Ted Cruz: 2nd Amendment Is 'Ultimate Check Against Government Tyranny'


“There's no such thing as a Right Wing Extremist.”


LOL! How adorable is THAT? A purveyor of the mental disorder that presents through sexual deviancy wants the opportunity to demonstrate that disordered reasoning.

Let's see how it does, shall we?

We see evidence of that extremism daily on this very forum.

Do ya now? Well please take a moment to present the board with some examples of 'extremism'.

Conservatives seeking to deny women their privacy rights

LOL! And by "Privacy Rights"... we can rest assured you're referring to the right to murder the distinct life they carry within them, which they conceived as a direct result of their willful and wanton behavior?

Here's the thing skippy, there is no right to murder innocent people... and there is never a valid moral justification to do so, where one is personally responsible for the conception of those innocent, as a direct result of one's own WILLFUL CHOICE TO PARTICIPATE IN THE BEHAVIOR DESIGNED SPECIFICALLY FOR PROCREATION.

But... 'feeling very strongly that because such is done in private... provides one the RIGHT, based upon the act being committed outside the view of others... IS an indisputable presentation of that mental disorder we discussed earlier.

Conservatives seeking to deny gay Americans their right to equal protection of the law

Oh... and by 'right to equal protection of the law', you're pretending that this means that the sexually deviant, are rightfully entitled to force a self governing people to accept men as being suitable for marriage with other men, a clear, present and direct threat upon the NUCLEUS of civilization itself?

LOL! Yet another CLASSIC demonstration of that Mental Disorder.

Conservatives seeking to deny immigrants their due process rights

LMAO! And by 'immigrant', you're speaking of those who illegally enter the counter, illegal remain in the country, illegally gain employment in the country, illegally take to themselves the identities of US Citizens, using ILLEGAL Social Security Numbers, ILLEGAL DRIVERS LICENSES AND ILLEGALLY ACCEPTING US STATE AND FEDERAL SUBSIDIES?

FYI: The "Process Due that would-be Immigrant, is jail time and summary deportation.

But how cool is it that this is YET ANOTHER demonstration of that Mental Disorder?

Conservatives seeking to deny transgender Americans their right to individual liberty.

LOL! The Gender confused are not being denied anything by us. If they've a compliant, they need to take it up with nature and we are only recognizing two genders, as designed by nature... which are designated by the genitalia. Those who feel that they're a male, who are in possession of a set of mammary glands and a vagina, both specifically designed for the conceiving and bearing of children, are females... all others are NOT.

There is no right to demand otherwise.

LOL! But your feeling that there IS... is AGAIN: A certain presentation of that Mental Disorder.

Conservatives seeking to deny gay Americans access to public accommodations

ROFL! And by 'public accommodation' you're claiming that Sexual Deviants have the right to force others to participate in the celebration of their perversion.

There is no such right, BUT... Such a claim is a wonderful presentation of the mental disorder which precludes a person from understanding that a RIGHT on your part, does not obligate anyone else into service as a consequence of your right.

Conservatives seeking to use the Second Amendment to 'justify' armed rebellion in violation of the First Amendment


Now isn't that PRECIOUS? Another Mouthy Euro-peon, posing as a US Citizen exposes itself as a proponent of Foreign Ideas HOSTILE to the principles that sustain freedom, by conflating the MEANS to perpetuate armed rebellion... with the RIGHT TO LIVE FREE, WHICH IS ENDOWED TO US BY OUR CREATOR and as such is a that which which Americans are ENTITLED, AND THAT ENTITLEMENT IS INSEPARABLE FROM OUR BEING!

Armed Rebellion against a tyrannical government is not a RIGHT... IT IS A SACRED DUTY, WHICH SUSTAINS OUR MEANS TO EXERCISE OUR RIGHTS.


Yep... that is all CLASSIC PRESENTATION of the same mental disorder that presents through Sexual Deviancy.

Thank you for that...
It is the right of every individual to defend themselves from tyranny...
No, you stupid fuck: MURDER is not sanctioned in the US constitution.

Self Defense is NOT murder... What Self Defense IS, is the duty of every free sovereign.

Ya see Scamp, that responsibility is the means by which one sustains their God-given right to be free.

