Teaching Anal Sex As "Good" In Schools. Where Is This Heading & Why?

I've thoroughly read the OP, visited the "gaslighting link", read that OP and I believe...

  • There's no pedophile "grooming" going on. It's just the OP as usual seeing things that aren't there

  • There does seem to be a progression towards involving kids in too much sex "information"

  • Yes, looking at the big picture, it's clear that the LGBT agenda is "grooming" kids (& adults).

Results are only viewable after voting.
I hope people realize that anal sex is incredibly popular in general, not just among gay people.

If by 'people', you mean everyone but Sil....absolutely. But Sil is obsessed with gay men in particular. She posts of little else but homosexuals and anal sex.
They killed my friend. Gay men and anal sex killed my friend.

Yet if your friend had merely taken personal responsibility- and used a condom- he would be alive today.

And if your 'friend' had taken personal responsibility- and had not gone out to attempt to murder people- well then those people would be alive today also.

Your friend was gay- and clearly mentally disturbed- (if he exists) - you blame 'gay men'- when the fault was his own mental problems.
You are as naïve or dishonest as so many of these secular godless educators.

The poster is on display in the health class where the middle school kids attend.

Really? Because Sil just said it was a power point slide.

The poster lists these methods of expressing sexual feelings which is tantamount to saying "they are all Ok!" It is a subtle promotion of anal sex, absolutely! Quit insulting our intelligence.

Laughing...'tantamount', huh? I think the word you're looking for is 'realistic'. They aren't promoting massages any more than they are anal sex. They're simply acknowleding that massages are an expression of sexual feeling.

But hey, maybe if we never mention anything but cutting a whole in a sheet and doing missionary through it, kids will never learn anything else. And if we keep them ignorant of condom use, hey maybe STD's will just magically disappear.

Good luck with that.

Then the school has the audacity to say "it was mistakenly downloaded and included in the parent presentation." Yeah, bull shit!!

Then show us the evidence it was on the school wall of the 5th grade class. As it was the 5th grade parents power point presentation where it was found, despite being labeled 8th grade. Remember, you typing 'bullshit' has no more relevance than 'tantamount'. As you have no idea what you're talking about.

Oh, wait. You're the poster who makes shit up. And then offers his imagination on topics he knows nothing about as evidence of what happened.

Then it was a power point presentation!!

Which is totally different from your first account. Now, since you've demonstrated that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about, let me ask another question you can't possible answer:

Who was the power presentation given to?

You could read the article and find out. But given your history, you'll just imagine up your own scenario and then offer it as evidence.

The fact remains there is a godless secular movement in many of our public school curriculums that promote illicit sex amongst teenagers!!!

And by 'promote illicit sex', you mean offer them basic sex education? Sex ed....that you can opt your kids out of?

You do realize that sex ed helps reduce STD rates AND teen pregnancies, right? That as sex ed has kicked in, teen pregnancy rates AND abortion rates have dropped?

The old 'ignorance is bliss' angle doesn't work terribly well. Just FYI.

I do not need to read all the details. My complaint was universal in scope and I could easily provide a number of examples to back it up, but it would take time and what would be the upside to my efforts? You are not interested in knowing about all that. You are more interested in winning a little argument so you can look like the bright champ to your audience. Big deal.

Then why comment on the specific details if you didn't know what the fuck you were talking about?

And *exactly* as I described, you don't bother to educate yourself on your own argument and instead offer us your imagination as evidence. Rhetorically speaking, you're quite the one trick pony.

You are surely part of the problem I am getting at. It is not "basic sex education" when educators are telling kids being gay is ok. When educators are secretly having girls get abortions without parental notification. When educators are promoting "safe sex" by giving out free condoms. They are promoting sex, period. And whatever programs they are showing at ridiculously young ages is sinful and wrong, no matter what good may come from it.

They're offering information on how to use a condom. All the dialogue you've made up for the educators....is your 'tantamount' imagination.

And educating someone on how to protect themselves isn't promoting sex. Anymore than basic gun safety is promoting shooting someone.

When it comes to safe sex, ignorance isn't bliss.

Fine I will not address your specifics on this case and you will not acknowledge my claims on the greater landscape. I get it.

Fine, you can insult me because I did not spend 60 minutes reading through your brilliant work. I just got tired of the thread and decided to rant out instead. The facts appear clear to me. You are more interested in looking so smart because you can somehow prevail in this one case. But the horror of sexual "education" and sexual promotion in public schools does not rise or fall on what took place in this class room.

