Teaching Anal Sex As "Good" In Schools. Where Is This Heading & Why?

I've thoroughly read the OP, visited the "gaslighting link", read that OP and I believe...

  • There's no pedophile "grooming" going on. It's just the OP as usual seeing things that aren't there

  • There does seem to be a progression towards involving kids in too much sex "information"

  • Yes, looking at the big picture, it's clear that the LGBT agenda is "grooming" kids (& adults).

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And of course, the slide in question was never presented to students. But was instead a mistake that was uploaded for parents to review. And was never part of the sex ed curriculum.

You know this. But continually lie, claiming it was presented to these children. If your claims had merit, you wouldn't need to lie to support it.

If you believe otherwise, show me the evidence that this was presented to students.

And the school in Kansas with the poster the 13 year old took a picture of touting anal sex?

And by 'poster', you mean an 8 by 11 piece of printer paper with the word 'anal sex' written on it?

That's what you're losing your shit over?

That was a mistake too? People don't express their feelings for a loved one by giving them HIV/AIDS... Anal sex can never be taught as an expression of love, because it is in fact one male using another male's anus as an artificial vagina and statistically attempting murder upon him thereby...

More nonsense. The printer paper print out doesn't say that sexual feelings are exptressed by giving others HIV/AIDS.

You lied.

The printer paper print out doesn't say that anal sex is an expression of love.

You lied.

If your argument had merit you wouldn't have to lie. Yet your argument can't survive without it.
More on the Mass. proposed education Bill: http://www.mafamily.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/The-Facts-about-Senate-Bill-2048.pdf If you're a parent from Mass and are concerned you'll no longer have a say in the new rainbow sex program for kids...

Any parent can opt their kids out of sex ed.

More nonsense lies

Under S 2048, “Each...school district or charter school that offers sexual health education [which is the overwhelming majority of schools in MA]
shall provide medically accurate, age-appropriate education.” S 2048 Section 1–32B.(b)...a. What is “age appropriate,” or “medically accurate” as required by this bill? The language in the bill defines these terms in a vague and circular manner. (For example: “Age-appropriate” means “topics,messages, and teaching methods suitable to particular ages or age groups of children and adolescents,based on developing cognitive, emotional, and behavioral capacity typical for the age and age group;” S2048 Section 1–32B.(a). WHO decides what is taught? Instead of local parents and educators deciding what curricula is “age appropriate” and “medically accurate,” S 2048 transfers that authority to the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (“DESE”). a. S 2048 requires schools to us shall be curricula that ‘complies’ with controversial statewide ‘standards.’ “Any... school district or charter school that utilizes curricula consistent with the Massachusetts comprehensive health curriculum framework shall be presumed to be in compliance...”
S 2048 Section 1–32B.(c) (This operates similarly to the way Common Core Standards are mandated..

Please quote your source:


The Massechussets Family Institute. An organization opposed to ANY sex education in schools.
And your source, which you've aped dutifully, verbatim, and without citation.

Hmmm...transferring authority from the community on the new sex-cult's value system and taking that oversight away from the community the cult is seeking to overtake...through "re-educating" of their youth.

More delusional nonsense. The Massachusetts department of Elementary and Secondary Education is not a 'sex cult'.

You're quite simply insane.

A familiar situation also in pre Nazi Party Germany in the 1930s... And also the Obergefell Opinion (soon to be challenged) of June 2015. Seems just five or so people (an oligarchy) will now be making decisions for the rest of us. Don't worry. They'll have all our best interests in mind according to how they were raised and what their personal prejudices are...

Nope. Nothing about sex education in Massachusetts is like prenazi germany in the 1930s.

You're just insane. Your obsessive posts are literally what mental illness looks like.
Nope. Nothing about sex education in Massachusetts is like prenazi germany in the 1930s.

...nothing except the introduction of teaching anal sex to kids in a positive light and eliminating parental participation in the approved "sex ed" curriculum....
Nope. Nothing about sex education in Massachusetts is like prenazi germany in the 1930s.

...nothing except the introduction of teaching anal sex to kids in a positive light and eliminating parental participation in the approved "sex ed" curriculum....

Again, Sil.....you're hallucinating. Your 'poster' was just an 8 by 11 inch computer printout. The printer paper print out doesn't say that sexual feelings are expressed by 'giving others HIV/AIDS'.

You lied.

The printer paper print out doesn't say that anal sex is an expression of love.

You lied.

And no, the Massachusetts department of Elementary and Secondary Education isn't a 'sex cult'.

Any more insane gibberish you'd like to offer us?
And of course, the slide in question was never presented to students. But was instead a mistake that was uploaded for parents to review. And was never part of the sex ed curriculum.

You know this. But continually lie, claiming it was presented to these children. If your claims had merit, you wouldn't need to lie to support it.

If you believe otherwise, show me the evidence that this was presented to students.

. Anal sex can never be taught as an expression of love, because it is in fact one male using another male's anus as an artificial vagina and statistically attempting murder upon him thereby..

