Teaching Anal Sex As "Good" In Schools. Where Is This Heading & Why?

I've thoroughly read the OP, visited the "gaslighting link", read that OP and I believe...

  • There's no pedophile "grooming" going on. It's just the OP as usual seeing things that aren't there

  • There does seem to be a progression towards involving kids in too much sex "information"

  • Yes, looking at the big picture, it's clear that the LGBT agenda is "grooming" kids (& adults).

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God hasn't complained to me about it.

Sure he has, you just ignore it because you are a fucking pervert.

Romans chapter 1

18 The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, 19 since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. 20 For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.

21 For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools 23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like a mortal human being and birds and animals and reptiles.

24 Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25 They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.

26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.

28 Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done. 29 They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30 slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; 31 they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy. 32 Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.
God hasn't complained to me about it.

What you may- or may not prefer is debatable - but what you advocate- leaving teenagers unprotected- will result in more pregnant and infected teenagers.

That comment belongs in the LGBT gaslighting thread...

Here, Syriusly gently introduces a tangent. Her "all or nothing" stance is

Here is Silhouette's stance- Teach kids to just say no- and keep them ignorant- so that kids who end up having sex are more likely to get pregnant and catch STD's.

My stance is to follow the recommendations of the CDC when it comes to teaching teenagers- in order to teach kids to not have sex- but if they do- to protect themselves and their partners- so to prevent pregnancy and STD's.

Because unlike Silhouette- I actually care about the safety of kids.
God hasn't complained to me about it.

Sure he has, you just ignore it because you are a fucking pervert.

Like I said- God hasn't complained to me at all. Neither has the tooth fairy or Big Foot.

Meanwhile- you are the one full of hate and rage......
You have to wonder, do they actually think they're bringing people to Jesus, by being nothing like him?

As an atheist who enjoys reading the Bible- I am often bemused by Conservatives- lets call them RWNJ for Jesus- who seem to have a completely different New Testament than everyone else.

They never mention Jesus's second greatest commandment- but they sure want people to hate homosexuals.
They never mention Jesus's second greatest commandment- but they sure want people to hate homosexuals
Here is Silhouette's stance- Teach kids to just say no- and keep them ignorant- so that kids who end up having sex are more likely to get pregnant and catch STD's.

My stance is to follow the recommendations of the CDC when it comes to teaching teenagers- in order to teach kids to not have sex- but if they do- to protect themselves and their partners- so to prevent pregnancy and STD's.

Because unlike Silhouette- I actually care about the safety of kids.

This would all be so much easier to resolve if we had any way of agreeing with your definitions of “hate” or your idea of Jesus’ definition of “love” or your idea of “safety of kids.” We really have no chance of persuading such a myopic mind.

SACRAMENTO – A 12-year-old girl is prohibited from bringing aspirin to California public schools without a note from her mother or father – but in many California districts she may sign herself out of classes, leave her junior-high campus without parental permission, secretly have an abortion and return to school before the end of the day – and her own family may be none the wiser.
Parents and educators across the state have been in heated debate over school policies allowing children to be excused during class time without parental notification for “confidential medical services” such as abortions, birth control, and drug and mental health services.

They never mention Jesus's second greatest commandment- but they sure want people to hate homosexuals
Here is Silhouette's stance- Teach kids to just say no- and keep them ignorant- so that kids who end up having sex are more likely to get pregnant and catch STD's.

My stance is to follow the recommendations of the CDC when it comes to teaching teenagers- in order to teach kids to not have sex- but if they do- to protect themselves and their partners- so to prevent pregnancy and STD's.

Because unlike Silhouette- I actually care about the safety of kids.

This would all be so much easier to resolve if we had any way of agreeing with your definitions of “hate” or your idea of Jesus’ definition of “love” or your idea of “safety of kids.” We really have no chance of persuading such a myopic mind.

SACRAMENTO – A 12-year-old girl is prohibited from bringing aspirin to California public schools without a note from her mother or father – but in many California districts she may sign herself out of classes, leave her junior-high campus without parental permission, secretly have an abortion and return to school before the end of the day – and her own family may be none the wiser.
Parents and educators across the state have been in heated debate over school policies allowing children to be excused during class time without parental notification for “confidential medical services” such as abortions, birth control, and drug and mental health services.