So can you understand that? I really do not care if I am right or wrong on if this was a power point presentation or a poster, If the material was given to parents by intent or by mistake. What I am still doing here is observing you and your friend act like you can defend the illicit demonic sexual education programs aligned with Planned Parenthood indoctrinating children and teens by trying to win this tiny little case. You cannot. Nor will you admit anything I claimed in the broader scope as either true or an issue. I pity you.
[ When educators are promoting "safe sex" by giving out free condoms. .

When people oppose providing condoms to teenagers- you are promoting teen pregnancy and STD's.
Oh, and you dare give those educators providing condoms credit for having reduced teen pregnancy and STDs? I see it more as one step forward and ten steps back, a negative nine.

Not too mention premarital sex is a grave sin, with our without a condom. As a parent I do not need the public schools telling kids having sex is Ok or unavoidable. But I doubt you will ever understand what I am trying to say.
Really? Because Sil just said it was a power point slide.

Laughing...'tantamount', huh? I think the word you're looking for is 'realistic'. They aren't promoting massages any more than they are anal sex. They're simply acknowleding that massages are an expression of sexual feeling.

But hey, maybe if we never mention anything but cutting a whole in a sheet and doing missionary through it, kids will never learn anything else. And if we keep them ignorant of condom use, hey maybe STD's will just magically disappear.

Good luck with that.

Then show us the evidence it was on the school wall of the 5th grade class. As it was the 5th grade parents power point presentation where it was found, despite being labeled 8th grade. Remember, you typing 'bullshit' has no more relevance than 'tantamount'. As you have no idea what you're talking about.

Oh, wait. You're the poster who makes shit up. And then offers his imagination on topics he knows nothing about as evidence of what happened.

Then it was a power point presentation!!

Which is totally different from your first account. Now, since you've demonstrated that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about, let me ask another question you can't possible answer:

Who was the power presentation given to?

You could read the article and find out. But given your history, you'll just imagine up your own scenario and then offer it as evidence.

The fact remains there is a godless secular movement in many of our public school curriculums that promote illicit sex amongst teenagers!!!

And by 'promote illicit sex', you mean offer them basic sex education? Sex ed....that you can opt your kids out of?

You do realize that sex ed helps reduce STD rates AND teen pregnancies, right? That as sex ed has kicked in, teen pregnancy rates AND abortion rates have dropped?

The old 'ignorance is bliss' angle doesn't work terribly well. Just FYI.

I do not need to read all the details. My complaint was universal in scope and I could easily provide a number of examples to back it up, but it would take time and what would be the upside to my efforts? You are not interested in knowing about all that. You are more interested in winning a little argument so you can look like the bright champ to your audience. Big deal.

Then why comment on the specific details if you didn't know what the fuck you were talking about?

And *exactly* as I described, you don't bother to educate yourself on your own argument and instead offer us your imagination as evidence. Rhetorically speaking, you're quite the one trick pony.

You are surely part of the problem I am getting at. It is not "basic sex education" when educators are telling kids being gay is ok. When educators are secretly having girls get abortions without parental notification. When educators are promoting "safe sex" by giving out free condoms. They are promoting sex, period. And whatever programs they are showing at ridiculously young ages is sinful and wrong, no matter what good may come from it.

They're offering information on how to use a condom. All the dialogue you've made up for the educators....is your 'tantamount' imagination.

And educating someone on how to protect themselves isn't promoting sex. Anymore than basic gun safety is promoting shooting someone.

When it comes to safe sex, ignorance isn't bliss.

Fine I will not address your specifics on this case and you will not acknowledge my claims on the greater landscape. I get it.

These are *your* specifics of the case. And I quote:

turzovka said:
You are as naïve or dishonest as so many of these secular godless educators.

The poster is on display in the health class where the middle school kids attend.

But you didn't know what the fuck you were talking about. And the moment I demonstrated it, you shift to the 'greater landscape'. AKA....whatever you make up.

There's nothing to you but presenting your imagination as evidence. You're a one trick pony.

But the horror of sexual "education" and sexual promotion in public schools does not rise or fall on what took place in this class room.

The 'horrors' are you imagination. The 'sexual promotion' is your imagination.

We're referring to sexual education. Which protects kids, helps prevent STDs, unwanted pregnancies, and abortions.

(Above: Picture a 13 year old girl took at her school's health class of a poster displayed for students)


"Sometimes we share our feelings in conversation. Sometimes we cry. Sometimes we laugh. Sometimes we have anal sex.A Kansas high school is teaching kids that “oral sex” and “anal sex” are just another way of expressing your feelings...

