Ted Cruz: 2nd Amendment Is 'Ultimate Check Against Government Tyranny'

This country has survived far worse than the lawless America hating left. Relax these liberals will be defeated they are already on their way out of power, kicked to the curb.

And when will things be back to the way conservatives want them?
You people haven't been paying attention! The Constitution is no longer in effect. Obama trampled it years ago.

How could he trample something that was shredded by Bush/Cheney and Republican Supreme Court Justices? Bwahahaha.
This country has survived far worse than the lawless America hating left. Relax these liberals will be defeated they are already on their way out of power, kicked to the curb.

Hey, we survived the village idiot Bush.........for two terms, we are a strong kind of people........but, thanks to Obama we are on our way to recovery, why would anyone want to vote another imbecile like those in the clown car again?
This country has survived far worse than the lawless America hating left. Relax these liberals will be defeated they are already on their way out of power, kicked to the curb.

And when will things be back to the way conservatives want them?

I'm pretty sure you know jack shit about what conservatives want. It seems none of you liberal drones can think for yourselves its weird, you were told what to think and you obeyed like a drone. What's stranger is even when confronted with the truth you cling to the left's narrative.
This country has survived far worse than the lawless America hating left. Relax these liberals will be defeated they are already on their way out of power, kicked to the curb.

And when will things be back to the way conservatives want them?

I'm pretty sure you know jack shit about what conservatives want. It seems none of you liberal drones can think for yourselves its weird, you were told what to think and you obeyed like a drone. What's stranger is even when confronted with the truth you cling to the left's narrative.

Apparently you don't either.

I repeat the question.

When will things be back to the way conservatives want them?
I invite any of you who support this idea that armed rebellion against the US government could be justifiable to please,

in detail,

outline that scenario.
This country has survived far worse than the lawless America hating left. Relax these liberals will be defeated they are already on their way out of power, kicked to the curb.

Hey, we survived the village idiot Bush.........for two terms, we are a strong kind of people........but, thanks to Obama we are on our way to recovery, why would anyone want to vote another imbecile like those in the clown car again?

LOL its people like you electing idiots like Obama then lying about their accomplishments that's what's wrong with this country. I'm not a Bush fan but lets see if you can back up your claim that Bush is an idiot and what Obama did specifically to aid the recovery or evidence of the recovery for that matter. Can you back up any of your claims or are you simply repeating talking points like a mindless left drone?
Liberals fear the Patriotic nature of veterans,and rightfully so.

Bwahahaha....I would venture to say that any veteran that votes Republican is voting against his own interests and deserves whatever the Republicans dole out to them.

Senate GOP Obstructionists Throw Veterans Under The Bus-Vote Down Bill To Help Vets In Need Of Jobs

For those who continue to believe that obstructionism at any cost is not the goal of the Senate Republicans, consider the behavior of the GOP Senators who, on Friday, blocked a bi-partisan effort to pass a bill that would put veterans to work in jobs that look after the nation’s federal land while also giving our fighting men and women a leg up when it comes to getting them hired by local police and fire departments.

GOP s actual track record on supporting veterans

Republicans have attempted to cut veterans compensation and other disability benefits 3 times this year. First, Michelle Bachmann (MN) suggested disabled veterans had it too good. She thought disability pay should be reduced by $4 billion. Later, Paul Ryan (WI) suggestion gutting VA Healthcare by $6 billion, which would have cut 1.3 million veterans out of the program.

Now, aligned with the President, Republicans are again attempting to cut veterans benefits. This time, they want to cut $23 billion over 10 years, dwarfing the initial cuts proposed earlier this year.

Last week, the Congressional Republicans and President Obama warned that if a new debt ceiling is not reached, veterans’ pay and Social Security pay would be threatened. In addition, President Obama and Republicans also proposed a new inflation index. The index would cut disability pay by $23 billion over 10 years.

Republicans Seek To Cut Veterans Disability Pay Again


Thanks for posting this. Repubs always vote down anything that could help vets and RWs always vote against vets.

As far as the right is concerned, if you ain't a fetus, you ain't crap.
I'm pretty sure you know jack shit about what conservatives want.

Are you nuts? It's not like they don't scream it from the mountain tops. They want to take America back(ward)....but we won't let them.

I'm still waiting for you foaming at the mouth libs to tell us what you think conservatives want, so far all I see are vague talking points and one liners. Taking "America back(ward) for example, can you name a specific conservative policy that would take us backward? Of course you can't.

You're new nickname is Cisco because you remind me of a router plugged into the liberal talking points network.
I invite any of you who support this idea that armed rebellion against the US government could be justifiable to please,

in detail,

outline that scenario.

I think if a government forces you to bake wedding cakes against your wishes, that government should be violently overthrown
The 2nd Amendment was put in the Constitution as a safeguard against a government that became oppressive...he is just stating the truth..........

and of course.....say the truth about something and it burns the democrats like a cross to a vampire......
It was put there to be able to raise militias

The Constitution says nothing about taking up arms against your country

No, actually I think it does. It makes it treason, and makes it a federal crime.

It is thus insane to argue that the second amendment is in the Constitution to facilitate the commission of crimes against the Constitution.