But that would require that we base all conceptions of both love and hate on your interpretations of your religion. And then taught your interpretations of your religion in public schools.

No thank you.

And World Net Daily? Really?
But that would require that we base all conceptions of both love and hate on your interpretations of your religion. And then taught your interpretations of your religion in public schools. No thank you.

And World Net Daily? Really?

For the record: I find your answers to be totally worthless, and no different than much of what you have to offer. I am sure you can find an audience though among rebellious teens who care not about God or safety or who they may be affecting through lustful actions.

“WorldNetDaily, really?” brays the slouching jackass in the back row. Only a shy clueless girl in the adjacent desk gives a tacit nod and smile in approval. All others have long since ignored the clod.

If I thought there was any chance of redemption I would research all the claims or facts WND cites in that article about the various California school districts that are either deploying secret missions to abortion clinics for young teen girls or attempting to change their policies for that very reason. But you do not care, because you are so much more knowledgeable and honest than WND, so neither will I.
They never mention Jesus's second greatest commandment- but they sure want people to hate homosexuals
Here is Silhouette's stance- Teach kids to just say no- and keep them ignorant- so that kids who end up having sex are more likely to get pregnant and catch STD's.

My stance is to follow the recommendations of the CDC when it comes to teaching teenagers- in order to teach kids to not have sex- but if they do- to protect themselves and their partners- so to prevent pregnancy and STD's.

Because unlike Silhouette- I actually care about the safety of kids.

This would all be so much easier to resolve if we had any way of agreeing with your definitions of “hate” or your idea of Jesus’ definition of “love” or your idea of “safety of kids.” We really have no chance of persuading such a myopic mind./

Well I think Jesus's definition of 'love thy neighbor' is pretty clear.

37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’a]" data-fn="#fen-NIV-23910a">[a] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment.
39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’
40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

Every translation is pretty much in complete agreement with that. I think that is a beautiful philosophy to live by- even though I am not a Christian- and that if more people- and more Christians- lived their life in that manner- we would be better off in the United States.

'Safety of kids"- well as I said
My stance is to follow the recommendations of the CDC when it comes to teaching teenagers- in order to teach kids to not have sex- but if they do- to protect themselves and their partners- so to prevent pregnancy and STD's.
But that would require that we base all conceptions of both love and hate on your interpretations of your religion. And then taught your interpretations of your religion in public schools. No thank you.

And World Net Daily? Really?

For the record: I find your answers to be totally worthless, and no different than much of what you have to offer. I am sure you can find an audience though among rebellious teens who care not about God or safety or who they may be affecting through lustful actions.

Our audience can rapidly glean that you are offering your imagination as evidence. And that when pressed to back your claims, you flee. As you have neither an idea nor any particular care who the situation actually is. You care only about how you imagine it to be.

Worse, you're insisting that our children be indoctrinated into your particular interpretations of your particular religion. And railing *against* teaching them sex education. Despite sex ed helping protect our children from unwanted pregnancies, STDs and abortion.

No thank you. Neither your imagination, nor your religious zealotry or willful ignorance are sound policy choices for the education of children.

Try again.
But that would require that we base all conceptions of both love and hate on your interpretations of your religion. And then taught your interpretations of your religion in public schools. No thank you.

And World Net Daily? Really?

For the record: I find your answers to be totally worthless, and no different than much of what you have to offer. I am sure you can find an audience though among rebellious teens who care not about God or safety or who they may be affecting through lustful actions.

“WorldNetDaily, really?” brays the slouching jackass in the back row. Only a shy clueless girl in the adjacent desk gives a tacit nod and smile in approval. All others have long since ignored the clod.

If I thought there was any chance of redemption I would research all the claims or facts WND cites in that article about the various California school districts that are either deploying secret missions to abortion clinics for young teen girls or attempting to change their policies for that very reason. But you do not care, because you are so much more knowledgeable and honest than WND, so neither will I.

LOL- it isn't so much that your story comes from WND- but that you consider that to be a reliable source of information.

But yes- kids are not allowed to bring drugs to school without parental permission- and can't have abortions at school either.