A Kansas father is not too happy with his local school district after his daughter brought home a picture of a school poster about “oral sex” and “grinding.

sexfeelings The poster – titled “How do people express their sexual feelings?” – lists numerous types of sexual activities that Hocker Grove Middle School parent Mark Ellis believes are inappropriate for his 13-year-old daughter, Fox news reports.

“It upsets me,” Ellis told the television station. “And again, it goes back to who approved this? You know this had to pass through enough hands that someone should have said, ‘Wait a minute, these are 13-year-old kids, we do not need to be this in-depth with this sexual education type program.”
High School Teaches Children "Oral Sex" and "Anal Sex" Are Ways to

Parents at a Near West Side school say they are shocked and concerned that the school is teaching sex education to fifth graders that includes topics such as anal sex and female condoms....
Bryant said she is in favor of health education that explains sex in an informative way, but said that the CPS handouts were composed “in a manner that actually is piquing curiosity about sexual pleasure.

Although CPS officials declined to comment late Thursday, officials have said parents can opt their children out of school sex-ed classes by providing written notice to a school.
Fifth Grade Sex Ed Class Teaches on the Joys of Female Condoms & Anal Sex - The Gateway Pundit

..students at Andrew Jackson Language Academy were shocked when they reviewed sexual education materials for fourth and fifth graders including topics such as "safe anal sex,"...When the issue began to receive media scrutiny, sexual education Powerpoint slides matching some of the materials in question were located on another local school's website. While the slides have since been removed, a cached version exists on Google. It's not clear whether the materials were ever used in any classrooms in that school.

Additional materials hosted at one point to Waters Elementary's website and viewable via Google's cache include the topics of sexual violence, condom usage, anal and oral sex, and a "contraceptive relay" game. However, some of the slides are labeled "Grade 8,".
.. Binders Full of Women's Condoms


Nothing promoting anal sex between boys eh? Then how come this diagram shows it's "easy as 1,2,3" for a penis to be inserted into another boy's anus using a condom?"

Let's look again. Note the red circle at the bottom of a MALE rectum. How do we know it's a male rectum? Because of the MALE genitals present in the pelvic cutaway. See the penis? See the testicles? Very good Skylar. Inserting a condom, which we all know is attached to a male penis, into another male's rectum and calling that "Easy as 1,2,3" is one and the same as encouraging the ease and desirability of anal sex between boys. This was planned to be shown to 5th graders but subsequently withdrawn and espoused to only be shown to 8th graders; which it is still inappropriate to show to.


You're missing that the material was presented. And that it was presented and attempted to be taught in more than one state, more than one school. Which you already knew.

Attempting to present inappropriate sexual coercive materials to children is a felony in most states. Perhaps that's why the multi-front attempt to do so was cut short so quickly and didn't win the support of school administrators... Just because the curriculum was turned away doesn't mean the act of trying to teach it to children is any less prosecutable..

Sex ed isn't a felony in most states. You're insane. You don't know anything about the law, instead making up your deranged rants as you go along.

Get help.
Sil is obsessed with gay men in particular. She posts of little else but homosexuals and anal sex.
They killed my friend. Gay men and anal sex killed my friend.

Yet if your friend had merely taken personal responsibility- and used a condom- he would be alive today. And if your 'friend' had taken personal responsibility- and had not gone out to attempt to murder people- well then those people would be alive today also. Your friend was gay- and clearly mentally disturbed- (if he exists) - you blame 'gay men'- when the fault was his own mental problems.

Once again, the etiology of his mental illness you left out on purpose. Try the whole quote next time. You left out the cause of his mental problems: being molested by a man and then growing up to be "gay" as a result of that horrible imprinting...Here's the rest:

"...And he in turn killed many others because everyone was telling him to just "be yourself". But unfortunately "himself" was a manic adult child suffering from the wounds of childhood molestation and exacting an untreated festering wound of anger by passive-aggressively killing as many of "those that did this to him" as he could before he died.

See the problem? See how I'm concerned about it?
[ When educators are promoting "safe sex" by giving out free condoms. .

When people oppose providing condoms to teenagers- you are promoting teen pregnancy and STD's.
Oh, and you dare give those educators providing condoms credit for having reduced teen pregnancy and STDs? I see it more as one step forward and ten steps back, a negative nine.

He absolutely dares. As sex ed helps teach kids how to protect themselves. Knowledge you describe as 'horrors' and 'sexual promotion'.

