was responsible enough to make my own decisions, and, in case I ever slipped up, they would be there to help.”

That is totally wrong! You and schools take liberties on morals and spiritual matters that cause great harm, far beyond you vain little minds can comprehend. Now go and spread more falsehoods about what we are saying or rephrase it in the terms that make you look good.
By all means, the best thing to do about children who are growing up is to avoid discussing anything that you feel is unpleasant. Then, the child will just go on, blissfully unaware that the decisions she is making will lead to unwed motherhood, STD and perhaps a lifetime on welfare.

It is really quite impossible to have an honest exchange with those who play dumb. You put up a bogus response accusing us of a totally false position. But, hey, what’s new?I will only reiterate a couple of prime objections, for the sake of nobody apparently.

We really, really resent very young children (like 1st and 2nd graders) being exposed to age inappropriate material on sexuality. Get it? Books like “Heather has two mommies” is absolutely irresponsible and sinful, imo. Telling them about anything sexual at those ages is totally wrong. That is for the parents and the schools need to quit making those kinds of decisions for the parents.

Telling 6th – 9th graders that Gay is Ok is absolutely wrong! You or they are too stupid or vain to understand the spiritual and eternal ramifications of such measures. God will surely hold those responsible for pushing kids towards sexual experimentation. I could say a lot more on that subject but I will not.

The 10th grade girl I was giving an example of earlier gave her experience in a Texas high school where her biology class turned into a sexuality class. Where girls and boys together review films about young women’s thoughts on sexuality and men’s and putting on condoms, spermicide, etc. Of course worse than that for her was the Planned Parenthood speaker who came into the biology class every month to talk about sex. And in the words of this 10th grader she was saying it was okay to have ‘safe sex’ — that it was perfectly normal to do so; that I was responsible enough to make my own decisions, and, in case I ever slipped up, they would be there to help.”

That is totally wrong! You and schools take liberties on morals and spiritual matters that cause great harm, far beyond you vain little minds can comprehend. Now go and spread more falsehoods about what we are saying or rephrase it in the terms that make you look good.

Tur, I hate to tell you this, but the queen is dead, and the Victorian era is over. It happened in 1901. It was in all the papers.
Tur, I hate to tell you this, but the queen is dead, and the Victorian era is over. It happened in 1901. It was in all the papers.
Which means you have a toggle switch for a brain. It's either the Victorian era or kids being groomed for the adult movie industry.

You think that 10th graders being taught about human reproduction in a biology class=gromming kids to be porno actors? Perhaps you would prefer that they be taught about how angels leave babies under cabbage leaves?
Liberals believe that sex with children should start in infancy. If the responsible liberal parent would start widening their baby's anus from birth. By the time the child starts school they will be ready for adult lessons.
Tur, I hate to tell you this, but the queen is dead, and the Victorian era is over. It happened in 1901. It was in all the papers.
Which means you have a toggle switch for a brain. It's either the Victorian era or kids being groomed for the adult movie industry.

You think that 10th graders being taught about human reproduction in a biology class=gromming kids to be porno actors? Perhaps you would prefer that they be taught about how angels leave babies under cabbage leaves?

There isn't going to be any human reproduction from anal sex
Tur, I hate to tell you this, but the queen is dead, and the Victorian era is over. It happened in 1901. It was in all the papers.
Which means you have a toggle switch for a brain. It's either the Victorian era or kids being groomed for the adult movie industry.

You think that 10th graders being taught about human reproduction in a biology class=gromming kids to be porno actors? Perhaps you would prefer that they be taught about how angels leave babies under cabbage leaves?
What is it about anal sex that has anything to do with reproduction? If you learned that anal sex is necessary for reproduction, sue the teacher.
Tur, I hate to tell you this, but the queen is dead, and the Victorian era is over. It happened in 1901. It was in all the papers.
Which means you have a toggle switch for a brain. It's either the Victorian era or kids being groomed for the adult movie industry.