But- kids are allowed to check themselves out of school- and could then take aspirin- or get mental counseling and other services- without permission of the parents.

As a father- I recognize both the potential benefits and potential problems.

As a father- I want my child to be able to come to myself or my wife for counseling, for assistance with mental health, for assistance with drug counseling, for sexual abuse counseling, or for an abortion- I would always prefer that.

BUT also as a father- I want my child to stay alive- and IF for some reason my child had an unreasonable fear that her health would be in danger if she for instance told us she was pregnant or was hooked on drugs- I would prefer her to get those services rather than avoid them because she was scared of her parents.

And that does happen.

Girls have died getting illegal abortions because they were scared of their parents.
So I am okay with the schools policy.
What do illegal abortions have to do with teaching boys to insert their penis into another boy's anus (artificial vagina) in the 5th or even 8th grade?


(Above: Picture a 13 year old girl took at her school's health class of a poster displayed for students)


"Sometimes we share our feelings in conversation. Sometimes we cry. Sometimes we laugh. Sometimes we have anal sex.A Kansas high school is teaching kids that “oral sex” and “anal sex” are just another way of expressing your feelings...

A Kansas father is not too happy with his local school district after his daughter brought home a picture of a school poster about “oral sex” and “grinding.

sexfeelings The poster – titled “How do people express their sexual feelings?” – lists numerous types of sexual activities that Hocker Grove Middle School parent Mark Ellis believes are inappropriate for his 13-year-old daughter, Fox news reports.

“It upsets me,” Ellis told the television station. “And again, it goes back to who approved this? You know this had to pass through enough hands that someone should have said, ‘Wait a minute, these are 13-year-old kids, we do not need to be this in-depth with this sexual education type program.”
High School Teaches Children "Oral Sex" and "Anal Sex" Are Ways to

Parents at a Near West Side school say they are shocked and concerned that the school is teaching sex education to fifth graders that includes topics such as anal sex and female condoms....
Bryant said she is in favor of health education that explains sex in an informative way, but said that the CPS handouts were composed “in a manner that actually is piquing curiosity about sexual pleasure.

Although CPS officials declined to comment late Thursday, officials have said parents can opt their children out of school sex-ed classes by providing written notice to a school.
Fifth Grade Sex Ed Class Teaches on the Joys of Female Condoms & Anal Sex - The Gateway Pundit

..students at Andrew Jackson Language Academy were shocked when they reviewed sexual education materials for fourth and fifth graders including topics such as "safe anal sex,"...When the issue began to receive media scrutiny, sexual education Powerpoint slides matching some of the materials in question were located on another local school's website. While the slides have since been removed, a cached version exists on Google. It's not clear whether the materials were ever used in any classrooms in that school.

Additional materials hosted at one point to Waters Elementary's website and viewable via Google's cache include the topics of sexual violence, condom usage, anal and oral sex, and a "contraceptive relay" game. However, some of the slides are labeled "Grade 8,".
.. Binders Full of Women's Condoms



Here's what happens when suggestible youth are nudged to make anal sex "easy as 1,2,3" (a familiar instructional childhood jingle)..

  • Youth aged 13 to 24 accounted for an estimated 26% of all new HIV infections in the United States in 2010.
  • Most new HIV infections among youth occur among gay and bisexual males; there was a 22% increase in estimated new infections in this group from 2008 to 2010. HIV Among Youth | Age | HIV by Group | HIV/AIDS | CDC

What do illegal abortions have to do with teaching boys to insert their penis into another boy's anus (artificial vagina) in the 5th or even 8th grade?


(Above: Picture a 13 year old girl took at her school's health class of a poster displayed for students)


"Sometimes we share our feelings in conversation. Sometimes we cry. Sometimes we laugh. Sometimes we have anal sex.A Kansas high school is teaching kids that “oral sex” and “anal sex” are just another way of expressing your feelings...

A Kansas father is not too happy with his local school district after his daughter brought home a picture of a school poster about “oral sex” and “grinding.

sexfeelings The poster – titled “How do people express their sexual feelings?” – lists numerous types of sexual activities that Hocker Grove Middle School parent Mark Ellis believes are inappropriate for his 13-year-old daughter, Fox news reports.