Ignorance isn't bliss when it comes to preventing STDs.

Not too mention premarital sex is a grave sin, with our without a condom. As a parent I do not need the public schools telling kids having sex is Ok or unavoidable. But I doubt you will ever understand what I am trying to say.

A grave sin....according to who?

You seem to be insisting that we teach your religion in schools. Why would we do that in a sex ed class?

(Above: Picture a 13 year old girl took at her school's health class of a poster displayed for students)


"Sometimes we share our feelings in conversation. Sometimes we cry. Sometimes we laugh. Sometimes we have anal sex.A Kansas high school is teaching kids that “oral sex” and “anal sex” are just another way of expressing your feelings...

A Kansas father is not too happy with his local school district after his daughter brought home a picture of a school poster about “oral sex” and “grinding.

sexfeelings The poster – titled “How do people express their sexual feelings?” – lists numerous types of sexual activities that Hocker Grove Middle School parent Mark Ellis believes are inappropriate for his 13-year-old daughter, Fox news reports.

“It upsets me,” Ellis told the television station. “And again, it goes back to who approved this? You know this had to pass through enough hands that someone should have said, ‘Wait a minute, these are 13-year-old kids, we do not need to be this in-depth with this sexual education type program.”
High School Teaches Children "Oral Sex" and "Anal Sex" Are Ways to Express Feelings - The Gateway Pundit

Acknowledging that people express sexual feelings through different kinds of sex is hardly promoting anal sex. And this is high school curriculum, and nothing these kids don't already know.


Parents at a Near West Side school say they are shocked and concerned that the school is teaching sex education to fifth graders that includes topics such as anal sex and female condoms....
Bryant said she is in favor of health education that explains sex in an informative way, but said that the CPS handouts were composed “in a manner that actually is piquing curiosity about sexual pleasure.

Although CPS officials declined to comment late Thursday, officials have said parents can opt their children out of school sex-ed classes by providing written notice to a school.
Fifth Grade Sex Ed Class Teaches on the Joys of Female Condoms & Anal Sex - The Gateway Pundit

There's nothing in the curriculum about the 'the joys of anal sex'. The handout merely notes that anal sex is merely a way in which condoms can be used.

..students at Andrew Jackson Language Academy were shocked when they reviewed sexual education materials for fourth and fifth graders including topics such as "safe anal sex,"...When the issue began to receive media scrutiny, sexual education Powerpoint slides matching some of the materials in question were located on another local school's website. While the slides have since been removed, a cached version exists on Google. It's not clear whether the materials were ever used in any classrooms in that school.

Additional materials hosted at one point to Waters Elementary's website and viewable via Google's cache include the topics of sexual violence, condom usage, anal and oral sex, and a "contraceptive relay" game. However, some of the slides are labeled "Grade 8,".
.. Binders Full of Women's Condoms


The material was attempted to be pushed at kids in Chicago. Then they got caught. "They" being the same group funding and pushing legal LGBT legal victories and using their drones placed in positions of power all across the board. After a parental outcry, the gaslighting Church quickly sprung into action and a statement was spun for the school.. Chicago Public Schools spokesman Bill McCaffrey issued a statement:

"The objectionable material presented at Andrew Jackson Language Academy this week is not and never was part of the student sexual education curriculum. It was mistakenly downloaded and included in the parent presentation, and we agree with parents it is not appropriate for elementary school students. As part of our sexual health education policy approved by the Board of Education in 2013, Chicago Public Schools offers a comprehensive sexual education curriculum that is designed to ensure age-appropriate material and minimum instructional minutes for every grade level, consisting of family and sexual health education topics for K-12 students."

The slides that were intended to be shown to fifth graders in elementary school or even 8th graders for whom the backpeddling claims the slides were for, were deleted; but were saved on Google's cache.

Good thing for the perps who pushed that agenda into the elementary school. Because in some states, exposing children under age to pornography can put you in prison...

And as your own link affirms:

The objectionable material presented at Andrew Jackson Language Academy this week is not and never was part of the student sexual education curriculum. It was mistakenly downloaded and included in the parent presentation, and we agree with parents it is not appropriate for elementary school students. As part of our sexual health education policy approved by the Board of Education in 2013, Chicago Public Schools offers a comprehensive sexual education curriculum that is designed to ensure age-appropriate material and minimum instructional minutes for every grade level, consisting of family and sexual health education topics for K-12 students.

Which you already knew. But really hoped we didn't.

