Teaching Anal Sex As "Good" In Schools. Where Is This Heading & Why?

I've thoroughly read the OP, visited the "gaslighting link", read that OP and I believe...

  • There's no pedophile "grooming" going on. It's just the OP as usual seeing things that aren't there

  • There does seem to be a progression towards involving kids in too much sex "information"

  • Yes, looking at the big picture, it's clear that the LGBT agenda is "grooming" kids (& adults).

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Mdk, Sil is obviously fixated on gays, to the point that I can not take Sil's posts seriously at all.

I figured that out three days after my join date on this forums. lol. Sil is an irrelevant one-trick pony.
Now gay marriage causes AIDS!? lol. Too funny.
Children learn from modeling of what society displays as norms to them. Yes.

And that again has what to do with allowing people of the same gender to marry?

Let me be more specific.

Mary and Liz each have a child, via artificial insemination, and get married, and raise their children as married parents.

How does that teach anal sex to children- specifically- in your twisted mind?
How often in teaching kids do we hear the jingle "easy as 1, 2, 3.."? They are teaching children to experiment with anal sex!

Who is Silhouette?

Are you teaching children to experiment with anal sex?

If not you- who- exactly?
Would the particular teacher be more pleased to receive a pretty red apple as a "holiday" present orl, perhaps, a tastefully wrapped box of fudge? Certainly putting in the extra effort required for the class deserves a reward!
Now gay marriage causes AIDS!? lol. Too funny.
Children learn from modeling of what society displays as norms to them. Yes.

Imitation is a powerful form of learning commonly used by children, adults and infants. A child's enthusiasm for imitative behavior prompts parental attention and interaction, and provides a mechanism for transmitting appropriate cultural and social behavior. Although simple imitative behavior is evident in the postnatal period, by around 14 months infants remember and repeat actions they observe in adults, other children, and on television. Imitation games provide early experience in mapping the similarities between self and other. Behavioral imitation, empathy, and moral sentiments may be part of the same developmental pathway.. http://ilabs.washington.edu/meltzoff/pdf/99Meltzoff_BornToLearn.pdf

And in the same years the big push for gay marriage was on.... vv

  • Youth aged 13 to 24 accounted for an estimated 26% of all new HIV infections in the United States in 2010.
  • Most new HIV infections among youth occur among gay and bisexual males; there was a 22% increase in estimated new infections in this group from 2008 to 2010 HIV Among Youth | Age | HIV by Group | HIV/AIDS | CDC

Of course, directly teaching and encouraging adolescents in classrooms "how to apply a lot of lube and insert the penis into the anus of another male slowly" is also a form of direct influence, instead of passive influence like society condoning two women or two dudes "as mom and dad"..


How often in teaching kids do we hear the jingle "easy as 1, 2, 3.."? They are teaching children to experiment with anal sex! But the anus is part of the digestive tract, not the reproductive tract. As such, it is a lethal form of "sex". That part is getting left out of instruction, by modeling and directly..

Monkey see, monkey do. You going to deny that fundamental cornerstone of human psychology now too? All truth has to go so the LGBT gaslighting machine can roll forward full steam ahead?

Yes, I deny your idiocy that gay marriage causes AIDS. All problems lead back to gay marriage with you so I shouldn't be too shocked you lay this at their feet as well. Using your broken logic the only sure fire way to stop the spread of all STDs is to get rid of marriage altogether. Something tells me you are not keen on that idea on though.

If children learn how to "do love" from what adults model to them, and adults have recently officially condoned homosexuality as so revered in society that it gets the gold ring of "marriage", then what would we expect children to imitate? Hmmmm?

I spent a bit of time volunteering at a preschool when my kids were little. It was required of the parents to donate time. What I observed often in their play and practice of incorporating the adult world was a lot of talk about "marriage". So and so dolly would marry so and so dolly. "When I grow up I'm going to marry..." It is a powerful innate instinct to discuss and daydream about who one will grow up to spend their life with. Sex is part of that deal.

So if little boys see two daddys, they might fantasize about growing up and being with a male. But the trouble is, that's deadly for them. So, gay marriage has a deleterious effect on children from the modeling they are known to do from adult norms.