“It upsets me,” Ellis told the television station. “And again, it goes back to who approved this? You know this had to pass through enough hands that someone should have said, ‘Wait a minute, these are 13-year-old kids, we do not need to be this in-depth with this sexual education type program.”
High School Teaches Children "Oral Sex" and "Anal Sex" Are Ways to

Parents at a Near West Side school say they are shocked and concerned that the school is teaching sex education to fifth graders that includes topics such as anal sex and female condoms....
Bryant said she is in favor of health education that explains sex in an informative way, but said that the CPS handouts were composed “in a manner that actually is piquing curiosity about sexual pleasure.

Although CPS officials declined to comment late Thursday, officials have said parents can opt their children out of school sex-ed classes by providing written notice to a school.
Fifth Grade Sex Ed Class Teaches on the Joys of Female Condoms & Anal Sex - The Gateway Pundit

..students at Andrew Jackson Language Academy were shocked when they reviewed sexual education materials for fourth and fifth graders including topics such as "safe anal sex,"...When the issue began to receive media scrutiny, sexual education Powerpoint slides matching some of the materials in question were located on another local school's website. While the slides have since been removed, a cached version exists on Google. It's not clear whether the materials were ever used in any classrooms in that school.

Additional materials hosted at one point to Waters Elementary's website and viewable via Google's cache include the topics of sexual violence, condom usage, anal and oral sex, and a "contraceptive relay" game. However, some of the slides are labeled "Grade 8,".
.. Binders Full of Women's Condoms



Here's what happens when suggestible youth are nudged to make anal sex "easy as 1,2,3" (a familiar instructional childhood jingle)..

  • Youth aged 13 to 24 accounted for an estimated 26% of all new HIV infections in the United States in 2010.
  • Most new HIV infections among youth occur among gay and bisexual males; there was a 22% increase in estimated new infections in this group from 2008 to 2010. HIV Among Youth | Age | HIV by Group | HIV/AIDS | CDC

Your entire premise is nonsense. As nothing you've presented is a school 'teaching boys to put their penis in another boy's anus'. Its about the use of FCs.

And of course, the slide in question was never presented to students. But was instead a mistake that was uploaded for parents to review. And was never part of the sex ed curriculum.

The objectionable material presented at Andrew Jackson Language Academy this week is not and never was part of the student sexual education curriculum. It was mistakenly downloaded and included in the parent presentation, and we agree with parents it is not appropriate for elementary school students,” CPS spokesman Bill McCaffrey said in a statement. “As part of our sexual health education policy approved by the Board of Education in 2013, Chicago Public Schools offers a comprehensive sexual education curriculum that is designed to ensure age-appropriate material and minimum instructional minutes for every grade level, consisting of family and sexual health education topics for K-12 students.”

Parents Outraged After School's Sex Health Presentation

You know this. But continually lie, claiming it was presented to these children. If your claims had merit, you wouldn't need to lie to support it.

If you believe otherwise, show me the evidence that this was presented to students.
And of course, the slide in question was never presented to students. But was instead a mistake that was uploaded for parents to review. And was never part of the sex ed curriculum.

You know this. But continually lie, claiming it was presented to these children. If your claims had merit, you wouldn't need to lie to support it.

If you believe otherwise, show me the evidence that this was presented to students.

And the school in Kansas with the poster the 13 year old took a picture of touting anal sex? That was a mistake too? People don't express their feelings for a loved one by giving them HIV/AIDS... Anal sex can never be taught as an expression of love, because it is in fact one male using another male's anus as an artificial vagina and statistically attempting murder upon him thereby...

Remember this that made it into a school? That wasn't a mistake. And neither was the following picture either. The parents just caught your cult in the act and put a stop to it. Your "spin" and backpeddling was "that it was a mistake". And only because this is an election year coming up. I guarantee you if the neo-democratic party (the rainbow version) got a hold of the reins next year, these "mistakes" would instantly be part of the 5th grade curriculum and parents would have no say at all.


As a father- I recognize both the potential benefits and potential problems.