(Above: Picture a 13 year old girl took at her school's health class of a poster displayed for students)


"Sometimes we share our feelings in conversation. Sometimes we cry. Sometimes we laugh. Sometimes we have anal sex.A Kansas high school is teaching kids that “oral sex” and “anal sex” are just another way of expressing your feelings...

A Kansas father is not too happy with his local school district after his daughter brought home a picture of a school poster about “oral sex” and “grinding.

sexfeelings The poster – titled “How do people express their sexual feelings?” – lists numerous types of sexual activities that Hocker Grove Middle School parent Mark Ellis believes are inappropriate for his 13-year-old daughter, Fox news reports.

“It upsets me,” Ellis told the television station. “And again, it goes back to who approved this? You know this had to pass through enough hands that someone should have said, ‘Wait a minute, these are 13-year-old kids, we do not need to be this in-depth with this sexual education type program.”
High School Teaches Children "Oral Sex" and "Anal Sex" Are Ways to

Parents at a Near West Side school say they are shocked and concerned that the school is teaching sex education to fifth graders that includes topics such as anal sex and female condoms....
Bryant said she is in favor of health education that explains sex in an informative way, but said that the CPS handouts were composed “in a manner that actually is piquing curiosity about sexual pleasure.

Although CPS officials declined to comment late Thursday, officials have said parents can opt their children out of school sex-ed classes by providing written notice to a school.
Fifth Grade Sex Ed Class Teaches on the Joys of Female Condoms & Anal Sex - The Gateway Pundit

..students at Andrew Jackson Language Academy were shocked when they reviewed sexual education materials for fourth and fifth graders including topics such as "safe anal sex,"...When the issue began to receive media scrutiny, sexual education Powerpoint slides matching some of the materials in question were located on another local school's website. While the slides have since been removed, a cached version exists on Google. It's not clear whether the materials were ever used in any classrooms in that school.

Additional materials hosted at one point to Waters Elementary's website and viewable via Google's cache include the topics of sexual violence, condom usage, anal and oral sex, and a "contraceptive relay" game. However, some of the slides are labeled "Grade 8,".
.. Binders Full of Women's Condoms


Nothing promoting anal sex between boys eh? Then how come this diagram shows it's "easy as 1,2,3" for a penis to be inserted into another boy's anus using a condom?"

Let's look again. Note the red circle at the bottom of a MALE rectum. How do we know it's a male rectum? Because of the MALE genitals present in the pelvic cutaway. See the penis? See the testicles? Very good Skylar. Inserting a condom, which we all know is attached to a male penis, into another male's rectum and calling that "Easy as 1,2,3" is one and the same as encouraging the ease and desirability of anal sex between boys. This was planned to be shown to 5th graders but subsequently withdrawn and espoused to only be shown to 8th graders; which it is still inappropriate to show to.


You're missing that the material was presented. And that it was presented and attempted to be taught in more than one state, more than one school. Which you already knew.

Attempting to present inappropriate sexual coercive materials to children is a felony in most states. Perhaps that's why the multi-front attempt to do so was cut short so quickly and didn't win the support of school administrators... Just because the curriculum was turned away doesn't mean the act of trying to teach it to children is any less prosecutable..

Sex ed isn't a felony in most states. You're insane. You don't know anything about the law, instead making up your deranged rants as you go along.

Get help.
Sil is obsessed with gay men in particular. She posts of little else but homosexuals and anal sex.
They killed my friend. Gay men and anal sex killed my friend.

Yet if your friend had merely taken personal responsibility- and used a condom- he would be alive today. And if your 'friend' had taken personal responsibility- and had not gone out to attempt to murder people- well then those people would be alive today also. Your friend was gay- and clearly mentally disturbed- (if he exists) - you blame 'gay men'- when the fault was his own mental problems.

Once again, the etiology of his mental illness you left out on purpose. Try the whole quote next time. You left out the cause of his mental problems: being molested by a man and then growing up to be "gay" as a result of that horrible imprinting...Here's the rest:

"...And he in turn killed many others because everyone was telling him to just "be yourself". But unfortunately "himself" was a manic adult child suffering from the wounds of childhood molestation and exacting an untreated festering wound of anger by passive-aggressively killing as many of "those that did this to him" as he could before he died.

See the problem? See how I'm concerned about it?

That list sucks. I would have added "midget fisting".
Then it was a power point presentation!!

Which is totally different from your first account. Now, since you've demonstrated that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about, let me ask another question you can't possible answer:

Who was the power presentation given to?

