Teaching anal sex to 5th graders?

About 10 years ago, the kids were started coming out with their own little version of virginity.

You can still be a virgin if you have only anal sex.

Incidentally, you also cannot get pregnant if you only have anal sex.

It's still unprotected sex.

That's the big deal.

Oral sex is not sex either. It's a bunch of convoluted thinking.

There is a reason that the HPV shots are given at age 11. That's the age they are seeing the kids show up with infections.

I don't agree with what I just read about how it's being taught.
Oral sex is quite common in middle school. I've got two grand kids in middle school and two in high school. Guys will often ask girls for oral sex before they even date.
About 10 years ago, the kids were started coming out with their own little version of virginity.

You can still be a virgin if you have only anal sex.

Incidentally, you also cannot get pregnant if you only have anal sex.

It's still unprotected sex.

That's the big deal.

Oral sex is not sex either. It's a bunch of convoluted thinking.

There is a reason that the HPV shots are given at age 11. That's the age they are seeing the kids show up with infections.

I don't agree with what I just read about how it's being taught.
Oral sex is quite common in middle school. I've got two grand kids in middle school and two in high school. Guys will often ask girls for oral sex before they even date.

Yeah, but it's the thinking that it isn't a sexual act because technically the penis did not enter the vagina thus retaining your virginity that is a bit convoluted.
ChrisL said,

"Regardless of your hyperbole, most do not at that age. If they do, it is usually because they don't have a very good home life, and that has nothing to do with "teaching" them, but is usually do to some type of abuse/neglect."

Most don't it's true. But because of precocious puberty (earlier than normal onset of puberty,) some do. As a result sex hormones start producing themselves and the desire for sex manifests itself. So it's not accurate or fair to say every young kid who has sex has something wrong at home or with their mentally. It's just that side of the bell curve. Some start early, most start in the middle, some start later.

Question is should we tailor school curiculums for one side of the curve? I think not. Can't be that many starting that early.
Sex education is often taught in 5th grade because it's the age where kids really begin to think about sex. At that age sexual activity is mostly masturbation, but it's the time when kids really want to know all about sex. There'e going to get their questions answered but it's really important they get the right answers presented correctly because their beliefs about their sexuality and the opposite sex are to going carry through to adolescent and adulthood.

The idea in sex education at this age and all ages is there are no secrets about sex; privacy, yes but not secrets; there are no aspects of sex that can't be discussed. If sex education is just picked up from other kids, it often becomes a secret, something to be hidden, something that's dirty, and shameful. Parents of teens often ask why did my daughter keep this a secret from me? Why didn't she tell me?
The idea in sex education at this age and all ages is there are no secrets about sex; privacy, yes but not secrets; there are no aspects of sex that can't be discussed. If sex education is just picked up from other kids, it often becomes a secret, something to be hidden, something that's dirty, and shameful. Parents of teens often ask why did my daughter keep this a secret from me? Why didn't she tell me?
LOL. You are ridiculous! No, children do not need to learn about every fucking filthy thing any human has come up with. What's wrong with you?

And kids won't keep secrets from their parents any more? Seriously?
Was an Australian study I referenced for another thread a while back saying that school-aged kids feign ignorance about sex when asked by adults. They understand "kids" are supposedly innocent about such things so play that impression up when adults bring it up with them. Assuming there's some correlation between Australia and the USA it's perhaps what's going on here as well.

Still think 5th grade is too early for full-on sex ed of this explicitness though. From parents at home sure, never too early, but in a school setting it feels wrong. Anything kids get taught at school is going to be interpreted as "okay." "If they're teahcing us about sex now, it must be ok to have sex now." Would be their impression. Or so I'd think.

With smartphones and the internet most will have access to porn at will. Many are "sexting" and exchanging selfies with each other so there's certainly much more sexuality in their zeitgeist than in our day. So there's certainly a case to be made for such early enlightenment, but it still feels wrong. 8th grade maybe be better for the explicit stuff, basic of anatomy, how babies get made, and masturbation earlier.
The idea in sex education at this age and all ages is there are no secrets about sex; privacy, yes but not secrets; there are no aspects of sex that can't be discussed. If sex education is just picked up from other kids, it often becomes a secret, something to be hidden, something that's dirty, and shameful. Parents of teens often ask why did my daughter keep this a secret from me? Why didn't she tell me?
LOL. You are ridiculous! No, children do not need to learn about every fucking filthy thing any human has come up with. What's wrong with you?