That's the connection. Which of course you already knew but pretended not to. When you take that and add to it a curriculum in school teaching kids how to "lube lube lube and insert the penis with a condom into the anus of another male slowly" (see the diagram above from the school curriculum) Along with "Easy as 1,2,3" (a well known childhood slogan of "try this, it's easy!") you have a recipe where male children, the most sexually curious and aggressive of the two genders) are being urged and coerced to an early death....long story short..
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So if little boys see two daddys, they might fantasize about growing up and being with a male. But the trouble is, that's deadly for them. So, gay marriage has a deleterious effect on children from the modeling they are known to do from adult norms.

That's the connection. Which of course you already knew but pretended not to.

The connection is of course- as always- your continued desire to attack homosexuals.

Let us take your example above- let us even pretend(even though its nonsense) that it was true.

A little boy growing up seeing two married men would then- according to your bizarre theory- grow up wanting to get married.

Preventing gay marriage would mean that the little boy would grow up learning to not get married- and hence not be monogamous- therefore be at greater risk.

Even by your own twisted logic- preventing gay marriage puts little boys at more risk.

Which demonstrates once again- you don't give a damn about children- you just want to attack homosexuals.
So why are you teaching children to lie and hate homosexuals?

That would be the 'norm' you display to children in these threads.
Children aren't reading this thread. Adults are. However, your curriculum with gay marriage and teaching anal sex in school directly involves the participation of children. See the difference?

How many posts will it take for you to reply to one poster? Answer: as many as it takes to bury a page you don't want adults looking at, who make decisions in the voting booth...
Now gay marriage causes AIDS!? lol. Too funny.
Children learn from modeling of what society displays as norms to them. Yes.

Imitation is a powerful form of learning commonly used by children, adults and infants. A child's enthusiasm for imitative behavior prompts parental attention and interaction, and provides a mechanism for transmitting appropriate cultural and social behavior. Although simple imitative behavior is evident in the postnatal period, by around 14 months infants remember and repeat actions they observe in adults, other children, and on television. Imitation games provide early experience in mapping the similarities between self and other. Behavioral imitation, empathy, and moral sentiments may be part of the same developmental pathway.. http://ilabs.washington.edu/meltzoff/pdf/99Meltzoff_BornToLearn.pdf

And in the same years the big push for gay marriage was on.... vv

  • Youth aged 13 to 24 accounted for an estimated 26% of all new HIV infections in the United States in 2010.
  • Most new HIV infections among youth occur among gay and bisexual males; there was a 22% increase in estimated new infections in this group from 2008 to 2010 HIV Among Youth | Age | HIV by Group | HIV/AIDS | CDC

Of course, directly teaching and encouraging adolescents in classrooms "how to apply a lot of lube and insert the penis into the anus of another male slowly" is also a form of direct influence, instead of passive influence like society condoning two women or two dudes "as mom and dad"..


How often in teaching kids do we hear the jingle "easy as 1, 2, 3.."? They are teaching children to experiment with anal sex! But the anus is part of the digestive tract, not the reproductive tract. As such, it is a lethal form of "sex". That part is getting left out of instruction, by modeling and directly..

Monkey see, monkey do. You going to deny that fundamental cornerstone of human psychology now too? All truth has to go so the LGBT gaslighting machine can roll forward full steam ahead?

Yes, I deny your idiocy that gay marriage causes AIDS. All problems lead back to gay marriage with you so I shouldn't be too shocked you lay this at their feet as well. Using your broken logic the only sure fire way to stop the spread of all STDs is to get rid of marriage altogether. Something tells me you are not keen on that idea on though.

I spent a bit of time volunteering at a preschool when my kids were little. It was required of the parents to donate time. What I observed often in their play and practice of incorporating the adult world was a lot of talk about "marriage". . Sex is part of that deal..

If your pre-school was teaching that
So why are you teaching children to lie and hate homosexuals?

That would be the 'norm' you display to children in these threads.
Children aren't reading this thread. Adults are. However, your curriculum with gay marriage and teaching anal sex in school directly involves the participation of children. ..

And you know children aren't reading this thread how?

Your example- the societal example you want to exemplify is that lying is the way to convince people.

That is the example you are providing for children.
Now gay marriage causes AIDS!? lol. Too funny.
Children learn from modeling of what society displays as norms to them. Yes.