The purpose of the Constitution is to make it so citizens have other options to taking up arms against their country

Free speech, right to assemble, free press and most importantly, a right to vote

You didn't read the founders did you........
The 2nd Amendment was put in the Constitution as a safeguard against a government that became oppressive...he is just stating the truth..........

and of course.....say the truth about something and it burns the democrats like a cross to a vampire......
It was put there to be able to raise militias

The Constitution says nothing about taking up arms against your country

Correct. The Founders didn't want a standing Army.

James Madison: “A standing military force, with an overgrown Executive will not long be safe companions to liberty. The means of defence agst. foreign danger, have been always the instruments of tyranny at home. Among the Romans it was a standing maxim to excite a war, whenever a revolt was apprehended. Throughout all Europe, the armies kept up under the pretext of defending, have enslaved the people.”

Patrick Henry: “A standing army we shall have, also, to execute the execrable commands of tyranny; and how are you to punish them? Will you order them to be punished? Who shall obey these orders? Will your mace-bearer be a match for a disciplined regiment?

This country has survived far worse than the lawless America hating left. Relax these liberals will be defeated they are already on their way out of power, kicked to the curb.

Hey, we survived the village idiot Bush.........for two terms, we are a strong kind of people........but, thanks to Obama we are on our way to recovery, why would anyone want to vote another imbecile like those in the clown car again?

LOL its people like you electing idiots like Obama then lying about their accomplishments that's what's wrong with this country. I'm not a Bush fan but lets see if you can back up your claim that Bush is an idiot and what Obama did specifically to aid the recovery or evidence of the recovery for that matter. Can you back up any of your claims or are you simply repeating talking points like a mindless left drone?

Bwahahaha....you never offer up any links to support your stupid claims, but now all of a sudden you want proof that Obama recovered the country after Bush put it in the toilet....you are so typical conservative.

From now on, I will expect you to post proof of your bullshit.

Let's start with Bush ineptness:

From the start, Bush embraced a governing philosophy of deregulation. That trickled down to federal oversight agencies, which in turn eased off on banks and mortgage brokers.
George W. Bush - 25 People to Blame for the Financial Crisis - TIME

George Bush is leaving the White House with a dismal economic record. By almost every measure — GDP growth, jobs, median incomes, financial-market performance — he stacks up as probably the least-successful President on the economic front since Herbert Hoover.
Bush s Budget Blunders - A Look Back at Bush s Economic Missteps - TIME

From the beginning of its administration, the Bush-Cheney team ignored the Constitution, the Congress, and even the Supreme Court, dismantling democratic foundations first established since the New Deal in the 1930s. In New Deal America, the government tried to maintain a high level of employment and the safety of financial institutions. Its power was not to service the greed of big business and financial speculators.
Bush Caused the Financial Market Meltdown - OhmyNews International

Obama's impressive leadership:

(from a rw source....Forbes)
With the stock market hitting new highs, some people have already forgotten about the Great Recession.
Recall 2009. Things looked pretty bleak economically.
But the outlook has changed dramatically in just 4 years. And it has been a boon for investors, as even the safest indices have yielded a 250% return (>25% annualized compound return:)

Although we hear almost no one in the Obama administration taking credit for record index highs, they should. Because the President deserves attention for how well this economy has done during his leadership.
Economically Could Obama Be America s Best President - Forbes

(And this was back in 2012)
On the matter of facts, when President Obama took office in January 2009, the economy was shedding 800,000 jobs per month. Stop for a second and read that again: 800,000 jobs lost per month. The economy has now added private sector jobs for 29 months running.
America Is Definitely Better Off Under Obama - US News
It is the right of every individual to defend themselves from tyranny...
No, you stupid fuck: MURDER is not sanctioned in the US constitution.

Self Defense is NOT murder... What Self Defense IS, is the duty of every free sovereign.

Ya see Scamp, that responsibility is the means by which one sustains their God-given right to be free.

Of course, IF you had any kinship at all, with the principles that define America.

And in fairness to you, being a Mouthy Euro-PEON, posing as a US Citizen, there was no way you could have known that.
The 2nd Amendment was put in the Constitution as a safeguard against a government that became oppressive...he is just stating the truth..........

and of course.....say the truth about something and it burns the democrats like a cross to a vampire......
It was put there to be able to raise militias

The Constitution says nothing about taking up arms against your country

No, actually I think it does. It makes it treason, and makes it a federal crime.

It is thus insane to argue that the second amendment is in the Constitution to facilitate the commission of crimes against the Constitution.

The purpose of the Constitution is to make it so citizens have other options to taking up arms against their country

Free speech, right to assemble, free press and most importantly, a right to vote

You didn't read the founders did you........

There were founders in every state. What matters is what ended up in the Constitution not op-Ed pieces written by different politicians
It is the right of every individual to defend themselves from tyranny...
No, you stupid fuck: MURDER is not sanctioned in the US constitution.

Self Defense is NOT murder... What Self Defense IS, is the duty of every free sovereign.

Ya see Scamp, that responsibility is the means by which one sustains their God-given right to be free.

Of course, IF you had any kinship at all, with the principles that define America.

And in fairness to you, being a Mouthy Euro-PEON, posing as a US Citizen, there was no way you could have known that.
So, you really are as stupid as you sound.

Tell you what: when you go out and shoot up some gubbermint people and are convicted of 1st degree murder, you can write us from your cell how well that "self-defense" 'strategery' worked for you.


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