And kids won't keep secrets from their parents any more? Seriously?
There is nothing fitly or dirty about sex unless you choose to make it so.
Sex education does not encourage sexual behavior; it gives kids the information they need to make the right choices. For example oral sex is viewed by kids today as a precursor to sexual intercourse, a safe way to engage in sex with no consequences. In good sex education classes, the consequences, STD, loss of self esteem and reputation is discussed. The health dangers of anal sex which are considerable are also discussed. These topics are a very small but important part of the curriculum.
Was an Australian study I referenced for another thread a while back saying that school-aged kids feign ignorance about sex when asked by adults. They understand "kids" are supposedly innocent about such things so play that impression up when adults bring it up with them. Assuming there's some correlation between Australia and the USA it's perhaps what's going on here as well.

Still think 5th grade is too early for full-on sex ed of this explicitness though. From parents at home sure, never too early, but in a school setting it feels wrong. Anything kids get taught at school is going to be interpreted as "okay." "If they're teahcing us about sex now, it must be ok to have sex now." Would be their impression. Or so I'd think.

With smartphones and the internet most will have access to porn at will. Many are "sexting" and exchanging selfies with each other so there's certainly much more sexuality in their zeitgeist than in our day. So there's certainly a case to be made for such early enlightenment, but it still feels wrong. 8th grade maybe be better for the explicit stuff, basic of anatomy, how babies get made, and masturbation earlier.
Kids in the 5th grade are well aware of oral sex and anal sex. What they aren't aware of is the dangers.

Sexual abuse by students in elementary schools is a common and growing problem. The abusers think of it as a harmless game not realizing the ramifications. For the abused, it's a trauma the kid carries forward throughout their life often causing serious mental and emotional problems. It's essential that kids be taught that they have "body rights" and no one has right to force them to do anything sexuality that they don't want to do. Whether the teacher mentions oral and anal sex, is not really important because the kids understand this. What is important is that they be taught to come forward, and not keep it a secret. Young children should always be taught that sexual privacy is good but secrecy is not.
There is nothing fitly or dirty about sex unless you choose to make it so.
Sex education does not encourage sexual behavior; it gives kids the information they need to make the right choices. For example oral sex is viewed by kids today as a precursor to sexual intercourse, a safe way to engage in sex with no consequences. In good sex education classes, the consequences, STD, loss of self esteem and reputation is discussed. The health dangers of anal sex which are considerable are also discussed. These topics are a very small but important part of the curriculum.
Well yes, I choose to think that a guy licking another guys' asshole is dirty. I don't need nor solicit your expressed approval. Kids do not need to be taught on all things sexual. 5th graders really do not need the details of anal sex, alternative sex, sex aids, sex positions, etc. I think you are greatly exaggerating the problem. I didn't get all that in high school. Besides, today kids have the internet, they could probably teach the teacher.
There is nothing fitly or dirty about sex unless you choose to make it so.
Sex education does not encourage sexual behavior; it gives kids the information they need to make the right choices. For example oral sex is viewed by kids today as a precursor to sexual intercourse, a safe way to engage in sex with no consequences. In good sex education classes, the consequences, STD, loss of self esteem and reputation is discussed. The health dangers of anal sex which are considerable are also discussed. These topics are a very small but important part of the curriculum.
Well yes, I choose to think that a guy licking another guys' asshole is dirty. I don't need nor solicit your expressed approval. Kids do not need to be taught on all things sexual. 5th graders really do not need the details of anal sex, alternative sex, sex aids, sex positions, etc. I think you are greatly exaggerating the problem. I didn't get all that in high school. Besides, today kids have the internet, they could probably teach the teacher.

Bit off-topic, but if into analingus (rimming et al.) your tushy tends to be quite clean since having your lover lick it is a possibility. Contrast a clean bottom to a clean vagina which will still have that bacterial soup inside (that Elmer's Glue like stuff.) Our anus is so sensitive to touch having someone do so with their tongue or caressing it with a finger feels amazing. Was bouncing around first time someone did it for me. :)
About 10 years ago, the kids were started coming out with their own little version of virginity.

You can still be a virgin if you have only anal sex.

Incidentally, you also cannot get pregnant if you only have anal sex.

It's still unprotected sex.

That's the big deal.

Oral sex is not sex either. It's a bunch of convoluted thinking.

There is a reason that the HPV shots are given at age 11. That's the age they are seeing the kids show up with infections.

I don't agree with what I just read about how it's being taught.
Oral sex is quite common in middle school. I've got two grand kids in middle school and two in high school. Guys will often ask girls for oral sex before they even date.

So . . . that's what your grandchildren tell you, eh? I'm quite skeptical to be honest. I don't think it's as common as you claim it to be among the middle schoolers. It happens, but it isn't "common" among the age groups we are referring to, as noted in the link below, and I still don't see the need to teach this age group anything about anal sex. They only need to discuss the basics.