You think that 10th graders being taught about human reproduction in a biology class=gromming kids to be porno actors? Perhaps you would prefer that they be taught about how angels leave babies under cabbage leaves?
Reproduction? Who opposed that? That wasn't the point of the discussion, you got lost in the elevator.
Tur, I hate to tell you this, but the queen is dead, and the Victorian era is over. It happened in 1901. It was in all the papers.
Which means you have a toggle switch for a brain. It's either the Victorian era or kids being groomed for the adult movie industry.

You think that 10th graders being taught about human reproduction in a biology class=gromming kids to be porno actors? Perhaps you would prefer that they be taught about how angels leave babies under cabbage leaves?
Reproduction? Who opposed that? That wasn't the point of the discussion, you got lost in the elevator.

Not at all, Ice. I have been carrying on a conversation with Tur about her indignation that human reproduction is being taught to some poor 10th grade child in biology class, which upset her so much that she was embarrassed to talk about it with her parents. Perhaps you should read the thread that I have been posting about, instead of reaching conclusions that are only in your imagination.

As for the topic of 1st and 2nd graders being taught about anal sex, I flat out don't believe it, so I haven't even gone there. of course, if someone were to post a link to a mainstream news source about it, i would read it, but I give no credibility whatsoever to the some catholic blog on the internet.
Tur, I hate to tell you this, but the queen is dead, and the Victorian era is over. It happened in 1901. It was in all the papers.
Which means you have a toggle switch for a brain. It's either the Victorian era or kids being groomed for the adult movie industry.

You think that 10th graders being taught about human reproduction in a biology class=gromming kids to be porno actors? Perhaps you would prefer that they be taught about how angels leave babies under cabbage leaves?
Reproduction? Who opposed that? That wasn't the point of the discussion, you got lost in the elevator.

Not at all, Ice. I have been carrying on a conversation with Tur about her indignation that human reproduction is being taught to some poor 10th grade child in biology class, which upset her so much that she was embarrassed to talk about it with her parents. Perhaps you should read the thread that I have been posting about, instead of reaching conclusions that are only in your imagination.

As for the topic of 1st and 2nd graders being taught about anal sex, I flat out don't believe it, so I haven't even gone there. of course, if someone were to post a link to a mainstream news source about it, i would read it, but I give no credibility whatsoever to the some catholic blog on the internet.
Believe it or not, I went to high school. AND college after the military. Even had sex ed 101 and we didn't have anal sex in the discussion. This is a recent development and obvious to me a way of conditioning youths to make gender irrelevant. I see no other reason for it.
Tur, I hate to tell you this, but the queen is dead, and the Victorian era is over. It happened in 1901. It was in all the papers.
Which means you have a toggle switch for a brain. It's either the Victorian era or kids being groomed for the adult movie industry.

You think that 10th graders being taught about human reproduction in a biology class=gromming kids to be porno actors? Perhaps you would prefer that they be taught about how angels leave babies under cabbage leaves?
Reproduction? Who opposed that? That wasn't the point of the discussion, you got lost in the elevator.

Not at all, Ice. I have been carrying on a conversation with Tur about her indignation that human reproduction is being taught to some poor 10th grade child in biology class, which upset her so much that she was embarrassed to talk about it with her parents. Perhaps you should read the thread that I have been posting about, instead of reaching conclusions that are only in your imagination.

As for the topic of 1st and 2nd graders being taught about anal sex, I flat out don't believe it, so I haven't even gone there. of course, if someone were to post a link to a mainstream news source about it, i would read it, but I give no credibility whatsoever to the some catholic blog on the internet.
Believe it or not, I went to high school. AND college after the military. Even had sex ed 101 and we didn't have anal sex in the discussion. This is a recent development and obvious to me a way of conditioning youths to make gender irrelevant. I see no other reason for it.

I will say this again, because you seem to have skipped over it.