Imitation is a powerful form of learning commonly used by children, adults and infants. A child's enthusiasm for imitative behavior prompts parental attention and interaction, and provides a mechanism for transmitting appropriate cultural and social behavior. Although simple imitative behavior is evident in the postnatal period, by around 14 months infants remember and repeat actions they observe in adults, other children, and on television. Imitation games provide early experience in mapping the similarities between self and other. Behavioral imitation, empathy, and moral sentiments may be part of the same developmental pathway.. http://ilabs.washington.edu/meltzoff/pdf/99Meltzoff_BornToLearn.pdf

And in the same years the big push for gay marriage was on.... vv

  • Youth aged 13 to 24 accounted for an estimated 26% of all new HIV infections in the United States in 2010.
  • Most new HIV infections among youth occur among gay and bisexual males; there was a 22% increase in estimated new infections in this group from 2008 to 2010 HIV Among Youth | Age | HIV by Group | HIV/AIDS | CDC

Of course, directly teaching and encouraging adolescents in classrooms "how to apply a lot of lube and insert the penis into the anus of another male slowly" is also a form of direct influence, instead of passive influence like society condoning two women or two dudes "as mom and dad"..


How often in teaching kids do we hear the jingle "easy as 1, 2, 3.."? They are teaching children to experiment with anal sex! But the anus is part of the digestive tract, not the reproductive tract. As such, it is a lethal form of "sex". That part is getting left out of instruction, by modeling and directly..

Monkey see, monkey do. You going to deny that fundamental cornerstone of human psychology now too? All truth has to go so the LGBT gaslighting machine can roll forward full steam ahead?

Yes, I deny your idiocy that gay marriage causes AIDS. All problems lead back to gay marriage with you so I shouldn't be too shocked you lay this at their feet as well. Using your broken logic the only sure fire way to stop the spread of all STDs is to get rid of marriage altogether. Something tells me you are not keen on that idea on though.

If children learn how to "do love" from what adults model to them, and adults have recently officially condoned homosexuality as so revered in society that it gets the gold ring of "marriage", then what would we expect children to imitate? Hmmmm?

I spent a bit of time volunteering at a preschool when my kids were little. It was required of the parents to donate time. What I observed often in their play and practice of incorporating the adult world was a lot of talk about "marriage". So and so dolly would marry so and so dolly. "When I grow up I'm going to marry..." It is a powerful innate instinct to discuss and daydream about who one will grow up to spend their life with. Sex is part of that deal.

So if little boys see two daddys, they might fantasize about growing up and being with a male. But the trouble is, that's deadly for them. So, gay marriage has a deleterious effect on children from the modeling they are known to do from adult norms.

That's the connection. Which of course you already knew but pretended not to. When you take that and add to it a curriculum in school teaching kids how to "lube lube lube and insert the penis with a condom into the anus of another male slowly" (see the diagram above from the school curriculum) Along with "Easy as 1,2,3" (a well known childhood slogan of "try this, it's easy!") you have a recipe where male children, the most sexually curious and aggressive of the two genders) are being urged and coerced to an early death....long story short..

Spam does not a coherent argument make.

Never once was that figure apart of school curriculum and taught to children in Chicago as you claim. That quote of yours is also made up but that won't stop you from lying.

All that matters to you stopping gays from getting married and this thread is just another sad attempt to do so.
Mdk, Sil is obviously fixated on gays, to the point that I can not take Sil's posts seriously at all.

I figured that out three days after my join date on this forums. lol. Sil is an irrelevant one-trick pony.
Well I guess you would know...

Another irrelevant whiner chimes in. Too funny.
I agree, please stop trolling, troll. You have posted multiple logical fallacies, one after the other.
Mdk, Sil is obviously fixated on gays, to the point that I can not take Sil's posts seriously at all.

I figured that out three days after my join date on this forums. lol. Sil is an irrelevant one-trick pony.
Well I guess you would know...

Another irrelevant whiner chimes in. Too funny.
I agree, please stop trolling, troll. You have posted multiple logical fallacies, one after the other.

Please stop whining, whiner.
Schools need to stick to the 3 Rs
Ramming, reaming, and rump humpin'.
In about 10 years from now, the direction we're going as a "turn a blind eye" society, that will indeed actually be the name of a course offered in Jr High. Maybe with a different name, but the content will be all about the joys of the fast-track to HIV and AIDS.. That is if the islamic terrorists haven't blasted us to smithereens for our condoning wanton depravity and insanity.