Of course, IF you had any kinship at all, with the principles that define America.

And in fairness to you, being a Mouthy Euro-PEON, posing as a US Citizen, there was no way you could have known that.
So, you really are as stupid as you sound.

Tell you what: when you go out and shoot up some gubbermint people and are convicted of 1st degree murder, you can write us from your cell how well that "self-defense" 'strategery' worked for you.


Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

LOL! And yet another demonstration of ignorance of American Principle, by Foreign Nationals posing as US Citizens... wherein 'charges' from the tyrant, are sufficient to quell the repulsion of the tyrant.

Scamp... you'd be well served to study the Founding of the United States.

Ya might specifically take a gander at the would-be "Battle of Lexington". Wherein those who were by birth, legally bound subjects of the Crown of Great Britain... took to destroying the Armed and Uniformed Military Representation of The British Crown... A DIRECT, UNAMBIGUOUS, VIOLATION OF BRITISH LAW... Which the Crown considered, not JUST: MURDER IN THE FIRST DEGREE, but TREASON!

Did that stop the Americans from declaring themselves free from the subject authority of the British Crown and taking to kicking the hell out of the Representation of that Crown, wherever it was found, until the Crown determined that it was no longer in it's own interest to defend what it most emphatically 'felt was it's own 'rightful claim'?

No... it didn't.

And this despite TENS OF THOUSANDS of British subjects, OKA: Americans... being summarily executed, for treason, murder and all manner of lofty charges... with thousands and thousands more being imprisoned in unimaginable conditions for merely KNOWING those who committed such.

Ya see, Skippy... The concept "America" rests ENTIRELY upon the premise that Freedom is sustained only through the DUTY to kill the tyrant.

That you do not get that, says far more about you and your position in what in greater nature is recognized as "FOOD", than it does about anything else.
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So why was Tim McVeigh executed for asserting his right to act against what he believed was a tyrannical government?

That would be because of the just POWER vested in government. Tim McVeigh murdered innocent people who had taken no action against him or anyone else. He was therein, duly prosecuted for his crimes against those innocents.

You feel that this somehow proves that the government was innocent of McVeigh's charges... and as is consistently the case, you are wrong. As the US Federal Government was guilty of mass-murder of US Citizens in the Waco slaughter of two dozen children; having advanced false charges, and having failed to provide due process for those who they had so charged, and in failing to adequately defend the innocent who were subject to the authority and influence of those that they had charged... .

The Davidian's were rightfully defending themselves and were slaughtered by the irresistible force that was offending them.

McVeigh would have been correct, had he taken to hunting down the individuals who committed that atrocity... he, being an imbecile however, chose poorly in his method of contest... and was rightfully set to death for his having failed to bear his responsibilities to not exercise his rights to the detriment of the means of another to exercise their own rights.

It's worth noting that your present Attorney General was instrumental in concealing the crimes of the Clinton Regime, through his directly overseeing the murder of witnesses who had direct knowledge of those crimes.

As is always the case... you want to argue that the government's authority stands superior to all principle... because as a Relativist, you are incapable of recognizing the laws of nature which comprise principle.

You feel that because the Government prevails, that such demonstrates the 'right'... when such is not the case. Such merely demonstrates the efficacy of the awesome POWER of Government, which by it's very nature, represents to the means of the individual to BE free. Which is the SPECIFIC reason that the US Constitution was created.

Which is how we can rest assured that YOU and your cult are: THE PROBLEM.
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He's absolutely correct. Why do you disagree? There is a reason why Ferguson was a protest that was able to last for several days with only a few clashes with police that involved tear gas and some minor assaults as opposed to resembling the massacre at Tiananmen Square.

How can you honestly say that your gun is any match for the US military.

If you raised your gun to them with your finger on the trigger you'll be dead before you're able to pull that trigger.

I hate to tell you this but your gun is no match for our military.

You'll quickly become another dead gun nut.
He's absolutely correct. Why do you disagree? There is a reason why Ferguson was a protest that was able to last for several days with only a few clashes with police that involved tear gas and some minor assaults as opposed to resembling the massacre at Tiananmen Square.

How can you honestly say that your gun is any match for the US military.