Poor poor homophobe.

Most of the Americans having anal intercourse in the United States are straight- hetero men who express their sexual feelings to their hetero female partners by having anal intercourse- or hetero women who express their sexual feelings to their partners through anal intercourse.

Pretending straight couples do not have anal intercourse just ensures that straight couples who do have anal intercourse will be uninformed as to the risks- and how to have safe sex.
Poor poor homophobe.

Most of the Americans having anal intercourse in the United States are straight- hetero men who express their sexual feelings to their hetero female partners by having anal intercourse- or hetero women who express their sexual feelings to their partners through anal intercourse.

Pretending straight couples do not have anal intercourse just ensures that straight couples who do have anal intercourse will be uninformed as to the risks- and how to have safe sex.
So just to be clear, Syriusly wants readers to consider her credible with the statement: "Most of the Americans having anal intercourse in the United States are straight".

Yet the CDC seems to disagree. Tough choice. Who to listen to? Some internet troll named "Syriusly" or the CDC?

gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM)a represent approximately 2% of the United States population, yet are the population most severely affected by HIV. In 2010, young gay and bisexual men (aged 13-24 years) accounted for 72% of new HIV infections among all persons aged 13 to 24....Sexual risk behaviors account for most HIV infections in gay and bisexual men. Most gay and bisexual men acquire HIV through anal sex, which is the riskiest type of sex for getting or transmitting HIV Gay and Bisexual Men | HIV by Group | HIV/AIDS | CDC

Poor poor homophobe.

Most of the Americans having anal intercourse in the United States are straight- hetero men who express their sexual feelings to their hetero female partners by having anal intercourse- or hetero women who express their sexual feelings to their partners through anal intercourse.

Pretending straight couples do not have anal intercourse just ensures that straight couples who do have anal intercourse will be uninformed as to the risks- and how to have safe sex.
So just to be clear, Syriusly wants readers to consider her credible with the statement: "Most of the Americans having anal intercourse in the United States are straight".

Yet the CDC seems to disagree. Tough choice. Who to listen to? Some internet troll named "Syriusly" or the CDC?

gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM)a represent approximately 2% of the United States population, yet are the population most severely affected by HIV. In 2010, young gay and bisexual men (aged 13-24 years) accounted for 72% of new HIV infections among all persons aged 13 to 24....Sexual risk behaviors account for most HIV infections in gay and bisexual men. Most gay and bisexual men acquire HIV through anal sex, which is the riskiest type of sex for getting or transmitting HIV Gay and Bisexual Men | HIV by Group | HIV/AIDS | CDC

And as usual, the CDC doesn't say what you claim they do. So who to believe? You and your insane gibberish? Or the CDC....that counsel's condom use as a way of protecting one's self against HIV?

Not a tough call there.
Kids are notoriously statistically poor at using condoms in the heat of the moment. Youth throughout human history have had privileges revoked as a matter of law because of this pernicious trait of their demographic..until they are "of age" to be sensible. And as you urge them to have dangerous anal sex, what's happening to them can be as predictable as the sun rising in the East...From your cult's instruction of "normal anal sex", THIS is happening...

  • Youth aged 13 to 24 accounted for an estimated 26% of all new HIV infections in the United States in 2010.
  • Most new HIV infections among youth occur among gay and bisexual males; there was a 22% increase in estimated new infections in this group from 2008 to 2010. HIV Among Youth | Age | HIV by Group | HIV/AIDS | CDC

Ah, new trends, cult fads. So HEALTHY for our children...

Poor poor homophobe.

Most of the Americans having anal intercourse in the United States are straight- hetero men who express their sexual feelings to their hetero female partners by having anal intercourse- or hetero women who express their sexual feelings to their partners through anal intercourse.

Pretending straight couples do not have anal intercourse just ensures that straight couples who do have anal intercourse will be uninformed as to the risks- and how to have safe sex.
So just to be clear, Syriusly wants readers to consider her credible with the statement: "Most of the Americans having anal intercourse in the United States are straight".

The numbers are really pretty straight forward- I know math- along with logic, facts and everything else pretty much is irrelevant to you but here are numbers:

Roughly between 2.3 and 3.4% of Americans identify as 'LGBT'- making the assumption that the population LGBT is roughly divided equally between men and women- that bring the population of Gay American men to be roughly 1.2-1.7% of the U.S. population

Now- lets move onto heterosexual couples- 44% of men, and 36% of women report having had anal sex with the opposite gender- this includes 6% of boys and 7% of girls aged 15-17.

To give some absolute numbers here:
1.7% of the U.S. population would be about 5,000,000 men who have had anal intercourse with other men(presuming that every gay man has anal intercourse)
36% of the U.S. population would be about 114,840,000 men and women who have had anal intercourse with a heterosexual partner.

Those are just rough numbers, because I multiplied by the entire population, rather than just the adult population- but just to be clear

The number of straight people having anal intercourse with their straight partners is roughly 20 times the number of gay men having anal intercourse with another gay man.