No wonder they hate us. I mean c'mon, step outside the box for a minute and gaze in. We're friggin' nuts and have the largest nuclear arsenal on earth. We use our media to reach every nook and cranny of every culture in the world who is as shocked as I am or more at the rapid and exponential advance of a highly depraved value system that embraces the 7 deadly sins like they were part of the 10 Commandments. We are jailing Christians who refuse to promote butt sex. Islamics are not stupid. How long do you think they think it will be before devout Islamics sit at the end of a billy club and a set of handcuffs if they don't promote the depraved value system of the 4th Reicht? (The Church of LGBT)

This cult has gotten completely out of hand and they've siezed the controls of cultural brainwashing. We are all like zombies now, cowering, meekly handing them every legal victory they seek: even when they seek to kill our children by teaching them that anal sex is "normal, natural and OK"... Yes, when a society turns a blind eye to the sacrafice of children to a cult, that society is right on the edge of the abyss.
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Schools need to stick to the 3 Rs
Ramming, reaming, and rump humpin'.
In about 10 years from now, the direction we're going as a "turn a blind eye" society, that will indeed actually be the name of a course offered in Jr High. Maybe with a different name, but the content will be all about the joys of the fast-track to HIV and AIDS.. That is if the islamic terrorists haven't blasted us to smithereens for our condoning wanton depravity and insanity.

No wonder they hate us. I mean c'mon, step outside the box for a minute and gaze in. We're friggin' nuts and have the largest nuclear arsenal on earth. We use our media to reach every nook and cranny of every culture in the world who is as shocked as I am or more at the rapid and exponential advance of a highly depraved value system that embraces the 7 deadly sins like they were part of the 10 Commandments. We are jailing Christians who refuse to promote butt sex. Islamics are not stupid. How long do you think they think it will be before devout Islamics sit at the end of a billy club and a set of handcuffs if they don't promote the depraved value system of the 4th Reicht? (The Church of LGBT)

This cult has gotten completely out of hand and they've siezed the controls of cultural brainwashing. We are all like zombies now, cowering, meekly handing them every legal victory they seek: even when they seek to kill our children by teaching them that anal sex is "normal, natural and OK"... Yes, when a society turns a blind eye to the sacrafice of children to a cult, that society is right on the edge of the abyss.

Sil, Westboro Baptist Church has been trying to reach you. I told them that you have gone rogue and are probably out demonstrating at some dead soldier's funeral, all by yourself.
The Westboro Baptist Church has no monopoly on the ravages that HIV/AIDS does to the children being taught that "anal sex is OK, normal natural"...which it factually is not natural to use another man's anus as an artificial vagina..

Here's some "dogma" from the Church of the Centers For Disease Control:

  • Youth aged 13 to 24 accounted for an estimated 26% of all new HIV infections in the United States in 2010.
  • Most new HIV infections among youth occur among gay and bisexual males; there was a 22% increase in estimated new infections in this group from 2008 to 2010. HIV Among Youth | Age | HIV by Group | HIV/AIDS | CDC

Anal sex is the highest-risk sexual behavior.
Receptive anal sex (bottoming) is riskier than insertive anal sex (topping). HIV/AIDS | Gay and Bisexual Men's Health | CDC

Here's another youngster suffering from the dogma and evangelizing of the Church of LGBT. Hey, it's probably not true, right? Those sarcoma spots all over this youngster's body from anal sex with another male (statistically the "bottom" partner) are probably just photoshopped...right? Right?.....RIGHT!?....

Would've turned out better if the men on "top" would just find an actual vagina instead of an artificial one as substitute for the real thing they're seeking. This kid might have stood a chance...


And this curriculum being published as a teaching aid to sex ed classes in schools now is probably just more "homophobic propaganda"...right? Right?....RIGHT!?....


Statistically being predisposed to getting AIDS and dying young..."Easy as 1, 2, 3..."....
Mdk, Sil is obviously fixated on gays, to the point that I can not take Sil's posts seriously at all.

I figured that out three days after my join date on this forums. lol. Sil is an irrelevant one-trick pony.
Well I guess you would know...

Another irrelevant whiner chimes in. Too funny.
I agree, please stop trolling, troll. You have posted multiple logical fallacies, one after the other.

Kosher.....so far, the entirety of your argument is ONE principal answering ONE question from ONE student in ONE class. That's is 'teaching anal sex in schools'?


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