You could read the article and find out. But given your history, you'll just imagine up your own scenario and then offer it as evidence.

The fact remains there is a godless secular movement in many of our public school curriculums that promote illicit sex amongst teenagers!!!

And by 'promote illicit sex', you mean offer them basic sex education? Sex ed....that you can opt your kids out of?

You do realize that sex ed helps reduce STD rates AND teen pregnancies, right? That as sex ed has kicked in, teen pregnancy rates AND abortion rates have dropped?

The old 'ignorance is bliss' angle doesn't work terribly well. Just FYI.

I do not need to read all the details. My complaint was universal in scope and I could easily provide a number of examples to back it up, but it would take time and what would be the upside to my efforts? You are not interested in knowing about all that. You are more interested in winning a little argument so you can look like the bright champ to your audience. Big deal.

Then why comment on the specific details if you didn't know what the fuck you were talking about?

And *exactly* as I described, you don't bother to educate yourself on your own argument and instead offer us your imagination as evidence. Rhetorically speaking, you're quite the one trick pony.

You are surely part of the problem I am getting at. It is not "basic sex education" when educators are telling kids being gay is ok. When educators are secretly having girls get abortions without parental notification. When educators are promoting "safe sex" by giving out free condoms. They are promoting sex, period. And whatever programs they are showing at ridiculously young ages is sinful and wrong, no matter what good may come from it.

They're offering information on how to use a condom. All the dialogue you've made up for the educators....is your 'tantamount' imagination.

And educating someone on how to protect themselves isn't promoting sex. Anymore than basic gun safety is promoting shooting someone.

When it comes to safe sex, ignorance isn't bliss.

Fine I will not address your specifics on this case and you will not acknowledge my claims on the greater landscape. I get it.

These are *your* specifics of the case. And I quote:

turzovka said:
You are as naïve or dishonest as so many of these secular godless educators.

The poster is on display in the health class where the middle school kids attend.

But you didn't know what the fuck you were talking about. And the moment I demonstrated it, you shift to the 'greater landscape'. AKA....whatever you make up.

There's nothing to you but presenting your imagination as evidence. You're a one trick pony.

But the horror of sexual "education" and sexual promotion in public schools does not rise or fall on what took place in this class room.

The 'horrors' are you imagination. The 'sexual promotion' is your imagination.

We're referring to sexual education. Which protects kids, helps prevent STDs, unwanted pregnancies, and abortions.

All you are doing is affirming everything I accuse you of.

And also what I admit to my not taking the time decipher.

You win. Have a fun day. Yawn.
[ When educators are promoting "safe sex" by giving out free condoms. .

When people oppose providing condoms to teenagers- you are promoting teen pregnancy and STD's.
Oh, and you dare give those educators providing condoms credit for having reduced teen pregnancy and STDs? I see it more as one step forward and ten steps back, a negative nine.

Not too mention premarital sex is a grave sin, with our without a condom. As a parent I do not need the public schools telling kids having sex is Ok or unavoidable. But I doubt you will ever understand what I am trying to say.

I understand- you prefer teenagers get pregnant and catch STD's rather than help them avoid health problems.

I am for encouraging abstinence- and also recognizing for those teens who fail to be abstinent- that safe sex keeps them safer than pretending that every teen will not have sex.

Thousands of teenage girls get pregnant every year- using condoms would have prevented virtually every pregnancy- but you prefer teens get pregnant and sick.
Thousands of teenage girls get pregnant every year- using condoms would have prevented virtually every pregnancy- but you prefer teens get pregnant and sick.

But this is different than just curbing teen pregnancy...Read again Syriusly...


(Above: Picture a 13 year old girl took at her school's health class of a poster displayed for students)


"Sometimes we share our feelings in conversation. Sometimes we cry. Sometimes we laugh. Sometimes we have anal sex.A Kansas high school is teaching kids that “oral sex” and “anal sex” are just another way of expressing your feelings...

A Kansas father is not too happy with his local school district after his daughter brought home a picture of a school poster about “oral sex” and “grinding.

sexfeelings The poster – titled “How do people express their sexual feelings?” – lists numerous types of sexual activities that Hocker Grove Middle School parent Mark Ellis believes are inappropriate for his 13-year-old daughter, Fox news reports.