American Teens Sexual and Reproductive Health
Bit off-topic, but if into analingus (rimming et al.) your tushy tends to be quite clean since having your lover lick it is a possibility. Contrast a clean bottom to a clean vagina which will still have that bacterial soup inside (that Elmer's Glue like stuff.) Our anus is so sensitive to touch having someone do so with their tongue or caressing it with a finger feels amazing. Was bouncing around first time someone did it for me. :)
Thanks for sharing. But really there's no such thing as a clean bottom, dude. I suspect you know that and don't really care.
Bit off-topic, but if into analingus (rimming et al.) your tushy tends to be quite clean since having your lover lick it is a possibility. Contrast a clean bottom to a clean vagina which will still have that bacterial soup inside (that Elmer's Glue like stuff.) Our anus is so sensitive to touch having someone do so with their tongue or caressing it with a finger feels amazing. Was bouncing around first time someone did it for me. :)
Thanks for sharing. But really there's no such thing as a clean bottom, dude. I suspect you know that and don't really care.

Gay guy's tushy's cleaner than a clean woman's vagina. :)
Well yes, I choose to think that a guy licking another guys' asshole is dirty. I don't need nor solicit your expressed approval. Kids do not need to be taught on all things sexual. 5th graders really do not need the details of anal sex, alternative sex, sex aids, sex positions, etc. I think you are greatly exaggerating the problem. I didn't get all that in high school. Besides, today kids have the internet, they could probably teach the teacher.

I find it interesting that cats and dogs perform that service for themselves.

And then, over on the cat lover's thread, you'll encounter a number of really dotty users who rave about their pet licking their faces. No, not the cat's faces.....the supposed human faces.
Well yes, I choose to think that a guy licking another guys' asshole is dirty. I don't need nor solicit your expressed approval. Kids do not need to be taught on all things sexual. 5th graders really do not need the details of anal sex, alternative sex, sex aids, sex positions, etc. I think you are greatly exaggerating the problem. I didn't get all that in high school. Besides, today kids have the internet, they could probably teach the teacher.

I find it interesting that cats and dogs perform that service for themselves.

And then, over on the cat lover's thread, you'll encounter a number of really dotty users who rave about their pet licking their faces. No, not the cat's faces.....the supposed human faces.

I never let pets lick my face. That is disgusting. What about when people let them lick their mouths and then try to say their mouths are cleaner than ours right after the animal just licked it's arse? :lol: I'm always thinking, yeah okay, let the dog lick YOUR mouth but he isn't coming anywhere near my mouth!
Bit off-topic, but if into analingus (rimming et al.) your tushy tends to be quite clean since having your lover lick it is a possibility. Contrast a clean bottom to a clean vagina which will still have that bacterial soup inside (that Elmer's Glue like stuff.) Our anus is so sensitive to touch having someone do so with their tongue or caressing it with a finger feels amazing. Was bouncing around first time someone did it for me. :)
Thanks for sharing. But really there's no such thing as a clean bottom, dude. I suspect you know that and don't really care.

Gay guy's tushy's cleaner than a clean woman's vagina. :)

I don't think so. Rectums carry E. coli and other bacteria. Don't know who told you that they don't.
Bit off-topic, but if into analingus (rimming et al.) your tushy tends to be quite clean since having your lover lick it is a possibility. Contrast a clean bottom to a clean vagina which will still have that bacterial soup inside (that Elmer's Glue like stuff.) Our anus is so sensitive to touch having someone do so with their tongue or caressing it with a finger feels amazing. Was bouncing around first time someone did it for me. :)
Thanks for sharing. But really there's no such thing as a clean bottom, dude. I suspect you know that and don't really care.

Gay guy's tushy's cleaner than a clean woman's vagina. :)

I don't think so. Rectums carry E. coli and other bacteria. Don't know who told you that they don't.

When dirty sure. Why ya clean first. Also, the anus is what's being licked, not the rectum. Physically impossible to get your tongue that far inside. ...Well not impossible if into fisting maybe. But normally it's impossible. :)

People have so much built-in shame about their anus it'd be funny if not so sad.
When dirty sure. Why ya clean first.

Ah, no, there is always bacteria that cannot be "washed off." It helps with the process of digestion to break down foods. There is actually no part of your body that is not covered in some kind of bacteria, most of which cannot be killed by simple cleaning. Most of the time, these bacteria do not make us sick though, but yes, poop bacteria can make you sick.
Think it must be linked to diapers moreso than potty training. If we develop keeping expelled waste against our bodies that would seem to lend itself well to feelings of those parts being dirty, since they very literally are. I've often wondered what people did prior to inventing diapers. Presumedly you wouldn't want infants peeing and pooping all over the home so what'd they do before the first diapers?
Think it must be linked to diapers moreso than potty training. If we develop keeping expelled waste against our bodies that would seem to lend itself well to feelings of those parts being dirty, since they very literally are. I've often wondered what people did prior to inventing diapers. Presumedly you wouldn't want infants peeing and pooping all over the home so what'd they do before the first diapers?

Toilet trained them ASAP? And they probably did have some primitive form of a diaper because babies just can't control themselves yet.

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