Teaching The Left About Business


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. Imbued with the learned desire to be taken care of, 'from cradle to grave' - as the Left has promised its voters- many simply turn over every life decision to the socialist/communists.

Astounding though it is, supposedly sensible Americans leave business regulation to politicians who have never run a successful lunch counter, much less a nation!

Here is an admission to that effect from a successful Democrat pol who finally saw the light:

a. "In 1988, I invested most of the earnings from this lecture circuit acquiring the leasehold on Connecticut’s Stratford Inn. … In retrospect, I wish I had known more about the hazards and difficulties of such a business, especially during a recession of the kind that hit New England just as I was acquiring the inn’s 43-year leasehold. I also wish that during the years I was in public office, I had had this firsthand experience about the difficulties business people face every day. That knowledge would have made me a better U.S. senator and a more understanding presidential contender."
George McGovern How To Create Jobs, By George McGovern - Forbes

2. Each day, Donald Boudreaux, professor of economics at George Mason University, writes a letter to the editor of a major American publication. Often, he writes in response to an absurdity offered up by a columnist or politician, or an eye-catching factoid misleadingly taken out of context. This guy is da' bomb!

Here, he continues with the above theme, skewering Robert Reich:

3. " Thanks for sending me Robert Reich’s blog post detailing his case for raising the minimum wage. You read Reich’s argument as “settling the issue” in favor of raising the minimum wage; I read only a torrent of internal contradictions and economically uninformed nonsense.

4. I’ll content myself here to expose just one example of Reich’s penchant for poor reasoning - an example so stunning that it should discredit everything the man says about any matter touching on economics.

5. Reich writes that “A $15/hour minimum is unlikely to result in higher prices because most businesses directly affected by it are in intense competition for consumers, and will take the raise out of profits rather than raise their prices.”

6. .... businesses are in intense competition for consumers. What he misses, however, is the fact that, precisely because of this intense competition, businesses have none of the excess profits that Reich presumes will be tapped into to pay the higher mandated wages.

7. This error exposes Reich’s inability to grasp even the most elementary economic concepts. Intense competition eliminates excess profits...

8. Firms instead must respond to a higher minimum wage by some combination of hiring fewer low-skilled workers, working their remaining low-skilled workers harder and reducing these workers’ non-wage pay, and charging higher prices for their outputs.

9. ... the fact that he does not understand that intense competition ensures that firms cannot possibly react to a higher minimum wage by tapping into their profits — tells any thinking person all that he or she needs to know about Reich’s analytical skills." Competition, Job One - The New York Sun

So, friends, who are the indoctrinated who accept such poor insight, e.g., Reich, Obama, and the rest of the frauds masquerading as 'leaders'?

The ones taught not to think, but to simply accept what they are told.....they are called university grads.

“There are some ideas so absurd that only an intellectual could believe them.”― George Orwell
Taking the money out of the left hand and put it in the right and let the others fight it out instead of create jobs is what they do.

They make "make work" projects. A make work project is giving someone a broom and telling them to sweep a dirt road. The road can always be swept. The road is always dirty and the job produces no product that is sellable so basically it is just a form of taking money from some and giving it to others without being any benefit to anyone.

We give Apple tax incentives to open headquarters here so basically we are paying them with free police and services while they take the jobs overseas and pay no tax on what is made in other countries. If people claim to be for the poor then why are their politicians making Apple rich?

There are plenty of rich Democrats in the House and Senate.
From the OP:

How To Create Jobs, By George McGovern - Forbes

My Gramps flew with George McGovern in the War! I sometimes think what Grampa must have thought of old George back in 1972 when Richard Nixon was givin' him a whoopin'.

Never knew what Grampa's Political leanings were though I suspect it wasn't much different than other WWII Vets.

Sorry for the thread hijack PC! :D
From the OP:

How To Create Jobs, By George McGovern - Forbes

My Gramps flew with George McGovern in the War! I sometimes think what Grampa must have thought of old George back in 1972 when Richard Nixon was givin' him a whoopin'.

Never knew what Grampa's Political leanings were though I suspect it wasn't much different than other WWII Vets.

Sorry for the thread hijack PC! :D

Not at all. I appreciate the insight.

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