As a father- I want my child to be able to come to myself or my wife for counseling, for assistance with mental health, for assistance with drug counseling, for sexual abuse counseling, or for an abortion- I would always prefer that.
Are you a woman calling yourself "a father"? Because no woman can be a father.
Our audience can rapidly glean that you are offering your imagination as evidence. And that when pressed to back your claims, you flee.
Pray tell, where have I "fled" to? Seems to me you are the one who went missing when I brought up the CDC info that shows you to be a liar...a deadly dangerous liar I might add. Teaching people that heteros are the largest demographic in our nation spreading HIV is the type of misinformation that could cause someone to make a seriously misguided choice of what type of sex to have.
67% of people polled here think there is a movement by LGBT to groom children sexually by pushing this curriculum on schools (until parents noticed and put a stop to it).
Parents could tell something was wrong with the children when they came home from school. They were quiet and withdrawn, embarrassed, and didn’t want to talk about what had happened. When Curtis and Jean Pannkuk began questioning their young daughter, they discovered that her elementary school principal had instructed her that day in how to perform oral and anal sex. The traumatizing instruction was delivered as a part of state approved sex education that was orchestrated, developed, pushed, and policed by Planned Parenthood, NARAL Pro-Choice Washington, SIECUS, and a host of other agencies...parents in the small town of Onalaska, Washington, are furious that their children have been violated and traumatized by the highly inappropriate sex instruction.. School Uses Planned Parenthood Curriculum to Teach Kids Oral Sex

New Massachusetts Sex Ed Bill Could Allow 11-Year-Olds to Partake in Sexual “Role Plays” November, 2015:
The Massachusetts Family Institute is deeply concerned about Senate Bill 2048, legislation that would permit educators to incorporate some controversial lessons into their sexual health curricula. The state Senate is expected to vote on the bill in the coming weeks.

Instead of local school districts and parents deciding what content is suitable for children regarding sexual education, those decisions would now be in the hands of the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education..“SB2048 needlessly eliminates local control on sensitive issues surrounding sex education and leads directly to the promotion of offensive and age-inappropriate material to young children,” said MFI President Andrew Beckwith....Here are just a few of the lessons that would be appropriate for 11-year-olds if the legislation passes: (next quote)

A “role play” exercise where students must convince a partner that sex will still feel good with a condom.....Students learning the Japanese word for male masturbation means “one thousand strokes,” as part of a “cross-cultural perspective” on abstinence....Students reading teenagers’ graphic descriptions of what it feels like to masturbate.....Explicit instructions are given for how to prepare for and engage in “anal intercourse,” which is differentiated from “anal sex.”
More on the Mass. proposed education Bill: http://www.mafamily.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/The-Facts-about-Senate-Bill-2048.pdf If you're a parent from Mass and are concerned you'll no longer have a say in the new rainbow sex program for kids...

Under S 2048, “Each...school district or charter school that offers sexual health education [which is the overwhelming majority of schools in MA]
shall provide medically accurate, age-appropriate education.” S 2048 Section 1–32B.(b)...a. What is “age appropriate,” or “medically accurate” as required by this bill? The language in the bill defines these terms in a vague and circular manner. (For example: “Age-appropriate” means “topics,messages, and teaching methods suitable to particular ages or age groups of children and adolescents,based on developing cognitive, emotional, and behavioral capacity typical for the age and age group;” S2048 Section 1–32B.(a). WHO decides what is taught? Instead of local parents and educators deciding what curricula is “age appropriate” and “medically accurate,” S 2048 transfers that authority to the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (“DESE”). a. S 2048 requires schools to us shall be curricula that ‘complies’ with controversial statewide ‘standards.’ “Any... school district or charter school that utilizes curricula consistent with the Massachusetts comprehensive health curriculum framework shall be presumed to be in compliance...”
S 2048 Section 1–32B.(c) (This operates similarly to the way Common Core Standards are mandated..

Hmmm...transferring authority from the community on the new sex-cult's value system and taking that oversight away from the community the cult is seeking to overtake...through "re-educating" of their youth. A familiar situation also in pre Nazi Party Germany in the 1930s... And also the Obergefell Opinion (soon to be challenged) of June 2015. Seems just five or so people (an oligarchy) will now be making decisions for the rest of us. Don't worry. They'll have all our best interests in mind according to how they were raised and what their personal prejudices are...

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