If you raised your gun to them with your finger on the trigger you'll be dead before you're able to pull that trigger.

I hate to tell you this but your gun is no match for our military.

You'll quickly become another dead gun nut.


Isn't that ADORABLE?

It is quite literally projecting that an American is claiming that a single firearm is sufficient to contest the POWER of the US Military.

This due to the erroneous notion, that the Americans; who comprise the US Military, themselves turn upon the US population in defense of the US Government, where the US Government is comprised of the Ideological Left who CONTESTS THE AMERICANS WHO COMPRISE THE US MILITARY.

LOL! You can NOT make this crap up.
He's absolutely correct. Why do you disagree? There is a reason why Ferguson was a protest that was able to last for several days with only a few clashes with police that involved tear gas and some minor assaults as opposed to resembling the massacre at Tiananmen Square.

How can you honestly say that your gun is any match for the US military.

If you raised your gun to them with your finger on the trigger you'll be dead before you're able to pull that trigger.

I hate to tell you this but your gun is no match for our military.

You'll quickly become another dead gun nut.


Isn't that ADORABLE?

It is quite literally projecting that an American is claiming that a single firearm is sufficient to contest the POWER of the US Military.

This due to the erroneous notion, that the Americans; who comprise the US Military, themselves turn upon the US population in defense of the US Government, where the US Government is comprised of the Ideological Left who CONTESTS THE AMERICANS WHO COMPRISE THE US MILITARY.

LOL! You can NOT make this crap up.
The idea that the military will somehow stand with the gun nuts who have taken up arms against their country is a laughable fantasy

First time a gun nut kills a soldier you will feel the wrath of the military
It is the right of every individual to defend themselves from tyranny...
No, you stupid fuck: MURDER is not sanctioned in the US constitution.

Self Defense is NOT murder... What Self Defense IS, is the duty of every free sovereign.

Ya see Scamp, that responsibility is the means by which one sustains their God-given right to be free.

Of course, IF you had any kinship at all, with the principles that define America.

And in fairness to you, being a Mouthy Euro-PEON, posing as a US Citizen, there was no way you could have known that.
So, you really are as stupid as you sound.

Tell you what: when you go out and shoot up some gubbermint people and are convicted of 1st degree murder, you can write us from your cell how well that "self-defense" 'strategery' worked for you.


Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

LOL! And yet another demonstration of ignorance of American Principle, by Foreign Nationals posing as US Citizens... wherein 'charges' from the tyrant, are sufficient to quell the repulsion of the tyrant.

Scamp... you'd be well served to study the Founding of the United States.

Ya might specifically take a gander at the would-be "Battle of Lexington". Wherein those who were by birth, legally bound subjects of the Crown of Great Britain... took to destroying the Armed and Uniformed Military Representation of The British Crown... A DIRECT, UNAMBIGUOUS, VIOLATION OF BRITISH LAW... Which the Crown considered, not JUST: MURDER IN THE FIRST DEGREE, but TREASON!

Did that stop the Americans from declaring themselves free from the subject authority of the British Crown and taking to kicking the hell out of the Representation of that Crown, wherever it was found, until the Crown determined that it was no longer in it's own interest to defend what it most emphatically 'felt was it's own 'rightful claim'?

No... it didn't.

And this despite TENS OF THOUSANDS of British subjects, OKA: Americans... being summarily executed, for treason, murder and all manner of lofty charges... with thousands and thousands more being imprisoned in unimaginable conditions for merely KNOWING those who committed such.

Ya see, Skippy... The concept "America" rests ENTIRELY upon the premise that Freedom is sustained only through the DUTY to kill the tyrant.

That you do not get that, says far more about you and your position in what in greater nature is recognized as "FOOD", than it does about anything else.
Nice rant.

Oh, and I'm an American. Your attempt to paint me as otherwise will fail.

I am thinking that you typed all of that with one hand. :D

Suffice it to say you support murder under the flimsy guise of the 2nd amendment.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Oh,...I'm an American.


Of all the things you may be... 'American' is not one of 'em.

You're likely conflating U.S. citizenship with 'American'. That's a common point of ignorance stood upon by those among the Intellectually Less Fortunate.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
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Oh,...I'm an American.