I do not believe that any public school is teaching 1st and 2nd grade children about anal sex. If it happened, it would have made the cover of Time magazine.
Tur, I hate to tell you this, but the queen is dead, and the Victorian era is over. It happened in 1901. It was in all the papers.
Which means you have a toggle switch for a brain. It's either the Victorian era or kids being groomed for the adult movie industry.

You think that 10th graders being taught about human reproduction in a biology class=gromming kids to be porno actors? Perhaps you would prefer that they be taught about how angels leave babies under cabbage leaves?
Reproduction? Who opposed that? That wasn't the point of the discussion, you got lost in the elevator.

Not at all, Ice. I have been carrying on a conversation with Tur about her indignation that human reproduction is being taught to some poor 10th grade child in biology class, which upset her so much that she was embarrassed to talk about it with her parents. Perhaps you should read the thread that I have been posting about, instead of reaching conclusions that are only in your imagination.

As for the topic of 1st and 2nd graders being taught about anal sex, I flat out don't believe it, so I haven't even gone there. of course, if someone were to post a link to a mainstream news source about it, i would read it, but I give no credibility whatsoever to the some catholic blog on the internet.
Believe it or not, I went to high school. AND college after the military. Even had sex ed 101 and we didn't have anal sex in the discussion. This is a recent development and obvious to me a way of conditioning youths to make gender irrelevant. I see no other reason for it.

Bingo....the message is it's OK to be queer.
I will say this again, because you seem to have skipped over it.

I do not believe that any public school is teaching 1st and 2nd grade children about anal sex. If it happened, it would have made the cover of Time magazine.
The worst age group to teach how to lube up well and insert the penis slowly into the anus of the (male diagram) is preadolescent who are sexually curious and experimental, not having imprinted themselves yet in any given orientation.

From the Chicago sex ed program:


Here's a picture of a very young male who didn't always use a condom; like most young males don't in the heat of the moment...


The only lesson to be taught to kids in school about anal sex is "if you have it, you are quite likely to die in a very horrible and lingering way..especially if you are a receptive partner.."

That's it. That's all that needs to be taught besides "if you are foolish enough to try to "have sex" with the lower digestive tract, you'd better wrap the toughest condom on each and every single time or you will be killing your partner"...and "since boys having sex with boys means no pregnancy ever, they are twice as likely to not care about the 100s of usually anonymous sexual partners they have, (sex without immediate visible consequence in the next 9 months) and therefore less likely to be routine about using a condom.."
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Which means you have a toggle switch for a brain. It's either the Victorian era or kids being groomed for the adult movie industry.

You think that 10th graders being taught about human reproduction in a biology class=gromming kids to be porno actors? Perhaps you would prefer that they be taught about how angels leave babies under cabbage leaves?
Reproduction? Who opposed that? That wasn't the point of the discussion, you got lost in the elevator.

Not at all, Ice. I have been carrying on a conversation with Tur about her indignation that human reproduction is being taught to some poor 10th grade child in biology class, which upset her so much that she was embarrassed to talk about it with her parents. Perhaps you should read the thread that I have been posting about, instead of reaching conclusions that are only in your imagination.

As for the topic of 1st and 2nd graders being taught about anal sex, I flat out don't believe it, so I haven't even gone there. of course, if someone were to post a link to a mainstream news source about it, i would read it, but I give no credibility whatsoever to the some catholic blog on the internet.
Believe it or not, I went to high school. AND college after the military. Even had sex ed 101 and we didn't have anal sex in the discussion. This is a recent development and obvious to me a way of conditioning youths to make gender irrelevant. I see no other reason for it.

I will say this again, because you seem to have skipped over it.

I do not believe that any public school is teaching 1st and 2nd grade children about anal sex. If it happened, it would have made the cover of Time magazine.
Post where I said they did. You can't. It doesn't even belong in high school. Anal sex is potentially harmful, it isn't made for it.

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