“It upsets me,” Ellis told the television station. “And again, it goes back to who approved this? You know this had to pass through enough hands that someone should have said, ‘Wait a minute, these are 13-year-old kids, we do not need to be this in-depth with this sexual education type program.”
High School Teaches Children "Oral Sex" and "Anal Sex" Are Ways to

Parents at a Near West Side school say they are shocked and concerned that the school is teaching sex education to fifth graders that includes topics such as anal sex and female condoms....
Bryant said she is in favor of health education that explains sex in an informative way, but said that the CPS handouts were composed “in a manner that actually is piquing curiosity about sexual pleasure.

Although CPS officials declined to comment late Thursday, officials have said parents can opt their children out of school sex-ed classes by providing written notice to a school.
Fifth Grade Sex Ed Class Teaches on the Joys of Female Condoms & Anal Sex - The Gateway Pundit

..students at Andrew Jackson Language Academy were shocked when they reviewed sexual education materials for fourth and fifth graders including topics such as "safe anal sex,"...When the issue began to receive media scrutiny, sexual education Powerpoint slides matching some of the materials in question were located on another local school's website. While the slides have since been removed, a cached version exists on Google. It's not clear whether the materials were ever used in any classrooms in that school.

Additional materials hosted at one point to Waters Elementary's website and viewable via Google's cache include the topics of sexual violence, condom usage, anal and oral sex, and a "contraceptive relay" game. However, some of the slides are labeled "Grade 8,".
.. Binders Full of Women's Condoms


Nothing promoting anal sex between boys eh? Then how come this diagram shows it's "easy as 1,2,3" for a penis to be inserted into another boy's anus using a condom?"

Let's look again. Note the red circle at the bottom of a MALE rectum. How do we know it's a male rectum? Because of the MALE genitals present in the pelvic cutaway. See the penis? See the testicles? Very good Skylar. Inserting a condom, which we all know is attached to a male penis, into another male's rectum and calling that "Easy as 1,2,3" is one and the same as encouraging the ease and desirability of anal sex between boys. This was planned to be shown to 5th graders but subsequently withdrawn and espoused to only be shown to 8th graders; which it is still inappropriate to show to.


You're missing that the material was presented. And that it was presented and attempted to be taught in more than one state, more than one school. Which you already knew.

Attempting to present inappropriate sexual coercive materials to children is a felony in most states. Perhaps that's why the multi-front attempt to do so was cut short so quickly and didn't win the support of school administrators... Just because the curriculum was turned away doesn't mean the act of trying to teach it to children is any less prosecutable..

Here's what happens when suggestible youth are nudged to make anal sex "easy as 1,2,3" (a familiar instructional childhood jingle)..

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I understand- you prefer teenagers get pregnant and catch STD's rather than help them avoid health problems.

I am for encouraging abstinence- and also recognizing for those teens who fail to be abstinent- that safe sex keeps them safer than pretending that every teen will not have sex.

Thousands of teenage girls get pregnant every year- using condoms would have prevented virtually every pregnancy- but you prefer teens get pregnant and sick.
No. I prefer you do not tell me in your words what it is I prefer.

I do not prefer your idea or their idea of "sex education." Yes, that much is true. Because I consider your sex education as a huge part of the problem and a major promoter of sex amongst teens. And as long as you are hitched up with Planned Parenthood, do not kid yourself, you are doing God a disservice.
Which is totally different from your first account. Now, since you've demonstrated that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about, let me ask another question you can't possible answer:

Who was the power presentation given to?

You could read the article and find out. But given your history, you'll just imagine up your own scenario and then offer it as evidence.

And by 'promote illicit sex', you mean offer them basic sex education? Sex ed....that you can opt your kids out of?

You do realize that sex ed helps reduce STD rates AND teen pregnancies, right? That as sex ed has kicked in, teen pregnancy rates AND abortion rates have dropped?

The old 'ignorance is bliss' angle doesn't work terribly well. Just FYI.

I do not need to read all the details. My complaint was universal in scope and I could easily provide a number of examples to back it up, but it would take time and what would be the upside to my efforts? You are not interested in knowing about all that. You are more interested in winning a little argument so you can look like the bright champ to your audience. Big deal.

Then why comment on the specific details if you didn't know what the fuck you were talking about?

And *exactly* as I described, you don't bother to educate yourself on your own argument and instead offer us your imagination as evidence. Rhetorically speaking, you're quite the one trick pony.

You are surely part of the problem I am getting at. It is not "basic sex education" when educators are telling kids being gay is ok. When educators are secretly having girls get abortions without parental notification. When educators are promoting "safe sex" by giving out free condoms. They are promoting sex, period. And whatever programs they are showing at ridiculously young ages is sinful and wrong, no matter what good may come from it.