Of all the things you may be... 'American' is not one of 'em.

You're likely conflating U.S. citizenship with 'American'. That's a common point of ignorance stood upon by those among the Intellectually Less Fortunate.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Didn't you know, Satistikhengst ?

To be an American you have to hold opinions similar to this:

I am for the South invading the North... and returning the nation to its constitutional moorings, returning the negro to his native land and beatin' the man out of their women... after a proper lashin' of course.

The purpose of the Second was to use the natural right to bear arms as justification for forming well-regulated militias.

Initially, several citizens were already armed, with militias used to control fellow whites, Native Americans, and slaves.

The problem was that the Continental Army was small, and in addition to the above, also faced the threat of foreign invasion.

To supplement the small standing army, well-regulated militias were to be formed, as justified by the Second. Given that, the purpose of the Second was not to protect the right to bear arms but to use what was already a natural right and based on English common law to justify serving the government.

That is why the context of the Second is Art. 1 Sec. 8, which defines these militias. These were followed by Militia Acts, which forced most white males of a certain age range to serve in militias to be regulated by the government.
The purpose of the Second was to use the natural right to bear arms as justification for forming well-regulated militias.

Indeed, as no body of able bodied citizens (militia), can be well equipped (regulated) absent the means to exercise their God-given right to arm themselves with highly effective armament, equal to or superior to that of the forces which potentially threaten it. Which is a self-evident truth that the Framer's recognized as being essential to the state of freedom, itself.

LOL! Of course the Euro-Peon cult of the Intellectually Less Fortunate will advise the Readers that the Framer's in the bill SPECIFICALLY amending the constitution to protect the means of the individual to exercise their God-given rights... that the Framers intended to use the amendment ranked 2nd in enumerated priority to defend the power of the state, the power of which the constitution itself was specifically written to define and by such, to limit.


But hey... such is the nature of deceit, fraud and ignorance, which are the fundamental elements of evil itself.
Reader, do you SEE how easy this is?

The Key to defeating Leftists in debate, and in war... poker, tiddlywinks... the pursuit doesn't matter; the key to defeating the cult is as follows:

1- Find the Leftists.

2- Get them to speak... (or otherwise engage in the pursuit).
Do some research.

"When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."

- Thomas Jefferson

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The 2nd Amendment was put in the Constitution as a safeguard against a government that became oppressive...he is just stating the truth..........

and of course.....say the truth about something and it burns the democrats like a cross to a vampire......
It was put there to be able to raise militias

The Constitution says nothing about taking up arms against your country

No, actually I think it does. It makes it treason, and makes it a federal crime.

It is thus insane to argue that the second amendment is in the Constitution to facilitate the commission of crimes against the Constitution.

The Second amendment provides the means to commit crimes in defense of the Constitution.

Now those opposed to the Constitution take the perspective that such action is criminal... while the Americans see the action as soundly reasoned, morally justified means of the unenviable variety, which are required of the free sovereign, to defend their means to exercise their God-given rights.

That such is represented by evil as criminal, is as irrelevant as anything else evil represents... for those who contest evil in their unapologetic recognition of, respect for and adherence to the principles that define and otherwise sustain freedom.

Which is, of course, a concept which you're incapable of understanding, but no more so than any other manifestation of evil.
Don't forget that whole 'sending the negro back to his native land' bit you love so much. That's part of your platform, too :lol:

Why should I not forget your deceitful projection? Particularly, given that it is so pitifully forgettable.
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Don't forget that whole 'sending the negro back to his native land' bit you love so much. That's part of your platform, too :lol:

Why should I not forget your deceitful projection? Particularly, given that it is so pitifully forgettable.

I don't see how a verbatim quote from you can be seen as anything but accurate, but oookay..

I've made up my mind about you. Others can decide for themselves :beer:
I don't see how a verbatim quote from you can be seen as anything but accurate, but oookay..

The list of things you've demonstrated that you 'don't see', is beyond the means of this thread to adequately cover...

I've made up my mind about you. Others can decide for themselves :beer:

Is there some relevance about the addled interpretation of evil with regard to the foregone conclusion of how its mind is made, that you'd like to share?

It might help the others understand just how pitiful ya actually are,
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