Kids are notoriously statistically poor at using condoms in the heat of the moment.


True- but not teaching children about safe sex- and about condom use- just ensures that teenagers who do engage in sex will not practice safe sex and will get accidentally pregnant, and catch STD's.

Why do you want to put children in danger by not following the CDC's educational recommendations?
Kids are notoriously statistically poor at using condoms in the heat of the moment.

They are better than they were. Mainly because we've ignored folks like yourself and your Massecuttes Family Institute.....and actually taught sex ed. Rather than banning it as your ilk demands.

Youth throughout human history have had privileges revoked as a matter of law because of this pernicious trait of their demographic..until they are "of age" to be sensible. And as you urge them to have dangerous anal sex, what's happening to them can be as predictable as the sun rising in the East...From your cult's instruction of "normal anal sex", THIS is happening...

  • Youth aged 13 to 24 accounted for an estimated 26% of all new HIV infections in the United States in 2010.
  • Most new HIV infections among youth occur among gay and bisexual males; there was a 22% increase in estimated new infections in this group from 2008 to 2010. HIV Among Youth | Age | HIV by Group | HIV/AIDS | CDC
And your solution is to end sex ed under the laughably assumption that if we don't teach kids how to use condoms, then STD rates will drop?

As usual, the exact opposite of your claims is true.


Ah, new trends, cult fads. So HEALTHY for our children...

Laughing...ignorance like you're demanding we instill in our children is as old as dirt. And does very little to prevent STDs. Sex ed helps prevent STDs.

Which makes your opposition to education on condom use all the more irrational. That is, if preventing STDs is actually your goal. And by your posts, that's a big 'if'. I strongly suspect you want kids to be less educated of STDs in the hopes of hurting the gay among them.

As then your posts make perfect sense.
Your butt is for excreting shit. It is the OUT door.

Wtf is wrong with you people

What is wrong with dealing with the facts- that over 30% of Americans have tried anal sex- roughly 5-7% of teenagers have.

Pretending like anal sex is not happening doesn't protect anyone- anymore than pretending that sexual intercourse doesn't happen protects teens from pregnancy.
Kids are notoriously statistically poor at using condoms in the heat of the moment.


True- but not teaching children about safe sex- and about condom use- just ensures that teenagers who do engage in sex will not practice safe sex and will get accidentally pregnant, and catch STD's.

Why do you want to put children in danger by not following the CDC's educational recommendations?

Probably for the same reason that she'll gladly hurt every child of same sex parents...if it means she can hurt gay people.

Sil has demonstrated an eager willingness to hurt any number of children as long as it lets her hurt gays. Which makes her opposition to sex ed for children just so she might also hurt some gays all the more loathsome.
Your butt is for excreting shit. It is the OUT door.

Wtf is wrong with you people

What is wrong with dealing with the facts- that over 30% of Americans have tried anal sex- roughly 5-7% of teenagers have.

Pretending like anal sex is not happening doesn't protect anyone- anymore than pretending that sexual intercourse doesn't happen protects teens from pregnancy.
By that ridiculous rational we should teach children how to wack off in adult movie theatres or how to have sex with adults.

Just because something happens in the real world doesn't mean it is proper or something that should be taught to CHILDREN

Sick fuck
Your butt is for excreting shit. It is the OUT door.

Wtf is wrong with you people

What is wrong with dealing with the facts- that over 30% of Americans have tried anal sex- roughly 5-7% of teenagers have.

Pretending like anal sex is not happening doesn't protect anyone- anymore than pretending that sexual intercourse doesn't happen protects teens from pregnancy.
By that ridiculous rational we should teach children how to wack off in adult movie theatres or how to have sex with adults.

Just because something happens in the real world doesn't mean it is proper or something that should be taught to CHILDREN

Sick fuck

Seems to be quite few leftists condoning the teaching of butt sex to children. Distressing
Your butt is for excreting shit. It is the OUT door.

Wtf is wrong with you people

What is wrong with dealing with the facts- that over 30% of Americans have tried anal sex- roughly 5-7% of teenagers have.

Pretending like anal sex is not happening doesn't protect anyone- anymore than pretending that sexual intercourse doesn't happen protects teens from pregnancy.
By that ridiculous rational we should teach children how to wack off in adult movie theatres or how to have sex with adults.

Just because something happens in the real world doesn't mean it is proper or something that should be taught to CHILDREN

Sick fuck

Seems to be quite few leftists condoning the teaching of butt sex to children. Distressing

I condone the teaching of condom use for sex in general. And pretending that anal sex doesn't exist doesn't make it disappear. Nor does ignorance of how to protect themselves make kids safer.

'Ignorance is strength' may be a conservative motto. But it doesn't play well in the real world.
I put my girls in private school and will pay for my grandkids to do the same if needed to keep them out of the liberal cesspool

And by 'liberal cesspool', you mean being informed and educated on safe sex?

Good luck with ignorance.

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