They're offering information on how to use a condom. All the dialogue you've made up for the educators....is your 'tantamount' imagination.

And educating someone on how to protect themselves isn't promoting sex. Anymore than basic gun safety is promoting shooting someone.

When it comes to safe sex, ignorance isn't bliss.

Fine I will not address your specifics on this case and you will not acknowledge my claims on the greater landscape. I get it.

These are *your* specifics of the case. And I quote:

turzovka said:
You are as naïve or dishonest as so many of these secular godless educators.

The poster is on display in the health class where the middle school kids attend.

But you didn't know what the fuck you were talking about. And the moment I demonstrated it, you shift to the 'greater landscape'. AKA....whatever you make up.

There's nothing to you but presenting your imagination as evidence. You're a one trick pony.

But the horror of sexual "education" and sexual promotion in public schools does not rise or fall on what took place in this class room.

The 'horrors' are you imagination. The 'sexual promotion' is your imagination.

We're referring to sexual education. Which protects kids, helps prevent STDs, unwanted pregnancies, and abortions.

All you are doing is affirming everything I accuse you of.

Your imagination about me doesn't have any more to do with this topic than your 'tantamount'ing regarding sex education. Sorry, Turk.....but your imagination isn't evidence. You making up a scenario isn't evidence. You babbling about 'horrors' isn't evidence.

Its just your imagination.

Do you have anything to add to this topic beyond you citing yourself?
Thousands of teenage girls get pregnant every year- using condoms would have prevented virtually every pregnancy- but you prefer teens get pregnant and sick.

But this is different than just curbing teen pregnancy...Read again Syriusly...


(Above: Picture a 13 year old girl took at her school's health class of a poster displayed for students)


"Sometimes we share our feelings in conversation. Sometimes we cry. Sometimes we laugh. Sometimes we have anal sex.A Kansas high school is teaching kids that “oral sex” and “anal sex” are just another way of expressing your feelings...

A Kansas father is not too happy with his local school district after his daughter brought home a picture of a school poster about “oral sex” and “grinding.

And by 'a school poster about oral sex and grinding', you mean a poster with the words 'oral sex' on them?

Is it a lewd font or something? Are the words 'oral sex' too racy for high school?


You're missing that the material was presented. And that it was presented and attempted to be taught in more than one state, more than one school. Which you already knew.

Again, no 5th grader was shown that slide by the school in any state. And you know it. Your argument has devolved into you ignoring the very folks that sent the power point presentation and making up your own narrative about 'boy anuses'.
I understand- you prefer teenagers get pregnant and catch STD's rather than help them avoid health problems.

I am for encouraging abstinence- and also recognizing for those teens who fail to be abstinent- that safe sex keeps them safer than pretending that every teen will not have sex.

Thousands of teenage girls get pregnant every year- using condoms would have prevented virtually every pregnancy- but you prefer teens get pregnant and sick.
No. I prefer you do not tell me in your words what it is I prefer.

I do not prefer your idea or their idea of "sex education." Yes, that much is true. Because I consider your sex education as a huge part of the problem and a major promoter of sex amongst teens. And as long as you are hitched up with Planned Parenthood, do not kid yourself, you are doing God a disservice.

God hasn't complained to me about it.

What you may- or may not prefer is debatable - but what you advocate- leaving teenagers unprotected- will result in more pregnant and infected teenagers.
God hasn't complained to me about it.

What you may- or may not prefer is debatable - but what you advocate- leaving teenagers unprotected- will result in more pregnant and infected teenagers.

That comment belongs in the LGBT gaslighting thread...

Here, Syriusly gently introduces a tangent. Her "all or nothing" stance is "if we can't teach boys to seek anal sex with each other, then girls will get pregnant". Whereas, I assure you there are ways to teach girls how to use birth control without coercing boys to seek anal sex with each other...."Easy as 1,2,3..." Anal sex absolutely should be taboo. Kids are dying in greater numbers by being told or having modeled for them in media and now with society's blessings on gay copulating that "it's just fine to use another man's rectum as an artificial vagina"..

This was the diagram that the church of LGBT tried to get taught to 5th graders...and 8th graders...

Again, no 5th grader was shown that slide by the school in any state. And you know it. Your argument has devolved into you ignoring the very folks that sent the power point presentation and making up your own narrative about 'boy anuses'.

Sil knows damn well that diagram of hers is a demonstration for Female Condoms (FC) but Sil insists is a 'male rectum' nevertheless. All that matters to Sil is her anti-gay narrative.

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